e-h pairs are generated everywhere, but... Subscript "0" means no light. --------------------------- VOC -V (Not necessarily population inversion) Where does the recombination primarily happen? What do you already know about lasers? (How are lasers different from other light sources?) http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/~schubert/Light-Emitting-Diodes-dot-org/chap07/chap07.htm E2 These two energies are not independent. Related by a fixed difference -- the photon energy. E1 fc -f v _______ not important (The probability of having a hole) (stimulated ________ emission more likely than absorption) n What's needed in a pn junction for population inversion? Eg Efn - E fp Double heterojunction laser http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/ph/p/id/249 612 SEMICONDUCTOR PHOTON SOURCES ",{ v) tc {v) +1~------------~'- f,(ll): je-(V) - flA(lI) fc (b~) f - \ \ \ v (bd hv \ - 1 Figure 16.2-2 Dependence on energy of the joint optical density of states Q( lI ), the Fermi inversion factor f/lI) , and the gain coefficient Yo(lI) at T = 0 K (solid curves) and at room temperature (dashed curves). Photons whose en­ ergy lies between Eg and Ef c - Ef u undergo laser amplification. Gain! o~----~--------~--~ Loss Eg \ \ \ \ \ hv ~ Computation of the gain properties is simplified considerably if thermal can be ignored (viz., T = 0 K). The Fermi functions are then simply !/E 2 ) = 1 E2 < Ef c and 0 otherwise; ! u(E 1) = 1 for EI < Ef u and 0 otherwise. In that case Fermi inversion factor is !(1I)={+1, g -1, hll < Efc - Ef u otherwise. Schematic plots of the functions Q(II), !gCII), and the gain coefficient YO(II) presented in Fig. 16.2-2, illustrating how YO(II) changes sign and turns into a coefficient when hll > Ef c - Ef u. The 11- 2 dependence of YO(II), arising from the factor in the numerator of 06.2-4), is sufficiently slow that it may be ignored. temperature smoothes the functions !g(lI) and YO(II), as shown by the dashed Fig. 16.2-2. Dependence of the Gain Coefficient on Pumping Level The gain ) increases both in its dth and 1-1 a consta (number of inje~d excess electron-hole pairs per cm 3 per second) steady-state concentration of injected electron-hole pairs in accordance = RT , where T is the electron-hole recombination lifetime (which railiative and nonradiative contributions). Knowledge of the steady-steady centrations of electrons and holes, " = "0 + il" and p = Po + il", respective!y, the Fermi levels E c and E dete ' ed via 6.1-7 . Once the Fenm known, the m ratIOn of the gain coefficient can proceed using ( ~-.* ~ ett-A ~,,(j'V> . ~~, Q. ~v, g is the gain/loss associated with the transitions across the band gap. Here, "loss" is loss other than -g, which sets the threshold.