Internship Evaluation Results: Intern University Wide Summer 2014-Spring 2015

Internship Evaluation Results: Intern
University Wide
Summer 2014-Spring 2015
Representatives from departments in Academic Enrichment developed a survey to gather information
from student interns engaged in for-credit internships to evaluate their satisfaction with their
experiences in an internship setting. Individual reports of internship outcome results were generated by
the Academic Enrichment Office and reviewed by faculty and staff in participating academic units on
campus. The following is a summary of the findings for the activity named below.
Academic Enrichment launched the web-based survey to 808 interns spanning the summer 2014, fall
2014, and spring 2015 semesters. Interns were invited via e-mail to take the survey towards the end of
each semester. Some students were employed in multiple internships or in one internship spanning
multiple semesters. Of those invited, 630 completed the survey, which represents a response rate of
78%. The survey asked interns to report whether they felt that the internship contributed positively to
the interns’ skillset and employability. Interns were also asked to report on their satisfaction with the
overall internship experience.
Over the course of the Summer 2014, Fall 2014, and Spring 2015 semesters, 808 internships were
arranged through Griz eRecruiting. Several employers employed multiple interns from the University of
Montana. Of these internships, 790 were located in the United States including 106 out of state, 684 in
MT, 581 in Missoula (150 at the University of Montana). The remaining 18 international internships
included Argentina, Australia, Cambodia, Chile, Ecuador, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Nepal,
Panama, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Spain.
This report covers the intern responses for credit internships for the campus as a whole. All campus
units that were associated with the survey received reports tailored to their activities and associated
outcomes. 43 campus units utilized the internship program Summer 2014, Fall 2014, and Spring 2015.
Numbers ranged from one intern per department to 68 interns per department. (Please see appendices
for full breakdown of internship distribution across department)
(Please see appendices for full data set of results)
Overall, 93% of the student interns surveyed between Summer 2014 and Spring 2015 felt that their
participation in their internship was beneficial. 95% stated that they would recommend their internship
to a fellow student. 97% of interns felt that the internship improved their skill set and 97% felt that the
internship enhanced their employability. Most student interns (95%) rated the overall internship
experience Excellent or Good. Over a quarter of all interns (34%) reported that they were offered
employment at the end of their internship. Interestingly, this is a higher number than the number of
job offers reported from supervisors, who reported 28%. One possibility that could account for this
discrepancy is that the interns may have received job offers from organizations outside of their
internship organization, which internship supervisors may have not been aware of.
Interns felt that their internship provided opportunity for improvement in the following areas:
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Oral Communication & Active Listening
Planning, Organization, & Time Management
Quantitative & Mathematical Reasoning
Technical Proficiency
Written Communication
Interns also felt that their internship(s) provided opportunity for professional growth in the following
Ability to Accept & Incorporate Feedback
Ability to Meet or Exceed Expectations
Academic Preparedness
Attitude & Professional Behavior
Dependability & Flexibility
Intercultural, Community, or Global Knowledge
Interpersonal Relationship & Teamwork Building
Use of Initiative & Positive Contribution
While 62% of the interns surveyed felt that their internship provided improvement in Quantitative &
Mathematical Reasoning skills, 23% felt that those skills were not applicable to their internship. (See
Appendix A for more information).
Qualitative responses were generally very positive. Many interns supplied specific examples of how
their internship experience was a useful tool in the application of academic learning to real-world work
experience. Some students who reported challenges or difficulties during their internships felt that the
challenges or difficulties enhanced their learning experience and helped them develop valuable skills.
Many interns also stated that their internship experience provided experiences that a classroom setting
could not provide. Another theme identified through qualitative responses is that students believed
that their internship experience was so valuable that an internship should be required component of all
academic programs. A few students who participated in unpaid internships expressed that they were
dissatisfied with not being paid for their work; however none indicated that this detracted from the
success of their internship experience as a whole.
Possible future endeavors:
1. Require student interns to self-evaluate at the beginning of internship and at the end of the
internship to produce measurable data and better track learning outcomes.
2. Investigate outcomes for unpaid vs paid internships.
3. Re-word “Were you offered employment at the completion of your internship?” to clarify
whether the internship organization or an outside organization offered the intern employment.
Current wording may be misleading for respondents.
APPENDIX A: Item-By Item Frequencies
Academic Enrichment & Internship Services
Internships Organized by Number of Interns Summer 2014-Spring 2015 n=788 (CSO database)
UM Department
Communication Science & Disorders
Curriculum & Instruction
Liberal Studies & Humanities
Library Science
Information Technology Systems
Creative Writing
Health & Human Performance
Computer Science /Programming
Environmental Sciences
Media Arts
Master of Business Administration
Women’s & Gender Studies
Human & Family Development
Natural Resource Science & Management
Climate Change Studies
Social Work
Community Health
Parks, Tourism, & Recreation Management
Culinary Arts
Environmental Studies
Management Information Systems
Political Science
Subject Code
Number of Interns
Fish Wildlife Science & Management
Internships Organized by Subject Summer 2014-Spring 2015 n=788 (CSO database)
UM Department
Climate Change Studies
Communication Science & Disorders
Community Health
Computer Science /Programming
Creative Writing
Culinary Arts
Curriculum & Instruction
Environmental Sciences
Environmental Studies
Fish Wildlife Science & Management
Health & Human Performance
Human & Family Development
Information Technology Systems
Liberal Studies & Humanities
Library Science
Management Information Systems
Master of Business Administration
Media Arts
Natural Resource Science & Management
Parks, Tourism, & Recreation Management
Political Science
Social Work
Women’s & Gender Studies
Subject Code
Number of Interns
Likert Scale Survey Questions
Do you feel this internship provided an opportunity for improvement in the following areas? n=630
Written Communication
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
b. Oral Communication & Active Listening
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
c. Planning, Organization, & Time Management
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
d. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
e. Quantitative & Mathematical Reasoning
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
f. Technical Proficiency
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Do you feel this internship provided an opportunity for personal and/or professional growth in the
following areas? n=630
Attitude & Professional Behavior
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
b. Use of Initiative & Positive Contribution
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
c. Academic Preparedness
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Disagree
d. Interpersonal Relationship & Teamwork Building
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
e. Intercultural, Community, or Global Knowledge
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
f. Ability to Accept & Incorporate Feedback
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
g. Ability to Meet or Exceed Expectations
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
h. Dependability & Flexibility
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Overall, do you feel the internship improved your skills and abilities?? n=630
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Overall, how would you rate this internship experience? n=630
Do you feel this internship enhanced your employability? n=630
Were you offered employment at the completion of your internship? n=630
Would you recommend this internship to a fellow student? n=630
APPENDIX B: Qualitative Responses
Enrichment COMMENTS
& Internship Services
479 interns responded to the open-ended question, “In what way(s) did you benefit from the
internship? Describe any benefits or challenges you experienced during the internship.” Of those
interns, 312 offered their comments for public distribution and 167 others responded but declined to
have their comments published. Those 167 responses have been withheld from this report. Intern’s
names have been withheld to adhere to FERPA requirements.
In what way(s) did you benefit from the internship?
Describe any benefits or challenges you experienced during the internship.
221 Industries
3pd/XPO Last Mile Logistics
Accessibility Technology Services
Adams Center at University of
Advanced Technology Group
Advanced Technology Group
Alaskan Wildlife Conservation
221 Industries is a promotional company for extreme sports. It was a much different
experience than I expected having for the summer, however it forced me to leave my
comfort zone and expand my knowledge in many ways. I had to do a lot of work with
sponsors and athletes that has made me much more comfortable with talking to people
in a professional setting. I also was able to help work on the redesign of the company
website so I gained inside advice and expertise in that area.
Largest Benefit: Gained real world experience in my field of study. Real world experience
with a great supervisor and superb co-workers.
This internship helped me develop/improve my ability to work in teams, by providing
experience working on projects that spanned across departments/units. This internship
also helped me develop better time management and organizational skills, by requiring
that I keep track of my work and continuously report on my activities to the EITA
Coordinator This internship also helped me develop better technical skills, by introducing
me to a wide array of various types of software and encouraging me to learn about it and
research its accessibility.
During my internship, I learned so much about concepts and decision making that I could
not have learned in the classroom. This internship was very beneficial for my life outside
of school and the direction of my future.
Being able to work in the field of MIS was the largest benefit gained. I feel like a lot of
the subject matter cannot be taught in a classroom, and this internship helped to really
illustrate what consultants do. I also was exposed to more than just project management
(which seems to be what the UM curriculum focuses on). Business analyst was another
function I performed, and learned a lot about client relations from performing this job
The IT world is one that requires flexibility, communication and teamwork. These are all
things that were required of me on a daily basis and areas from which I learned and
benefited. The challenges that I encountered mostly had to do with my personal attitude
about the work. I was doing the same work that others were that weren't even in school
or looking for a career in the IT field. This was discouraging and frustrating at first, but
having a diverse team, I soon realized, was an advantage, not a disadvantage. The daily
tasks seemed very repetitive, and my objective changed from being goal oriented on a
daily and individual basis to being attributable to the overall goal of the team on a
contractual basis (for the extent of the current project). Perhaps the biggest challenge
was learning how to be flexible and a team member rather than an individual trying to
accomplish as much as possible without help. In IT, I learned, team work is vital. They
don't emphasize that in school enough!
This internship enabled me to broaden my perspective in the conservation field by
introducing me to a more direct approach in working with animals. It gave me the
opportunity to raise and create personal attachments with the animals at the AWCC, but
also gave me the opportunity to expand my communication skills by delivering
presentations to the public. On the other hand, I also got to experience the more
technical side of running an organization by getting to do hands on work with the
maintenance crew (i.e. building fence, cutting browse, etc...).
At times I was
challenged by the enormous number of tourists that would come through, sometimes
Albertson's LLC
Alternative Energy Resource
Organization (AERO)
American Legion District Five
Americans for Prosperity
American's For Prosperity
Americorps VISTA at Billings Parks,
Recreation, and Public Lands
Anglepoint Group
Animal Wonders Inc.
Animal Wonders Montana
Anthropology Curation Facility
Artichoke Press LLC
Arvada Center for the Arts and
Associated Students of The
University of Montana
Athletic Performance CenterUniversity of Montana
Austin Parks and Recreation at
Dittmar Recreation Center
BDA, Inc.
getting frustrated by the never-ending and repetitive questions and the overall
claustrophobic feeling of being around too many people. Experiencing this internship has
helped me along as I progress in my field and try to narrow down a career.
This internship helped me apply what I was learning in the class room to a real life work
environment. Multi-tasking was a challenge for me during this internship.
I have become well versed in an area of environmental studies that I previously was not
very educated about which is helping to build skills I would like to use as an
environmental journalist. With journalism, the more you push yourself out of your
comfort zone the better and this internship has definitely allowed me to do that. I have
been challenged to get up to par on my knowledge of alternative energy systems such as
solar panels and wind turbines. I have made wonderful connections in my field and had
the opportunity to speak with people from many different walks of life.
I learned how to interact with a client. I also learned a lot their organization and how to
effectively communicate with a variety of personalities.
I received quite a bit of experience operating phone banks, I did two analyses of
proposed legislative bills. I testified in front of the health and human services committee.
Gave me real life training in the political world, setting me up for future endeavors.
I was given a large amount of responsibility and autonomy. This gave me the freedoms to
develop my skills at independent work, taking initiative, and forming, working on, and
seeing projects if my own design through to completion.
In my internship I was able to build lots of relationships with industry leaders, develop
skills in area I had previous overlooked, and work on project management skills. The
biggest difficulty I have faced was the lack of management and organization but I have
been able to use this opportunity to grow and show my abilities.
I benefited from this internship by learning important communication skills that will
allow me to teach the public about animals and other educational subjects and allow me
to explain things in a non anthropogenic way that will allow me to be professional. I
experienced challenges when I realized the extent of taking care of the facility by yourself
and seeing that if things are not consistent and organized that things can go awry.
This internship helped improve my public speaking and teaching skills. I was challenged
to teach children of all ages about science concepts while also handling live animals. I
was constantly having to change my teaching style and word usage to communicate my
messages to fit the different age usage. I learned animal husbandry for over 40 different
exotic animal species as well as basic vet care and training.
I gained experience handling and identifying archaeological artifacts, specifically ceramics
and lithics, and how to properly organize and store them for future research and
teaching opportunities.
I have furthered my experience as a press writer and gotten further involved in the
Missoula community. Personally I'm a broadcast and photo journalism major but I got to
hone a lot of my writing skills. In my senior year as a journalism student I wouldn't have
honestly said I’d like print journalism but Judy and artichoke press have given me a new
appreciation for it
There were definitely more benefits than challenges. The biggest benefit, I think, was
simply getting to observe and be around those people while they worked. They
demonstrated what an organization looks like that openly shares information about
projects and problems in an effective way. I've also never worked with Excel, Google and
Google Docs nearly as much as during this internship. It was interesting to see how an
arts community viewed and embraced technological change. The challenges that I faced
were minimal, and I do wish there had been more because I learn the most from being
challenged and failing and trying again.
I was able to collaborate with other business professionals in a work setting as well as in
meetings. I gained technical skills through my experiences in Cascade and GIMP. I was
also given the opportunity to speak to other professionals over the phone. There was a
lot of constructive feedback with my work, and I was also able to develop professional
relationships around the office.
I was able to gain valuable coaching experience and learn from professionals in the field
of strength and conditioning.
Working with and developing planning for children is a difficult but worthwhile skill to
have and I think this internship prepared me for that.
I have benefited a great deal from not only my internship work, but the people as well. I
have improved my time management skills, as I have been working while interning. I
have also improved my excel skills, as most of the work I have completed utilizes with
excel. While I have learned a lot through excel and individuals teaching me the ins and
Big Sky Community Corporation,
Big Sky, MT
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival
Big Sky High School
Big Sky Renaissance Faire
Billings Parks and Recreation
Blackstone LaunchPad at the
University of Montana
Blown Motor
Blue Marble Biomaterials
Blue Skies Campaign
Bottom Line Incontinence Supply,
Bretz RV and Marine
Buffalo Field Campaign
Business Building Help Desk
C2 Technology
Camp Mak-A-Dream
Campus Recreation University of
Career Services
outs of the program, it is also my biggest challenge. Before starting my internship, I only
knew basic excel functions- there was a big learning curve being able to use the program
correctly and efficiently.
I gained experience in everything to do with a non-profit, parks and trails management
organization, including fundraising, asset management planning, press, event planning,
asset inventory, trail maintenance and monitoring, grant writing, volunteer coordination,
and much more. Every challenge was beneficial to my overall experience, such as revising
my written publications to abide by local political standards and determining the best
alignment when flagging a new trail.
I felt as though interning gave me insight to a job in the non-profit film industry. It is very
time consuming and unpaid unfortunately, but It was more fun and exciting than working
or school. I wish I could have spent more time there during the week. I had some good
feedback from the people I was working with and think they would give me good
I was able to gain hands-on experience in a field that I was interested in.
I want to be a coach in the future and I’ve learned so much from my team and fellow
coaches. I am applying for a position at big sky next year so hopefully my success and
hard work will pay off! I can't even put into words how much this internship has
benefited me.
I improved my skills in marketing language and learned how to incorporate gathered
feedback to improve my writing and direct it at the intended audience.
I benefited from my internship by improving my communication skills and those at my
workplace. I also learned how to manage my time and improved my organization skills.
As a student employee/intern, I have worked closely with the director and manager to
further develop the effectiveness of the LaunchPad as well as reach out to students and
the community in a more efficient manner. Developing an online presence proved to be
lengthy and demanding process, requiring great attention to detail compliance
guidelines. Overall, the internship provided a rewarding experience that stretched my
thinking and ultimately helped me grow as an individual.
I benefited greatly from this internship in many ways. The biggest skill I feel it helped me
improve on was my professional communication skills. Dealing with experienced people
in the same industry as me was a good thing to experience and be a part of.
I learned a lot about all the different parts of a business that must come together to
create a successful organization.
I benefited by gaining connections with people and other organizations. I was able to
creatively develop solutions to issues while also gaining further knowledge about them.
This internship was an excellent window into small business, working in teams, and
communications with customers. The events described in my mind and end internship
papers are reflective of The entire experience. -The largest challenge by far was keeping a
schedule and having to define my own objectives at some times.
I learned to work well with different types of people, how to manage my time efficiently
and I learned a lot of great accounting and finance skills.
I was challenged to act as a professional representative of the Buffalo Field Campaign
during my week in Gardiner. I had to interact with Tribal Game Wardens and hunters in a
diplomatic and respectful way, while expressing the goals of the BFC and performing the
duties of patrol. I learned how to utilize radios from both the field and the headquarters
in a professional way. Both of these specific experiences within my internship greatly
sharpened my oral skills as an activist and a professional member of a non-profit.
The internship provided me with the opportunity to increase my technical proficiency,
and interact with customers on a daily basis. I honed some valuable workplace skills
from this experience. One of the challenges was dealing with people who don’t want to
learn something and would rather rely on your skills everyday.
I learned how to communicate more efficiently.
I benefited from this internship by learning about the many, many moving parts involved
in nonprofit work and the fundraising events that allows the work to be completed.
I benefited from this summer’s internship experience by learning how to communicate
and work with young kids. Teaching kids and getting kids to participate is a lot different
than work with adults. This summers’ experience taught me how to motivate and
challenge kids in a positive way. Also it exposed me to other challenges like time
management, keeping a group on schedule, and how to organize large groups.
The benefits that I learned from this internship Include; Better communication skills,
more knowledge of what Career Services offers students, I gained a better understanding
of what I myself could do in the work field based on my strong interest evaluation and
Center for Environmental Health
Child Development Center
Child Development Center
Child Protective Services
Chugach National Forest, Glacier
Ranger District
City of Missoula Bicycle and
Pedestrian Program
City of Rancho Cordova
Clark Fork Dental
Clark Fork Organics
Clark Fork Watershed Education
Climate Change Studies Program
Climbing Magazine
Community Cancer Center
Co-Teach Preschool
County of Missoula--Elections
Curry Health Center - Optimal Bear
Curry Health Center Wellness
Curry Health Center: WellnessWeigh to Go UM!
learning what a healthy work environment looks like.
I learned how to use Unity 3d and was able to practice more C# programming.
Learned how to effectively communicate science to kids in Missoula.
I think the most important skill I learned while interning at the Child Development Center
was how to adapt and problem solve in stressful work environment. Working with an
adolescent with autism taught me to not be to rigid in my thinking and instead be open
to new ideas.
Throughout my internship, I got to work with children who have autism. I learned a lot
about the disorder and received a lot of training. I benefited from the trainings on how to
implement discrete trial training, reinforcement, and prompting. I now feel comfortable
working with children who have autism. In the future, I want to be a speech-language
pathologist. I want to work with children who have autism and this experience will help
prepare me.
I believe that this was the best possible internship that I could have personally
participated in. It was life changing because it was real life. I have learned to be a
competent part of the CPS community by learning from examples and on the job.
Getting experience doing field work, as well as processing the data we collected, was a
beneficial way to be part of the scientific process. I also gained invaluable experience
working with useful computer programs such as GIS.
More professional experience using GIS technologies and in explaining those
technologies to those who are not familiar with it.
I am learning how to be a self-starter and really take initiative to do projects on my own. I
have creative freedom and feel like I am really improving in many areas.
This internship benefited me by confirming to myself that I definitely want to pursue a
career in dentistry. By working with patients during this internship I learned how to
better work with people of all ages and backgrounds. I realized how much of a challenge
it can be working with people that are anxious about being at the dentist and what you
can do to help them overcome their fears.
I've had the opportunity to be more connected to my food, to see something that I
planted grow, and to spend time outside developing a stronger connection with the
earth and myself.
I got to meet some awesome people because of this internship, and I learned a lot
through experience about giving presentations and educating others. I also gained a lot
of knowledge about watershed science and the history of the Clark Fork Watershed.
This internship gave me an experience of completing something at my own pace. My end
product was a large undertaking, and I learned how to organize my time and ideas, as
well as how those ideas and conclusions can shift as the project continues.
At Climbing Magazine I feel like I am a huge part of the team. Within two weeks I was
writing articles and contributing online. I have been able to make connections with
people at Skiing Magazine and Backpacker magazine because they are all owned by the
same company in the same building. I won an intern photo competition and now
Backpacker Magazine is taking me to Outdoor Retailer where I'll spend over a week at
the even photographing with two staff photographers. networking with the other
magazines has lead to more opportunities for the future.
I gained experience in various aspects of the medical field specific to oncology. I learned
about the treatment processes and options available for cancer patients in Montana.
I learned much about an effective, inclusive early-childhood education classroom while
also learning about the personal traits and habits that lead to such success.
I was able to experience my field of study first hand, while taking part in a variety of new
tasks. For example, I was able to speak on a radio talk show, present to a high school
government class, and even created a video series to inform Missoulians of the voting
process. These “firsts” were challenging and extremely rewarding!
Gave me an understanding and awareness of how to handle my future career.
The new experiences that came along with my internship allowed me to develop new
skills and acquire knowledge that will improve my future career in communication with
clients, responsibility, and problem solving.
My motivational interviewing and presentation skills dramatically improved.
I feel like this internship was a great way to incorporate my learning into a real life job.
This internship provided me experience using what I have learned during my undergrad
and that helped me to really understand all that I was being taught. It was a great way
for me to use my skills in the real world.
Curves Fitness Center for Women
Custom Crop Care
CutBank Literary Magazine
CutBank Literary Magazine
Daly Mansion
David Mirisch Ent.
Department of Justice - Forensic
Science Division - Serology/DNA
Department of Natural Resources
and Conservation
Disney College Program
Dixon Historical Archaeology
Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center
I feel like I gathered time management and communication skills from this internship
while learning about the insides of a fitness center. I used teamwork and critical thinking
skills to manage my problems throughout my internship which not only helped my
internship experience as a whole, but helped me personally and professionally grow in
those areas as well.
I learned how to communicate with people on a corporate level as well as many software
programs that are currently being used in the field of accounting and how to navigate
through them with more ease.
Interning for CutBank Literary Magazine allowed me to see the other side of the
publication business of which I was not familiar. I was able to read submissions for
CutBank Issues 82 and 83 as well as fiction for their annual Chapbook contest and vote
“yes,” “no,” or “maybe” through the program. It was fun to see how the editors picked
the pieces for publication and be involved in that process. I also learned how to do html
coding with the Scholarworks program that CutBank is collaborating on with the
Mansfield Library. I uploaded files from old CutBank Issues onto the web so that the old
editions are accessible to the public online. As an English major who is potentially
interested in going into editorial work, this internship helped me gain hands-on
experience with a well received magazine. Reading submissions was a great way to
expand my literary scope. I was also able to see what editors were looking for in a piece
and now I can apply those standards to my own writing in the future. CutBank is
This internship gave me insight into the “behind the scenes” action of a literary
magazine. I was able to be part of a team of readers and help choose what submitted
works were selected for publication. This provided me with an idea of what to do and
what not to do when submitting my own pieces for consideration in the future. I was
able to see different kinds of writing styles that expanded my knowledge of literature and
My internship at the Daly Mansion has helped me in many ways. Some of the benefits I
have received are ease with public speaking, ability to use publisher program, ability to
work in groups, organization, ability to assert myself, and most of all to have enough self
confidence to make independent decisions.
I started working with David at the beginning of the summer. Our campaign was to
promote Mrs. Kathleen Bradley who had written a new autobiography. My task was to
gather information on magazines and then select the best applicants for a pitch letter. I
was given the responsibility to write up my own requests and to edit the letters of other
interns working on the project. I really learned a lot about the language and styles of
writing that go into an advertisement pitch. I also learned about cooperating between
several people accomplishing the same task on separate fronts (TV, Radio, Social Media).
The main take-away I have is an up close encounter with the realities of running a
publication company. I know about the patience, the social efficacy and the market
research that goes into producing a successful business.
I have had the chance to spearhead a validation a research project, an amazing
opportunity for an undergraduate science student. I have faced challenges, had to
overcome difficulties and frustrations and learned to ask for and accept constructive
I was able to work in a professional environment and learn a lot about an organization I
had no experience with before.
The Disney College program has taught me how to utilize my time wisely and I live with
my roommates for six months and also the bus schedule. I have to learn how to do an
adjustment take care guest relations at Front Desk. That that difficult program has taught
me how to work with the team night cast members they work with I can always go to it.
Tour at the Disney called her and I know that you can talk to your managers about the
business. I love learn from them and what do with you have change such as why their
magicband won't work to open the door. The Disney college program is one change that
every college student should do in lifetime. It will be a benefit that will take them far
My internship allowed me to experience the nature of an archaeology lab and begin my
training in lab work and curation techniques.
I learned new ways to organize and prepare GIS projects. GIS classes can only teach you
so much about organizing GIS projects. The organizational skills I learned will help me out
in future jobs.
There were a lot of benefits to this internship. I got PR experience by writing all the press
releases and designing the posters to all of my public programs. I had to schedule all of
my own programs, so I had to contact and communicate with people in the community. I
Downtown Missoula Partnership
Ecuadorian Rivers institute
Edge of The World - Treasure State
Shred Fest
Education Logistics, Inc
Element Physical Therapy
English Radio
EPIC (environmental protection in
the Caribbean)
Family Promise of Missoula
First Security Bank, A Division of
Glacier Bancorp, Inc.
Flagship at Washington Middle
was the presenter and leader of all of my own programs. I also had to plan my own
programs. Besides the programs, I got experience taking care of the center's resident
animals; feeding, handling, and cleaning. It was challenging because I had to work with
group that ranged from 3 to 90 years of age. From experience levels of none to expert.
This internship was a great opportunity to be a part of many different facets of marketing
and generally working with a team. I thoroughly enjoyed working with everyone at the
Downtown Missoula Partnership and wish I could continue on for Summer. I was able to
help with event planning and the marketing that goes along with those events. The only
challenges were that when working for a non-profit, you have a lot of people you are
trying to please; mainly board members. Many of these people have been doing things
the same way for so long that they don't understand there are easier ways to accomplish
the same end goal. Lesson learned: when working for non-profits, ease board members
into change and emphasize communication.
The challenges of this internship were numerous. Matt Terry (E.D.) and I worked from
our respective locations - 4000 miles apart - to organize an international whitewater
festival to thwart dam development on a major tributary to the Amazon River. The
festival will happen mid-January 2015, and we will see the fruits of our labor at that time.
Long-distance communication, significant time constraints, unrealistic expectations,
international group dynamics, and local politics on both ends proved difficult time and
time again. Needless to say, I learned a lot throughout the semester. I wouldn't trade it
for anything - it was a great experience - but it was very challenging.
The Edge of the World in Missoula provided me with the opportunity to organize,
develop, and present the 4th annual Treasure State Shred Fest to our local community.
As the marketing coordinator, I faced numerous challenging experiences associated with
acquiring sponsorships, branding the event, and managing various marketing campaigns.
This internship essentially was just a critical application of the tactical methods taught in
the entertainment management program. Treasure State Shred Fest challenged me to
combine my extroverted personality with the principles that I have learned at the school
of business to organize a successful, large-scale event. Throughout the semester I worked
with my advisor, James Fleege, and two other interns to organize the 4th annual event.
James acquainted me with a few strategies that assist in the fluent production of these
events. He stated that strong communication skills, organization, and self-confidence are
the three key characteristics of a successful event manager. I was able to absorb and
apply this philosophy as the marketing coordinator by establishing long-term
relationships with partners and assisting staff. My confidence levels consistently
increased throughout the production process because the popularity of the event
became more significant than ever before. By applying the strategies that I learned
during my experiences as an intern to my future career, I will be a more successful event
I did benefit from this internship how to deal with uncertainty and how to keep a positive
attitude and try create opportunity when there is non
I believe that I benefited in terms of communicating with people, being flexible in terms
of what a patient can do day to day and also working together to give a patient the best
I benefited in many ways. I learned a lot about communication, time management and
problem solving.
I feel skills such as method and research design, communication, interpersonal
relationship building, organization, and critical thinking were all improved over my
internship. I also have much more of an appreciation towards the amount of work and
organization needed to start a research project. It was amazing to experience another
culture in the whole process of this internship.
Having direct communication with clients as a case manager and advocating for the
client. Also, assisted me with being familiar with many different resources our
community has to offer to those in need of different kinds of personal, medical, and
professional aspects of their lives.
I learned about myself. I was able to gain insight on the department of the bank that I've
wanted to work in since I first began with the company and I have confirmed that this is
what I want to do for my lifelong career.
I learned a lot about how to communicate with kids and behavioral management.
Challenges were that it's always a challenge when it comes to working with kids, but so
many benefits. It prepares you for a lot of things in life like conflict. I was always dealing
with conflict when working with kids and solving problems and that is something that
happens in every day life even when it's not involving kids. So its a benefit because it
Flagship, Franklin Elementary,
Missoula, MT
Food & Water Watch
Foreign Student and Scholar
Forward Montana
Forward Montana
Forward Montana Foundation
Forward Montana Foundation
Free Cycles/ MIST
Freedom Gardens
Frenchtown Rural Fire district
Frenchtown School District
Full Circle Counseling Solutions
Glacier Reporter
Great Bear Foundation
prepares you for future conflict in life.
I hadn't had much interaction with kids before this, but I feel much more comfortable
working with them after doing this internship
I learned how to initiate a campaign, how to power map, organize people; I organized a
rally to support the City of Missoula's pursuit of ownership of Missoula's water, I worked
with community member to plan and hold events; I was able have weekly contact with a
field coordinator at Food & Water Watch to talk over any bumps in the campaign. The
challenges changed over the course of the semester. Initially the greatest challenge was
participation in the group, then it morphed into not having an adequate understanding of
the operations/ power structure of the University of Montana.
My internship was little bit unique because it was individual work. However, it gave me
great opportunity to know other international students more and realizing that some
people need some help for solving their problem.
I learned a lot about door knocking, calls, planning, and entering data. I learned all that
comes in to play when it comes to creating an event and got to plan my own event
I learned valuable skills I can use in any job, in any field.
First off, I became proficient in Google. Secondly, I planned and organized a huge campus
project that paid off quite well. It was awesome seeing my hard work culminate
positively. I learned the hardship of what it meant to not only be involved within your
community but what a community organizer is and I loved every moment of it.
Working with Forward Montana foundation taught me several important skills that
would be helpful for anyone interested in pursuing employment in politics, from the
basics of grassroots organizing, to fundraising and canvassing, to speaking professionally
with constituents and law makers. My intern class was small-- only three of us-- who all
had different working schedules, so it was difficult to coordinate between each other,
and at times there were significant lulls in communication that caused stress, however,
things did work out when we could communicate. Our final project-- a video on
economic justice-- went live on the Forward Montana Facebook site a little over a week
ago, which also applied to my journalism background and helped me feel more
comfortable in engaging with an audience. I would do this internship over again in a
The internship at free cycles broadened my knowledge on bike mechanics and the
ecological, economical, and social benefits of bike riding and bike friendly infrastructure.
The greatest challenge was the learning process of bike maintenance and construction.
The process of learning each individual part of a diverse array of wonderfully designed
bikes was hugely rewarding because it was so hard.
During my internship with Freedom Gardens, I gained several new skill-sets and
experiences relating to non-profit formation and development. Prior to the internship,
writing grants, creating budget projections, developing lesson plans, and organizing
public events were daunting endeavors. My abilities in marketing, outreach, and website
design also greatly improved. I am grateful for the wonderful team I got to work with,
and will continue to work with at Freedom Gardens.
I benefited from the hands on experience
This experience provided me with real world, hands on experience as a public
administrator. It greatly facilitated putting my political science education to use and
seeing how it comes together in the real world. There was a huge learning curve learning
the many aspects of school administration from managing a budget, state and federal
legislation, personnel management, strategic planning and communicating with the
I benefited in communication with my supervisor and families.
This internship has placed me in significant political and cultural situations within a short
period. Not only would I have a hard time encountering such a density of learning
experiences anywhere else, but these experiences have also broadened and
strengthened my interpersonal relation skills with both individuals and institutions. In
addition, they have fostered the skills of persistence and adaptability.
This internship was an excellent introduction to volunteer management and nonprofit
leadership experience. Managing the volunteer gleaning program at the Great Bear
Foundation improved my interpersonal communication skills and provided me with
hands-on experience recruiting and training volunteers. I also was able to develop
educational curriculum for the Great Bear Foundation and improve skills related to
education and teaching.
Grizzly Athletics
Grizzly Athletics
Grizzly Sports Properties
Hands in Motion Occupational
Hudson Bay Project
Hunters Glen
IE3- Treatment Action Campaign
Iowa Primate Learning Sanctuary
Irish Archaeological Field School
Jeanette Rankin Peace Center
KBGA College Radio
KettleHouse Brewing Company
KPAX Channel 8 News
I got a great exposure to collegiate sports and how they're marketed. Only issues I ran
into is that it's very time consuming for an extended amount of time without any
compensation. Makes it hard as a college student.
I learned how to overcome obstacles with only a few minutes to do so and developed
great people skills.
I gained some great insight into dealing with clients in a professional, yet fun way. It was
a great opportunity to develop key skills in event planning and organization, as well as
management and oversight of in-game promotional activities. This is a great internship
for a sports-oriented individual.
It was amazing to see and work with a different side of occupational therapy. Meeting
the clients Kay has and working with them helped me be well rounded as an intern and
have an insight to what occupational therapists do.
I benefitted in more ways than I expected from this internship. Not only did I learn
scientific field techniques but I also grew as a person in my relationship skills,
preparedness and other areas. Being able to work with a small group of dedicated people
in a harsh environment for multiple months gave me ample opportunities to grow and
I got to experience new situations that I normally would not have the opportunity
experiencing. I also was able to relate knowledge collected from my academic career
with the work I did at my internship.
This internship was very challenging; getting involved with community outreach in this
setting was nearly impossible and this forced me to find new goals and things to learn in
this setting. I became more patient and observant. I was forced to speak with as many
people as I could one on one to ask them about their views of the healthcare system.
Despite the fact that I was able to find these silver linings, the goals of my internship
were not fulfilled due to the lack of organization, communication, and the language
barrier I experienced in this organization. I was unable to partake in the health education
processes, participate in outreach events, and my primary role in this setting was to be a
designated typist for forms, papers, and other such documents.
I benefited from working directly with the Bonobos. The responsibility of taking care of
them lead to a very rewarding experience that taught me the importance of
dependability. I've created relationships with these animals that I intend to maintain-they are amazing. I'm so happy I did this internship.
I was able to exercise my skills in archaeological excavation. I experienced some
problems in the planning process and in keeping with the standards of the Museum of
London Archaeology (MOLA) instead of North American standards, but this afforded me
the opportunity to learn a new skill and make myself more versatile in the field.
I had a lot more freedom in this internship than I had anticipated, so I was very surprised
when I got to create my own projects and come up with my own ideas for improvements
I. The store and fair trade as a whole. It helped me to step out of my comfort zone and
begin to see issues and solutions myself instead of waiting to just do what I am told.
The best parts about interning at KBGA are the people I meet and the opportunities to
work with other organizations in and around Missoula. It allows for very real world
experiences, including some challenges along the way, which I learned to work through.
From this internship I was able to become full time staff and I am now the business
I've gotten to work a lot on my news writing and it has definitely improved. I'm also
learning about issues important to Missoulians. I'm learning how different stations lead
their news and the differences in each newscast (5, 6 and 10).
This internship is teaching me that as a reporter, especially in sports, I have to be flexible
and willing to change plans quickly. Not only are written and technical skills important,
but my verbal skills are quickly improving by having to interview people on my feet with
little preparation. This experience is a huge benefit for me to learn how to be more
professional and efficient.
It was great to get relatively hand on experience during the internship. More-so to get
out of the class room and into a real business. It was great to see the complexity of
running a brewery.
Interning at KPAX has been an outstanding experience. The station facilitates skill,
personal, and professional development in all areas. Every staff member is extremely
positive and encouraging, allowing me opportunities to do my own shooting, editing, and
story pitching. They are very good about providing real life experiences and having high
expectations of the products I contribute to their station. When I am uncertain or have
questions, I feel comfortable asking for help and know that the answer is going to be
Kurt's Polaris
La Mancha Orchard
Lee & Company
Legal Atlas
Legal Atlas
Legal Atlas
Legal Atlas
Leslie Allen/ True Spirit CrossFit
and Yoga
LMG security
LMG Security
Los Angeles Dodgers
honest and helpful.
Having to get used to meeting end-of-the-day deadlines has made me shoot video more
thoughtfully, and edit video more precisely.
I felt it helped me grow my comfort zone as well as being a better listener.
I learned specific skills related to working in an organic orchard including caring for,
pruning and training trees, harvesting fruit, and using tractors and other farm equipment.
I also learned about the politics of a running a small organic farm related to organic
certification and selling product at a local farmers market. I also learned about how fruit
tree research is conducted by spending some time at the Oregon State Research Farm. It
was very interesting and informative to be part all aspects of organic farming.
I learned how to properly behave and work in an office setting that is stressed by
deadlines and abundance of work during a particularly busy time of year. Also, I gained
experience in building client relationships and working well in a team with other
Before the internship I was limited by my inadequate computer skills but I learned how
to use numerous programs and now have much more confidence towards computers.
Interning for Legal Atlas benefited me academically and helped build my experience as a
professional. In the beginning of the internship I was a researcher assigned to the
fisheries project, 100% of my time was dedicated to researching the laws governing
fisheries in Central America and writing framework assessments for these laws. This
helped improve my Spanish language skills as well as my legal comprehension. As my
time at Legal Atlas continued I began to insert myself into more of a training and
recruiting role. I realized that I could be more useful to the organization than just doing
research. I wrote up a one page recruitment letter focused towards undergrads at the
University of Montana outlining the benefit of becoming a Legal Atlas intern, and had it
sent out through the political science and prelaw email lists. I have thus far secured two
new interns for next summer, hopefully with many more to follow. Because I became
proficient with the software, I have been able to begin training other students (by Skype
or in person). In the last week I have trained new interns from Pakistan, Canada and
Senegal. Now only half of my time is spent doing research and the other half is training
and coordinating. I enjoy this role because I feel as though I am part of the growth of the
organization, and with the tremendous task taken on by Legal Atlas the only way it will
be successful is if many contributors come together.
The internship for legal atlas has allowed me to build my legal understanding, my
research proficiency and my professional experience. It was a challenge to find some of
the laws, only because some legal systems are not public in many applications. I also had
some difficulty in translating the majority of laws from French to English but otherwise it
went well.
This internship has taught me many things and provided me with even more skills and
lessons. I now know how to research in an efficient and deliberate manner. With my
research, there is so much information out there that you have to be able to sift through
everything and find what you're looking for. Even when you do find what you're looking
for, you need to ensure that it is still relevant and hasn't been superseded by any other
laws. At the time it can be very frustrating, but in the end, it teaches many lessons. Also,
this internship helped me look at things with a more global mindset and compare our
country to others.
I benefitted immensely from this internship. I do not know if I could list all the ways. The
biggest benefits were learning about starting and then running a new business, effective
coaching strategies, and working with clients to achieve their best.
I had a lot of opportunities to learn things which were outside my area of expertise, and
really learned me to adapt on the fly. By being thrown directly into the fire I had the
opportunity to test myself and learn my true capabilities.
Work at LMG Security can be very fast paced and as an employee you are expected to
learn quickly and be resourceful. While the emphasis on being self-taught at LMG can be
daunting and frustrating, it forced me to learn and understand the technology used in a
way that I wouldn't have been able to if I had someone holding my hand throughout my
internship. Along with a great learning experience at the office, I was also taken along to
DEFCON 22 which is the world's largest hacker convention. Here I was able to interact
with some of the greatest minds in information security today and is an invaluable
opportunity moving forward in this field. At this conference I was also able to showcase
the Network Forensics contest I have been building all summer for LMG. The contest was
a huge success and is another strong piece I can add to my resume.
This internship furthered my technological skill set in every way. I learned new ways to
Marketplace Media
MassMutual Financial Group
Matt For Montana
Meadowlark Sciences
Mineral Community Hospital
Missoula Butterfly House and
Missoula City-County Health
Department Health Promotion
Let's Move! Missoula
Missoula City-County Health
Department, Health Promotion,
Let's Move! Missoula
Missoula College
Missoula College- Culinary Arts
Missoula County Public Works
Missoula County Public Schools
District Technology Department
Missoula Downtown Association
Missoula Free Cycles
Missoula in Motion
Missoula Maulers
implement different technologies into the workplace that I hadn't originally thought of,
as well as learned more about technology in the workplace from the break-fix side of IT.
Through having to find solutions to technological problems in the workplace I learned
how to work quickly and efficiently to find an answer to get end users back up and
running. This has given me greater confidence in my abilities.
I spend a lot of time working behind the camera and editing footage, which is what I love
I learned a lot about Wordpress, Facebook, Neat Filing, and Constant Contact.
Marketplace had some building issues and began the process of moving in October which
made the internship more chaotic than their past internships. I think my bosses felt bad
that the environment didn't have the normal routine however it gave me a chance to be
The two areas where I benefited the most were time management and professional
communication. I learned how to effectively delegate work to meet deadlines and how to
communicate effectively within a highly strict and professional context.
I greatly underestimated the amount of work that would be expected of me nearing the
primary election. Meeting the expectations of the Rosendale campaign required long
hours of door knocking and phone polling. But in doing so I greatly improved upon my
communication skills and learned to be flexible in the workplace.
It gave me an opportunity to be part of a group project.
I gained experience in social media marketing, as well as working on a political mill levy
campaign, which was an amazing experience.
I was challenged in finding concrete tasks to fulfill my hours. I was challenged by writing
curriculum and developing my own class for the first time.
The internship education and training I received working with Lisa on the Let's Move!
initiative is invaluable work experience, especially for this Community Health major.
I worked with an energetic, intelligent supervisor who works on many projects at once
throughout the Missoula community. She had me work with the Unplug and Play event
in May. She encouraged me to attend various meetings involving youth health in
Missoula, in schools and in the community. She started an ambitious program partnering
with the University helping teachers in MCPS to implement physical activity breaks
during their school day. We measured BMI's in schools, and hosted a number of health
fairs. She encouraged us to do research on childhood obesity, and to develop toolkits for
parents and teachers. With all of these activities, I learned the importance of good and
creative computer skills, organizational skills, communication skills, and how the
Missoula community works together to help kids from becoming obese. I struggled with
my Unplug and Play project in that I missed some important communication in the
paperwork before the event, involving correct information and deadlines. This was my
error, not my supervisor's. The organizing and detailed nature of the event was timeconsuming and all-important, and I realized with my mistakes how it can create a lot of
work for others, and that asking questions, excellent communication and organizational
skills are essential to avoid costly problems. I am determined to not allow this to happen
in the future.
Teamwork, improvement of skills
Yes. I had a great experience working with my supervisors, Chef Elliot and Chef Nack. I
had the benefits of cooking what I wanted and the challenges of creating new recipes.
I benefited from this internship by being able to apply my course work directly to it.
I learned a lot about the school system and the technology functionality behind most of
what they do.
I learned how to organize a multi-part organization system for expediting grant
application processes for a local nonprofit. It taught me the language for each different
type of funding, how to be a critical thinker with what grants best deserved the majority
of my time and how to communicate with my supervisor to help her be aware of this.
I got a since of happiness of donating my time doing something positive.
I was able to incorporate the skills and knowledge I have learned throughout my
undergrad career and apply them to a real world job
I learned a lot about sports marketing, and how to market to fans and potential fans.
Missoula Parks and Recreation
Missoula Underground Strength
Training Center
Missoula Urban Demonstration
Missoula's Watershed Education
Moab Sun News
Montana Conservation Corps
According to my approved internship proposal as a student intern constructing and
conducting the 2014 Missoula Open-Space Recreation User Survey my job was; to
develop and enhance my skills in leading a recreation planning study to better Missoula's
open space and recreational opportunities for its diverse variety of visitors and to
develop and enhance my skills in designing and implementing a recreational user survey;
the survey will help Missoula Parks and Recreation: assign values to recreational
preference options, compare trade-offs, resolve recreational conflicts and make future
budgetary choices. Over the past 20 years, the population has grown substantially,
accompanied by increased recreational use of these lands. The need to comprehensively
address management of all Conservation Lands together as a system was recognized as
crucial for maintaining their environmental viability. In 2008, the Conservation Lands
Division of Parks and Recreation conducted a visitor use survey, in an effort to better
understand demographics, attitudes and opinions of visitors, levels of use at individual
trailheads and to quantify leash law compliance. CLM is going to repeat this survey effort
in 2014. CLM will hire an intern to help design and implement this survey. I was that
intern. As described previously, my internship duties included: helping design the 2014
Trail User Survey, helping design 2014 Trail User Survey methodology document,
coordinating with Conservation Lands Management staff regarding survey scheduling,
interacting with the public and developing a season-end report describing the 2014 Trail
User Survey findings. As one can see I had an extremely vast array of duties I was
required to perform; the past 7 months were a huge challenge, but I learned a great deal
from my work. I was presented with many issues and challenges throughout my
experience and successfully met each one with an appropriate solution. I have the
utmost confidence that not only my managers, but all those that I had the pleasure of
speaking to at various trailheads would speak nothing but positive things about me.
Although my internship is not quite over, I think I deserve great credit for what I have
already accomplished. In fact, I don't know many other Parks Tourism and Recreation
Management undergrads that have taken on such responsibilities during their summer
internships. The majority of times I have trouble not going above and beyond what I am
called on to do. During the times of hardship and difficult decisions I reflected on any
regrets I may have; therefore, I have none. If I had to go back and do it again I wouldn't
change a thing. With every measure I made I was meticulous in the ways in which I
carried them out. Everything I did had a purpose. This whole experience has been
immensely beneficial to my academic and professional career. It has also allowed me to
build my already strong set of communication skills. As it is completed this semester, the
project report will be a very bright feather in my undergraduate cap. I am very glad
everything worked out the way it did. Every experience I had so far has been an absolute
pleasure to learn from.
I learned the hands on side of body movements and lifting. Watching people lift
repeatedly allowed me to learn about body movements in a more applicable way and the
information stuck with me better. I also learned how to coach many movements, some I
had done before and some I hadn't. I also got to improve on my oral communication skills
since I was constantly interacting with clients.
My internship with MUD gave benefited my learning and job experience in a number of
ways. The first being the hands on experience I gained while working on the Tool Library
database, coordinating volunteers, working with clients, and working with partner
organizations. Subsequently this internship has created countless networking
experiences for myself. There were some challenges, in the sense, that my job was hard,
particularly when it came to organizing the volunteers, but I overcame and learned from
these experiences.
This internship helps me explore the field of conservation education. It helped me learn
how to develop curriculum and communicate ideas in a classroom setting. It also gave
me a good look into what it is like working for a nonprofit. Planning and communicating
between internship coordinators and other interns was the biggest challenge.
It has made me realize what it is like to be a real photojournalist and not just a student.
I have improved my writing immensely, I have learned to work with computer
programming when posting the paper to the web, I have made many new friends and
This was the single most stressful experience of my life. On that note, it also gave me to
opportunity to really challenge myself and see what my limits were. I had to learn to
think on my feet when project objectives were not clear or challenges to the projects
were not taken into account by my bosses. The season was not set in stone when I
arrived in the spring so I had to pick up the pieces essentially. Communication was poor
Montana Conservation Voters
Montana Democratic Party
Montana Democratic Party
Montana Department of Natural
Resources and Conservation
Montana Department of Natural
Resources and Conservation
Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks,
Region 4 Headquarters, Great Falls
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
Montana High Tech Business
Montana Natural History Center
Montana Outdoor Science School
Montana Public Interest Research
Montana Public Interest Research
between the Forest Service, Montana Conservation Corps and the Nez Perce Tribe. I was
caught in the middle of a lot of petty arguments and grudges between entities. This
allowed me to use my professionalism and adapt to different policies and personalities.
This job was definitely more than I signed up for which in the long run was very irritating
but I learned so much about land management and dealing with office politics.
My internship at Montana Conservation Voters helped me develop skills relating to grassroots campaigning, effective messaging, and general political efficacy.
It definitely helped a lot with oral communication and being able to respond to
difficult/unexpected situations when talking to people.
My internship helped to develop my communication skills. I was required to speak with
many people, both on the phone and in person, on a daily basis. I learned how to talk
with people with differing opinions in a respectful and professional manner. It also
helped me to develop stronger organizational skills because I worked independently on
most tasks. I needed to structure my time so that I was able to maximize the amount of
tasks that I was able to perform. Overall, my internship was extremely beneficial for
learning how to apply the knowledge that I have gained in the classroom to real world
I can graduate now.
Unbelievable learning experience - work was an excellent balance of contributing my
personal skill set in an effective way, while doing quite a bit of on-the-job learning. Huge
amount of trust from DNRC to do my work independently, but also supervision when I
I was able to work with professionals in the field and obtain valuable hands on
experience. It was a great opportunity.
I had to overcome a toxic work environment during the first half of my internship term
and that taught me how to overcome problems with other employees.
I benefitted from this internship because I was able to do both field work as well as in
office work, where I learned communication skills, time management, and gained
knowledge for what it is like to be an employee of the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
My field work experiences were my absolute favorite because not only was I able to work
with my supervisor but I was able to work with several different employees from
different regional offices, where I assisted in several different tasks. I now have
experience working with specialized equipment as well as live fish in both streams and
lakes. While doing office work I learned more about time management and was able to
experience the paperwork side of doing research and surveys.
I benefited from my internship from having a hands-on experience with different gear
and gaining knowledge about the fish community present in North East Montana. At first
my challenge was having difficulty using the gear but with practice it evolved into a major
I benefited from the internship in several ways. I gained experience in several fish
population monitoring methods, fish removal from a body of water, and conducting creel
surveys. The creel surveys in particular provided a challenge for me in communicating
with the public, and I feel like I gained a lot from it.
I was able to expand my professional experience with meeting new uprising companies
through the alliance. I also learned how contracts through a venue would be set up that
will help me as I enter the venue management industry.
This internship helped me learn how to take initiative and start and finish a project on my
own. It allowed for a lot of autonomy.
I benefitted from the internship by gaining a more in-depth understanding of how
nonprofits function and what is necessary for an organization to be successful. I learned a
lot about staff and board relations and also the development and design of a Strategic
Plan. I met several people within the community who are affiliated with the organization
which is always beneficial to job networking. Overall it was a very positive experience and
I really enjoyed getting to know the staff. It was a rewarding experience knowing I was
able to give back to my community and help the organization by contributing ideas
gained from previous work experience and academic knowledge.
I gained skills for interpersonal and professional work. I also gained public speaking skills
and problem solving skills.
In particular, I benefited from the opportunity to improve writing, speaking, event
planning, and grassroots organizing skills. It was beneficial to collaborate with other
interns to plan the Spring Kick-off event and the Lobby Day in Helena. These were
organizational skills that I was hoping to work on and improve upon. I was happy to get
Montana Public Interest Research
Montana Radio Company
Montana State Developmental
Disabilities Program
Montana State Historic
Preservation Office
Montana Timber Products
Montana Vocational Rehabilitation
and Blind Services
Montana World Affairs Council
Montana World Affairs Council
Morning Light Photography
Moss Adams, Portland
Mountain Line
National Geographic Yellowstone
National Park Service- Glacier
the opportunity to work on these skills. The internship also helped me to improve my
writing skills because every day I had to type something that corresponded to what we
were working on. Lastly, I had to gather signatures from students. This is something I was
not looking forward to; however I am glad that I got the chance to do it because I learned
how to do it better and I think this is something important for me to be able to do.
This internship gave me experiences that allowed me to improve my people skills and
lobbyist skills.
I have learned how to use programs essential to me in my schooling (such as adobe
audition) with more ease than before. I can record, edit, and export professional
sounding sound clips in minutes. The internship has made me very efficient at my work.
I benefited greatly from the experience of being “inside” state government as it worked
toward a specific and timely change in disability policy. I had the opportunity to
participate with the Montana State Developmental Disabilities Program as it utilized a
community input process to change funding sources, and revise procedures, for assessing
and treating autism among minors.
I was able to read through archaeological site records, giving me an idea of how the sites
should be recorded. I also was able to practice digitizing sites with Esri's ArcGIS software,
combining GIS skills with Anthropology/Archaeology and Cultural Resource Management.
Furthered my online marketing skills. Launched new website and wrote online content to
drive internet traffic.
It helped me network with other agencies, and because of that I was already offered a
I learned a great deal about working with in an international focus. I also was really able
to practice my professionalism and work ethic.
This internship was beneficial in so many ways, and challenging in many I did not expect.
With that being said, the challenges certainly contributed to or were directly responsible
for the benefits derived from the internship. I learned a lot about myself and how I best
operate (I work best in environments with high expectations and significant pressure),
and that I can communicate well to and in front of groups of people. The transition from
the old directors (Aubrie and Aimee) to the new (Cassie and Susan) has certainly posed
the most surprising challenges, but I also learned the most through these experiences
and am very glad to have been a part of the Council as a whole.
As head intern, I got to work on my communication and listening skills while trying to
mobilize the troops.
Can communicate needs and ideas in a more persuasive way.
I definitely learned a skill set specific to political organizing that I will use in the future.
MontPIRG has already helped me successfully pursue summer employment.
I gained leadership skills.
I learned a great deal about being a self-starter, figuring out what needs to be done on a
project and getting after it. I gained skills in persuasively confronting and communicating
with people I did not know. I worked with a group of nine other interns and over-came
the challenge of working with all of us having office hours and schedule to accomplish
project management and event planning.
I have benefited from this internship in multiple ways. Learning the technical and physical
skills of studio setup, lighting, and editing will help me with blueprint goals of running my
own studio. The business side of creating orders and running reports will obviously
benefit the financial portion of my goals. Last but not least, my personable and customer
service skills have been improved by this experience.
Most importantly, I learned that I am not suited for a life in the city. I discovered that I
want to begin my career in Montana.
Interacting with the community in a variety of ways by promoting Mountain Line's new
2015 services proved to be a valuable experience, as it greatly enhanced my
communication, creativity, and leadership skills. It was rewarding to share the benefits of
the new Mountain Line initiatives with the community, strengthening their position as a
valuable asset to Missoula.
I have been learning everything from people skills to time management, and technical
photographic skills. I am learning how to tell stories and connect with people through
photography and how to target the subjects needed to tell a story - how to give people
and place a voice. I am learning how to approach people and work with them. I am also
discovering the world of film photography and how different mediums are an effective
part of storytelling.
I created and presented a variety of programs which I had never done before so it greatly
National Park
Native American Studies
Department at the University of
Montana, Missoula
Native Generational Change
NCBI Missoula
NCBI Missoula
New Directions Wellness Center
New Directions Wellness Center
Ninemile Ranger District Lolo
National Forest
Northwest Connections
Northwestern Mutual
Office of International Programs
Study Abroad
Office of International Programs
Study Abroad Office
Open Aid Alliance
Owl Research Institute
expanded my programming abilities.
I benefited greatly in my development as an educator in my time interning at the Native
American Studies Department at the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana. I was
fortunate to have the guidance of Wade Davies to develop my skills as an educator and
facilitator of lessons plans pertaining to Native American traditional sports games. I
furthered my network of contacts in the field of education, and found outlets for my
lesson plans to be implemented at the K-12 grade levels. An all encompassing experience
of interrelatedness of my studies as a Media Arts, Early Education, Native American
Studies, and Psychology backgrounds were reinforced throughout my internship
experience. I was challenged with the amount of work, as it had to be relevant,
understandable, and concise for others to use. I am glad to have had a positive
experience and quality educators to mold myself into a fine educator.
Well working this internship I was exposed to the dynamics of Non-profit work and the
tasks of wearing multiple work hats. The feeling of completing a project was rewarding
because of the end result was a change in someone’s life.
I learned how to work and communicate within an organization, I worked more on
professional writing skills such as grant writing and press release writing. My internship
was highly valuable in learning how to create positive professional environments.
I learned how to write grants, which has improved my writing abilities. I also learned
professional communication skills. The most important thing I have learned from my
internship is how to discuss difficult issues and promote diversity in the workplace.
I gained experience with real clients that is difficult to replicate. Having hands-on
experience with people that is greatly similar to the job I wish to acquire (Physical
Therapist) will forever benefit my learning experience here at University of Montana. I
learned how to communicate effectively with clients, co-workers, and supervisors. This
internship was the best way to enhance my learning.
I learned to accept more responsibility, and take on bigger tasks at work. I also learned a
lot about other people and ways of helping them when the system fails.
Allowed me to practice skills learned in class on my own without step by step directions.
Encouraged me to research questions to achieve goals. Provided experience for future
This was a really great internship. I was happy to get a little bit of wildlife management
and conservation background through this internship. Tracking animals in the Southwest
Crown of the Continent ecosystem was an incredible way to spend 3 weeks in January. It
was hard work, long days of snowmobiling, snowshoeing and driving, but it definitely
worth it. I learned a ton about tracking animals and why agencies like the forest service
work with NGO's like Northwest Connections. Understanding animal tracks and sign from
a snowmobile is not easy at first but with help from the employees at NwC I picked it up
quickly. It was really beneficial to work on an animal monitoring project like this because
it is something I have interest in, but haven't been able to take an official class on. There
is a lot of camaraderie amongst the people on all levels of the project which was another
great part of the internship. I was able to interact at both an official level with those
involved as well as casual time where we just got to know each other.
I benefitted from this internship by gaining hands-on work experience, while acquiring a
new skill set based around marketing, interviewing and communication skills.
Working in a professional environment will help me with my future career. It has also
reaffirmed that I would like to work in international communication. The challenge I most
encountered during this internship was the lack of organization within the office and
amongst the full time employees.
I learned how to be independent when technology failed, people weren't very
responsive, or when I was trying to meet a deadline. I was able to express myself
creatively and work on projects that I had interest in.
I received an opportunity to learn about different O/S that exist in the marketplace and
how different and yet the same they are. My primary experience has been in windows
based systems and the opportunity at Onxmaps delved into Android and IOS systems.
This was quite challenging and rewarding.
I've benefited by working with many different types of people. They have opened my
eyes to a different world than I'm used to.
I got some hands-on experience in the field handling birds and learned specific ways of
locating and capturing birds. I improved my general bird identification abilities in the
field. I also got to entry real recorded data collected over many seasons and look a
patterns in measurements and movement of owls over times.
Partnership for Children
PayneWest Insurance
PEAK Health & Wellness Center
Planet Drum Ecuador
Planet Drum Foundation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Projects Abroad - The Cape
Purple Frog Gardens
Reinvest Montana
Rivertop Renewables
Rocky Mountain Conservancy
Conservation Corps
Rocky Mountain Entertainment
Rodale, Inc. - Runner's World
From my internship, I've gained several intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. I have also
built on top of several skills I already have. My attentive listening skills and problem
solving are the two major skills I have seen major improvement in from myself. There are
several unique situations that I find myself in at work where I need to be able to think
quickly and act effectively. The biggest challenge I've encountered was the amount I have
had to work while being a full time student. There was about a month where I was
pulling 50+ hours a week which really took its toll on me. On top of that, there is quite a
bit of emotion that is involved in this work it and certainly has affected me mentally but
has yet to deter me or hinder my work.
I have benefited from my marketing internship with PayneWest tremendously. Projects I
have worked on include: writing company press releases, community sponsorship and
advertisement research, prospect client research, blogging, updating the website,
designing marketing materials, running the social media accounts, and creating a
marketing expense spreadsheet. This internship has benefited me by exposing me to
many different areas of marketing. I have wonderful bosses who value my ideas and
input. They trust my work and allow me to have complete control over our social media
accounts and access to updating our website.
I was exposed to the expansive possibilities of being a health coach. I am going to start
working at the service desk and as a health coach at PEAK, which was a major benefit of
this internship.
I realized the difficulty of taking a grassroots approach to solving problems in a
community. I have learned to take initiative when trying to implement projects. I have
started to overcome my fear of talking in front of groups of people (as I have had to do
this multiple times, in another language). I have expanded my knowledge of the
environment, while getting the experience of working with a team of people who speak
different languages. I have been able to work with kids and feed off their energy in a way
I never have before.
This internship required me to balance responsibilities and manage my own time. I was
challenged to be flexible and adaptable, responding to changes in circumstance in a
culture where commitment does not carry the premium that it does in my own. I
improved my self-advocacy, initiative-taking and self-management skills.
Hands-on experience, insight into how audit teams are structured, and built new
professional relationships
Working abroad has offered me the chance to not only get to know another culture but
to learn about how journalism differs across the globe. In the office I work with a variety
of international students and interns and have had the opportunity to expand my own
network. Working in a country where there are 11 national languages has improved my
ability to communicate with a wide array of people, despite any cultural or language
barriers we may have.
Working at Purple Frog not only taught me about growing food, but also the current
state of food politics and policy. Mike and Pam are truly inspirational people!
I've grown immensely as an organizer for Reinvest Montana and the Divestment Student
Network. I've been pushed to lead trainings, meet with administrators, communicate
with faculty and community members, facilitate meetings and events, speak at rallies,
ask for support, strategize for the campaign, lead the campaign, and mentor other
students. It has also been a great crash course in finance, investment portfolios,
administrative power structures, long-term campaign planning, and managing group
dynamics. All of these things pushed my comfort zone and increased my confidence and
ability to lead and to mentor. I appreciated having a good deal of flexibility and limited
direct supervision; it allowed me to feel ownership over my role and to push myself
further than I thought I could go.
This internship gave me a real life preview of what it is like to work in a professional
chemistry lab. I learned how to work and understand a number of chemistry instruments
and was able to apply my knowledge of chemistry in a hands on way.
I benefited many things from this internship. I learned how to mesh with different people
and how to work with the public on a closer basis while working out on trails. These
things will help me with my future career whatever it is I may go into.
I could not be more happy with this internship opportunity. I learned how to promote the
company through social media, and maintain a very well time managed schedule. I faced
challenges with budgeting money and keeping events organized, but I was able to handle
all of them with the help of Casey Pobran.
I have learned more about websites and how they work, as well as their relationship to
the print magazine. This internship has also taught me how to effectively pitch an editor
Roxy Theater/IWFF
Salt Lake City Corporation (the city
San Juan Center for Independence
Sanisera Field School
Scenic Route Films
Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church
Senator Tester's office in
Washington D.C.
SGL Investment Advisors
Silver Bow County Developmental
Disabilities Council
Six Pony Hitch
SkoFlo Industries, Inc.
Smokejumper Visitor Center
Society for Wilderness Stewardship
South Dakota State University
an idea.
I learned many valuable skills through completing this internship. I learned it is valuable
to take initiative, especially by going above and beyond what you are asked to do. I also
learned several teamwork skills, along with the regular operations of a nonprofit
I received a professional experience in the workplace and was able to test out a field of
work I was interested in. This internship allowed me to take principles from my classes,
especially Sustainable Cities, and see how they are applied or if they are applied in city
government. Now I have an inside perspective to city sustainability.
My internship provided a great experience to get into my field of study and to work with
and serve people. I really loved working with all of the different people we served and
having to figure out how to meet them at their level and to serve them in a way that
properly met their needs. It was a great learning experience and really improved my
professional skills.
I learned so much about archaeological theory and practice. I was also fortunate enough
to be able to take time and explore the area (including going to a traditional cultural
festival), which gave me a chance to practice my (terrible!) Spanish, pick up phrases in
Catalan, and really just immerse myself in the local color. Travel really is the best teacher.
When someone is involved with media arts, there are two things that need to be taught.
One, proficiency in the programs and in the medium, and the second being how to use
those skills in a professional workplace. My internship at Scenic Route gave me
invaluable insight into how a successful production company is run, and how to use the
skills I've acquired over the years in a professional setting.
I got to experience the federal lands that I've been studying how to manage for the past
four years. I found the largest challenge was staying motivated when I did not see many
recreationalists using the trail system and campsites I maintained and inventoried. The
benefits of this internship were that I was exposed to many members of the Wilderness
Community and learned from both the other interns, and the SBFC staff as to how it was
to work for a federal agency partner organization.
Before taking this internship I hadn't declared a major and I wasn't sure what kind of
classes I wanted to be taking. I know have a great interest in Political Science and will
most likely be declaring that as my major when I'm back in Missoula. I have learned so
much about politics, D.C., and the office lifestyle. One thing that was challenging for me
was deciding what topics to focus on. There's so many things going on in the world and
the problems can be overwhelming.
I have learned a great deal of both investment and financial world knowledge, as well as
technical proficiency in what seems a short amount of time. I have been able to grow
both personally and professionally in a friendly workplace environment.
The thing that benefited me mostly was positive reinforcement.
I learned many core elements about the social work profession during my internship.
These include how to conduct an assessment, how to write case notes, and how to set
goals and objectives with clients. This knowledge will be beneficial in my career.
I was able to do a lot of exercises that I hadn't done in a professional capacity before. For
example, I met with an IP attorney to discuss the intellectual property/patent ability of
the product. I also haven't written a complete competitive analysis before, so that was a
helpful exercise for me.
I learned all about network infrastructure, team meetings, help desk, troubleshooting
experience, hardware and software installation, and managing backup tapes. These skills
were all learned on the job and will help open doors with other companies. I also
polished up my interpersonal communication skills when I worked with employees in
manufacturing and office environments. When I came across a challenge, I would
troubleshoot, or ask my supervisor if I couldn't find the answer.
I was challenged with learning about the smokejumpers in a short amount of time before
I was expected to give tours. I was expected to accurately give answers to guest
questions at a moment’s notice. I benefited personally and professionally from learning
about Missoula's cultural resource that is the smokejumpers.
Overall everything I have done has been a very new experience for me, it has really given
me a welcoming experience to what is in-store for my future.
I learned how to conduct interviews, how to write articles with word counts and
deadlines, and how to conduct myself in a professional manner
This internship improved my abilities in nearly every field possible. On the field side of
things, I am now very skilled in the use of gear for standard sampling of lakes, and have
Sovann Komar Children's Village
ST. Patrick's Cardiopulmonary
St. Patrick's Hospital
St. Patrick's Hospital
St. Patrick's Hospital
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
Steamboat Springs Resort, Kids
vacation Center
Student Advocacy Resource Center
Student Affairs IT
Student Conservation Association
with the National Park Service
Study Abroad Office
Study Abroad Office
Susan Talbot Home for Girls
Sustainable Business Council
The Associated Students of the
University of Montana
The Buckle
The Center for Restorative Youth
The Center For Restorative Youth
The Fund For Animals Wildlife
gained much experience interacting professionally with members of other organizations,
as well as representing a professional organization myself when interacting with the
public. I have also gained a lot of experience creating and doing statistical analysis on
data sets. To top it off, I will continue with the work I did this summer in co-authoring a
paper with my employer. It was overall a very useful experience.
I benefitted in a cross-cultural sense. I feel that I can now enter into any foreign situation
and have a plan of action. It has been difficult being around so many people that speak
little to no English; I have had to get creative and determined to get points across. I have
also had to become very prepared with several plans and back-up plans in case someone
did not understand something I said. It's a chain reaction at that point and I had to roll
with a lot of random events. I thought it was incredibly exciting to never know how
things will turn out. Nothing went as expected.
Improved clinical skills, improved patient communication skills, improve practical clinical
skills (blood pressure)
I have gotten better at taking exercise blood pressures, I now understand patient charts
and important paperwork, and I have taken time to become familiar with medications
and patients' charts.
This internship experience is affording me the unique opportunity to learn how to
conduct myself in a professional manner while on the job.
I really got to apply the knowledge I have learned from my exercise science courses. I
appreciated that I was able to have direct contact with patients. This experience taught
me a lot about the heart, EKG's, and cardiopulmonary rehab.
This internship taught me proper ways to communicate with others in a work setting.
Since I was instruction it also gave me ample time to work on my communication skills
with parents.
I've learned so much about myself as well as being able to work with others on events
and other projects!
At this internship, I learned how to better work as part of a team to achieve a common
goal, improve my written and oral communication, how to prioritize smaller tasks that
are part of a larger project, how to improve my technical troubleshooting skills, and the
value of customer service.
I was able to get my foot into the national parks service program thru this internship.
I feel that this internship will benefit me greatly in the future. The experience I gain
though working in the office I will be able to take to future jobs. For example before this
job I had never worked in an office setting, I have gained valuable experiences by working
I was able to further develop my skills and learn more about the field I was working in.
The internship was a great experience. I developed professional skills and I was able to
apply academic experience and skill to my work field.
Learned a great variety of technical and communication skills that I may or may not use
someday, but nevertheless I am happy to possess them. Personal growth and figuring out
things that I enjoy working on.
The biggest challenge for me was learning time management. It is always a struggle and
adding in the extra internship hours made it worse. I did learn some techniques and
really just adapted.
This internship provided an abundance of hands on experience with teamwork. Each day
I was required to put my leadership skills to the test as well as contribute to the team as
a whole and collaborate with others to make each day go smoothly. Overall this
internship was a fantastic setting to get the hang of working in a leadership role and to
learn all of the pieces that make up what a great management team is.
This allowed me have an inside look at the social problem of youth recidivism and
assured me that social work and working with youth/children is where I belong.
This internship helped me build a connection to my community and learn all the
resources available. I was also gained experience and confidence when facilitate groups
and working with clients. I was forced to evaluate difficult situations and solve problems I
wouldn't have been able to previously. It has been an amazing experience!
I benefited from this internship because I was challenged to not only work in team
settings, but also work independently on certain tasks. I also was challenged to use my
knowledge of wildlife and apply it to rehabilitation.
The internship was through the
University of North Carolina but
took place in Montana
The Livery, Inc.
The Loft of Missoula
The Missoulian
The Missoulian
The News Tribune
The Nora Staael Evert Physical
Therapy Clinic
The Roxy Theater
The University of MontanaDepartment of Intercollegiate
The Wilderness Society
The Wildlife Center
Tie Haberdashery
Tioga Tribune
Townsquare Media
Trout Unlimited
The internship was a benefit because of the knowledge that you gain with the handling of
mammals and the difficulty of field research.
The greatest benefit from this internship was learning how to manage projects
I was able to use a lot of the things I learned in business school in this internship and put
them into a real-time scenario. There was also the benefit of learning many new things,
such as the day-to-day operations and processes used by this business.
I have benefited greatly from the newsroom atmosphere, and the opportunity to work in
a real capacity. It has been a rewarding experience that will serve me well as I begin my
I like it a lot. This internship provides me with real world experience. It is also challenging
in that way because having to write so much in so little time can be tough as well as the
other problems being worse because you are in a professional setting.
I've had the opportunity to act like a real journalist. I've covered major league baseball
games, minor league games, and many sports in between, gaining experience and
cultivating contacts within the industry.
Interning at the NSE Physical Therapy Clinic afforded me the opportunity to gain
invaluable experience and insight into the PT profession. Over the course of the
semester, I learned and put into practice numerous applicable skills that will undoubtedly
aid me as I pursue a career in physical therapy.
Solving client issues and keeping relationships positive. Learned Photoshop techniques
and editing skills.
I was able to shadow Ryan Martin and see the insides of the Athletic department. I got to
see how money is budgeted, how decisions were made on where extra money goes and
how to decisions were made on what funding to cut. I was also able to to compile data
and organize it into a Excel spreadsheet in a way that showed the importance of those
I learned how to collect field data properly and write reports using BLM and Forest
Service standards. I also learned valuable skills regarding coworker dynamic and
communication. Being in the field for multiple days on end with one coworker required
me to exercise conflict management and helped to better my communication skills.
This internship has been an incredible experience. The first week I began learning the
basics: handling and feeding songbirds and corvids; preparing raptor, owl, squirrel, bear,
elk, and corvid diets; medical charting, and communicating with the public about
rehabilitation inquiries. Soon I was taught to handle raptors and owls; to handle small
mammals; avian anatomy; how to calculate medication doses; to develop and read
radiographs; and became proficient at administering fluids and medications (oral,
subcutaneous, and intramuscular) to mammals and birds. As my internship draws to a
close, I have observed surgeries and necropsies; assisted with drawing and analyzing
blood; released patients back into the wild; completed intake of patients and determined
and administered treatment on my own. I have been the most affected by seeing the
quality of care provided to each individual, regardless of species. I've assisted with the
intake and physical exam of injured golden eagles who are now flying and killing prey on
their own, am currently monitoring feces, administering medication, and gavaging a rock
dove who came in with a fractured leg and liver issues, and have woken several times
throughout the night to bottle-feed a newborn deer mouse. Being part of an
organization that cares so much for each animal has solidified my commitment to a
future in the nonprofit wildlife sector.
I have benefited from working with other people closely, communicating for every
project, and reaching out to people for cross-promotion. My communication skills have
benefited, as well as my photography and writing skills.
I have been able to cover every type of story from hard news to features, and am readily
able, and encouraged, to pitch any story I please. Though not all pitches “work out,” I still
have the opportunity to approach any article from an entirely creative and new way. It's
Honestly, it has really helped me get better at using Audition, a sound mixing software
that I think I will be using for a long period of time within my life.
Gaining the knowledge and experience working with aquatic invertebrates. Learning to
identify characteristics important to key out specific levels of classifications for several
different families. With this work I will be able to further my knowledge of identification
by completing certifications for identifications of family levels for 3 different levels of
aquatic invertebrates.
Tuscany Construction
Two Medicine Dinosaur Center
U.S. Department of Transportation
(DOT) - Office of Drug and Alcohol
Policy and Compliance (ODAPC) In the Office of the Secretary (OST)
U.S. Forest Service - Tally Lake
Ranger District
UM Athletic Department
UM Career Services
UM Foundation
UM Relations
United States Agency for
International Development (USAID)
United States Army Corps of
Engineers- Libby Dam
United States Fish and Wildlife
United States Forest Service Smoke
United States Forest Service,
What I benefited from this internship is that I was able to see how construction differs in
Montana then in Washington. I learned the different techniques building companies use
in Montana to help with the cold that companies in Washington don't have to worry
I was here last year, and that was great for an introduction to working in a small
nonprofit/museum, but this year I took on more duties and more responsibility. Instead
of focusing on one gear in the “machine,” I got to see more of it and had a look into
everything that went on. This year helped me realize what I want to do for graduate
school and also gave me something to focus on and work towards for the next five years.
I think that as I come back to this institution every year I will learn more and more that
will greatly benefit me in the future.
I benefited from this internship in many different ways. I could never thank my boss
(Patrice) enough for how much she has taught me in these last two months. She is one
of the most caring individuals I have ever met, and she always welcomes questions. I
cannot think of one time where I was afraid to ask her, or any of her staff a question. I
was sent on tasks where I was expected to be a self-starter and solve the problems
myself, which made me grow throughout this internship.
Learned how to approach people on wildlife issues and speak to them about the rules
they must abide by.
I gained experience in high pressure situations and working in a team oriented
I learned how the school markets and promotes a lot of the events that are put on, and I
also learned which ways work better when trying to reach out to students. I increased my
knowledge of certain software programs like Photoshop and Cascade, which let me
utilize my creativity. One challenge was that I sometimes felt like I wasn't being utilized
enough or didn't have the resources/guidance to really develop and implement new
We were challenged to think outside of the box on more than one occasion, which is an
attribute found commonly in the “real world”. This was a great experience overall, I am
extremely pleased with it.
I was able to learn to use a business intelligent software, which I find an extreme benefit
as it will look good on my resume.
My work with Google AdWords provided me with online ad campaign management skills
that I may not have learned otherwise. These skills will prove to be extremely useful in
my next internship with Atlas Sian this Summer. Though the work was challenging, I feel
that I benefited from the technical challenges I was encountered with throughout the
Being immersed in the fast-paced (even overworked) environment of USAID's Legislative
Affairs office provided me with the amount, type, and level of work that and employee
for a federal office is faced with while still providing ample interaction with the Hill and
incredibly useful insights into the way that legislation is formulated, drafted, and
advocated for. It also gave me a sense that I could not have gotten elsewhere about the
multifaceted mechanics of an open legislative system in which rational & ethical
considerations, business & parochial interests, etc. are all competing for center stage.
My communication skills and confidence definitely benefited from this summer
internship. I now feel confident that I have what it takes to be a valued employee. One of
my challenges this summer was understanding how a network works. I had a hard time
understanding how to put an archive software database onto a network so that everyone
on the network could use it.
This internship gave me a greater understanding of what field work is like. It also helped
me better understand the duties of a Wildlife Biologist. My supervisors were supportive
and taught me valuable skills, such as how to trap bears, how to collect hair samples,
what working in the field of Wildlife Biology is really like, and how to set up hair corral
stations, among many other things. I also gained experience in handling sedated bears
and what type of information is collected from them. I was able to help work on three
sedated grizzly bears and two sedated black bears. I learned what type of drugs they use
and the method in which the drugs are administered. I thought that this internship went
really well and am very grateful toward my supervisors for providing me with this
expanding my knowledge in the wide variety technology and troubleshooting
This internship greatly improved my communication skills. I learned to connect with
people on a personal level in order to engage them in my presentations. A lot of visitors
United Way of Missoula County
Universal Vision
University of Montana
University of Montana - University
University of Montana - Women's
Resource Center
University of Montana
Anthropological Curation Facility
University of Montana
Anthropological Curation Facility
University of Montana
Anthropological Curation Facility
University of Montana Athletic
Performance Department
University of Montana Athletics
Sports Information
University of Montana
Biomechanics Lab
University of Montana Campus
University of Montana Climate
Change Studies Program
University of Montana Dining
University of Montana Herbarium
University of Montana
Intercollegiate Athletics
to the summit nature center came from a variety of different states and countries, so I
interacted with people from diverse backgrounds. I gained experience presenting
knowledge about plants and wildlife to visitors to the Flathead National Forest. My
biggest challenge was learning to interact effectively with kids. I learned how remarkably
hard it can be to maintain the attention of kids during an outdoor program, where there
are so many things to distract them. Through my internship I also gained more
knowledge about local wildlife species, and how people perceive certain animals.
I gained great experience with social media marketing. This was the strongest work skill
that I developed in the internship. I also gained experience with working in Windows
Publisher. I
I learned that I need to make sure that I am always on track with my job and speak up
when I have questions or more guidance because sometimes the instructions or the boss
is not clear
I learned many new skills to utilize in the field of Cultural Resource Management.
The internship prepared me for real-world advertising agency work and greatly improved
my marketing skill set.
This opportunity gave me more experience working with issues that I care deeply about,
as well as offering connections within the community with various feminist organizations
that could help me throughout my career.
I got experience working in a curation environment and it allowed me to see the time
and work that it takes to organize a successful facility.
I learned a great deal about the process of repatriation in a real world context, and saw
firsthand the challenges and the benefits of this system and the laws behind it. Having
little interest in Native American history and culture prior to this experience, I am now
thoroughly enthralled. This internship coincided with a research project for a different
class on the same subject, and it helped immensely to compare the literature to the
practice. The challenge that I faced with this internship was that I felt thrown into some
aspects of it, and at times the learning process felt like a trial by fire. I was sometimes
give assignments with little guidance, supervision, or feedback.
It was amazing to be around ethnographic collections and artifacts, and I learned so
much about some of the background work that is done after arch. Digs are over. I learned
about the importance of cataloguing and data entry of artifacts and collections. But the
most important thing I really benefitted from was talking to Professor Auge and getting
to ask her questions about artifacts or historical archaeology, or just about her life as an
archaeologist and professor. I gained so much just from those conversations.
I earned experience in the setting I am most interested in building a career in. It was
difficult mostly being an observer but I think I learned many new tactics and techniques
in the strength and conditioning field. Just being around the atmosphere and engaging as
much as possible helped me get a feel of what being a college strength and conditioning
coach entails.
I have faced real work place problems that could come up in my respective field. In turn, I
have learned how to deal with these problems.
My internship allowed me to take all of the information that I had obtained in my PreProfessional HHP major and apply it in a real setting. In addition, the study involved the
sport in which I compete which allowed me to understand it from all angles and apply it
in real time.
I have benefitted in many different ways from this internship. I have learned how
important it is to keep good communication so that the project can remain on schedule
and moving smoothly. I have learned how important it is to listen to the client so that
you can provide them with an end product that fits their wants and needs.
The flexibility of the experience benefited my ability to learn.
I love my independent project. I take guidance and knowledge from Natasha and have
used it to formulate what is hopefully a successful growing plan for UM's first organic
mushroom crop.
I learned a lot about specimen preservation and day to day operations of the Herbarium.
I now understand how to properly mount and preserve plant specimens. My research
was specific to the Craighead Collection. It has given me an opportunity to connect
wildlife conservation with botany preservation.
This internship has taught me so much. First of all it taught me how to work in a real
world environment. I also learned how to work with a team, be a leader, marketing
techniques, how to market a sporting event, how to produce ads and how to read a
University of Montana Office of
University of Washington Chemical
Engineering Department
US Forest Service, in Cooke City MT
Valley Community Church of God
Washington Corporations
Watershed Education Network
Watershed Education Network
Watershed Education Network
Watkins and Shepard
Wear Your Roots
Whatcom Humane Society Wildlife
Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife and Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Genetics Lab USFS Rocky
Mountain Research Station
Wolf Haven International
Women's Opportunity & Resource
Development (WORD Inc.)
Women's Resource Center
World Wide Opportunity on
Organic Farms
protocol. All of these are great added benefits that came from this internship. However
sometimes technology does not work and that can be a challenge, but we learned how to
go with the flow and come up with a solution to the problem.
I benefitted by strengthening my communication skills and time management.
I think the biggest thing I learned about doing research this summer was to not be
discouraged by preliminary results. Not only were our initial results not agree with our
hypothesis, they were scattered and seemingly useless. Through modification of the
initial experimental design, continued data collection, and careful data analysis we were
able to make some interesting statements from what seemed to be a hopeless line of
I learned technical skills that will help me in the future. I was able to learn from land
managers that will help me become a future land manager. If I had any problems in the
field I was able to work through them by myself or with my partner. I gained more
confidence in myself and the ability to make quick decisions in the field. I also had
opportunities to improve my skill in talking to the public and educating them about the
Forest Service. Sometimes I had to quickly change plans but I learned how to manage my
time and still complete the given tasks.
I was given the opportunity to sharpen my skills as a professional. Teresa was able to give
me instruction and help me with my writing skills.
My internship offered me real world experience in accounting. I learned that accounting
is constantly a puzzle as the numbers do not always reconcile or work out perfectly like
they do in our homework. But I love that challenge. My internship also solidified my
passion for accounting.
Benefits included learning how to prepare educational lessons and incorporate my
creativity into each. Challenges I experienced were rare yet did occur. The most
memorable was getting full class participation during lectures at Willard High.
It was nice to get to know an organization in town. Furthermore, it provided a venue to
apply what I was learning in class to a real world context.
The greatest benefit to me was learning how to write a lesson plans, and a series of
lesson plans, based on the prior knowledge of a group of students. I had to be patient,
clear, and concise with my lessons in order for them to receive the most information.
Another benefit was simply participating in the Watershed Education Network, because
everyone was so positive and organized; it was a very pleasant experience.
I learned how to work with computers in a business aspect, and have become proficient
with many types of programs such as excel, corel etc.
I just learned a lot that I didn't know before about working with a business like this! It has
a lot of challenges! Communication was key in everything and it's something that needs
to be used constantly or else things won't be done effectively.
I the amount that I learned during this internship was amazing. I got hands on experience
in animal husbandry, diet preparation, veterinary procedures, animal restraint and much
more. I gained valuable knowledge specific for rehabilitation but also improved my
organization, communication and decision-making skills. This is one of the best
experiences I've ever had in my life and I know it will help me immensely with my future
career goals.
I got to use a lot of problem solving during this internship. Multiple times a reaction I was
doing would stop working and we would all have to work to find a way around these
I benefited from this internship in so many ways, I met some great professionals and
learned more than I could of ever thought from them. There were many challenges in
working with taxes for the first time, but I was able to overcome and learn from them
with the help of this great company. I am very thankful for the experience.
I learned how to handle animals while they're under anesthesia, something that I will be
doing in my future work field in wildlife biology. I also learned how to draw blood for
genetic purposes. Some challenges were predicting the unexpected and working with
people who I've only known for a day or two. It was hard but I learned a lot about
communication with peers even in situations where you might not know them that well.
A lot of factors played against my position and status at WORD Inc. What I will take away
from this experience is to have a realistic expectation of what the internal structure and
cohesiveness of community organizations actually look like.
Event planning and constant support from other members of the organization.
An incredible opportunity for exploration of the world and of myself and for immense
personal growth
WWOOF France-La Prade
WYR Clothing
Yellowstone Club, Outdoor
Youth Dynamics, Inc
Z5 Ranch
I really enjoyed being a WWOOFer and I learned a lot. I stayed with a young family in
France for two weeks and helped them on their small organic farm. They were part of a
bigger community of farmers and artisans so it was very interesting to see how that
community worked together to produce and sell products. In addition to technical
farming skills, I also was able to learn about how the family got starred in organic farming
and what life is like as a farmer in France. The biggest challenge I had was the language
barrier. My WWOOF hosts spoke almost no English so we communicated all in French.
This sometimes made it challenging to figure out certain tasks or things like the schedule
for the day. Overall, however, it was easy to communicate with lots of gestures and
demonstrating and I was able to laugh at myself with my hosts over small
misunderstandings and translation errors.
I gained a lot of hands-on, real life experience. This is a very fast-paced environment and
the business is growing fast. I was able to help with many tasks necessary to run a small
business that I wouldn't have been involved in with a larger company. It was a great
I benefited in many ways form this internship with the Yellowstone Club's Outdoor
Pursuits division. One of the main benefits and challenges that I experienced was working
with the members of the club. There were many situations where I would have to make a
decisions that would affect the group I was leading as a whole. This internship showed
me that I have the confidence to lead a group and that I want to pursue a career that
involves working with people.
Working with and shadowing a case manager to gain more knowledge about the skills
they contain.
I learned so much and ended up getting a job through them for future and maybe a
practicum! It's so awesome! I absolutely loved it!
I was introduced to all aspects of a startup business. The biggest benefit was having a real
world business to apply school concepts to. In class I would think of my internship, and
better understand how business concepts apply.
196 interns responded to the open-ended question, “Is there anything else you would like to share
about your internship experience?” Of those interns, 134 offered their comments for public distribution
and 64 others responded but declined to have their comments published. Those 64 responses have
been withheld from this report. Intern’s names have been withheld to adhere to FERPA requirements.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your internship experience?
221 Industries
3pd/XPO Last Mile Logistics
Advanced Technology Group
Advanced Technology Group
Alaskan Wildlife Conservation
Americans for Prosperity
Anglepoint Group
Animal Wonders Inc.
My internship experience showed me an entirely new field that I could use my MIS
degree in. If an opportunity arose for me to work in the extreme sports business I
would not hesitate to take it after my experience this summer.
AMAZING, don't want to leave
ATG has an excellent staff and all MIS students should strive to intern with the
company if they would like to stay in the Missoula area.
I was not aware that in order to get credits, I needed to register for an actual class
through the university. Because of this, I didn't sign up for financial aid and was
shocked when I was notified of my balance on Cyberbear. With the incredible support
that SOBA and its staff provide, it came as a surprise to me that no one mentioned that
I would have to PAY for my internship. Nowhere along the line did anyone mention this
to me, and I had to shell the money out from my personal savings. Luckily I had it or I
would have had to forfeit the credits for the internship. If I had been told previously, I
would have been better prepared.
This internship not only offered a great window into wildlife and landscape of Alaska,
but also enabled me to grow as a future wildlife biologist. My time at the Alaskan
Wildlife Conservation Center has been a big step in my path towards earning my degree
and narrowing my passion.
It was a good experience. I will never do an unpaid internship again.
My internship is still a few weeks from over so I have not been offered continued
employment yet although I expect to.
This internship taught me valuable life skills that will improve my professional and
educational outlook on life and help me with my career later on in life.
Animal Wonders Montana
Anthropology Curation Facility
Arvada Center for the Arts and
Associated Students of The
University of Montana
Athletic Performance CenterUniversity of Montana
Big Sky Community Corporation,
Big Sky, MT
Big Sky Renaissance Faire
This is an awesome internship for anyone who loves animals and is interesting in
becoming a teacher of some kind!
I believe that expressing that I had experience curating and identifying lithic artifacts in
a professional setting may have led to my application being selected and accepted for
The Olduvai Gorge Project field school this summer.
Overall, it was ok. Not exactly what I was expecting, but I am grateful for the learning
opportunities presented and to the Arvada Center staff for welcoming me with open
arms every single day.
It was a great experience. I feel that it is a very lucrative idea to give students these
Overall excellent experience.
I was their first intern, and Jessie expressed an interest in adopting an internship
program for the future. May be worth contacting her!
My internship with Big Sky Renaissance Faire was an amazing opportunity to learn
about the inner workings of a non-profit who is taking a unique approach of raising
money for other non-profits in need. My internship provided me with greater skills in
management and organization and prepared me for the eventual goal of setting up an
ongoing internship opportunity for other U of M students.
Billings Parks and Recreation
Thank you Cory for being so understanding and flexible with my out of town internship.
Blown Motor
I would highly recommend internships be mandatory for business students.
Blue Skies Campaign is a great organization to internship for. You can choose where
you want to focus your energy, and connections are in place for you to benefit from
and build upon.
Interning offered me a chance to apply my own flair to a real world job while applying
some skills I learned in the School of Business. Realizing just how valuable
communication skills are in the workplace was by far the most valuable takeaway from
this experience.
I really enjoyed me experience in the youth camps and feel that I learned a lot and will
be able to look back and benefit from this summers experience in the future.
I feel more confident in graduating this month and entering the work world with the
knowledge and skills to become a great job hunter and learned what it looks like to be
Blue Skies Campaign
Bottom Line Incontinence
Supply, Inc.
Campus Recreation University of
Career Services
Child Development Center
Child Protective Services
City of Missoula Bicycle and
Pedestrian Program
Clark Fork Organics
Community Cancer Center
Curry Health Center: WellnessWeigh to Go UM!
Daly Mansion
Department of Justice - Forensic
Science Division - Serology/DNA
Working with Dalit is great!
I really enjoyed my internship experience and I am excited to continue working at the
Child Development Center next semester.
Professor Larson was an awesome advisor always reminding us of when our
assignments were due which I felt was very important
Yes, I did not receive payment for any of my hours as of yet do to Internship Services
dropping the ball in completing my contract. I have close to $2,000 of back up pay
waiting. I hope that by the next pay period it will be there; although I have already been
told this three times. Extremely frustrating, I have a family to support and I think that
this is unacceptable.
I've really enjoyed my time at CFO and intend to volunteer at the PEAS Farm this
summer (and into the foreseeable future) to further foster my connection with my
food. I'm excited to continue growing and learning.
I loved it!
The HHP faculty internship advisor could have been more supportive and organized.
The semester was already well underway before I even received a syllabus and
expectations for the papers were not clear. However, the actual internship itself was an
excellent opportunity to improve my skills.
It was an awesome experience that I would recommend to all health related majors!
This internship has helped me make more narrowed decisions about what it is I want to
do with my degree when I graduate. I have also received so many lessons about how to
interact with people whether guests, volunteers, or staff that will benefit me in my
future employment.
It is quite difficult to register for an internship and wish it could just be a CyberBear
registration without the override slips and such.
Disney College Program
Dixon Historical Archaeology
Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center
Ecuadorian Rivers institute
Edge of The World - Treasure
State Shred Fest
Education Logistics, Inc
Element Physical Therapy
First Security Bank, A Division of
Glacier Bancorp, Inc.
Food & Water Watch
Forward Montana
Frenchtown School District
Full Circle Counseling Solutions
Great Bear Foundation
Grizzly Athletics
Grizzly Sports Properties
Hunters Glen
IE3- Treatment Action Campaign
Iowa Primate Learning
Irish Archaeological Field School
KBGA College Radio
Disney called program is a internship that you get paid for but it's a challenge that
every single college should do in their college careers are afterwards that time
management if you do that had roommates about the workforce and how to be on
time and know that it's yours to take everything single action at finding what you want
to pursue it
I would highly recommend an internship to any student, as it allows you to gain credits
while getting valuable on the job experience.
Working for Dorothy Pecaut, you have many opportunities to expand your skills needed
to work in wildlife biology. You get to experience everything from PR to animal care to
habitat rescue. The internships at Dorothy Pecaut are very well rounded.
I'd be happy to provide more information or answer any questions you have about my
Without the knowledge concerning the importance of an internship before graduation,
I would have missed obtaining such a valuable experience towards my career. The most
significant benefit of my experience was attaining a personalized relationship with my
supervisor and with a local company that aligns with my career goals. From this
internship, I now have a more thorough understanding of what it takes to organize,
develop, and mass-market a large-scale event.
This internship improved my skills in many ways professionally and personally. I learned
how to manage my time and make good use of it plus to always set goals and keep
track to see if I am achieving it or not
It was very good and helpful for seeing what my future career would look like.
Kathleen was always extremely friendly and helpful. She was so approachable and I felt
comfortable whenever I needed to discuss anything with her. I also appreciated her
very prompt responses to all of my inquiries via email. I feel as though she promoted
the success of my internship and I am very thankful to her. I would definitely
recommend any fellow student to see her regarding an internship interest.
I would recommend this internship to any student looking for experience in campaign
building/strategy, community organizing, or just general activism skills.
It was an amazing learning experience with great people
Serving as an elected official was a great and unique experience that provided an
educational experience that would be hard to quantify and not only did I benefit, but it
allowed me to make a significant contribution as well. This experience was much more
satisfying and educational than other internships in which you hand out flyers or pass
around petitions.
I was unable to reach my internship advisor all summer. I emailed twice and called his
office. This made my internship very difficult, as I did not have a clear idea of how to
keep track of my hours, logs, etc.
Working with the Great Bear Foundation was a great experience, allowing me to
develop key skills related to nonprofit management - including volunteer recruitment
and program development.
May be better as breaking it into two semester of intern teams. And pay would be
fantastic. It's great exposure but if you're going to pay GSP interns, it would be would
great to see it go both ways.
I would highly recommend this experience to anyone who wants some legitimate work
experience where job performance is vital. It's a great opportunity to learn from
business people who deal mainly in marketing.
The staff members I got to work with along with the residents I helped assist at Hunters
Glen are all great people and are an amazing team. I enjoyed growing and learning new
things with all of them. Amy and Aubrey gave me the chance to learn knew things and
watch them do their work as well. It was an amazing opportunity as well as an
awesome experience!
While this internship proved to be extremely challenging for me, this opinion is not
reflective of Internship Services or of IE3 and was specific to the organization in which I
was placed.
It was an amazing experience I will never forget.
It was a wonderful opportunity to grow professionally and academically while engaging
in an international experience.
The whole experience was very meaningful and provided me with excellent growth
Leslie Allen/ True Spirit CrossFit
and Yoga
Los Angeles Dodgers
Marketplace Media
Meadowlark Sciences
Missoula Butterfly House and
Missoula City-County Health
Department, Health Promotion,
Let's Move! Missoula
Missoula County Public Schools
District Technology Department
Missoula Urban Demonstration
Moab Sun News
Montana Conservation Corps
Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Montana Fish, Wildlife and
Parks, Region 4 Headquarters,
Great Falls Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and
Montana High Tech Business
Montana Outdoor Science
Montana State Developmental
Disabilities Program
In class, I don't get to experience what it is like to actually be on the job. You can
simulate it, but it just isn't the same. It's nice to actually be relied on for things and feel
accomplished when your work makes it onto TV. I constantly have family and friends
asking when my work will be on air so that they can watch it and that is a gratifying
feeling. This internship is making me realize that I truly have picked a dream job.
So far, everything is going well. The people are friendly and are giving me lots of
opportunities to work on stories and newscasts.
I would highly recommend an internship with Leslie to any student interested in
working in the fitness industry. She was supportive and encouraging without fail.
Go Dodgers!
I feel like I don't get enough direction, I would like them to give me tasks rather than
having to look for them.
I know that internships are usually not paid. However since it was such a big time
commitment it took away the ability to have a job so payment would have been nice.
It was an interesting experience.
I would encourage all students at UM to participate in internships. They are very
valuable and teach hands-on applicable skills that you can actually use in real life
situations and employment opportunities.
It was a fantastic experience, and challenging in its scope. I wish that I could have done
it more justice in devoting more time and energy to it, as it's a field I truly enjoy and
would love to work in. My supervisor could not have been better, I was very lucky to
work with the County and to work with Lisa. I regret the mistakes I made, and attribute
them to a lapse of attention to detail, time crunches, and a lapse of communication and
my own lack of checking and double checking information before it is printed. Lisa is
creative, kind, forgiving, and excellent in her position. She passed on helpful, pertinent
suggestions to make community projects more efficient and productive. I aspire to
work exactly as she does, with her professional manner, intelligence, and efficiency,
while making the job enjoyable and successful. She has become my hero, and I am very
grateful for the experience.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with MCPS! It was a great experience in which I learned
an exponential amount!
MUD is a great organization and I really enjoyed my time there.
I would do it again.
Communication is key.
More corroboration with government agencies can provide more internship
opportunists. They are excellent work experience.
This internship was the most amazing experience I have ever had. I learned so much
more than I could learn in a class room. I have learned so many different skills in both
field work and office work than I ever thought a summer internship could provide. I
recommend students to look for internships in the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
It was a lot of fun!
It was a great experience being able to learn the “tech” side of a business from a nonprofit stand point. I loved being able to meet the companies and employees that I did
as well as work so closely with Christina.
I would love to stay involved with the organization and do what I can to help them
develop into an even more successful, growing organization. I really appreciated the
positive work environment and how friendly and welcoming each of the staff members
were. Entering the experience, I was nervous and of course, felt vulnerable. The staff
made me feel comfortable and right at home instantly. The welcoming atmosphere
helped me become more confident and assertive in what I had to offer in terms of
ideas to help the organization. I greatly appreciate the staff's time, effort and
willingness to provide me with such a valuable and fun learning experience. I know I
will use the skills I learned from this experience and apply them in both my personal
and professional life.
I think that for the older, rural student internships are particularly helpful for
employment networking. I did not expect to gain employment as a result of this
internship, but now I am known (and known positively) by some people in Montana
state government. This fact likely would assist me to procure employment in Montana
state government.
Morning Light Photography
Mountain Line
National Geographic
Yellowstone Project
Native Generational Change
NCBI Missoula
NCBI Missoula
New Directions Wellness Center
Partnership for Children
PEAK Health & Wellness Center
Planet Drum Ecuador
Planet Drum Foundation
Projects Abroad - The Cape
Rocky Mountain Conservancy
Conservation Corps
Rocky Mountain Entertainment
Rodale, Inc. - Runner's World
Sanisera Field School
Scenic Route Films
Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church
Senator Tester's office in
Washington D.C.
SGL Investment Advisors
Six Pony Hitch
SkoFlo Industries, Inc.
Smokejumper Visitor Center
Sovann Komar Children's Village
MontPIRG is both fun and a great learning experience. I would recommend an
internship with this organization to anyone.
Though I was not offered employment at the end of the internship, I was offered
another internship. I was offered to stay on board and keep working with the
I'm glad I got this experience.
There was difficulty when my original supervisor, Topher Williams, left Mountain Line
for another job and I was handed off to the new general manager, however it all still
worked out.
As an assistant for a photographer, I have been able to see and be involved in how a
professional works in the field. I am experiencing the process through her preproduction, production and post-production skills. Also I am learning that a huge part
of the job is people skills. For me I have to constantly be thinking about how I can make
the photographer's job easier. I have to remain positive and supportive and also be
technically and mentally switched on at all times.
I would recommend this to anyone because of the rewarding experience and dynamics
of the people that work there.
Everyone should do at least one internship during college.
I think everyone in college should participate in an internship or practicum before they
New Directions is a wonderful place to gain experience and perspective.
Thank you for the opportunity to expand my knowledge base in the real world
Overall it was a positive experience and I'll be continuing the work that I've been doing
at PFC for the next couple of years, while attending school.
I really had to pave my own way and find my own internship. There was not much help
from the HHP department, but everything has gone better than expected and I am very
happy to be employed by the PEAK now.
I wish I could do it over again and apply everything I know now.
A growth experience both personally and professionally!
I'm looking forward to seeing where the next 4 weeks take me!
This was a great way to spend my summer experiencing working along side the Forest
Service and with a successful non-profit.
I strongly recommend that every student at the University of Montana to do an
internship at least once if not more. I learned many skills throughout my internship that
I would have not been able to learn in a class setting.
Rodale, Inc. is a great company to work for because they provide interns with real-life
experience as well as host weekly seminars that speakers present information about
themselves and their career path.
The only reason I wouldn't recommend this internship is that the instructors I learned
from are no longer with the organization and I can no longer vouch for it.
As a graduating Media Arts student, I am so glad I was able to intern with someone who
has been working in my field. The experience was invaluable.
I really enjoyed being exposed to peers in the conservation field who were from all
across the country. The foundation did a great job of hiring quality staff members and
interns alike. Anyone interested in outdoor recreation, wildland stewardship, or
nonprofit administration would be wise to seek out this internship.
I would recommend this internship to any student, and I would be happy to talk to
anyone interested as well.
Great experience, would recommend it strongly to any business major interested in the
world of finance.
It was a good experience overall. Very informal format. I wouldn't recommend this
internship for anyone without some professional experience.
It was an enjoyable experience that broadened my interpersonal communication skills,
while gaining technical experience with building a network. I also helped configure PCs
for users and provide technical support.
Everyone involved was very helpful and made the experience a smooth transition both
into and out of the internship. I will always remember what I learned here.
Working for an NGO in a developing country has been completely life-altering. I highly
recommend everyone get out of their comfort zone. Jumping into that kind of situation
St. Patrick's Hospital
St. Patrick's Hospital
St. Patrick's Hospital
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
Steamboat Springs Resort, Kids
Vacation Center
Student Conservation
Association with the National
Park Service
Study Abroad Office
The Borgen Project
The Buckle
The Center For Restorative
Youth Justice
The Loft of Missoula
The Missoulian
The Wilderness Society
Tie Haberdashery
Tioga Tribune
Two Medicine Dinosaur Center
U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT) - Office of
Drug and Alcohol Policy and
Compliance (ODAPC) - In the
Office of the Secretary (OST)
Universal Vision
University of Montana Women's Resource Center
University of Montana
Anthropological Curation Facility
University of Montana Athletics
Sports Information
University of Montana Campus
has made me more self-reliant and confident. I have learned more about myself than I
ever thought I could- not to mention learning more about a culture so different from
my own. It's had highs and lows but I've learned to take it all in stride. Incredible
I enjoy the internship and am learning a lot from it. I feel that the interns should be able
to choose whether they would work directly under either Susi Matheis or Bret Ralston
in the cardiac rehab program.
I was and I continue to be really impressed with how helpful the staff of internship
services is, particularly Joann Kregosky.
I think an evaluation with the supervisor half way through the internship would have
been helpful. That way I could have communicated what else I wanted to get out of my
time with them, and I could have gotten some critical advice from my supervisor on
how to be a better intern.
Awesome opportunity that was very compatible with school.
Wonderful opportunity, would highly recommend.
One of the most advantages aspects of working in the office, was that I was able to
speak to a wide range of students that wish to study abroad. Several pupils who I have
met the though working here I actually plan to meet up when they come to Europe to
travel. This is great. As these connections I have made have given me another means to
travel. Germany, Ireland, Germany Africa and Japan and are just a few places that have
been opened up to me by working in the study abroad office.
Excellent organization! They had realistic goals for me while still maximizing the
amount I could do for them and their cause. I learned a ton about my field and my
passion-more than I have in any classroom thus far. Overall great experience!
Overall I thought this internship was a fantastic experience and I would recommend it
to anyone looking for a sales/management internship.
I have learned and gained so much knowledge and confidence through my internship at
The Center for Restorative Youth Justice. It has been such a positive change in my
personal and professional life and I am so glad that I was given to opportunity to work
with such amazing people who are so highly educated in social work profession.
I was able to take part in a variety of tasks and be involved in many meetings and
business decisions. They treated me very well and always respected my input. It was a
great experience and I will continue to work there part-time.
It has been constructive and enjoyable. I am learning a lot.
It was a wonderful experience and it opened a lot of doors.
It's a lot of fun and I'm learning great skills. This is teaching me real-world skills for
future jobs, and helps me determine what path I want my career to go down.
It's a wonderful experience.
For anyone looking to go into art, science, marketing, business, construction, English,
history, curation, or really anything, I would definitely recommend applying for an
internship at TMDC or another non-profit facility.
Jobs that I have had in the past were always in the private sector, so it was a great
experience to be able to work for the Federal Government. This internship taught me
so much in only two months. I made great connections in the D.C. area, and I know if I
ever decide to live in this area I will be able to come join their team again!
Dr. Riley is the best mentor that anyone can ask for. Her wide range of expertise not
only help me in my internship position, but in my classes and my future.
I really wished I got more out of my internship and wasn't just stuck behind a computer
and only met my boss once
The women's resource center offers many valuable resources to all students - it should
be better marketed.
The internship was exciting and never dull. I think it is important to get an internship in
the area that you are studying so that you can experience the time and effort it takes to
be as successful as possible.
It has been great so far. I have a great opportunity to earn work experience in a field I
am interested in.
This was a great experience and I am very thankful for Campus Recreation for giving me
the opportunity. I am grateful to have such a helpful and knowledgeable Internship
work supervisor. Kate was always more than helpful and I learned things from her and
this experience I do not think I would have learned from a class.
University of Montana Dining
University of Montana
University of Montana
Intercollegiate Athletics
US Forest Service, in Cooke City
Valley Community Church of
Watershed Education Network
West Perth Falcons Football
Wolf Haven International
Women's Opportunity &
Resource Development (WORD
World Wide Opportunity on
Organic Farms
Yellowstone Club, Outdoor
Z5 Ranch
Yay Gardens!
The Herbarium is a wonderful place to work. Grace Johnson the collections manager is
very knowledgeable and helpful. Marilyn Marler is an expert in her field and also very
helpful. I appreciate their flexibility with my busy schedule this semester and all of
their support.
My internship has been great and I am excited to continue it.
It was a great summer internship and I would recommend anyone to try an internship
in their field before they graduate. It may change what you want to do with your life. I
fell in love with being a backcountry ranger and I hope to continue with similar jobs in
the future.
I had a wonderful experience and greatly appreciate it. The church membership and
staff have been very supportive.
The whole experience has been great. I will encourage my peers to pursue similar
internships and work studies to fulfill academic credits. I have enjoyed classes
throughout my career in U of M, yet i have gained more from this internship than most
classes combined.
I came with expectations I was given from the company I got the internship through,
the Education Abroad Network. There were a lot of things I was told that never came to
fruition, such as the amount of hours I would be getting at the club, amount of money
to budget for travel etc., and what exactly I would be doing. The staff at TEAN didn't do
much to reconcile these issues either and acted like they have never heard these issues
before, despite my correspondence with a previous intern who had the same problems.
The staff at the football club has been fantastic and I highly suggest working with them
again, but I would not recommend the Education Abroad Network to anyone.
It was the first I was able to touch and handle a wolf. It was an amazing experience and
I learned so much more than any classroom could have taught me.
I feel that internships should be more universally enforced for all professional majors
and minors.
Thanks for everything!
Fantastic Experience.
Best thing I've ever done pertaining to my future career!
It was a lot more work then I anticipated. 10hrs. a week is a huge commitment.