Assessing Trustworthiness in Collaborative Environments Jeffrey Segall, Michael Jay Mayhew, Michael Atighetchi, Rachel Greenstadt Drexel University US Air Force Research Laboratory ABSTRACT METHODOLOGY NEXT STEPS FEATURE EXTRACTION • Collect pertinent classification data from large Wikipedia XML data dump and store only relevant information in a SQL database • Relational database allows for ease of searching and extraction into training and test sets GROUND TRUTH • To test the classification model’s accuracy, it is necessary to determine the true revert status of each edit • Edits with the same text hash and content length are considered equivalent – In chronological order, edits in between two equivalent edits can be considered reverted DATASET CREATION • Sampling of the full edit histories of 10,000 randomly-selected pages of a total 237,000 – Results in approximately 250,000 data instances CLASSIFICATION • Training and testing with a support vector machine using SMO Collaborative environments, specifically those concerning information creation and exchange, increasingly demand notions of trust accountability. In the absence of explicit authority, the quality of information is often unknown. Using Wikipedia edit sequences as a use case scenario, we detail experiments in the determination of community-based user and document trust. Our results show success in answering the first of many research questions: Provided a user’s edit history, is a given edit to a document positively contributing to its content? We detail how the ability to answer this question provides a preliminary framework towards a better model for collaborative trust and discuss subsequent areas of research necessary to broaden its utility and scope. GOALS Assess Trustworthiness in collaborative document editing environments: Should a page status be revised? Should revision R to content C be allowed? COLLABORATIVE TRUST Consensus-based Model • Communities following their own model for assigning trust • Wikipedia’s award culture has evolved as a method of recognizing and motivating significant contributions Authoritative Model • Roots of trust are defined by a hierarchically-structured graph of authority Trustworthy users create trustworthy content. Trustworthy content is created by trustworthy users. Untrustworthy users create untrustworthy content. Untrustworthy content is created by untrustworthy users. Vandalism Detection • Vandalism is only a subset of reverted edits – Information may be incorrect or unusable without the malicious intent implied by vandalism – Such incorrect information may not be detected by current systems if it follows patterns of constructive behavior RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 Category Information • Each page on Wikipedia can pertain to up to two categories • Category hierarchies can determine user knowledge areas – Reverted edits on a certain topic may not relate to those on another topic – Create a notion of field expertise, or lack thereof Future Experiments • Will a page be gain or lose award status? • Is a user likely to be banned? • Should a page be locked for editing? • Full English Wikipedia as a platform • More pages, data, edits, controversy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Page Features User Features • Documents — Wikipedia pages • Users — Wikipedia editors Drexel University Raytheon BBN Technologies admin Is the editing user a Wikipedia administrator? bureaucrat Is the editing user a Wikipedia bureaucrat? bot Is the editing user on the list of approved bots? edit_count The number of edits made by the editing user revert_count The number of reverted edits made by the editing user revert_percentage The percentage of edits made that were reverted is_good Was the edit made to a page with the “Good Page” award? is_vgood Was the edit made to a page with the “Very Good Page” award? Edit Features delta_time The time (in seconds) since the previous update was made to the page content_length The length of the page content delta_length The change in page content from the last update RESULTS TIMING • Approximately 2.5 hours for training on approximately 250,000 instances • Approximately 1.27 microseconds per classification test instance Correctly Classified Instances Incorrectly Classified Instances Mean Absolute Error Root Mean Squared Error ACCURACY • 97% correct classification rate • 0.8% false positive rate 96.9983% 3.0017% 0.03 0.1733 Class TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Reverted 0.715 0.008 0.891 0.715 0.794 0.854 Non-Revert 0.992 0.285 0.975 0.992 0.984 0.854 This work was sponsored by the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). The authors would like to thank John Benner of Booz Allen Hamilton, Jonathan Webb of BBN, Joseph Muoio, and Pavan Kantharaju of Drexel University for their research contribution. REFERENCES [1] A. Appleby. 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