Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes Call to Order

Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2014, 3:10 P.M. Skaggs Building, Room 169
Call to Order –roll call
Chair Lodmell called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.
The Faculty Senate Administrative Associate Called roll.
Members Present: L. Ametsbichler, J. Banville, A. Becker, T. Beed, A. Belcourt, B.
Borrie, M. Bowman, S. Bradford, M. Brooke, J. Bunch, J. Carter, A. Chatterjee, J.
DeBoer, M. DeGrandpre, D. Erickson, L. Frey, L. Gillison, J. Glendening, S. Gordon, L.
Gray, L. Hart-Paulson, S. Hines, M. Horejsi, L. Howell, U. Kamp, M. Kia, H. Kim, A.
Kinney, C. Kirkpatrick, C. Knight, R. LaPier, B. Larson, G. Larson, J. Laskin, B. Layton,
S. Lodmell, D. MacDonald, M. Mayor, M. McGirl, M. Nielson, M. Raymond, S. Richter, D.
Schuldberg, S. Shen, D. Shepherd, D. Sherman, A. Sondag, S. Stan, K. Swift, A.
Szalda-Petree, S. Tillerman, E. Uchimoto, N. Vonessen, K. Zoellner
Members Excused: E. Gagliardi, L. Gillison, N. Greymorning, K. Harris, J. Montauban,
J. Sears, R. Vanita
Members Absent: J. Bardsley, K. Bell, A. Carpoca, J. Cavanaugh, T. Crowford, H.
Eggert, S. Galipeau, M. Hamon, W. Holben, A. Larson, C. Palmer, K. Wu
Ex-Officio Present: President Engstrom, Provost Brown, Interim Associate Provost
Guests: Jon Aliri and Eamon Fahey- Bookstore, Beth Howard and Julie Cannon- Office
of Student Success
Minutes: the minutes from May 8th and July 10th were approved
Chair Lodmell emphasized that the Senate is the voice of the faculty. The Chair and
Chair-elect have regular meetings with the administration. He introduced Chair-elect
Professor Bill Borrie and members of ECOS (Professors Liz Ametsbichler- German,
Mary-Ann Bowman- Social Work, Bradley Layton- Missoula College- Energy
Technology, Stacey Gordon- Law, Mike Mayer- History, and Jim Sears - Geoscience
who is in the field today. He encourages members of the Senate to share their concerns
with the Senate Leadership.
He clarified that Senators should sit in the rows in front and guests in back. The Faculty
Senate follows Robert’s Rules of Order for business and debates, but he emphasized
that the Faculty Senate should be a venue for discussion of issues and deviations from
Robert’s Rules could be acceptable to enhance discourse. He invited everyone to a
reception at his home following the meeting.
The meeting began with the UM minute.
President Engstrom
Senators were welcomed to the new academic year and thanked for the work they
will be undertaking. He views the Senate as a vehicle for two-way communication.
He is always open for comment / questions when addressing the Senate. He keeps
in close contact with the Senate Leadership and will be establishing a monthly
breakfast with ECOS. He also meets monthly with Chair Lodmell and Chair-elect
UM was recently ranked in the top 200 Universities in the US News and World
Report. We were the only Montana institution to do so. We are listed 69th for best
colleges for Veterans.
As outlined in the State of the University Address, the University will engage in three
parallel reviews this year.
1) Academic Alignment and Innovation Program (AAIP)
The AAIP is to assure UM has the best academic portfolio for the future.
2) Administrative Review
This is a review of all non-academic programs and services. He would like
feedback on how to conduct the administrative review. What metric should
be used to measure effectives? How do we know that the services are doing
what they are intended to do? What can be done to improve? He is
particularly interested in who should lead this effort.
3) Financial Management
This review will investigate other models to allocate resources.
Legislative Session Preview
The President believes legislators have a reasonable understanding of what higher
education is about, which is an improvement from prior years. Hopefully this will
result in responsiveness. Priorities going into the legislative session include:
1) Present Law adjustments: Ideally we would like to receive the full cost of inflation
for providing the same level of service. Unfortunately this rarely occurs.
2) Employee salary package
3) Long range building program: Including Music and Art building additions, Science
and Clapp building renovations, and Library ground floor renovation, as well as
deferred maintenance to replace roofs, sidewalks, and other infrastructure items.
We won’t have the figures until the 15th class day. Increased recruitment efforts paid
off with more entering freshmen.
There is a Board of Regents meeting next week in Billings. The November meeting
will be in Missoula.
Do you anticipate a tuition freeze?
This is a topic of discussion. The University needs to be funded in a competitive
way. Fees are set at the May Board of Regents meeting after the legislative session
What’s the future of Native Language instruction at UM?
Native languages will be offered, but there needs to be a level of interest in order to
There is a Committee working on a proposal for Blackfeet.
What is the timeline for completing the Interdisciplinary Science building?
There has been some work, but there is still the equivalence of one floor that is
incomplete. It will be completed as funds, mostly indirect costs, allow. The vacant
space will be used for labs and related activity. He expects it will be complete in the
next 2-3 years.
Will there be a legislative research initiative?
There is no news about a specific initiative, but conversations are taking place.
Engagement with legislators at various events and tours has had a consistent
message that economic growth and research are linked. We hope this sustained
focus on research is increasing the interest. Any research initiative would be based
on helping to move the economy forward.
 Provost Brown
The new Associate Provost Nathan Lindsay was introduced. He comes from the
University of Missouri- Kansas City. He is accomplished in assessment work. His
academic home is the School of Education and Human Sciences.
Search updates
Law School Dean: Three candidates were brought to campus and additional
applications were received over the summer. The Search Committee Chair, Dean
Evans should have a recommendation in October.
The recruitment for the Dean of Missoula College will start soon. Dean Good has
moved his retirement up to October. Efforts are underway to find an interim Dean.
Non-tenurable Academic Appointment Report
Missoula College again has a higher percentage of non-tenured to tenured faculty. It
has been using the money from vacant lines to hire adjuncts, but will now be able to
recruit. The Honors and Bitterroot Colleges only have non-tenured faculty.
Extra-compensation report
This is a new report now required by the CBA. It just shows the totals in the various
categories for extra compensation.
AAIP Taskforce
The membership of the AAIP Taskforce was displayed. Andrew Ware is on a
Leadership Fellow and is a member of the Cabinet. The Taskforce will likely bring in
a lot of individuals for discussion and resources.
The campus needs to have a discussion about winter and summer sessions.
Summer needs to be revitalized now that it is now that Pell grant eligibility has
changed. There are timing and financial issues with winter session.
Recruitment materials
Provost Brown showed the u-tube recruitment package for prospective students. It
contained posters of activities close to campus such as rock climbing, kayaking, fly
fishing, trail running, and music concerts. There have been positive responses via
tweets and Facebook. The posters are followed-up with information about academic
programming. He thanked the faculty for contacting students. It made a difference
in increasing the freshman class.
It was suggested that the poster teasers integrate academics and be printed on
recycled paper.
Faculty may like a poster to put on their office doors. There may be some extra.
UFA President David Shively
The UFA has a new website (ufa-um.org) and is on Facebook. Various documents
are available for your convenience. You should have received an email regarding
HB 78. It affects faculty in TRS that wish to retire and continue to be involved with
the university in some capacity. The Union will primarily be bargaining
compensation this year, but can open sections of the contract by mutual agreement.
Bargaining will start in November. If you have questions regarding the faculty
evaluation process (FEC) please ask your union representative. The Provost’s
Office will be holding a Faculty Evaluation Workshop the end of September.
Inversion compensation processing takes time (several months), but will be
retroactive to October 1st. It is a moving picture and involves data collection and
thorough review by the Provost office and the UFA.
 ASUM President Asa Hohman and Vice President Sean McQuillan
ASUM will focus on three items this year: 1) improving academic advising, 2)
improving Griz Central customer service, and 3) covered parking for bikes. The Bike
parking garage will have a vending machine for air, tire tubes, and etc. The locations
being considered are next to the Dennison Theatre and UC.
The Montana Associated Students (MAS) is working to identify its priorities for the
legislative session. The employee pay plan is the second priority. It is important for
the faculty, students, staff, and administration to approach the legislature as a team.
ASUM meetings are every Wednesday starting at 6 pm and sometimes go until
midnight. Faculty members are encouraged to attend. There will be at least one
meeting at the Missoula College.
 Beth Howard, Interim Director and Julie Cannon, Special Projects
Manager, Office of Student Success
The enhanced Early Alert system will be more flexible with additional time period
options to align with varying course timelines. There will also be a section for
comments and advisor alerts. It allows automated messages to be sent at any time
that include action steps for students. A survey was sent to Faculty the first day of
classes to collect data regarding preferences for automated triggers. The results
were distributed. They reported an issue with capturing email addresses for some
faculty; OSSS is working with Gordy Pace to resolve this. It is hoped the
enhancements will improve the faculty participation rate. The program allows faculty
to document their direct outreach.
The project is in phase 1 of implementation. There is a Faculty Advisory Board
providing feedback. All input is welcome. It was suggested that a student be
included on the advisory Board.
New Business
Center for Children, Families, and Workforce Development
Professor Ryan Tolleson Knee took time out of his class to present the Center for the
Senate’s consideration. It replicates what is happening in other states and has a 15
year history of federal funding. The Center structure will provide the framework for
additional funding and collaboration opportunities. The item was approved
Communication Continued
Jon Aliri, General Manager and Eamon Fahey, Chief Operating Officer,
UM Bookstore
Part of the mission of the Bookstore is to deliver course materials to students as
cheaply as possible. As book costs continue to increase it has become more
challenging. Looking for a solution, the Bookstore began researching whether it
would be possible to distribute course materials to students for a flat fee and
discovered the Rafter 360 Company. The idea was presented to the Executive
Officers and ASUM. This is just the initial introduction to the idea. The details and
mechanisms to assure the system is equitable given the diversity of the course
materials still needs to be discussed. A pilot was conducted by Missoula College
Math Courses that seemed to work well. Please send your questions so that the
Bookstore can work with Rafter to provide comprehensive answers.
Chair Lodmell postponed the remainder of the agenda due to the time.
Good and Welfare:
Senator Frey alerted the Senate to her concern regarding an IIP student who is not
taking courses at UM, essentially the student would earn the degree from Butte.
The IIP Oversight Committee is looking into this issue.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.