Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.


ASCRC Minutes 11/8/11

GBB 226, 2:10

Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, W. Davies, M. Grimes, C. Knight, D. Stolle, L. Tangedahl

Members Absent/Excused: N. Greymorning, C. Henderson, J. Staub

Ex-Officio Present: B. Holzworth, E. Johnson, S. O’Hare, A. Walker-Andrews

Guest: T. Manuel (Business and Journalism Subcommittee Chair)

Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.

The minutes from 11/1/11 were approved.

Communication Items:

ECOS would like ASCRC to draft a curriculum procedure for academic oversight of stand alone / interdisciplinary programs, minors, and certificates. It is likely a workgroup will work on this in the spring. Members should think about the issues. Some concerns include academic oversight of the courses and faculty (in place of unit standards), appropriate commitment for course offerings (in place of academic unit). There should be a clear line of authority for student complaints. If the program has a steering committee, does it assume the roll of an academic unit (accountability)? The Provost should also be consulted regarding the procedure.

Subcommittee chairs should give the curriculum forms to Camie for filing once ASCRC has acted on them.

The Provost approved a new version of cross-listing on the condition that a pilot project is successful. ASCRC will need to choose departments for the project.


Business Items: Curriculum Review

Chair Tangedahl asked subcommittee chairs to review the consent agenda that will be presented to the Faculty Senate on

Thursday. Please send correspondence regarding items that should be highlighted at the meeting and notes for reference. In general faculty should be reminded that learning outcomes are required on syllabi.

The following items were conditionally approved from the Humanities. ARAB 301 and 302 were withdrawn. There was some concern about the appropriate academic home for the minor. NAS X 180 Event Planning will be sent back to the department to consider adding academic rigor. Forestry has a Recreation Programming Coures (PTRM 230) that could be used as a sample of a skills with academic rigor. There may also be a course in Entertainment Management. These will be sent to the Department Chair for reference. It was suggested that the course include the history and cultural significance of the Pow Wow.


ARAB 201

ARAB 202

Intermediate Modern Standard

Arabic I

Intermediate Modern Standard

Arabic II

Minor in Arabic Studies--Level II change from 5 to 4 cr. change from 5 to 4 cr.

MCCL Chair to sign form

MCLL Chair to sign form

Level II new minor Language from Legal Council to be inserted in proposal

The consent agenda for the Business and Journalism Subcommittee (appended below) was approved. The following items require follow-up:

MGMT 458


MGMT 493


Advanced Entrepreneurship Seminar

International Experience in Business

Replace 348 with 486 as pre/co-requisite ; turn into 3 - one credit courses

New course

Concern that course is not in compliance with Compressed

Course Policy. Course credit is not included in catalog language

Concern that the course is not in compliance with the compressed course policy. The course seems to

lack academic rigor, assessment does not match learning outcomes.

Department might consider a guideline for academic standards of the bucket course. Course credit is not included in catalog language

Several courses list repeatability number rather than course credits.




Major adjustment to the management major

The Prerequisite Working Group recommended revision to the catalog languge defining satisfatory completion. ASCRC considered the language and revised it as follows:

"Prereq." indicates the course or courses to be satisfactorily completed (C- or better, unless otherwise specified in the course description in the UM Catalog) before enrollment in the course described. Failure to complete satisfactorily the prerequisite will result in the student being dropped from the course.

If credit was earned for a prerequisite through the Advanced

Placement Examination Program, the grade "CR*" signifies satisfactory completion unless otherwise specified in the course description in the UM Catalog.

"Coreq." indicates a course is taken concurrently with the course described. In some cases a coreq may be completed prior

to the semester of the described course.

Executive Director O’Hare will present the suggested language to the Working Group at tommarrow’s meeting. The Working

Group would like there to be a spring review of prerequisite changes. If the review does not take place in the spring, the changes will not make the catalog for another full year. Many departments have expressed an interest in participating in the fall pilot.

There is concern that this will not allow the Registrar’s Office enough time to enter the changes. ASCRC will need to send a communication soon regarding a early spring deadline. The consent agenda must go to the February 9 th

Faculty Senate meeting for approval.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:27 p.m.

Business Technology

ACTG 201

ACTG 202

ACTG 215

ACTG 237

ACTG 250

ACTG 298

AHMS 210

AHMS 214

BUS 103S

BUS 105

BUS 112T

BUS 120T

BUS 242T

CULA 156

CULA 157

CULA 158

CULA 160

CULA 161

CULA 165

CULA 210

CULA 270

CULA 298

CULA 299

HMR 110T

LEG 188T

LEG 270T

LEG 285T

Principles of Financial Accounting

Principles of Managerial Accounting

Foundations of Government and Not for

Profit Accounting

Strategies for Business Entities

Accounting Capstone

Accounting Internship

Basic Medical Coding

Basic ICD Coding

Principles of Business

Deciding Majors and Careers

Professional Sales

Transcription and Text Editing


Dining Room Procedures

Pantry and Garde Manger

Short Order Cookery

Soups, Stocks & Sauces

Meats & Vegetables

Baking & Pastry

Nutritional Cooking

Purchasing & Cost Controls

Food Service Internship

Culinary Arts Capstone

Introduction to Public Relations

Principles of Real Estate

Civil Litigation

Family Law


Minor course description and prereq. changes

Minor course description and prereq. changes


Minor course description and prereq. changes

Minor course description changes



Minor course description changes


Minor course description changes


Minor course description changes new course, reintroduced

Added Prereq.

Added Prereq.

Added Prereq.

Added Prereq.

Added Prereq.

Added Prereq.

Added Prereq.

Change title from internship

Added Prereq.

"T" removal

Minor course description changes

Added Prereq.

Added Prereq.

LEG 288T

Program Modification

Estate Administration

Bus Tech: Administrative Management; Assoc

Applied Science & Customer Relations,

Certificiate Applied Science

Added Prereq.

Changing rubric and course numbers under CCN, removing T from HRM 110

Accounting and Finance



MGMT 275

MGMT 375

MGMT 446


Cost Mgmt Acct I

Venue Management

The Business of Film & TV

Organizational Strategy

Business Plan Implementation

Change Prereq

New course

New course chg title to reflect curr chgs, change req from snr to jnr



MGMT 486


Program Modification

Program Modification

BADM 401

Entertainment Research & Planning

Strategic Venture Management

International Experience in Business



Integrative Business Simulation

New course

New course

New course

Major adjustment to the management major

Make 3 courses permanent, add MAR 112A,

MUS132L and PSC 446 as electives in the catalog.

Have been accepted in past.

New Course, prereq, senior, all core and MGMT 486 coreq

Changing capstone course Program Modification ALL SOBA MAJORS

Management Information Systems

MIS 270 Management Information Systems

Radio Television and Journalism

RTV 150

RTV 251

Drop Prereq

Beginning Radio / Audio Production New course

Beginning Video Photography & Production Change course number from 151

Jour 165 Global Current Events/Honors Change title & description from "Current Events" to

"Global Current Events"
