ASCRC Minutes 4/17/12 GBB 202, 2:10 Members Present:

ASCRC Minutes 4/17/12
GBB 202, 2:10
Members Present: B. Borrie, G. Coon, D. Dalenberg, W. Davies, M. Grimes, C. Henderson, C.
Knight, L. Tangedahl, C. Springmeyer
Members Absent/Excused: N. Greymorning, B. Holzworth, D. Molgaard, Z. Patten, J. Staub,
D. Stolle
Ex-Officio Present: S. O’Hare, E. Johnson, A. Walker-Andrews
Guest: Loey Knapp
Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 4/10/12 were approved.
Communication Items:
Interim Chief Information Officer, Loey Knapp requested feedback on the governance
structure proposed (appended) in the draft Information Technology Strategic Plan. The
Plan is available at: and includes a feedback link. An
electronic forum will be available soon. The plan consists of five strategic areas:
Information Technology Infrastructure
IT Enterprise: Structure, Governance and Funding
IT for Teaching, Learning and Research
IT for Institutional Administration, Decision Making, and Innovation
IT to Enhance Student Life
Last week three consultants (Dr. Polley McClure, Vice President, Emeritus, Cornell
University, Mr. Bruce Maas, CIO, University of Wisconsin- Madison, and Mr. Voldemar
Innus, Interim Vice President, Finance and Management, SUNY- Buffalo) visited
campus. They recommended focusing on governance first to establish a collaborative
way to make IT decisions. Currently there are 70 personnel that report to central IT and
another 70 that are distributed across campus. The previous Academic IT Advisory
Committee did not have a clear role defined in terms of how decisions were made.
Banner decisions are made by IT personnel and Administration and Finance. There is no
representation from Academic or Student Affairs. There needs to be a Committee
structure where people can bring concerns. The proposed structure would include
standing committees with representatives from IT and the various campus sectors that
report to the IT Senate. The IT Senate would include representatives from stake
holders that would prioritize items to be presented to the IT Council. The IT Council’s
members would include Vice Presidents, CIO, Deans, CEO of the Foundation and
representatives from the IT Senate. Budget decisions would still be made by the
President’s Cabinet.
The Cabinet’s vision is for IT to become stable. UM is not where its peers are in terms of
basic infrastructure. It will likely take three years to accomplish this if funds are set aside
by the administration. Currently IT has an operation and capital equipment budget.
Equipment purchased is maintained as long as possible to keep working. If equipment
was leased the cost would be fixed. IT needs a new data center (with a cost of $2-3
million) to become stable. Other cost estimates include $500,000 for campus-wide
wireless and $260,000 for degree audit. CIO Knapp is working on a funding proposal.
ASCRC suggested an electronic suggestion box that would funnel ideas to the
appropriate committee for consideration and inclusion in priority recommendations. The
committee felt strongly that academics be represented by faculty not administration and
should include the College of Technology and the College of Lifelong Learning. It is not
clear how the proposed structure would fold into the current governance structure in
terms of communication. CIO Knapp indicated that she would be willing to provide
quarterly updates to the Faculty Senate. It was recommended that the committees have a
specific purpose and established procedures; if nothing is accomplished members feel
that their time is being wasted. It is important to have student input. One suggestion
would be to consider internships for students to serve on committees.
One example of a current faculty complaint is the necessity of archiving email for Ediscovery access. The University does not have a cohesive archive to be in compliance
with the law. It would be helpful for faculty to have more information about this
requirement, but is unclear where something like this would fit in the proposed structure.
Business Items
Chair Tangedahl asked the committee whether the delayed follow-up response for
HC 294 should be considered. A motion was made and approved (with one dissenting
vote) to consider the proposal next fall and to grant a one-year extension for the course to
be taught experimentally.
ASCRC discussed the concerns of the Graduation Appeals Committee workload. It
seems it would be more efficient to have another committee review retroactive
withdrawals. Withdrawals are not related to graduation so logically these should be
routed to a different committee. It would be helpful to set guidelines for approval.
Associate Provost Walker-Andrews has asked for data from the Registrar’s Office.
There is also an issue of programs reinstating students. BOR Policy 301.9 requires a
minimum of one full semester of non-enrollment. Exceptions should be granted only for
extraordinary circumstances, but the interpretation of the policy is inconsistent across
campus. A committee should establish guidelines and review the exceptions. Students
need to demonstrate they are prepared for reinstatement. It was agreed that a motion
should be brought forward in the next meeting for one or both of these issues.
Chair Tangedahl referenced BOR Policy 301.5.3 which states:
A. All students in the Montana university system (MUS) and the three (3) community
colleges must earn the following minimum grades in order to demonstrate their
competency and preparation:
1. a "D-" or better in all classes that are used to satisfy so-called free or elective
credits in an associate or baccalaureate degree program;
2. a "C-" or better in all classes that are used to satisfy a general education
3. a "C-" or better in all classes that are used to satisfy the pre-requisites or
required courses in a major, minor, option or certificate.
There was a short discussion about the growing problems with retakes and possible grade
inflation growing out of this policy. However it was felt that these problems do not
warrant trying to change the BOR policy.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.