The minutes from 3/5/13 were amended and approved. Communication Items:


ASCRC Minutes 3/12/13

GBB 202, 2:10 p.m.

Members Present: B. Borrie, G. Coon, J. Deboer, L. Gillison, M. Grimes, C. Henderson, T. Thibeau, N.


Members Absent/ Excused: C. Chandler, N. Greymorning, B. Holzworth, M. Hopkins, S. O’Hare, D.

Stolle, J. Zink

Ex-Officio Present: N. Hinman, E. Johnson

The minutes from 3/5/13 were amended and approved.

Communication Items:

Registrar Johnson provided a brief demonstration of the course description section in Banner.

It is term based and accessed via the class schedule, or the student/faculty account. You can search by subject (rubric) and specify course number range, title or attribute. It is possible to choose multiple subjects but not departments. Courses offered have a link to additional information that includes restrictions.

There was concern that course descriptions would only be available for courses offered; thus students may have to reference several terms to find a course description. Concern was also expressed that course descriptions should be searchable by department/program. The catalog will be published in June. ASCRC agreed that more testing was needed with input from students and faculty, and should the course description module not be ready by June that course descriptions should remain in the catalog.

Business Items:

 ASCRC approved the Writing Committee’s recommendation to renew the writing course designation for WRIT 222 Technical Approach to Writing.

ASCRC considered the recommendations made by the T-credit Workgroup. The Board of

Regents defines college level as credits that count for AA, AS, or baccalaureate degrees. The

Workgroup reviewed the current policies and examples of how students matriculate, including those of other units of the Montana University System. Unanimously, they agreed not to do away with T-course designations. Thus, the first recommendation is that Tdesignations may be removed upon review and approval of ASCRC. Courses that lost the tsuffix during common course numbering still have the attribute in Banner, and it is thus recommended that those not removed by review and approval of ASCRC should have the Tcourse designation restored. The CCN process did not consider whether the courses were

college-level or not. There are approximately 100 T-designated courses, with roughly half of which require restoration of the T-course suffix in accordance with the recommendation.

Instructors of T-designated courses may submit course forms through the regular ASCRC process to have those restored T-designations removed. It was also agreed that the process for transferring T-designated credits should be transparent for students. While sixty credits may transfer from associate degrees, currently up to10 credits from Technical courses ( i.e. a course number suffix of T) may be requested by petition to count toward the minimum credit requirement for a bachelor or associate of arts degree. The motion increases this number to

15 T-credits for all students and to 20 T-credits for students who have earned an AAS degree, in both cases without petition.

Interim Associate Provost Hinman volunteered to meet with the Financial Aid Director Kent

McGowan to confirm the impact of these changes on transferring students and report back to the committee. The motion language requires editing for clarity with regard to the use of ‘Tsuffix’ or ‘T-attribute’. The course suffix shows on the transcript and the attribute shows in

Banner only. Professor Deboer volunteered to make these changes. The motion will be voted on next week. It was noted that this item should be presented as an informational item at one Faculty Senate meeting and voted on at the next to allow senators time to take the information back to their departments for discussion. Professor Henderson will inform the faculty and Associate Dean of Missoula College prior to the April Senate meeting.

Professor Vonessen provided a list of policy changes and the latest draft of policies and procedures was sent just prior to the meeting. There was concern regarding the addition of the “After Last Regular Class Day” column. Changes in this column should only include corrections made for registration errors. Professor Vonessen and Registrar Johnson agreed to further review and send out a revised draft Wednesday for action at the committee’s next meeting.

Registrar Johnson noted that some departments have academic policy information on their web pages that may not be consistent with the catalog. The catalog is considered the quasicontract with students, and departmental/program websites must be maintained to accurately reflect the most current catalog. This issue requires attention.

Professor Gillison shared that Department of Modern and Classical Languages & Literatures is discussing possible changes to the Modern & Classical Languages sequence in General

Education. .

The meeting was adjourned at 3.50 PM.
