Please attach/ submit additional documents as needed to fully complete each section of the form.
Business Technology – Missoula College
Course Number: BGEN160S/CCS160S
Course Title: Issues in Sustainability
Type of Request:
One-time Only
*If course has not changed since the last review and is taught by the same tenure-track faculty member, you may skip sections III-V.
Normally, general education courses will not carry pre-requisites, will carry at least 3 credits, and will be numbered at the 100-200
level. If the course has more than one pre-requisite, carries fewer than three credits, or is upper division (numbered at the 300 level
or above), provide rationale for exception(s).
* Instructor:
Signature _______________________ Date____________
Phone / Email: (406) 243-7810
Program Chair:
Signature _______________________ Date____________
Signature _______________________ Date____________
*Form must be completed by the instructor who will be teaching the course. If the instructor of the course changes before the next
review, the new instructor must be provided with a copy of the form prior to teaching the course.
General Education courses must be introductory and foundational within the offering department or within the General Education
Group. They must emphasize breadth, context, and connectedness; and relate course content to students’ future lives: See
Systematically study individuals, groups, or social institutions;
analyze individuals, groups, or social problems and structures; and/or
give considerable attention to ways in which conclusions and generalizations are developed and justified as well as the methods
of data collection and analysis.
1. Describe the nature, structure, and historical development of human behavior, organizations, social phenomena, and/or
2. use theory in explaining these individual, group, or social phenomena; and/or
3. understand, assess, and evaluate how conclusions and generalizations are justified based on data.
A. HOW ARE THE LEARNING GOALS ABOVE MEASURED? Describe the measurement(s) used, such as a rubric or specific test
questions that directly measure the General Education learning goals. Please attach or provide a web link to the rubric, test
questions, or other measurements used.
1. Each of the seven units has a readings/outcomes document. (appended at end of this document); 5 of the 7 units have quizzes
that specifically address the “outcomes” (appended at end of this document). There is also a comprehensive “Company
Sustainability Paper/Project” that covers all of the major outcomes identified on the syllabus.
A General Education Assessment Report will be due on a four-year rotating cycle. You will be notified in advance of the due date.
This will serve to fulfill the University’s accreditation requirements to assess general education and will provide an opportunity to
connect with your colleagues across campus and share teaching strategies. Items VI.B- D will be helpful in compiling the report.
[This section is optional. Achievement targets can be reported if they have been established.]
Describe the desirable level of performance for your students, and the percentage of students you expected to achieve this:
[This section is optional. Assessment findings can be reported if they are available.]
What were the results/findings, and what is your interpretation/analysis of the data? (Please be detailed, using specific
numbers/percentages when possible. Qualitative discussion of themes provided in student feedback can also be reported. Do NOT
use course grades or overall scores on a test/essay. The most useful data indicates where students’ performance was stronger and
where it was weaker. Feel free to attach charts/tables if desired.)
[This section is optional. Assessment feedback can be reported if it is available.]
Given your students’ performance the last time the course was offered, how will you modify the course to enhance learning? You
can also address how the course could be improved, and what changes in the course content or pedagogy you plan to make, based
upon on the findings. Please include a timeframe for the changes.
Please submit syllabus in a separate file with the completed and signed form to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221. The learning
goals for the Social Science Group must be included on the syllabus. An electronic copy of the original signed form is acceptable.
(Separate Submission)
Unit 1 Outcomes (From “Readings & Outcomes Unit 1)
Define sustainability; identify facets of conventional vs. natural capitalism
Delineate natural cycles and ecosystem services and discuss human impact on environment
Define sustainable development; articulate arguments as to why growth cannot continue at current level [why is
worldwide economic model unsustainable?]
Outline The Natural Step’s Systems Framework
Quiz Unit 1 - Issues in Sustainability – 10 points
Choose two questions and write a short essay on each
 What are ecosystem services and what is the Tragedy of the Commons? List two specific ecosystem services in your answer.
Comment on how these services are (or aren’t) incorporated in market pricing.
 What is The Natural Step? Identify the four system conditions and give an example how a durable consumer goods firm
might apply each of them to his/her business.
 What are the primary differences between traditional neoclassical capitalism and natural capitalism?
 What is the formal definition of sustainability and what are the three principals of sustainability? Give two specific examples
from “Enough is Enough” that indicates how one or more of the three principals are violated.
Note: Refer to specific authors as much as possible in crafting your answers!
Unit 2 Outcomes (From “Readings & Outcomes Unit 2”)
Discuss Ecological Footprint and methodologies for calculating it - identify ways to mitigate impact in
different categories
Differentiate GDP [Gross Domestic Product] from GPI [Genuine Progress Indicator]
Identify sources of carbon emissions (scopes) her the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and describe
calculation of carbon footprint
Quiz Unit #2 – 10 points
Choose two of the three questions to write about – make sure to address all pieces of a question.
What is a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory? Address the following in your answer:
 What are the three emission scopes that are measured?
 What model is most widely used to capture GHG emissions and who developed this model?
How does solid waste contribute to GHG emissions, and how might a company estimate annual emissions from
solid waste?
 How does a regional utility’s portfolio impact the carbon footprint for a company in their grid subregion?
Identify two different metrics that can be used to measure sustainable development and/or human/corporate impact.
Define the metric, comment on what specifically it measures and describe some of the behaviors that are captured in the
measurement. Make sure to identify which organization or individuals created the metric – offer as much detail as
Define fair earth share – make sure to use the math we discussed to describe it (# of global hectares, etc), quote the
authors and address the biomes that are measured. Then choose three significant lifestyle areas that impacted your
individual fair earth share. Identify tangible (yet attainable) goal that you might individual embrace in order to reduce your
ecological footprint.
Unit 3 Outcomes (From “Readings & Outcomes Unit 3”)
Outline principles of triple bottom line [3E] and make the 6-pronged business cases for sustainability
Identify trends in sustainability business strategy and sustainable product/process design
Critically examine alignment of sustainability and economic development objectives
Discuss biomimicry as an innovative method of adapting nature’s best ideas for human use
Quiz Unit 3
15 points - Issues in Sustainability - Fall 2015
Instructions: You must write about #1 and then chose two of the remaining three questions. In total, then you will write on three.
Watch grammar and acknowledge (no need to formally cite) sources.
Give the six-pronged business case for sustainability to a neophyte (someone who has no prior knowledge of sustainability).
Make it short and sweet (you can bullet the six points)
And answer two of the following three as well
1. What is the triple bottom line (TBL) and what does it measure? How does TBL measure sustainability-drive innovation? Give
a specific example from each area of an organization that might be measured and reported using TBL. Give an example of a
company that is pursuing triple bottom line and identify one thing that is being done in each of the areas to increase
corporate TBL (but don’t use your own company that you reported in on).
2. What overarching ideas did the 2014 State of Green Business report convey? Address the question by sharing two general
insights as to trends. Also, discuss one of the key areas, but not the one that you were assigned! To get full points, be
reflective in your response.
3. What were the key take homes from Natalie Lucas’ presentation? Share one concrete fact about climate science and one
take away from the current state of international climate policy. What are the crucial objectives that policymakers are
hoping to attain from the climate negotiations in Paris in December?
Unit 4 Outcomes (From “Readings & Outcomes Unit 4”)
Identify objectives of sustainability reporting; articulate importance of GRI and elements of the
international reporting framework and define attributes of a high-performing sustainability report
Describe key performance indicators and stakeholder engagement
Define social responsibility investing [SRI] and articulate trends in the field; discuss future implications
Unit #4 Quiz - Issues in Sustainability - 10 points - Fall 2015
Each question is worth 5 points - answer thoroughly (and please make sure you answer each part of the question). Please make
sure it is at a collegiate-level for writing, grammar and editing. Make sure to cite any outside references.
Q1. What is GRI? In your answer:
Outline the primary categories that GRI 4.0 suggests should be contained in a sustainability report. Make sure to define
aspects and stakeholders in your discussion and talk about what makes this newest version different from its predecessors.
Differentiate GAAP from GRI and discuss the next vision that marries these two areas.
A company can apply for one of two GRI “levels” – what are these and what do they signify?
What is an assured report?
Q2. Discuss the growing field of SRI by identifying the following:
What is it and why is it growing? About how much is invested in the SRI market?
Specifically talk about how different investors employ the idea of socially responsible investing (ie – does it look alike for
What is the most widely tracked market index of SRI?
What are two trends that are shaping SRI?
Unit 5 Outcomes (From “Readings & Outcomes Unit 5”)
Articulate how the trend towards business sustainability is impacting the marketing mix – price,
promotion, place, people and product
Identify attributes of green products and potential branding strategies
Define ecolabels and how they are created
Utilize Good Guide to evaluate product’s social and environmental performance
Unit 5 Assignment - 20 points
Online Activity
I posted a URL that shows Target & Good Guide teaming up to rate Target’s products – this might be a good piece to
read before you work on your activity for this unit!
Choose a green product – one that has an eco-label on it (from the index of eco-labels). You may find it at your local store or in your home or on a website.
Then, go in to the Discussion Forum and put the name of your product in the subject line and:
1. Describe your product and share a list of product attributes that differentiates it from the conventional product,
employing language from the marketing pieces from this chapter. (5 points)
2. Explain what the eco-label represents (for example, FSC-labeled products identify forest products that have been
certified by the Forest Stewardship Council). (5 points)
3. Identify how a company might market your product to each of the three segments I discuss in the “Marketing to a
Greener World” chapter. (3 points)
4. Go to and find a product category (and a specific product) that you use (or have used). It
should preferably be something similar to the one you used for #1-3 above. Customize the filter to reflect what
your specific concerns are. Briefly discuss how the Good Guide rating applied to your product. What do you think
of the rating system? (3 points)
Prepare your own posting (total = 16 points as outlined above) and respond to at least one other student’s comments (4
Unit 6 Outcomes (From “Readings & Outcomes Unit 6”)
Discuss basics of climate change science and the results of the IPCC report released 2/07
Identify the importance of crafting a global protocol to supercede the Kyoto. Discuss importance of climate finance
in designing a universal mitigation strategy.
Discuss business risks and opportunities as pertains to climate change, including insurance hedging
Identify various policy initiatives designed to meet the challenges of climate change
Identify key arguments of climate change skeptics
Issues in Sustainability Quiz – Unit 6 – 30 points
Choose three of the following for 10 points each – do not cut/paste from an internet search engine – you will NOT be granted
For an extra 5 points write a paragraph discussing your key lesson learned from Brian’s conversation on Monday 11/24.
What was the purpose of the Kyoto Protocol (be specific)? Who is the IPCC and what were their pivotal findings in 1997?
Share some statistics – what was the most surprising piece of data you learned from Nicky’s presentation? You can discuss
PPM count, Celsius degree change, warmest years on record or anything that ‘sticks with you’ (two facts). How does the
IPCC report ‘fit with’ Kolbert’s essay surrounding the Geological Societ(ies) of America and London’s proposal to name the
impending epoch “the Age of the Anthropocene”.
Describe the significance of Socolow and Pacala’s stabilization wedges. In your answer describe what each wedge is
equivalent to and what they represent (both in tons of C02 per year and time frame implicit in stabilization theory). What is
the goal of these wedges and how many of these wedges are required to achieve their goal? Describe the three
technologies that seem most credible to you as policy solutions WHY??
Discuss 4 of the primary questions (I shared 8 with you) that a business should be asking as regards future sustainability
and climate change. As these questions are answered, what sort of formal plan should a business craft to outline these
risks and opportunities? How do you get a plan like this off the ground?
A formal climate change risk assessment plan should analyze which five specific types of risk. Name the risk and describe
each in detail. What steps must a company go through in order to conduct a thorough climate change risk assessment.
What is a carbon offset? What are the two broad markets for offsets? What are carbon offsets trading for at this time on
international markets? Discuss three of the seven characteristics of a high quality carbon offset. Make sure to label and
define the three attributes (hint: one of the characteristics is “permanency”). This is found in Molly White’s Carbon Offset
powerpoint presentation.