NASX280-01: Native American Studies Research Theories/Methods

NASX280-01: Native American Studies Research Theories/Methods
MWF 10:10-11:00 NAC 103
Instructor Information
Instructor: Dr. Wade Davies
Office: NAC 112A
Office Hours: MWF 11:10-12:00
Course Description
This class is designed to provide students with the tools, information and techniques necessary
to be successful students and researchers in Native American Studies. We will concentrate on
two main areas: 1) locating, organizing and processing American Indian-related primary and
secondary research materials (we will spend time in various library departments on campus and
look at ways to find sources off-campus) 2) organizing and writing a research paper that
effectively supports a clear original thesis statement.
Learning Outcomes
Students should leave the course with the ability to:
1) explain how to conduct research in and about Native communities in an ethical and legal way
2) plan and organize an original research project
3) locate and use relevant secondary sources, archival materials, government documents, legal
materials, oral interviews and other sources to complete a research project
4) process, organize and think critically about their sources
5) write original hypothesis and thesis statements
6) organize a paper to support a thesis statement
7) understand what constitutes plagiarism and how to use proper citation styles
Required Readings
There are no readings to purchase, but you will read numerous books, articles, and other
documents while researching your topic of choice. Required handouts will be posted on
Course Requirements
Participation and Group Work=30 points
3 Quizzes worth 15 points each=45 points
Final Paper=65 points
Assignments (secondary bibliography 15 pts./government docs 10 pts./archives 10 pts./primary
bibliography 15pts./first draft 10 pts.)=60 points
=200 total possible points
Assignment Guidelines and Policies
Participation and Group Assignments (30 points total): The participation portion of the grade
takes into account participation in class discussions and library tours, your out-of-class work with
the instructor (including the individual meetings) and your improvement over time as a researcher and
writer. On occasion we will break into groups and work on group assignments during class time. You will
receive points collectively on these assignments. This grade also reflects your attendance record.
Quizzes (45 points total): There will be three quizzes, listed below. These quizzes will be drawn from
lecture, handouts, and information learned in library tours.
Final Paper and Outline (65 points): You are required to complete a 9-10 page (not including title page
or notes) primary research paper, complete with citations and an attached outline. What you do for
your paper project is choice, subject to my approval. The only requirement is that it has to be a Native
American topic and require both secondary and primary research. You will plan the project, research it,
formulate a hypothesis and thesis, organize your paper and write it. This part of the grade covers your
organization, the clarity and creativity of your thesis, how well you support that thesis in the body of the
text, grammar/writing style, the number and variety of sources you use, and your citations.
Attendance*: Attendance is required in this class and will be taken at the beginning of each class
meeting. Also you will be required to meet with the instructor for mandatory individual meetings
during the semester (you’ll sign up for a time to meet with me in my office). Missing any of these
meetings will count as an absence. You will also be counted as absent if you are more than ten minutes
late for any class meeting, even if you stay for the rest of the class period. The first four absences will
not be penalized but will affect your participation score. All subsequent absences (the fifth and beyond)
will be a 3 point deduction each time you miss class. Note that any absence penalty is deducted from
your overall class points. Excess absences will also lower your participation score in addition to the
**If you miss a class, you might miss hearing about a change in where we will be meeting for the
next class, which won’t always be in our assigned classroom (for example, we may be in the Mansfield
Library or the Law Library). If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to contact me as soon as possible
to find out if our meeting plans have changed.
Individual Assignments (60 points): There will be five individual assignments worth 10-15 points each
(the bibliographies are worth more than the other three assignments). These assignments will ask you to
apply information and skills learned throughout the course. I will provide you with specific guidelines for
each assignment.
You cannot make-up a missed quiz unless you have made prior arrangements with me or you have a
documented medical excuse. All assignments are due in-class by the due date. Late assignments will
receive a two point deduction.
*The Research Paper due at the end of the Semester will not be accepted late.
Week 1:
8/31-9/4 meet in our regular classroom this week
Week 2:
9/7 Labor Day, No Class
9/9-11 meet in the Mansfield Library Student Learning Center these days (computer lab)
Week 3:
9/14-18 meet in the Mansfield Library Student Learning Center this week (computer lab)
Week 4:
9/21 First Quiz; meet in our regular classroom
9/23 meet in our regular classroom
9/25 Secondary Source bibliography due; meet in Government Documents in Mansfield Library
(bottom floor)
Week 5:
9/28-30 meet in Government Documents in Mansfield Library Monday and Wednesday
(bottom floor)
10/2 Government Documents Assignment due; meet in our regular classroom
Week 6:
10/5 meet in the Law Library
10/7 meet in the Law Library
10/9 meet in our regular classroom
Week 7:
10/12 meet in the Mansfield Library Archives
10/14 meet in the Mansfield Library Archives
10/16 meeting place to be announced
Week 8:
10/19 Archives assignment due today; meet in our regular classroom
10/21 meet in our regular classroom
10/23 Second Quiz; meet in our regular classroom
Week 9:
10/26-30 meet in our regular classroom this week
Week 10:
11/2 meet in our regular classroom
11/4 meet in our regular classroom
11/6 Primary Source Bibliography due; meet in our regular classroom
Week 11:
11/9 meet in our regular classroom
11/11 Veteran’s Day, No Class
11/13 meet in our regular classroom
Week 12:
11/16-20 meet in our regular classroom
Week 13:
11/23 Third Quiz; meet in our regular classroom
11/25-27 Thanksgiving break
Week 14:
11/30 meet in our regular classroom
12/2 meet in our regular classroom
12/4 First Draft of paper due
Week 15:
12/7 meet in our regular classroom
12/9 no mandatory class meeting today
12/11 Final Research Paper due
Note: There is no final exam for this course
Student Conduct Code
*click here for link
Disability modifications
*click here for Disability Services for Students. If you think you may have a disability adversely
affecting your academic performance, and you have not already registered with Disability
Services, please contact DSS in the Lommasson Center 154 or call 406-243-2243. I will work
with you and Disability Services to provide an appropriate modification.