LEVEL I FORM (4/15) Please attach/ submit additional documents as needed to fully complete each section of the form. See information about Level I Proposals. I. DEPARTMENT / PROGRAM Applied Computing & Engineering Technology: Cybersecurity Certificate II. SUMMARY Revise certificate program as follows: (1) Remove the prerequisite requirement involving completion of the IT-Network Management AAS degree. Add completion of the following courses to the requirements for the Network and Information Security (2) (NIS) Certificate: ITS 150, ITS 210, ITS 212, ITS 222 (12 credits). (3) Retitle the program from Network and Information Security to Cybersecurity ///. ENDORSEMENTS AND APPROVALS 9/21/15 Thomas Gallagher Requestor: Signature _______________________ Date____________ 7814 / thomas.gallagher@umontana.edu xxxPhone/ Email: Steven Shen Program Chair: Signature _______________________ Date____________ *Other Affected Programs: Signature _______________________ Date____________ Signature _______________________ Date____________ Signature _______________________ Date____________ Dean: Signature _______________________ Date____________ Provost’s Office: Signature _______________________ Date____________ * Are affected because of: (a) required courses including prerequisites or corequisites, (b) perceived overlap in content areas, or (c) cross‐listing of coursework. After the Faculty Senate approves the proposal on a consent agenda the Provost’s Office forwards the item for Board of Regents approval at the next possible meeting. /V. TYPE OF LEVEL I PROPOSAL ✔ Retitling existing majors, minors, options, or certificates Eliminating existing majors, minors, or options. (submit with BOR program termination checklist) Adding new minors or certificates where there is a major or an option in a major* ✔ Campus Certificates: Adding, retitling, terminating or revising a certificate of 29 or fewer credits Revising a program* (for minor modifications use the program modification form) Distance or online delivery of previously authorized degree or certificate program Consolidating existing programs and/or degrees * Placing a program into moratorium Withdrawing a program from moratorium Adding BAS/AA/AS Area of Study *Must submit with BOR Curriculum Proposal Form V. CATALOG LANGUAGE Attach the current or proposed catalog language with any changes clearly identified. V/. JUSTIFICATION The Network and Information Security (NIS) certificate program requires prerequisite knowledge of basic security principles, system administration, and networking. Currently, the program requires students to complete the AAS degree in Information Technology with an emphasis in Network Administration prior to beginning the NIS certificate. We have identified this requirement to a barrier for students from other disciplines along with practicing professionals interested in further education on Cybersecurity topics. We seek to open this certificate program to all individuals interested in the study of Cybersecurity by requiring additional courses involving security principles, system administration, and networking to program requirements. The additional courses are a subset of requirements for the AAS degree. These courses provide the necessary prerequisite knowledge for students to be successful in the study of Cybersecurity. We request permission to adding the following courses to the certificate program ITS 150 Cisco Networking 1, ITS 210 Network Operating Systems: Desktop, ITS 212 Network Operating Systems: Server, and ITS 222 Enterprise Security. We also request retitling the program to Cybersecurity as it has become accepted as a general term widely associated with information security VI SUBMISSION Submit the complete Level I proposal to the Provost’s Office for initial review. After all signatures have been obtained, submit original, and an electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221, camie.foos@mso.umt.edu Level I proposals also require Board of Regents approval. The appropriate BOR forms must be submitted with this proposal.