BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECOSYSTEM SCIENCE & RESTORATION TERRESTRIAL OPTION (Proposed curriculum for 2016 catalog or later) FALL SPRING COURSE# DESCRIPTION CR BIOB160N Principles of Living Systems (lab required) [F/Su] 4 CHMY121N Intro. to General Chemistry [F/Sp] 3 NRSM121S NRSM170 NRSM180 Nature of Montana [F] -ORIntern'l Environ. Change [Sp] -ORCareers in Natural Resources [F/Sp] WRIT101 College Writing I [F/W/Sp/Su] 3 GEN ED/Elective 3 COURSE# DESCRIPTION CR FRESHMAN 2-3 BIOO105N Intro. to Botany (lab required) [Sp] 3 CHMY123N Intro. to Organic & Biochemistry (lab optional) [F/Sp] 3 COMX111A Intro. to Public Speaking [F/W/Sp/Su] -OR- 3 THTR120A Intro. to Acting 1 [F/W/Sp] M162 Applied Calculus [F/Sp] 4 GEN ED/Elective 3 TOTAL 15-16 TOTAL 16 SOPHOMORE BIOB260 NRSM210 NRSM265 Cell & Molecular Biology [F/Su] Soils, Water, & Climate [Sp] Elements of Ecol. Restoration [F] 4 3 3 BIOB272 NRSM200 WRIT325 Genetics & Evolution [Sp/Su] Nat. Res. Professional Writing [F/Sp] -ORScience Writing (honors) [Sp] STAT216 FORS201 WILD240 Statistics [F/Sp] -ORForest Biometrics [F] -ORIntro. to Biostats [F, Even yrs] 3-4 GEN ED/Elective 4-5 TOTAL 14-15 TOTAL 4 3 13-16 JUNIOR BIOE370 General Ecology (lab optional) [F] 3 BIOO335 Rocky Mountain Flora [Sp/Su] 3 NRSM385 Watershed Hydrology (lab optional ) [F/Sp] 3 NRSM344* 5 ESR Terrestrial Elective1 3 Ecosystem Science & Restoration Capstone [Sp] ESR Social-science Elective GEN ED/Elective 2 ESR Terrestrial Elective1 GEN ED/Elective 3 3 TOTAL 15 3 3 TOTAL 14 SENIOR NRSM 489E* Ethics Forestry & Conservation [F] -OR- NRSM 449E Climate Change Ethics [F] NRSM495* Practicum [F/Su] BIOE447 BIOE448 FORS330 NRSM462 Terr. Ecosys. Ecology -ORTerr. Plant Ecology [F] -ORForest Ecology [F/Sp] -ORRange Ecology [Interm] 3 NRSM422 Natural Resource Policy & Admin. [F/Sp] 3 NRSM465 BIOE447 Restoration Ecology [Sp] -OREcosystem Ecology [Sp, odd yrs] 3 3-6 3 NRSM494 Ecosystem Science and Restoration Capstone Seminar [Sp] 1 ESR Terrestrial Elective GEN ED/Elective GEN ED/Elective TOTAL 1 3-6 15 3 5 TOTAL 15 Notes: • Shading indicates that students have more than one course option. • Letters/symbols after course rubrics indicate general education requirements: A=expressive arts; E=ethical and human values; N=natural science; NL=natural science w/lab; S=social science; and *=upper-division writing (three * courses required) (see page 2). • Letters in brackets after course titles indicate semesters offered: F=Fall; W=Winter Session; Sp=Spring; and Su=Summer. • Electives are listed on the following page: 1REST/terrestrial electives (9 cr); 2 REST/social-science electives (3 cr). General requirements: 1) A total of 120 credits, 39 of which must be upper division (300 level or higher); 2) a total of 36 traditional letter-graded semester credits in the College of Forestry and Conservation (CFC); and 3) at least 400 hrs of work experience (see your advisor for details). Revised 8/18/2015 Ecosystem Science and Restoration - Terrestrial Option, Curriculum Outline - Page 2 ESR TERRESTRIAL ELECTIVES (> 9 cr from list below) Students may not select an elective that is being used to fulfill any of the core requirements. BIOE 342 Field Ecology, 3 cr. [Su] FORS 333 Basic and Applied Fire Ecology, 3 cr. [Sp] BIOE 416 Alpine Ecology, 3 cr. [Su] FORS 347* Silviculture, 3 cr. [Sp] BIOE 447 Ecosystem Ecology, 3 cr. [Sp, odd yrs] GEO 228 Earth Surface Processes, 3 cr. [Sp] BIOE 448 Terr. Plant Ecology, 4 cr. [F] NRSM 335 Environ. Entomology, 3 cr. [F] BIOE 451 Landscape Ecology, 3 cr. [Su] NRSM 360 Rangeland Mgmt., 3 cr. [Interm] BIOE 458 Ecology of Forests and Grasslands, 3 cr. [Su] NRSM 363 Range Forage Plants, 3 cr. [Interm] BIOO 320* General Botany, 5 cr. [F] NRSM 408 Global Cycles and Climate, 3 cr. [Sp, Even yrs] BIOM 430 Applied & Environ. Microbiology, 3 cr. [Interm] NRSM 415 Environ. Soil Science, 3 cr. [Sp, Odd yrs] BIOO 433 Plant Physiology, 3 cr. [Sp] NRSM 418 Ecosystem Climatology, 3 cr. [Sp, Odd yrs] FORS 202 Forest Mensuration, 3 cr. [Sp] NRSM 462* Range Ecology, 3 cr. [F] FORS 250 Intro to GIS and Cartography, 3 cr. [F/Sp] FORS 330* Forest Ecology, 3 cr. [F/Sp] NRSM 465* Restoraration Ecology, 3 cr. [Sp] NRSM 485 Watershed Mgmt., 3 cr. [Interm] FORS 331 Wildland Fuels Mgmt., 3 cr. [F] WILD 470 Conservation of Wildlife Populations, 3 cr. [F/Sp] ESR SOCIAL-SCIENCE ELECTIVES (≥3 cr.) ECNS 433 Economics of the Environment, 3 cr. [Interm] NRSM 426 Climate and Society, 3 cr. [Sp] FORS 320 Forest Environmental Econ., 3 cr. [F] NRSM 475* Environ. and Development, 3 cr. [Sp] NRSM 379* Collaboration in Nat. Res. Decisions, 3 cr. [F] Note: *=upper-division writing option 1 (see below). Notes: Letters in brackets indicate semesters offered: F=Fall; W=Winter Session; Sp=Spring; Su=Summer; Interm=Intermittent. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS A student following the ESR curriculum will automatically fulfill part of their General Education Requirements by taking the ESR degree course requirements listed below. I. WRITING SKILLS The writing skills requirements are met by the ESR curriculum: —Lower-Division Writing. All students must complete WRIT 101 unless exempt and one of the following additional lower-division writing courses: NRSM200 or WRIT 325 honors . — Upper-Division Writing. Students must complete one of the following two options. Option 1 — Three of the following upper-division writing courses (Ϯ denotes courses that are elective or required for ESR): BIOE 428; BIOO 320; FORS 330Ϯ, 341, 342, 347, 437, 440, 490, and 499; NASX 403; NRSM 379Ϯ, 444Ϯ, 495Ϯ, 462, 475Ϯ, 489EϮ, and 499; PTRM 300; and WILD 410. Option 2 — one course that has a W, such as PTRM 451W, or PTRM 482W; please check for prerequisites. II. MATHEMATICS The mathematic requirements are met by the ESR curriculum: M 162. III. FOREIGN LANGUAGES/SYMBOLIC SYSTEMS The foreign language/symbolic systems are met by the ESR curriculum: M 162; and STAT 216 or FORS 201 or WILD 240. Students must successfully complete 3 credits from each perspective group below, except for Natural Sciences, in which 6 credits ( EXPRESSIVE ARTS (A) 3 cr. — This perspective ) IV. is fulfilled by VIII. ETHICAL AND HUMAN VALUES (E) 3 cr. — This perspective is the ESR curriculum: COMX IIIA. or THTR 120A. fulfilled by the ESR curriculum: NRSM 489E or NRSM449E. V. LITERARY AND ARTISTIC STUDIES (L) 3 cr. — This IX. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES (Y) 3 cr. — This perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. VI. HISTORIAL AND CULTURAL STUDIES (H) 3 cr. — This X. INDIGENEOUS AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES (X) 3 cr. — This perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. XI. NATURAL SCIENCES (N/NL) 6 cr. — This perspective is fulfilled VII. SOCIAL SCIENCES (S) 3 cr. — This perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum: NRSM 121S is an elective and is by the ESR curriculum: BIOO 105N, BIOB 160N, CHMY 121N, CHMY 123N, and NRSM 210NL. recommended. CIVIL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS The ESR terrestrial option qualifies students for the federal civil service jobs listed below, if the following additional requirements are met (for more information see: • Biological Science Technician (Series 0404): ESR meets all requirements. • Range Technician (Series 0455): ESR meets all requirements. • Ecologist (Series GS-408): ESR meets all requirments • Forester (Series G-460): Students must chose their elective courses (shaded courses on front of this sheet) to meet the requirement for 24 credits in forestry. • Hydrologist (Series GS-1315): To meet the physics requirement, ESR students must take 6 credits of physics. • Soil Conservationist (Series GS-457): ESR meets all requirements. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECOSYSTEM SCIENCE AND RESTORATION AQUATIC OPTION (Proposed curriculum outline for 2016 catalog or later) FALL SPRING COURSE# DESCRIPTION CR COURSE# DESCRIPTION CR BIOB160N Principles of Living Systems (lab required) [F/Su] 4 CHMY123N Intro. to Organic & Biochemistry (lab optional ) [F/Sp] CHMY121N Intro. to General Chemistry (lab optional) [F/Sp] 3 COMX111A THTR120A Intro. To Public Speaking [F/W/Sp/Su] OR- Intro. To Acting 1 [F/Wi/Sp] GEO101&2NL General Geology & Lab [F/Sp] 4 M171 Calculus I [F/Sp] 4 GEN ED/Elective 3 FRESHMAN NRSM121S NRSM170 NRSM180 Nature of Montana [F] -ORIntern'l Environ. Change [Sp] -ORCareers in Natural Resources [F/Sp] WRIT101 College Writing I [F/Sp/Su] GEN ED/Elective 2-3 3 3 - 3 3 TOTAL 15-16 TOTAL 16 SOPHOMORE BIOB260 Cell & Molecular Biology [F/Su] 4 BIOB272 Genetics & Evolution [Sp/Su] NRSM200 WRIT325 Nat. Res. Professional Writing [F/Sp] OR- Science Writing (honors) [Sp] STAT216 FORS201 WILD240 Statistics [F/Sp]-ORForest Biometrics [F]-ORIntro. to Biostats [F, Even yrs] M172 Calculus II [F/Sp] 4 NRSM265 Elements of Ecol. Restoration [F] 3 GEN ED/Elective 4 4 3-4 GEN ED/Elective TOTAL 3 - 4-5 15 TOTAL 13-16 JUNIOR BIOE370 General Ecology (lab optional) [F] 3 Freshwater Ecology (lab required) [F] 5 Ecosystem Science and Restoration Capstone [Sp] 5 BIOE428* NRSM385 Watershed Hydrology (lab optional) [F/Sp] 3 ESR Aquatic Electives 1 3 ESR Aquatic Electives 1 NRSM344* 4 TOTAL ESR Social-Science Electives GEN ED/Elective 15 2 3 4 TOTAL 15 SENIOR NRSM489E* NRSM449E Ethics Forestry & Conservation [F] -ORClimate Change Ethics [F] NRSM495* Practicum [F/Su] GEN ED/Elective Natural Resource Policy & Admin. [F/Sp] Restoration Ecology [Sp] -OREcosystem Ecology [Sp, odd yrs] 3 3 3-6 NRSM422 NRSM465 BIOE447 3-6 NRSM494 Ecosystem Science and Restoration Capstone Seminar [Sp] 1 3 ESR Aquatic Electives 1 GEN ED/Elective TOTAL 12-18 3 TOTAL 8 15 Notes: • Shading indicates that students have more than one course option. • Letters in brackets after course titles indicate semesters offered: F=Fall; W=Winter Session; Sp=Spring; and Su=Summer. • Letters/symbols after course rubrics indicate general education requirements: A=expressive arts; E=ethical and human values; N=natural science; NL=natural science w/lab; S=social science; and *=upper-division writing (three * courses required) (see back page). • Electives are listed on the following page: 1REST/aquatic electives (9 cr); 2 REST/social-science electives (3 cr). General requirements: 1) A total of 120 credits, 39 of which must be upper division (300 level or higher); 2) a total of 36 traditional letter-graded semester credits in the College of Forestry and Conservation (CFC); and 3) at least 400 hrs of work experience (see your advisor for details). Revised 9/24/2015 Ecosystem Science and Restoration - Aquatic Option, Curriculum Outline - Page 2 ESR AQUATIC ELECTIVES (> 9 cr. from list below) BIOE 342 Field Ecology, 3 cr. [Su] BIOE 439 Stream Ecology, 3 cr. [Su] BIOE 447 Ecosystem Ecology, 3 cr. [Sp, odd yrs] BIOE 451 Landscape Ecology, 3 cr. [Su] BIOE 453 Lake Ecology, 3 cr. [Su] BIOO 340 Biology & Mgmt. of Fishes, 4 cr. [F] FOR 250 Intro to GIS and Cart., 3 cr. [F/Sp] GEO 228 Earth Surface Processes, 3 cr. [Sp] GEO 420 Hydrogeology, 3 cr. [F] GEO 421 Hydrology, 3 cr. [F] GEO 460 Process Geomorph., 4 cr. [F, Alt yrs] NRSM 210 Soils, water, and climate 3 cr. [Sp] NRSM 408 Global Cycles and Climate, 3 cr. [Sp, Even yrs] NRSM 418 Ecosystem Climatology, 3 cr. [Sp, Odd yrs] NRSM 455 Riparian Ecol. and Mgmt., 3 cr. [Interm] NRSM 465 Restoration Ecology, 3 cr. [Sp.] NRSM 485 Watershed Mgmt., 3 cr. [Interm] WILD485 Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Ecol., 3 cr. [F] ESR SOCIAL-SCIENCE ELECTIVES (≥ 3 cr.) ECNS 433 Economics of the Environment, 3 cr. [Interm] FORS 320 Forest Environmental Econ., 3 cr. [F] NRSM 379* Collaboration in Natural Res. Decisions, 3 cr. [F] NRSM 426 Climate and Society, 3 cr. [Sp] NRSM 475* Environ. and Development, 3 cr. [Sp] GPHY 335** Water Policy, 3 cr. [F] Notes: Letters in brackets indicate semesters offered: F=Fall; W=Winter Session; Sp=Spring; Su=Summer; Interm = Intermittent. *=upper-division writing option 1 (see below); ** = upper-division writing option 2 (see below) GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS A student following the ESR curriculum can fulfill part of their General Education requirements by taking the ESR degree course requirements that are listed below. I. WRITING SKILLS —Lower-Division Writing. All students must complete WRIT 101 unless exempt and one of the following additional lowerdivision writing courses: NRSM 200 or WRIT 325 honors . —Upper-Division Writing. Students must complete one of the following options: Option 1 — Three of the following upperdivision writing courses (Ϯ denotes courses that are elective or required for ESR): BIOE 428Ϯ; FORS 330, 341, 342, 347, 437, 440, 490, and 499; NASX 403; NRSM 379Ϯ, 444Ϯ, 495Ϯ, 462, 475Ϯ, 489EϮ, and 499; PTRM 300; and WILD 410. Option 2 — One course that has a W (Ϯ denotes courses that are elective for ESR), such as GPHY 335Ϯ, PTRM 451W or PTRM 482W. II. MATHEMATICS III. FOREIGN LANGUAGES/SYMBOLIC SYSTEMS The mathematics requirements are met by the ESR curriculum: M The foreign language/symbolic systems requirements are met by 171. the ESR curriculum: M 171 or M172; and STAT 216 or FORS 201 GENERAL EDUCATION PERSPECTIVES Students must successfully complete 3 credits from each perspective group below, except for Natural Sciences, in which 6 credits (including at least one course with a lab [NL]) are required. Approved courses may meet more than one perspective. IV. EXPRESSIVE ARTS (A) 3 cr. — This perspective is fulfilled VIII. ETHICAL AND HUMAN VALUES (E) 3 cr. — This by the ESR curriculum: COMX IIIA or THTR 120A. perspective is fulfilled by the ESR curriculum: NRSM 489E or NRSM449E. V. LITERARY AND ARTISTIC STUDIES (L) 3 cr. — This IX. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES (Y) 3 cr. — perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. This perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. VI. HISTORIAL AND CULTURAL STUDIES (H) 3 cr. — This perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. VII. SOCIAL SCIENCES (S) 3 cr. — This perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum: NRSM 121S is an elective and is recommended. X. INDIGENEOUS AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES (X) 3 cr. — This perspective is NOT fulfilled by the ESR curriculum. XI. NATURAL SCIENCES (N/NL) 6 cr. — This perspective is fulfilled by the ESR curriculum: BIOB 160N, CHMY 121N, CHMY 123N, and GEOL 101N/102NL. CIVIL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS The ESR aquatic option qualifies students for the federal civil service jobs listed below, if the following additional requirements are met (for more information see: • Biological Science Technician (Series 0404): ESR meets all requirements. • Hydrologist (Series GS-1315): To meet the physics requirement, ESR students must take 6 credits of physics. • Ecologist (Series GS-408): ESR meets all requirements.