Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form (2/14) I. General Education Review – Upper-division Writing Requirement Dept/Program HHP Athletic Course # (i.e. ANTY AHAT 342 Subject Training 455) or sequence Course(s) Title Therapeutic Interventions Description of the requirement if it is not a single course. Theories and application methods of interventions such as therapeutic modalities and exercise for athletic injuries. Substantial reading and writing component II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office. Please type / print name Signature Instructor Valerie Moody Phone / Email 243- Program Chair Dean Date 2703/valerie.moody @umontana.edu Scott Richter Roberta Evans III. Type of request New Renew X Reason for new course, change or deletion One-time Only Change X Remove Change course name from Rehab of Athletic Injuries to Therapeutic Interventions which allows for the course to address a broader scope of treating patients in a clinical setting. This will not only address rehabilitation but also therapeutic modalities that can facilitate the rehabilitation process. IV Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description In this course, the theories and application methods of interventions such as therapeutic modalities and exercise for athletic injuries will be explored. Students will discover how to develop comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation plans for patients suffering from injury. The course begins with learning how to apply modalities appropriately and is followed with how to prescribe appropriate and safe exercises. Each protocol developed includes: 1) The clinical findings and functional limitations that suggest the need for rehabilitative care in returning the athlete to competition, 2) A plan of care to address the needs of the injured athlete, 3) Short and long term clinical functional goals, 4) Estimated time required to achieve goals and the rationale for selections, 5) Specific therapeutic intervention techniques used to achieve the goals with rationale, 6) Contraindications/precautions considered in devising treatment plan, and 7) Criteria for returning the athlete to practice and competition All of this is addressed through review of current literature. V Learning Outcomes: Provide examples of how the course will support students in achieving each learning outcome. Identify and pursue sophisticated questions for academic inquiry X Yes If yes, how will student learning be supported? Once the initial material is presented, the students are assigned an operative plan of care and a non-operative plan of care- each plan of care describes a patient that has suffered from an injury and the students must apply what they have learned in class to their assigned case/plan of care. The students then must seek out current information on the proper treatment and rehabilitation of these particular injuries. The students are supported through this process by practicing in class with different case studies and injuries. They have ample time to practice and discuss treatment options based on current literature and information presented in the course. Find, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information No If no, course may not be eligible X Yes If yes, how will student learning be supported? effectively and ethically from diverse sources (see: http://www.lib.umt.edu/libraryinformation-literacytables#Table2) Subject liaison librarians are available to assist you embed information literacy into your course: http://www.lib.umt.edu/node/115 #instructors Manage multiple perspectives as appropriate The first week of class is spent reviewing with students how to conduct a search for information that is peer reviewed and how to appropriately use web based materials. Students are required to format paper in AMA style which is the accepted style for a majority of health care journals. The content and material researched and presented in this class is discipline specific for future health care professionals. Multiple resources will be provided to support students in learning this style of writing (online in Moodle and in class) No If no, course may not be eligible X Yes If yes, how will student learning be supported? With each case study (operative and non-operative) students will learn from multiple perspectives on treating their particular case. For example, they must understand each case from the physicians perspective and their expectations, the patients perspective, as well as the athletic trainer and physical therapists perspective. Their research should support and address a multi-disciplinary approach to treating the patient. Recognize the purposes and needs of discipline-specific audiences and adopt the academic voice necessary for the chosen discipline Use multiple drafts, revision, and editing in conducting No If no, course may not be eligible X Yes If yes, how will student learning be supported? Students are required to format paper in AMA style which is the accepted style for a majority of health care journals. The content and material researched and presented in this class is discipline specific for future health care professionals. Multiple resources will be provided to support students in learning this style of writing (online in Moodle and in class) No If no, course may not be eligible X Yes If yes, how will student learning be supported? inquiry and preparing written work Follow the conventions of citation, documentation, and formal presentation appropriate to that discipline Students are currently required to submit two drafts of each plan of care prior to the final submission deadline. On average, the instructor returns drafts with extensive feedback within 2-3 days for students. Some students elect to submit more drafts of each plan of care for feedback and the professor allows the student to submitted unlimited drafts for feedback (particularly for those students who need extra assistance with their writing skills) No If no, course may not be eligible X Yes If yes, how will student learning be supported? Students are required to format paper in AMA style which is the accepted style for a majority of health care journals. The content and material researched and presented in this class is discipline specific for future health care professionals. Multiple resources will be provided to support students in learning this style of writing (online in Moodle and in class) No If no, course may not be eligible VI. Writing Course Requirements Enrollment is capped at 25 students. If not, list maximum course enrollment. Explain how outcomes will be adequately met for this number of students. Justify the request for variance. Briefly explain how students are provided with tools and strategies for effective writing and editing in the major. Which written assignment(s) includes revision in response Enrollment will be capped at 25; it is anticipated that enrollment will be approximately 15 students At the start of the class, we spend a couple days outlining the research and formatting process for the assignments in class. Students are provided with additional resources and writing samples in the Moodle supplement to the course. They are also made aware of the writing center on campus as an additional resource; In addition, I offer additional feedback to any student at any point in the course (they may turn in extra drafts for additional feedback/help) Operative and Non-Operative Plan of Care to instructor’s feedback? VII. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required to individually compose at least 20 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Quality of content and writing are integral parts of the grade on any writing assignment. Formal Graded Assignments 10% - Quizzes 10% - Rehab Project 1 15% - Midterm Exam (Written) 25% - Plan of Care- Operative Injury (grade includes outline, drafts, revision of paper) 25% - Plan of Care- Non-Operative Injury (grade includes outline, drafts, revision of paper) 15% - Final Exam (Written) 100% Informal Ungraded Assignments Two drafts are due and are included in the Plan of care grades; however, students may submit additional drafts for review that do not count in the plan of care grade Paste or attach a sample writing assignment, including instructions for students. See attached VIII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. The syllabus must include the list of Writing Course learning outcomes above. Paste syllabus here.