Program Modification Form Department/program Summary

Program Modification Form
I Summary of Proposed Changes
Bachelor of Arts Mathematics Mathematics Education Option
Add STAT451 as a substitute for STAT341 and as a possible choice for the
elective course
II Endorsements and Approvals
Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval.
Please type / print name Signature
Program Chair/Director:
Matt Roscoe
406 243 6689
Leonid Kalachev
Department Dean
Other affected Programs:
Christopher Comer
(Use additional sheet if
Are other departments/programs affected by this
Please obtain signature(s) from the
modification because of
Chair/Director of any such department/
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
program (above) before submission
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III Type of Program Modification
(e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box.
Teaching major/minor
IV Catalog Language
If you are proposing a change to an existing program or Please provide the proposed copy as you wish
major, please cut and paste the requirements as they
it to appear in the catalog. 
appear in the current catalog below. 
Other Mathematical Sciences Core Courses for the
Mathematics Education Option
Rule: Take all of the following courses.
Note: (1) Residency Requirement: At least 4 of the upperdivision courses in this category must be taken at UMMissoula (only 3 if the Elective Course is an upper-division
course taken at UM-Missoula).
(2) Note that taking M 429 satisfies the Upper-Division
Writing Requirement for this degree.
Other Mathematical Sciences Core Courses for the
Mathematics Education Option
Rule: Take all of the following courses.
Note: (1) Residency Requirement: At least 4 of the
upper-division courses in this category must be
taken at UM-Missoula (only 3 if the Elective
Course is an upper-division course taken at UMMissoula).
(2) Note that taking M 429 satisfies the UpperDivision Writing Requirement for this degree.
(3) STAT 451 can be substituted for STAT 341, if
STAT 451 is not selected as the elective course.
Elective Course
Elective Course
Add STAT 451 to the list of courses listed under
“Elective Course”.
Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. 
STAT341 is the course currently required of mathematics majors seeking the mathematics education
option to meet the statistics content requirement for teaching mathematics in grades 5-12. The proposal
seeks to add STAT451 as an acceptable substitute for STAT341. The proposal is made on the basis of
meeting the needs of mathematics education majors. Recent curricular changes brought about by the
adoption of the Common Core State Standards for Practice and Content in Montana have placed an
increased emphasis on the statistical content in both middle schools and high schools. Additionally, the
number of students seeking advanced placement statistics courses in American high schools is on the rise.
Teachers with better preparation in the area of statistics will be needed in the near future. The current
requirement of STAT341 for all mathematics majors seeking the mathematics education option provides
future teachers with a firm foundation in probability theory and simulation; however, it does not expose
them to many of the statistical procedures common to the advanced placement statistics curriculum. In
contrast, STAT451 more closely follows the advanced placement statistics curriculum, especially in the
areas of statistical inference where procedures for constructing confidence intervals and tests of
hypotheses are covered in depth. Since STAT451 is only taught every Autumn whereas STAT341 is
taught every Autumn and Spring, STAT341 is retained as one route to meet the statistics content
requirement so as not to create scheduling barriers for students seeking the degree.
The proposal also seeks to add STAT451 to the courses listed as acceptable elective courses for
mathematics major seeking the mathematics education option. Adding STAT451 to the elective list
would allow the future teachers the opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding of
statistics which will position them to better serve their future students to meet the growing emphasis on
statistics in 5-12 grade mathematics as well as advanced placement statistics courses. STAT451 would
be allowed to count as an elective only in cases where the student has taken STAT341 to meet the
statistical requirement of the mathematics education option.
V Copies and Electronic Submission
Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate
Office, UH 221 (
VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document
list program title and proposed change of all proposals.
Revised 11-2009