I. ASCRC Symbolic Systems Request

I. ASCRC Symbolic Systems Request (3/5/14)
Use to request or renew the general Group III Exception: Symbolic Systems for degree
programs or options. Please complete a separate form for each degree requesting the
Degree or Degree Option*
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
*For options include all degree requirements followed by the
option requirements.
Computer Science
Approved Symbolic System(s) Fundamentals of Computer Science I And II
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Phone / Email
Douglas W. Raiford
Program Chair
Douglas W. Raiford
Chris Comer
III: Justification Please explain why the program of study requires over 48 credits for a
first baccalaureate degree:
The extended math and science requirements are expected in various constituencies (private
sector employers, prospective graduate schools, etc.). Additionally, there are requirements
imposed by our accreditation agency (ABET). As the computations in Part IV show, the degree
program requires at least 72 credits (after subtracting general education credits).
IV. Degree Requirements: (1) List all courses required for the major and the credits
earned. Courses that apply toward the 48-credit threshold include all requirements for the
primary major and designated pre-requisite courses (2) Subtract general education credits
fulfilled by these requirements. Example: If a major requires PHSX 205N-208N (totaling 10
credits), only 4 credits apply towards the 48 credit threshold since 6 credits are needed to fulfill
general education group XI (Natural Sciences).
CSCI 106 - Careers in Computer Science
1 Credits
CSCI 135 - Fund of Computer Science I
3 Credits
CSCI 136 - Fund of Computer Science II
3 Credits
CSCI 205 - Programming Languages w/ C/C++
4 Credits
CSCI 232 - Data Structures and Algorithms
4 Credits
CSCI 315E - Computers, Ethics, and Society
3 Credits (Gen Ed)
CSCI 323 - Software Science
3 Credits
CSCI 332 - Design/Analysis of Algorithms
3 Credits
CSCI 361 - Computer Architecture
3 Credits
CSCI 426 - Adv Prgrmng Theory/Practice I
3 Credits
CSCI 427 - Adv Prgrmng Theory/Practice II
3 Credits
Professional Track: must complete 18 credits of CSCI electives selected from courses
numbered 300 and above
Interdisciplinary Track: 6 credits of CSCI electives selected from courses numbered 300 and
above. In addition, students must complete all requirements for a minor or additional major in
any field other than computer science. This minor or additional major must include at least
twelve credits at the 200-level or above.
Mathematics. M 171-172, 221 or 325, 225 & STAT 341 (MATH 152-153, 221 or 325, 225,
and 341). 3 Credits count toward general education.
Writing/Communication. Students must take a University approved lower-division writing
course. Students must also take COMX 111A or COMX 242 (COMM 111A or COMM 242).
Science. Students must take one of the sequences BIOB 170N-171N, 160N (BIOL 108N109N, 110N); CHMY 141N, 143N (CHEM 161N, 162N); or PHSX 215N/216N and PHSX
217N/218N (PHYS 211N/213N and 212N/214N). 6 credits count toward general education.
Students also must take two additional courses selected from the following list (two numbers
separated by a / means that the second number is a lab for the first and the two together only
count as one course for this requirement). 0 credits count toward general education
ASTR 131N/134N, ASTR 132N/135N, BIOM 250N/251N (BIOL 106N/107N), BIOB 170N/171N
(BIOL 108N/109N), BIOB 160N (BIOL 110N), CHMY 141N, 143N (CHEM 161N, CHEM 162N),
FOR 201, GEO 101N, 102N (GEOS 100N/101N), GEO 226 (GEOS 226), PHSX 215N/216N (PHYS
211N/213N), PHSX 217N/218N (PHYS 212N/214N), PHSX 343 (PHYS 341), PHSX 444 (PHYS 444)
Upper-division Writing Expectation for Computer Science majors is CSCI 315E (CS 415). 3
Credits count toward general education (already reported up in core section)
Social Science, Humanities, Arts and Other Disciplines: Students must take 30 credits in
social science, humanities, arts or disciplines other than computer science, mathematics and
science. The courses taken to meet the Writing/Communication requirement can also count
towards this requirement. 30 credits count toward gene ed.
Minimum Total Required Credits: (51-3)+(17-3)+(6-6)+(16-6)+(3-3)+(30-30) = 72
Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits): 72
V. Option Requirements:
Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits):
Please note: Programs granted a symbolic-systems exception to the general education modern and
classical languages requirement will have to reapply every four years to keep the exception. The
application will require an up-to-date accounting showing that the 48-credit threshold is exceeded.