Level I Program Form Department/program Summary


Level I Program Form

I Summary of Proposed Changes

Department/program Marketing and Management

Summary Create a certificate in sustainable business strategy

II Endorsements and Approvals

Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval, the Dean and the Associate Provost.

Requestor: Suzanne Tilleman Phone:243-2915


Signature Date

Program Chair/Director: Klaus Uhlenbruck


Signature Date

Other affected programs: Accounting and Finance:

Bruce Costa, Dept. Chair


Signature Date


Signature Date


Dean’s Signature Date


Initial Review in Provost’s Office date


Faculty Senate Review date


Provost date

Are other departments/programs affected by this modification because of

(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,

(b) perceived overlap in content areas

Please obtain signature(s) from the

Chair/Director of any such department/ program

(above) before submission

(c) cross-listing of coursework

III Type of Level I Proposal

( please check the appropriate space )

(a) Re-titling existing majors, minors, or options

(b) Eliminating existing majors, minors, or options via a program termination checklist

(c) Adding new minors or certificates where there is a major

(d) Adding new minors or certificates where there is an option in a major

(e) Departmental mergers and name changes

(f) Program revisions –for minor modifications use the program modification form


(g) Distance delivery of previously authorized degree program .

(h) Adding option within an existing major or degree *

(i) Eliminating organizational units such as departments, divisions and colleges or schools *

(j) Consolidating existing program and/or degree *

*Requires level II BOR documentation submitted to the Provost’s Office (refer to http://www.umt.edu/provost/curriculum.htm)

IV Catalog Language

If you are proposing a Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to appear in the catalog.

 change to an existing program or major, please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in the current catalog below. www.umt.edu/catalog

Sustainable Business Strategy Certificate

The Sustainable Business Strategy Certificate (SBSC) prepares students to incorporate sustainability considerations into the strategic decisions of business, including enhancing customer value throughout the value chain. Not only do sustainability concerns affect risk management and costs of doing business; sustainability considerations can also offer opportunities for innovation, enhanced product differentiation and value for customers, and employee recruitment and retention. Knowledge associated with sustainability requires both solid fundamentals of business strategy, as well as a broader-based “systems perspective” highlighting the interrelationships between and among the various facets of a company’s eco-system of partners and stakeholders.

Students must fulfill seven criteria (including 12 credits) to receive the SBSC:


Meet with a SBSC certificate advisor


Complete the SBSC application


Complete the following two required courses for the SBSC

(6 credits) a.

BMGT 410 Sustainable Business Practices: Issues and Actions b.

BGEN 445 Sustainability Reporting


Complete two out of the following set of elective courses (6 credits) a.

BMGT 493 Sustainability: Humans, Business, and the Environment (this course is 6 credits at the undergraduate level; students may count 3 of these credits towards the SBSC) b.

ECNS 445 International Environmental

Economics and Climate Change, c.

NRSM 449 Climate Change Ethics and Policy, d.

GEO 482 Global Change e.

CCS 407 Global Cycles and Climate f.

NRSM 475 Environment and Development g.

ENST 367 Environmental Politics and Policies h.

ENST 487 Globalization, Justice, and the



After completion of the two required courses in #4 above, complete one “hands-on” experience to learn to apply and to

demonstrate proficiency with sustainable business strategies and tools, as approved by the SBSC advisor: a.

Internship/service learning experience b.

Case writing/submission


Attend and complete an assignment on two speaker presentations on topics relating to Sustainability & Business as approved by the SBSC advisor.


The GPA in the above courses combined must be at least 3.0.

Please explain/justify the new proposal or change.

Businesses are increasingly considering sustainability issues in their strategic decisions in order to compete effectively and in response to demands from their stakeholders, including consumers, environmentalists and regulators. The pressures and expectations for sustainability from multiple stakeholders is now a given condition of the competitive landscape and managers know they cannot conduct “business as usual” and expect to be successful in the future.

Student interest in this topic has increased as well. At the academic level, institutions are responding to industry and student demands to prepare their graduates with an adequate understanding and appreciation of sustainable business practices and to help them incorporate sustainability as an integral part of business operations. Many universities’ business schools offer dedicated courses on sustainability as well as certificates and degree programs on this important topic. For example, other universities in the region, such as the University of

Wyoming and Portland State University have an explicit focus on sustainability across their business curriculum.

Sustainability considerations are particularly pertinent to The University of Montana for several reasons. First, President Engstrom’s “UM 2020: The Strategic Plan for The

University of Montana” highlights sustainability as one of four core values and his Global

Leadership Initiative highlights environmental change as one of the key global concerns that graduates—the leaders of tomorrow—must be prepared to address. Second, since 2010 The

University of Montana has been listed in The Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges, which profiles 322 institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada that demonstrate notable commitments to sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation. Third, within UM, other programs, such as

Environmental Studies, Economics, the Climate Change Minor, and even the College of

Technology, offer courses relevant to sustainability considerations. The School of Business

Administration has offered two MBA courses on Sustainability, as well as a Study Abroad course in New Zealand focused on business sustainability.

1 This proposal leverages these other programs in developing a cohesive curriculum for students in the School of Business


The Sustainable Business Strategy Certificate (SBSC) prepares students to incorporate sustainability considerations into the strategic decisions of business, including enhancing customer value throughout the value chain. There has been an increased interest in this area both by students and by companies and organizations locally, nationally, and internationally.

1 Professor Jerry Furniss has led this trip for the past two winter sessions.

Not only do sustainability concerns affect risk management and costs of doing business; sustainability considerations can also offer opportunities for innovation, enhanced product differentiation and value for customers, and employee recruitment and retention. Knowledge associated with sustainability requires both solid fundamentals of business strategy, as well as a broader-based “systems perspective” highlighting the inter-relationships between and among the various facets of a company’s eco-system of partners and stakeholders.

What other programs are affected by your No other programs are affected by the proposal? Obtain signatures as requested below. proposal

V Department Summary

Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change for all proposals.

VI Copies and Electronic Submission

After all signatures have been obtained submit the original, a paper copy and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221.


