Program Modification Form Requestor: Phone: Program Chair/Director: Other affected Programs: (Use additional sheet if needed) Are other departments/programs affected by this modification because of (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listing of coursework Please obtain signature(s) from the Chair/Director of any such department/ program (above) before submission (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Other Please describe If you are proposing a change to an existing program or major, please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in the current catalog below. Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to appear in the catalog. Phar 421 and 422 Medicinal Chemistry I and _,:\l_~ _yv,gJ~~t ,~gy!<::.<tJ<tlQg ~ II{[ Feedback from students has alerted the chemistry advisor that the Physiological Systems courses Phar 441 and 442 do not meet the needs of students in the pharmacological chemistry option. They do not have the proper background for this course and the medicinal chemistry sequence 421-422 meets their needs better, and is better suited to students with a chemistry background. Professor Charles Thompson has been consulted on this matter. He has taught medicinal chemistry and has also taught in the Chemistry Department. He agrees that the med. chem. sequence is better suited to chemistry majors. When this on was created med chem was not offered on the level. Revised 11-2009 Pharmacological Chemistry Option Cre ' ts CHMY 141N-143N (CHEM 161N-162N) College Chemistry I, II CHMY 221-223 (CHEM 221-222) Organic Chemistry and Laboratory I, II CHMY 222 (CHEM 223) Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CHMY 225 (CHEM 264) Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Chemistry Majors or 224 (CHEM 224)0rganic Chemistry II Laboratory CHMY 302E (CHEM 334) Chemistry Literature and Scientific Writing (satisfies the Upperdivision Writing Expectation) CHMY 311 (CHEM 341) Quantitative Analysis & Instrumental Methods CHMY 421 (CHEM 342) Advanced Instrument Analysis CHMY 360 (CHEM 370)Applied Physical Chemistry or CHMY 373 (CHEM 371) Phys ChernKntcs & Thrmdynmcs CHMY 401 (CHEM 452) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry BCH 481-482 (BlOC 481-482) Advanced Biochemistry I, II BlOB 16oN (BIOL noN) Principles of Living Systems or equivalent BlOB 260/261 (BIOL 221) Cellular and Molecular Biology BIOM 400 (MICE 302) Medical Microbiolo replace with PHAR 421-422 Medicinal Chemistry I, II ....6 credits PHAR 443-444 Pharmacology and Toxicology Electives from CHMY 373, 371, 442, 445, 403, 402, 465, 466 (CHEM 371, 372, 442, 445, 453, 455, 465, 466), 3 credits maximum of 492 (CHEM 497); BlOB 490 (BIOL 497) 3 credits maximum; PHAR 421, 422, 3 credits maximum of 497 Cognate courses: M 162 (MATH 150)Applied Calculus or 171 (MATH 152) Calculus I M 274 (MATH 158) Applied Differential Equations or 172 (MATH 153) Calculus II PHSX 205N-2o6N and 207N-2o8N (PHYS 111N-113N and 112N-114N) Fundamentals of Physics I, II or PHSX 215N-216N and 217N-218N (PHYS 211N-213N or 212N.., 214N) Fundamentals of Physics I and II with Calculus 10 6 2 2-3 3 4 4 3-4 3 6 4 4 3 8 8 3 - 4 3-4 10