Instructor: Class Dates & Location: Dr. Danielle F. Wozniak

Social Work 300 Section
Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Summer 2011
Class Dates & Location:
Dr. Danielle F. Wozniak
Our course runs from May 23- July 31. We
Office Phone: 406-243-5746
will meet every day in cyber land through
Cell Phone; 406-544-9404
Moodle. ( We will
meet on May 23 face-to-face.
Tech Support:
UM Online: 406.243.4999 or
Office Hours and Virtual Office Hours:
I am available every day via email. I keep my
Black Berry on and try to respond quickly.
You can also reach me on my office phone
243-5746 or my cell phone at 406-544-9404.
Course Overview: Human Behavior and the Social Environment focuses on the development of
human behavior within a biological, social, psychological, cultural, and spiritual context.
Students have the opportunity to explore the dynamics of human behavior through a systematic
view of human development over the life span using social systems, ecological and strengths
perspectives. Through these perspectives you will examine individuals, families, groups,
organizations, community and society paying close attention to the ways in which ethnicity,
gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and geographic location impact our understanding and
experiences of human behavior. The course helps students organize and integrate knowledge
acquired from other disciplines about human development and human behavior into a practical
human services knowledge base and develop their ability to conceptualize and write about that
knowledge. Finally, students learn how to assess human behavior using a strengths-based
The course is comprised of 10 learning modules that you will complete prior to the end of the
semester. The modules build on each other and require regular and active participation. You will
want to pay close attention to the dates and make sure we all work at the same speed. I will not
accept late work. So please plan your life accordingly. Get your work in on time.
Each module includes a reading, writing and often a viewing exercise. I have divided the
modules into weeks to help you pace yourself and not get behind. This course requires weekly
participation from you. Make sure you keep up with the weekly assignments. Every week you
will be asked to submit assignments, enter your thoughts or reactions to a reading or a movie on
the forum board, or turn in written work by set deadlines. It is VERY easy to get behind. My
advice would be to schedule a regular weekly time for you to do your work and complete your
Course Importance and Relevance: This course offers you the opportunity to explore the
fundamentals of social work relative to multidimensional human behavior as it emerges through
a complex social and cultural context. You will learn how to interact with people using a
strengths perspective and how to understand complex behavior and social problems.
Participation Criteria: It is important that you keep up with the class in terms of your
assignments and your discussion entries. While I can be flexible, you will find that you are
missing important aspects of class discussion if you get behind. I reserve the right to deduct one
letter grade from your course grade if you fail to actively participate in class discussions.
You are expected to turn in all work prior to midnight on the last day of the learning module. For
most of the units this date falls on Sunday.
Writing Criteria/Outcomes:
 SW 300 is an upper division writing course and students must use academic writing
style (proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar) in all messages.
o Do not use emoticons, e-mail acronyms such as lol (laughing out loud), imho
(in my humble opinion), tl;dr (too long; didn’t read), do not use colloquialisms
and other informal, abbreviated forms of electronic writing. Students in any
of your courses may be using screen readers or other assistive devices
that will not properly read such abbreviations. Be courteous and write in
ways that are accessible and understandable to all members of your class.
All writing must use standard and grammatical English.
All writing must include a well-developed perspective or central thesis that is then
supported through research or other forms of empirical data.
Papers or essays must conform to page limits.
All writing must demonstrate both a knowledge of the subject as well as conventions
of expression consistent with the social work profession.
On assignments that are to be a part of group critique make sure to submit your first
discussion post early in the week so that others have time to read and respond. Check
the discussion board daily so you remain engaged in the conversation.
Be sensitive to the perspective of others when expressing ideas. Do not use an
authoritarian or judgmental style of writing that discourages open group discussion
and trust.
Stick to the topic and contribute with comments/questions that move the dialogue
forward or into deeper reflection.
Be concise.
Base comments on the assigned readings/video and make sure to refer to them as
Engage others in the discussion. Respond to comments and encourage responses.
Student-to-student interaction is essential.
Debate and humor are welcome here.
At least one of your assignments involves information literacy in which you are
expected to support your perspective using the research, ideas, perspectives or other
scholars. This means that you will be working with the librarian for our discipline to
search the literature and evaluate scholarly data. This also means that you will be
using APA formatting to site the work of scholars and their ideas. You will also
understand what plagiarism is how to keep it from your work.
Assignments and Assessments:
You will find all assignments and their point value and due dates listed below next to course
objectives and learning outcomes. Assignments are also detailed in Moodle in each weekly
learning unit.
Once you have completed the assignments please submit them on Moodle for grading. You will
find Grading Rubrics for each assignment in the main menu.
NETFLIX and Movies: For many learning units you are asked to watch a movie on Netflix.
Movies are assigned to help you apply the concepts in the text to characters we can all see and
understand and therefore share. When you watch the movies, I am happy to share your thoughts
about whether or not you liked the movie, whether or not you believed the characters or were
convinced by the plot. But I am mostly interested however in how you can apply the concepts
from the text to the characters. So I am asking you to watch the movie with a critical eye. Most
of the movies are enjoyable and ALL of the movies depict human transformation.
Course Policy for late work: While I am sympathetic to the life events that can trip a person up
and cause them to get behind, I want to encourage you to stay on schedule relative to our
syllabus. If you find yourself slipping behind please email or call me immediately and we can
problem solve about how to get you caught up. There are numerous assignments and a lot of
work. It will add up quickly. Therefore, please turn your assignments in at the time they are due.
I am disinclined to give out “I”s or “N”s at the end of the semester except in rare cases. It is
simply too difficult for the student to make up the work and then the incomplete turns into an F
and no one is happy.
Grading Scale:
B= 92- 80
C= 79-70
D= 69- 65
F=anything less than 65
Course Textbooks/Materials: Hutchins, Elizabeth D. (2009). Dimensions of Human Behavior:
Person and Environment. Fourth edition. Thousand Oaks California: Sage Publications. ISBN
9781412988797. Please note: This text book can be ordered as an on line version. Please contact
the press directly at or order the text book at the cheapest location
you can.
Netflix membership is also required. I recommend that you get 2 weeks free and then opt
for the cheapest membership. We will primarily be watching instant streaming movies.
Week # 1
Course Objectives
CO 1 Students will demonstrate an
understanding of the individual as a social,
psychological, biological, cultural, and
spiritual being, incorporating an appreciation
of individuality and of environmental and
social systemic influences on human behavior
Learning Outcomes
LO 1 Explore basic social work values and
practitioner positionality
LO 2 Develop an online and face to face
community facilitative of the learning process
embedded in social work values of reflexivity
and self-disclosure and NASW code of ethics
Competency Assessment
A1. Introduce yourself to your class mates on
the discussion forum by telling us why you
have chosen the field of social work. Read the
NASW Code of ethics and relate your choice
to enter the field of social work to one of
more of the values in our code. (5 pts.)
A2 Begin using a multidimensional approach
to social work by introducing yourself to me
through a power point slide show that reflects
on your own positionality. Your positionality
power point should take into account the five
elements of social location (ethnicity, age,
gender, socio-economic class, and
spirituality) (5pts)
Over View:
Create: power point presentation that only I
will see explaining your own positionality.
Post: An introduction to yourself on the
forum using the NASW code of ethic to
explain why you have chosen social work.
Read: NASW code of ethics
“Reframing the Person in the Environment
Take: the Online Moodle tutorial
Total= 10pts.
Time Period:
May 23rd – May 29th
Week # 2
Course Objectives
CO 2 Students will develop critical thinking
skills relative to the cultural nature of human
behavior and social work theory and
assessment as well as understanding human
behavior within a complex environment.
Learning Outcomes
LO3 Utilize a multidimensional approach to
social work relative to individuals and
families within a larger social and cultural
LO4 Use micro, mezzo and macro analytical
framework to identify and deconstruct
complex power relations within an
environmental, community, family and
individual context.
Competency Assessment
A3 Choose one event or situation from your life
and write an essay about it in which you
understand this event through one or more
dimensions of a multidimensional perspective.
Make sure to use the Personal, Environmental and
Time Dimensions analytical lens. I am especially
interested in your ability to look at the following:
Personal Dimension: look at the biological, and
psychological aspects of those you write about.
Environmental Dimension: look at the physical
environment, cultural social, family, dyad and
community aspects of those in your story.
Time Dimension: examine the impact on the
sequence of events in terms of past, present and
future. (Refer to p. 11 of your text book.) (5 pts.)
A.4View the movie, Deliver Us From Evil.
Create a document in which you answer the
question: how did this happen? by understanding
the ways in which events, behavior, and choices
on the micro, mezzo and macro levels intersect to
create and perpetuate this horrible human tragedy.
Using this perspective discuss key players on all
systems level. (5 pts.)
This document may be a diagram, it may be a
written paper, or a diagram combined with a
paper. However you can best explain the crimes
that occurred in this movie utilizing a threesystem approach. (You will find this approach on
p. 13 of your text book).
Read: Hutchinson Chapter 1 and “Reframing the
Person in Environment Model” article
Review: All Chapter Material
Write: An event from your life seen from the lens
of a multidimensional approach. (5 pts)
A micro, mezzo, macro analysis of the assigned
movie. (5 pts.)
View: Deliver Us From Evil found on Netflix
Post: Comments on Discussion Board
Total= 10 pts.
Time Period:
May 30th – June 5th
Week # 3 and Week # 4
Course Objectives
CO 3 Students will examine a variety of
theories and perspectives on complex human
Learning Outcomes
LO3. Apply major theories of human nature,
behavior, and development within the social
environment found within 20th century social
work to individuals, families and social
Competency Assessment
A3.1 Mental Health Theoretical Perspectives Paper
View the movie I’m Reed Fish. Utilizing three
theoretical perspectives identify the biological,
psychological and spiritual components that the
characters find meaningful and articulate ways in which
variation in attributed meanings impacts human
behavior and people’s life choices.
Part 1: You will meet in small groups to
discuss the range of theoretical lens’ from
which you might draw when examining
human behavior.
Part 2: Develop a draft of your paper based
on group discussion, but working
Part 3: Working with the Writing Center
tutors, you will meet in your small groups
once more to critique each other’s drafts.
You are also expected to turn in your work
for instructor feedback.
Based on feedback received you will modify
your work and re-submit for a grade.
Read: Hutchinson Chapter 2
Complete: Worksheet for Chapter 2 (5 pts.
Write: Apply a systems and developmental perspective
to the characters in the assigned movie. (5 pts.)
Post: Your thoughts on the forum about this movie.
Post: View the YouTube video “the Social
Construction of Sexuality and Gender” explain why
and how gender and sexuality are socially constructed.
Total: 10 pts.
Time Period: June 6th –June 12th
A3.2 View the movie How About You. Using the
developmental perspective analyze the characters in
this film. Integrate into your paper at least one of your
readings. (5 pts. )
View the movie Babies: Post on the forum the answer
to this question: How must we understand development
and developmental milestones and tasks as cultural
phenomenon? (5pts.)
Read the following:
“The Psychosocial Inventory of Ego Strengths:
Development and Validation of a New Eriksonian
“Gilligan’s theory of Moral Development and Applied
Social Work”
“Psychosocial development in the elderly: An
investigation into Erikson's ninth stage
“Reaching for Integrity: An Eriksonian Life-Cycle
Perspective on the Experience of Adolescents Being
Raised by Grandparents”
Total: 10 pts.
Time Period: June 13th –June 19th
Week # 5
Course Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Competency Assessment
CO5 Develop assessment skills for use in
LO5 Use multidimensional and culturally
understanding the interaction of the individual embedded assessment tools with individuals
and the social environment including client
at various stages across the lifespan
strengths and needs
A5 Create a culturally sensitive and appropriate
assessment tool that reflects a multidimensional
understanding of life. The tool should be informed
by material in chapters 4 and 5 as well as assigned
readings (5 pts.)
Read: Chapter 4 and 5 as well as the following
“Traditional Native Culture and Resilience;”
“Native Women, Mean-Spirited Drugs and
Punishing Policies”
“Moving From Colonization toward Balance and
“Conducting Spiritual Assessments with Native
Americans: Enhancing Cultural Competency in
Social Work Practices Courses”
Review: All Chapter Material
Create an assessment tool. Explain why you created
it the way you did.
View: The movie Miss Navajo. On the forum please
answer this question: Why is it imperative to embed
our understanding of what it means to be a woman
or a human being in a cultural context? How does it
shift what we see? (5 pts.)
Total= 10 pts.
Time Period: June 20th –June 26th
Week # 6 and # 7
Course Objectives
CO 6 Understand social, biological,
psychological, spiritual and cultural aspects of
human behavior that occur during various life
stages and in different contexts and to
understand an array of interventions and the
theories upon which they are premised.
Learning Outcomes
LO 6 Identify the biological, psychological
and spiritual components that people find
meaningful and articulate ways in which
variation in attributed meanings impacts
human behavior and people’s life choices.
Competency Assessment
A6 This week you will find someone to assess!
Using your created assessment tool please find a pal
and use your instrument to assess their needs and
current state. Write up the results. Remember this
tool should reflect the complexity we have been
working with this summer.
Read: Chapter 3 in Hutchinson
“Cultural and Ethical Issues in Working with
Culturally Diverse Patients and Their Families:
The Use of the Culturagram to Promote Cultural
Competent Practice in Health Care Settings”
“"Fundamental Contradictions in Cultural
View: YouTube videos on culture
Post: What cultural understandings fed your
assessment tool?
Write: An assessment. (10 pts.)
June 27th –July 3rd
A7 Conduct a Life History interview with an
elder/ethnographic interview
(10 pts.)
Read: Chapters 6 Hutchinson
Also read: “Alternative Nursing Interventions for
Facilitating Holistic Nursing
based on Eastern Philosophy”
“"New age advice: ticket to happiness?"
View: “Departures” on Netflix instant
Write: Life History interview (10 pts.)
Post: Comments on Discussion Board about
spirituality, life course changes and the meanings we
apply to our life experiences.
Total= 10 pts.
Time Period: July 4-July 10th
Week # 8, # 9, #10
Course Objectives
CO7 Demonstrate understanding of
diversity, including ethnicity, culture,
gender, age, disability, sexual
orientation, religion, ideology, and
socio-economic status with particular
emphasis on the effects of
discrimination on populations at risk and
the systems that create risk
Learning Outcomes
LO 7Analyze issues relating to social
and economic justice and their
relevance for understanding human
LO 8 Identify the relationship between
the cultural environment i.e. historical,
political, ideological, economic,
and people’s life trajectories.
LO 9 Identify and apply multiple
dimensions of the social and physical
environment to complex life problems.
Competency Assessment
A8 Write a directed reflection about the family found in the
movie, “Ma vie en Rose” (10 pts.)
Read: Hutchinson Chapter 10
Berkman, C., & Zinberg, G. (1997). Homophobia and
heterosexism in social workers. Social Work, 42, 319-332.
Kashubeck-West and Szymanski, 2007 Internalized
View: “Ma Vie en Rose”
Write: a directed reflection (10 pts.)
Post: comments on the forum about this movie
Visit this website and Read:
Total=10 pts.
Time Period: July 11th-July 17th
A8 Using the following aspects of the Conflict perspective
found in your text book (chapter 2): conflict, power,
domination, inequality identify a social problem in your
community (p. 44 in your text book). It can be at the micro,
mezzo or macro level.
Identify the ways in which the problem came about in your
area, how and why it is maintained, and how it impacts people’s
lives and life choices. You may work with a classmate or a
cyber buddy. (10 pts.)
Read: Hutchinson Chapters 11 and 13
View: “Trudell” and “The Education of Shelby Knox”
Write: Community based problem analysis (10 pts.)
Post: Comments on discussion board on one movie.
Total= 10 pts.
Time Period: July 18th -24th
A 9 View the movie, “The Return of Navajo Boy.” Given that
we inherit a social and cultural history based on exploitation
and pain, broken families and broken dreams, what do we do
about it? Using a multidimensional framework write an essay
using the problem identified from last week – and address how
you might go about rectifying the situation by using theories of
empowerment (p 44 in your text book). You have no
Read: Chapter 14 in Hutchinson
“Exploring a Feminist-based Empowerment Model of
Community Building”
Total=10 pts.
Time Period: July 25th- July 31st
Course Policies and Procedures:
1. Lost? Confused? Have Questions? Please feel free to contact me during the day at my
office 406-243-5746 or on my cell phone at 406-544-9404.
2. Office Hours: I will be available to you on just about every day between 10:00 -5:00. I
am available via email or text or phone. My cell phone # is 406-544-9404.
3. Assignment Due Dates/Times Assignments are due by midnight of the assignment date.
Please submit your assignments through the Blackboard Assignment tool unless
instructed otherwise. If you have any trouble, please email me at
4. Late Work Policy: Life throws us all some curve balls from time to time. Kids get sick,
the job demands extra hours, your hot water heater blows and your day is all-of-asudden spent in the basement holding a flashlight. We’ve all been there. So while I am
empathetic and can cut you some slack in an emergency, the truth is, if you get behind
you will really be cheating yourself out of a group experience and confusing the heck
out of me when it comes to grading all the assignments. So my best recommendation is
to turn your work in on the date it is due. If you need an extension I will be happy to
grant one per semester. So spend it wisely. In order to get an extension you must email
me or call me and let me know your situation and what accommodations you will need.
Otherwise, I will deduct points for late work to the tune of a letter grade per week.
5. Guidelines for Discussions It is important when entering discussions that we use
language that is inclusive, not offensive, and that doesn’t scare your instructor! It is also
important to use language that invites a thoughtful reply rather than a knee-jerk
response. So think out your posts prior to posting them, make sure they are well written,
thoughtful, inclusive, and not offensive. And try to limit yourself to a lexicon that is part
of some formal language system. This will undoubtedly exclude things like: LOL and
“C U 4 lunch” and “yup me2.” However at any time you may interject in the discussion:
OI I A (it stands for: our instructor is awesome. And I just made it up!)
6. Course Accommodations Statement (DDS) Students with disabilities will receive
reasonable accommodations in this online course. To request course modifications,
please contact me as soon as possible. I will work with you and Disability Services in
the accommodation process. For more information, visit the Disability Services website
or call 406.243.2243 (Voice/Text).
7. Naming and Submitting Assignments Please submit all assignments through Moodle.
When you attach a word file on the top left hand corner of your assignment enter your
last name, first name and the title of the assignment. Here is an example: Smith, Tom_
My Life Story. If for some reason Moodle isn’t working email me directly with the
assignment. My email volume is high so this is not my preferred method.
8. Specification for papers All papers should be formally written documents. Edit out any
colloquialisms, expressions, slang, swear words, popular abbreviations. Use complete
sentences, grammatical and standard English and make sure you both spell check and
grammar check your work. I will not give you a page limit but may give you a
suggested length. This is merely a suggestion. You should ALWAYS strive to write the
best paper you can. Make your points string and hard hitting.
9. Your turn-around time for grading assignments, providing feedback, etc. My policy is to
return all work to you, graded and with comments within one week of turning it in.
10. All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an
academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the
University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code, which is
available at
11. Readiness for Online Learning If this is your first on-line course you may want to check
out the Moodle student tutorial. Check out this tutorial:
12. Supplementary material: In the course content area you will find some web sites that
may be helpful as you tackle each learning unit. Feel free to explore this area.