Course Form

Course Form (revised 5/1/12)
I. Summary of Proposed Changes
Dept / Program
Prefix and Course # JRNL 592-02
Course Title
Independent Study: Editing
Please check one or more
New course  Delete course
of the following:
Course Changes
 Course Title  Description  Learning Outcomes
 Prerequisites  Cross-listing  Other
 Credits
from _________ to________
 Number / Level from _________ to________
 Repeatability
from _________ to________
Justification / explanation (required for ALL proposals) For new courses please provide rationale for why
the course is needed, how it fits with exiting curriculum and whether there are curricular adjustments.
This Independent Study allows journalism graduate students to, on an individualized basis, hone their copyediting skills if essential to their career plans or Master’s work. By enrolling in the section, they will gain
access to lectures and instruction in JRNL 330 (News Editing), while also receiving special face-time (e.g.
preparation for national copy editing tests) with the instructor. Graduate student assignments for the course
will focus on current events and other knowledge required for the Dow Jones News Fund editing test.
Has the Department gone through common course Review?
Yes  No  In process
II. Syllabus/Assessment Information Required for new courses, learning outcome changes and
course change from U to UG.
Important: please spell out learning goals and learning outcomes clearly in the syllabus.
Learning Goals are a list of what students should know, understand, or be able to do at the end of
the course, including essential information and knowledge or skills relevant to the subject area.
Learning Outcomes are measures of performance or behavior that indicate, to the teacher and the
students, that students understand the material, and what criteria differentiates among different
levels of understanding. Attach syllabus at the end of the document.
III. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Jule Banville
Phone/ email :
Program Chair(s)/Director:
Denise Dowling
All other affected programs:
Yes  No
Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
Are other departments/programs affected by this
modification because of
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
Signatory Comments (required for disapproval):
Please obtain signature(s) from the
Chair/Director of any such department/ program
(above) before submission
IV: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into
section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus.
Common Course Numbering Review (Department Chair Must Initial):
Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere in the MUS? Check all relevant disciplines if
course is interdisciplinary. (
If YES: Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with existing course(s)? Please indicate
equivalent course/campus. 
If NO: Course may be unique, but is subject to common course review. The course number may be changed
at the system level.
Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces) Independent Study: Editing
Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits,
repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) 
JRNL 592-02 Independent Study: Editing 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., graduate standing and
C/I. Practice copy editing and headline writing for print and electronic news media. Students will attend
lectures and reviews in JRNL 330, while preparing for the Dow Jones Fund Controlled Editing Exercise.
Complete for UG courses (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number).
Describe graduate increment - see procedure 301.30
Complete for Co-convened courses
Companion course number, title, and description (include syllabus of companion course in section V)
See procedure 301.20
New fees and changes to existing fees are only approved once each biennium by the
Board of Regents. The coordination of fee submission is administered by
Administration and Finance. Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific
conditions according to Policy 940.12.1 .
Please indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee.
If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee?
V. Change an Existing Course
1. Current course information at it appears in catalog
( 
2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 
3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course
4. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering?
If yes, please explain below whether the change will eliminate the common course status.
5. If co-convened course: companion course number, title, and description
(include syllabus of companion course in section V) See procedure 301.20
6. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to UG.
Reference procedure 301.30:
(syllabus must be attached)
Have you reviewed the graduate
increment guidelines? Please check (X)
space provided.
7. Other programs affected by the change
8. Is there a fee associated with the course?
VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course
number, title, and proposed change for all proposals.
VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of
proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,
Syllabus for JRNL 592-02 News Editing
JRNL 592-02 News Editing
PREREQ.: Graduate Standing and C/I
Jule Banville
Office: DAH 427
Office Hours: Wednesdays 2-4 p.m. and by appointment
Solid copy skills are not fashionable. Regardless of where journalism has been and where it is going, accurate
and clean writing is the foundation. If you do the work, this class will help you build that foundation for
wherever your post-grad career leads you. Heading into the midterm, we'll focus on core copy areas, including
AP Style, grammar and usage. The second half will dig deeper into good, tight writing with a focus on
headlines, captions, structure and line editing, evaluating pitches and dealing with other writers without
resorting to violence. Grad students will prepare for the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund editing test administered
each spring and will have assignments based on the current-event and geography portions of that test. They will
meet with the instructor at least every other week.
Every class will include a quiz and hands-on work. Quizzes and in-class work cannot be made up outside of
PLEASE NOTE: Grades, the syllabus, class notes, some readings and assignments can be found at the UM
Online/Moodle listing for this course. All email communication will happen through Moodle to your universityassigned addresses. It’s your responsibility to check the Moodle site and your student email regularly. Not
checking this address will not be an acceptable excuse for missing information about this course.
1. The AP Stylebook
Edition must be no older than 2009. Online editions acceptable but not preferred.
2. AP Guide to Newswriting
Also listed as
The Word: An Associated Press Guide to Good News Writing
By Rene J. Cappon
3. Additional readings as provided and/or assigned.
By the end of this course, you will be better editors---and, by extension, writers---than you are right now. You
will also:
 Learn key areas of the AP Stylebook and how to use it as a resource.
 Copy-edit on deadline.
 Become proficient fact-checkers.
 Learn the difference between a mediocre headline and one that grabs both online and print readers.
 Write captions that go beyond obvious information.
 Understand the fundamentals of story structure.
An editing test given on the first day of class will assess your skill-level and prior knowledge of AP Style,
usage, grammar and punctuation. Subsequent classes will focus on weak areas and general copy skills that
include, but are not limited to:
 Clauses, use of commas
 Subject/verb agreement
 Proper use of that, which, who and whom
 Punctuating quotes
 Proper use of titles, addresses, abbreviations
 Common errors and misspellings
We won’t dwell on minutiae of grammar, but you will learn useful tools, tricks and fundamentals of copyediting.
The midterm exam will be Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012.
Students will focus on headlines, captions, line- and structural-editing, writing cleaner copy and editing other
writers' work and story pitches. Quizzes and lectures will follow chapters and topics outlined in Cappon’s The
Word/AP Guide to Newswriting as well as additional assigned readings. We’ll also cover the basics of libel law.
General copy-editing work will continue in and out of class. Final exam will cover all aspects of the course.
Test date TBA.
Attendance, Participation, In-Class Work: 30 percent
Quizzes and assignments: 40 percent
Midterm: 10 percent
Final: 20 percent
Grades will be based on a scale of 100 percent and will use the University of Montana's plus/minus system.
Letter grades will not be used in this course, although the final grade (per requirement) will be given as a letter
grade. The equivalents are as follows:
90 - 100 percent: A
80 - 89 percent: B
70 - 79 percent: C
60 - 69 percent: D
50 - 59 percent: F
UM's plus/minus system also makes the following distinctions:
A+: 97-100
A: 93-96
A-: 90-92
B+: 87-89
B: 83-86
B-: 80-82
C+: 77-79
C: 73-76
C-: 70-72
D+: 67-69
D: 63-66
D-: 60-62
F: 59 or lower
Attendance and participation: The only excused absence is one communicated to AND ACCEPTED
BY the instructor via e-mail at least one hour prior to class. Unexcused absences will factor into the
final grade. Missed in-class quizzes and work cannot be made up.
Professionalism: Nothing sinks a young journalist in the workplace faster than a lazy approach to work
and deadlines. Likewise, that approach will sink your grade in this course.
Academic honesty: Misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a
disciplinary sanction by the university. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code
In addition: You may not submit for this course any assignment that has previously or will be
concurrently submitted for another class unless you receive prior approval from the professor of this
course. To do so without permission will result in an F for the assignment, and could result in an F for
the course.
Accommodation for Students with Disabilities:
This course is accessible to otherwise qualified students with disabilities. To request reasonable program
modifications, please consult with the instructor. Disability Services for Students will assist the instructor and
student in the accommodation process. For more information, visit
After-hours Access to Building:
For after hours access to Don Anderson Hall, complete and submit this form online: Complete only one request form per semester – be sure to list all courses you are taking. A door code
will be assigned and provided to you via email. This request will also activate your Griz Card for the outside
door and, if needed, Room 101. Codes will remain active until the last day of the semester.