Level I Program Form Department/program Summary

Level I Program Form
I Summary of Proposed Changes
Department/program Business Technology/Administrative Management/emphasis in Social Media Management
Proposing a new option “Social Media Management” within an existing program, Administrative
Management. Graduates would earn an Associate of Applied Science degree with emphasis in
Social Media Management.
II Endorsements and Approvals
Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval, the Dean and the Associate Provost.
Requestor: Cheryl Galipeau Phone: 243-7874
Program Chair/Director: Brian Larson, Business
Technology Chair
Other affected programs: School of Journalism,
Denise Dowling, Interim Dean
Applied Arts & Sciences, Cathy Corr, Department
Barry Good, Missoula College Dean
Dean’s Signature
Initial Review in Provost’s Office
Faculty Senate Review
Applied Computing and Electronics, Tom
Gallagher, Department Chair
Are other departments/programs affected by this
Please obtain signature(s) from the Chair/Director of any such
modification because of
department/ program (above) before submission
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III Type of Level I Proposal (please check the appropriate space)
(a) Re-titling existing majors, minors, or options
(b) Eliminating existing majors, minors, or options via a program termination checklist
(c) Adding new minors or certificates where there is a major
(d) Adding new minors or certificates where there is an option in a major
(e) Departmental mergers and name changes
(f) Program revisions –for minor modifications use the program modification form
(g) Distance delivery of previously authorized degree program.
(h) Adding option within an existing major or degree *
(i) Eliminating organizational units such as departments, divisions and colleges or schools *
(j) Consolidating existing program and/or degree *
*Requires level II BOR documentation submitted to the Provost’s Office (refer to
IV Catalog Language
If you are proposing a Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to appear in the catalog. 
change to an existing
program or major,
The Administrative Management, Social Media Management emphasis is designed to
please cut and paste
provide graduates with skills needed to design, create content, and maintain websites and
the requirements as
manage media content with an emphasis on Web 2.0 technologies. Students analyze and
they appear in the
select appropriate communication channels and technologies, suitable web content creation
current catalog
tools, communication practices emphasizing the importance of public relations to promote
www.umt.edu/catalog a positive organizational image, and apply business advertising and relationship marketing
techniques needed for social media management. Students demonstrate ability to monitor
issues and analyze trends across various social media platforms. Students create images
effectively demonstrating fundamentals of photography and image editing to improve
images used for print or online, produce creative written content for web and print
publications, and produce and edit video. Students design and develop professional looking
interactive content for fixed and mobile platforms using mark-up languages and
client/server scripting applications. Students demonstrate best web practices by
incorporating search engine optimization strategies and user-centered and accessible design
standards. Graduates evaluate suitability of media content and practices according to
relevant publics, and expected professional and ethical responsibilities in our global
An Associate of Applied Science Degree in Administrative Management, Social Media
Management emphasis opens opportunities for graduates in a variety of business settings
such as product or service related businesses, non-profit, educational, and healthcare
Students entering autumn semester may complete the program in four semesters as outlined
below. Students entering spring should meet with an advisor prior to selecting courses.
Administrative Management Program
Emphasis in Social Media Management
First Year
_____M 115**
Total Credits
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Computers
Media History and Literacy
Introduction to Visual Rhetoric
Probability & Linear Math
Introduction to Public Relations
Customer Service
Psychology of Selling
Interpersonal Communications
Introduction to Technical Writing
Second Year
Web Design and Development
Introduction to Public Speaking
Administrative Support for the Office
Beginning Video Photography
and Production
Digital Publishing and Design
Business Law
Intro to Computer Modeling
Administrative Management Internship
Total Credits
60 credits
(21 general education credits, 39 program courses)
*Indicates prerequisite needed
**Placement in course(s) determined by placement assessment
NOTE: As of 2013 per MUS common course numbering, COMX250 Introduction to
Public Relations, COMX140L Introduction to Visual Rhetoric, COMX115S Interpersonal
Communications, and COMX111A Introduction to Public Speaking is checked off for
Missoula College. Since this would be scheduled for 2013 forward, I used the most up to
date numbering I could locate.
Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. 
Research supports a growth trend in the Office and Administrative Management area, growth of 12%, about the average by
2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.bls.gov/ooh/office-and-administrative-support/secretaries-andadministrative-assistants.htm). Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Public Relations field is expected to
grow at a greater than average pace, about 21% (http://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/public-relations-managers-andspecialists.htm) and Customer Service/Relations is expected to grow by 15%, about as fast as average,
(http://www.bls.gov/ooh/office-and-administrative-support/customer-service-representatives.htm) . The Advertising,
Promotions and Marketing and similar occupations are expected to grow about 14%, or average
(http://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/advertising-promotions-and-marketing-managers.htm). Statistics indicate that public
relations and customer relations, as well as advertising and marketing (core courses within the proposed option), will grow as
these career areas are critical for businesses in order to attract and keep customers/clients in such a competitive environment.
Building relationships, trust and loyalty are critical to organizational success as well as understanding and using effective
communication strategies to reach audiences. The organizations that develop, use and monitor social media are represented
by the above listed growth areas.
In addition, according to a local Montana study by Larry Swanson, Office and Administrative Support will grow by about
13%. According to the Swanson study, “Of the 22 major occupational groups, the one with the highest number of
jobs is “Office and Administrative Support” and these are projected to grow to 79,140 jobs by 2020, up from
71,200 in 2010”. I have attached a copy of a portion of the Swanson study showing a chart which demonstrates the growth
in the Office and Administrative Support area and corresponding text explanation. The report also states that professional
and business services will grow by 2020, as stated by Swanson “A broad range of professional and business services
will add over 10,000 jobs in Montana between 2010 and 2020, accounting for 17 percent of all new jobs, and will
make this larger industry the 4th largest employer in Montana by 2020. For the U.S. as a whole, professional and
business services is the 2nd largest employer now and it will grow to over 20 million jobs by 2020, increasing by
3.8 million jobs (23 percent growth), and accounting for 19 percent of all new jobs.” Swanson’s research echoes that
of the Bureau of Labor Statistics in that administrative, professional and business services occupations are expected to grow.
A citation to the full report is included within the attached link.
Dan Rosenberg completed a study for Missoula College titled “Program Assessment and Labor Market Analysis”, June
2012, for the UM Missoula College, by the College Brain Trust. On page 44, Rosenberg recommends another area of
interest, Social Media. Rosenberg states “As businesses become more engaged in the world of social media, the
demand for workers with these skills has increased.” He indicated no programs exist for “Social Media Specialist”, but
similar occupations are Mass Communication/Media Studies, Radio/TV/Digital Communications, Public
Relations/Advertising/Applied Communication, Public Relations/Image Management, Web/Multimedia Design and
Development. Rosenberg further recommended “More important than the mechanics of how to use these sites, is
conceptually how to think about social media in the context of building brands. Faculty and staff should continue
to research this emerging field and develop innovative programs to prepare students for the workplace .” In
addition to Rosenberg recommending innovative development in the area of social media, Rosenberg’s research findings
were similar to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Swanson. He states that about 50% of the annual openings will be in
Office and Administrative Support Occupations, Healthcare and Technical Occupations, Sales and Related Occupations. The
.pdf file is attached.
The Administrative Management Advisory Board also noted the need for workers skilled in social media as well as public
relations skills. Some Advisory Board members indicated they are having difficulty in locating employees skilled in social
media. Collectively, the Board members communicated an interest in hiring students who are trained in public and customer
communications/relationships, and who have a solid understanding and skill using social media and the various technologies
associated with social media.
MUS/program search:
Data provided by the MUS website indicates a lack of educational opportunity within the Montana University System in the
career area (an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Social Media Management). A document is attached showing all
search terms and describes MUS colleges where programs were located.
The Administrative Management, Social Media Management option provides the opportunity to create a very low cost
program addition to an underserved career field. All of the proposed courses in the scope and sequence currently exist. Two
of the courses (6 credits) required are mountain campus courses from The School of Journalism. All of the other remaining
courses are currently offered and currently staffed at Missoula College.
Research suggests student numbers will be similar to current Administrative Management enrollment-an estimate student
count of 10-15 students per year enrolled in the new Social Media Management option. Initially, existing courses should
handle the increased student enrollment due to the new program option, if approved. Initially, enrollment numbers will be
manageable as little to no advertising is likely to happen until the program is established—possibly as few as 5-10 students
per year. If the program continues to grow, additional sections of some courses may be necessary.
Perkins Data supports the Office and Administrative Management area as well as Sales and Marketing. Current placement
statistics (2011) demonstrate Administrative Management students at 85.71%, Sales and Marketing at 100%.
As indicated by Administrative Management Advisory Board members, prospective employees skilled in Social Media are
difficult to locate. Current Administrative Management internship placement rates are high and job placement rates just
above 85%. Board members indicate a need for trained and skilled employees in this area. Given the current placement rate
and communicated need, student interns should have local opportunities.
Responsibilities common to Social Media careers include: management of social media presence on all relevant platforms;
act as a liaison to other departments to integrate and educate on social media opportunities and issues; research and present
new ideas relevant to business goals and its publics; monitor and present relevant data, trends, successes and issues.
Enthusiastic and creative individuals excel in Social Media careers. Sample lists of entry-level jobs a graduate may become
employed in include, but are not limited to: Social Media Planner, Social Media Coordinator, Social Media Account
Manager, Podcaster, Online Community Manager, and Blogger.
What other programs are affected by your
proposal? Obtain signatures as requested below.
Programs affected are included within the signature list above:
Business Technology, The School of Journalism, Applied Arts
and Sciences, Applied Computing and Electronics. No other
programs are affected by the proposed program option.
V Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and
proposed change for all proposals.
VI Copies and Electronic Submission After all signatures have been obtained submit the original, a paper copy
and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221.