Course Form School of Theatre & Dance C THTR 510

Course Form
I. Summary of Proposed Changes
Dept / Program
School of Theatre & Dance
Course Title
Graduate Singing for Actors
Prefix and Course # C THTR 510
Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces)
Grad Singing for Actors
Summarize the change(s) proposed
Requesting approval to co-convene
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Jere Hodgin
Phone/ email :
Program Chair/Director:
Mark Dean
Other affected programs
Dr. Stephen Kalm
Are other departments/programs affected by this modification Please obtain signature(s) from the
because of
Chair/Director of any such department/
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
program (above) before submission
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into
section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus.
Common Course Numbering Review (Department Chair Must Initial):
Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere in the MUS? Check all relevant disciplines if
course is interdisciplinary. (
If YES: Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with existing course(s)? Please indicate
equivalent course/campus. 
If NO: Course may be unique, but is subject to common course review. Be sure to include learning outcomes
on syllabus or paste below. The course number may be changed at the system level.
Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits,
repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) 
Justification: How does the course fit with the existing curriculum? Why is it needed?
Are there curricular adjustments to accommodate teaching this course?
Complete for UG courses (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number).
Describe graduate increment - see procedure 301.30
Complete for Co-convented courses
Companion course number, title, and description (include syllabus of companion course in section V)
See procedure 301.20
New fees and changes to existing fees are only approved once each biennium by the
Board of Regents. The coordination of fee submission is administered by Administration
and Finance. Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific conditions
according to Policy 940.12.1 . Please
indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee.
If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee?
IV. To Delete or Change an Existing Course – check X all that apply
Course Number Change
Level U, UG,
X From: G
Description Change
Change in Credits
Cross Listing
initiates form)
Is there a fee associated with the
1. Current course information at it appears in catalog
2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 
( 
G 510 Graduate Singing for Actors 2 cr. (R-4) Offered
spring. Prereq., audition, acting specialization, or consent of
instr. Development and presentation of musical numbers in
a dramatic context. A broad-based acquaintance with music
theatre literature is acquired, and techniques for
approaching songs are explored with an eye toward
developing competency in music theatre forms.
C 510 Graduate Singing for Actors 2 cr.
(R-4) Offered spring. Prereq., audition, acting
specialization, or consent of instr.
Development and presentation of musical
numbers in a dramatic context. A broad-based
acquaintance with music theatre literature is
acquired, and techniques for approaching
songs are explored with an eye toward
developing competency in music theatre
forms. Co-convenes with THTR 410.
3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course
4. If co-convened course: companion course number, title, and description
(include syllabus of companion course in section V) See procedure 301.20
U 410 (DRAM 420) Singing for Actors 2 cr. (R-4) Offered spring. Prereq., audition, acting
specialization, or consent of instr. Development and presentation of musical numbers in a dramatic context.
A broad-based acquaintance with music theatre literature is acquired, and techniques for approaching songs
are explored with an eye toward developing competency in music theatre forms.
5. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering?
If yes, please explain below whether this change will eliminate the course’s common course
6. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to UG.
Reference procedure 301.30:
(syllabus required in section V)
7. Other programs affected by the change
Have you reviewed the graduate
increment guidelines? Please check (X)
space provided.
8. Justification for proposed change
We are requesting approval to co-convene the
above-referenced courses.
V. Syllabus/Assessment Information
Required for new courses and course change from U to UG. Paste syllabus in field below or attach and send
digital copy with form.
THEATRE 510 Section 01
Grad Singing for Actors
Instructor: Anne Basinski
Office: Music 10
Course Objectives: To improve vocal technique in order to increase comfort in singing. Work will
be done on breath support, resonance and diction. Further, to consider songs and ensembles as an
Attendance Policy: Class participation and exercises are graded. If you miss a test or quiz, you will
receive an F for that test. You are responsible for finding out assignments from a classmate if you
are absent.
Grading Policy:
Recital attendance/reports
Class Preparation/participation
Graduate project
Students will be given extra assignments according to their musical skill level: These will be
individually arranged with the professor. Those with a strong musical background may assist in
choosing and teaching material to the class. They may also prepare more material than the THTR
410 students are required to do, or help with small ensembles (duets, trios) outside of class. Those
with less musical background will be asked to assist with the final improvisation.
The class will present a showcase performance, as your final. This will happen on Wednesday,
May 12 at 7pm. Please reserve the following rehearsal/performance times:
Monday, May 10
5-7 pm
Tuesday, May 11
Wednesday May 12
Attend three voice recitals (or other performances of vocal music), and write a summary:
Notice vocal technique: how did the singer’s breathing seem? (Did it seem low, quiet and unfussy?
Could you hear inhalation (gasping)? Did the shoulders or chest rise during inhalation? Did you
notice really tight shoulders or jaw? Could you understand the words? Was the voice even between
the registers or did you notice that the top sounded very different than the bottom? Did he or she
project clearly, so that you could hear them well?
How successful were they in communicating, acting their songs?
All recitals are at 7:30 in the Music Recital Hall, and free, unless noted otherwise.
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic
penalty by course instructor and /or a disciplinary sanction by the university.
All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review
online at http://
All at 7:30pm in the MRH, unless otherwise noted
February 11-14 at MCT $ UM Opera Theater : Into the Woods
T March 2
Mercedes McCann, soprano Senior Recital
T March 9
Tess Raunig, soprano
Senior Recital
F March 19
Lydia Jessop, soprano
Senior Recital
Mar 19-21, 24-28
MCT $ Grease
S March 21
Silvia Lazo, soprano
Graduate Recital
S April 10 UT $
Odyssey of the Stars
S April 18
Singer of the Year Finals
F April 23
Royce McIntosh, baritone
Senior Recital
Apr 23,24, 27-5/1, 5-4-5-8 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
UM Drama/Dance
T April 27
Thomas Baty, Baritone &
Student Recital
Liza Shpileyko, Soprano
T April 29
Joe Licitra, Tenor
Apr 30-May 2, 5-9, 12-16 MCT $ Peter Pan
Senior Recital
There is a weekly voice area class on Tuesdays from 3:10-4:30 in room 105 of the music building.
You will see a student perform and then work with voice faculty.
THTR 410: Singing for Actors
Instructor: Anne Basinski
Office: Music 10
Course Objectives: To improve vocal technique in order to increase comfort in singing. Work will
be done on breath support, resonance and diction. Further, to consider songs and ensembles as an
Attendance: You are graded on class participation. If you miss a test or performance, you will
receive an F for that grade. You are responsible for assignments, etc, that you miss – ask a
Grading Policy:
Recital attendance/reports
Class Preparation/participation
The class will present a showcase performance, as your final. This will happen on Wednesday,
May 11 at 7pm. Please reserve the following rehearsal/performance times:
Monday May 9 5-7:30pm
Tuesday, May 10
5-7:30 pm
Wednesday, May 11
6-9 pm
Attend three voice recitals (or other performances of vocal music), and write a summary:
Notice vocal technique: how did the singer’s breathing seem? (Did it seem low, quiet and unfussy?
Could you hear inhalation (gasping)? Did the shoulders or chest rise during inhalation? Did you
notice really tight shoulders or jaw? Could you understand the words? Was the voice even between
the registers or did you notice that the top sounded very different than the bottom? Did he project
clearly, so that you could hear him well?
How successful was he in communicating, acting their songs?
If you observe a musical pick two characters to focus on in detail.
All recitals are at 7:30 in the Music Recital Hall, and free, unless noted otherwise.
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic
penalty by course instructor and /or a disciplinary sanction by the university.
All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review
online at http://
All at 7:30pm in the MRH, unless otherwise noted
R February 10
David Cody, Tenor
T March 8
Anne Basinski, soprano
Mar 22-26, 29-31, Apr 1-2
Crazy for You
Faculty Recital
Faculty Recital
UM Drama/Dance and SOMusic
M April 11
Opera Theater
T April 12
R April 21
David Cody, Tenor
Faculty Recital
Capps-Rickard SOY finals concert
MCT musicals, such as Mikado
HD Broadcasts of the Metropolitan Opera (Roxy Theater)
There is a weekly voice area class on Tuesdays from 3:10-4:30 in room 105 of the music building.
You will see students perform and then work with voice faculty.
VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course
number, title, and proposed change for all proposals.
VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of
proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,
Revised 5-4-11