Program Modification Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Health Professions / Respiratory Care Department/program Redistribution of course credits to more accurately reflect the needs of the Summary program and allow for inclusion of additional pre requisite course. II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval. Please type / print name Signature Requestor: Phone: Program Chair/Director: Nicholas Arthur #7836 Anne Delaney Department Dean Other affected Programs: Barry Good Date 9/16/2011 (Use additional sheet if needed) Are other departments/programs affected by this Please obtain signature(s) from the modification because of Chair/Director of any such department/ (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, program (above) before submission (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listing of coursework III Type of Program Modification (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Major Minor Option Teaching major/minor X Other Please X Redistribution of contact hours /credits within the describe Respiratory Care program to allow for inclusion of a Science pre requisite (SCN 175N). IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing program or major, please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in the current catalog below. Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to appear in the catalog. 4danni M 115 (MAT 117) Probability and Linear Mathematics Probability and Linear Math or M 121 (MAT 118)College Algebra 3 PSYX 161S (PSY 110S)Organizational Psychology 3 BIOH 201N-201N & BIOH 211N212N (SCN 201N-202N) Anatomy and Physiology I & Lab and Anatomy and Physiology II & Lab 8 WRIT 121 (WTS 115) Introduction to Technical Writing or WRIT 101 (WTS 101) College Writing I 3 SCN 175N Integrated Physical Science I 3 Total 20 Respiratory Care Program Curriculum Autumn Entry A S 1 - - 2 4 - 1 - 5 - - 3 1 - RES 101 Communication and Management RES 115 Blood Gas Analysis (winter session) RES 129 Patient Care and Assessment RES 130 Respiratory Care Lab 1B RES 131 Respiratory Care Fundamentals RES 133 Respiratory Care Pharmacology RES 150 Respiratory Care Laboratory I RES 231 Respiratory Critical Care - 4 - 3 3 - - 2 Experience I - 5 Total 15 19 RES 232 Respiratory Pathology and Disease RES 235 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology RES 250 Respiratory Care Laboratory II RES 255 Clinical Summer Session RES 260 Respiratory Care Laboratory III 1 RES 265 Clinical Experience II 5 Total 6 Autumn Semester A RES 241 Prenatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care 3 RES 252 Respiratory Care Review 2 RES 270 Respiratory Care Laboratory IV 1 RES 275 Clinical 6 Experience III Total 12 Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. The Respiratory Care program has been lacking a science component (other than A&P I/II) as a pre requisite to acceptance into the program. Many past students have struggled with basic concepts of Physics and Chemistry in their first program semester. The University of Montana-COT Respiratory Care program is also currently well above the average number of Clinical hours required of students enrolled in similar CoARC accredited programs. We feel that the outstanding quality of our student clinical experiences allows us some latitude to make adjustments to the quantity thereof. By adjusting the distribution of credits allocated to clinical exposure, the program expects to maintain both an appropriate quantity and quality of clinical exposure while allowing for the inclusion of SCN 175N in order to address identified weaknesses in student preprogram preparation. Additionally, improvements made to both presentation methodology and course organization allow for a reduction in credit load allocation for our RES 270 lab. V Copies and Electronic Submission Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221 ( VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change of all proposals. Revised 11-2009