Program Modification Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Geography & College of Forestry and Conservation Department/program GIS Sciences and Technologies Undergraduate Certificate Program Summary II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval. Please type / print name Signature Requestor: Phone: Program Chair/Director: Date Woodam Chung on behalf of the GIS Certificate Executive Committee (Paul Wilson, Mike Sweet, Woodam Chung, Anna Klene) 243-6606 Don Potts Sarah J. Halvorson Department Dean James Burchfield Christopher Comer Other affected Programs: (Use additional sheet if needed) III Type of Program Modification (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Major Minor Option Teaching major/minor Other Please x - Changes in required courses describe - Changes in the list of accepted elective - courses Prefix for all GEOG courses changed to GPHY IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing program or major, please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in the current catalog below. Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to appear in the catalog. Attached Attached Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. Required Courses FOR303, the previously required course for this program, no longer exists. It will be replaced by two new GIS courses (FOR250 and FOR350) that are currently offered in the College of Forestry and Conservation. GEOG 387 Principles of Digital Cartography and its lab 389 have new course numbers (GPHY 381 and382, respectively). Elective Courses GPHY 491 Digital Mapping and Design is a new course that needs to be added to the elective course list. GEOS 495 GIS in Geology is an experimental course. We will continue to accept 495s from other departments (e.g. ANTH495, GEOS 495 as appropriate) as electives, but cannot list them officially. Therefore, it needs to be removed from the list. GPHY 467 Planning Decision Support Systems (formerly GEOG 495). GPHY 486 Transport, Planning, and GIS (formerly GEOG 483). FOR 503 Predictive Distribution Modeling (formerly FOR 503 GIS: methods and Applications I) FOR 504 GIS: Methods and Applications II no longer exists. Therefore, it needs to be removed from the list. FOR 562 Wildlife Habitat Modeling is a new course that needs to be added to the elective course list. What other programs are affected by your proposal? Obtain signatures as requested above. V Copies and Electronic Submission Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221 ( VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change of all proposals. Current Catalog Certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies The Certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies, jointly offered by the departments of Geography, and Forest Management, is aimed at present or future professionals or scientists who require skills in GIS technologies. The purpose of this program is to provide undergraduate students or individuals possessing an undergraduate degree with the training, knowledge, and understanding necessary to acquire, process, analyze, and properly display geographial data. Requirements for the Certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies To earn a certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies, students must either complete or have completed an undergraduate degree and complete a minimum of 20 semester credit hours of course work, including 10 to 12 required credits and 8 to 10 elective credits as described below. Students must achieve at least an overall grade point average of 3.0 for courses within the program in order to earn a certificate. The certificate will be awarded upon the successful completion of all of the requirements of the certificate and the undergraduate degree. It is recommended that students complete the University’s symbolic systems requirements before beginning this program, as these courses promote basic qualitative reasoning (MATH 117, MATH 241, FOR 201, SOC 202). CS 101, Introduction to Programming, is also strongly recommended. Required Courses (10–12 cr): FOR 303 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, or GEOG 387 Principles of Digital Cartography and GEOG 389 Digital Cartography Lab FOR 351 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing or GEOG 487 Remote Sensing and Raster GIS and GEOG 489 Cartography/GIS Lab GEOG 488 Thematic Cartography and GIS and GEOG 489 Cartography/GIS Lab Elective Courses (8–10 cr): Raster GIS, Remote Sensing, and Image Analysis GEOG 587 Digital Image Analysis and Modeling and GEOG 589 Cartography/GIS Lab FOR 551 Digital Image Processing Vector GIS and Networks GEOG 483 Transport Planning and GIS and GEOG 489 Cartography/GIS Lab GEOG 580 Seminar in GIS and Cartography GEOG 588 VECTOR GIS and GEOG 589 Cartography/GIS Lab Data Management and Collection GEOG 468 Community and Regional Analysis and GEOG 489 Cartography/GIS Lab FOR 505 Sampling Methods GIS Applications GEOG 385 Field Techniques GEOS 495 GIS in Geology GEOG 495 Planning Decision Support Systems GEOG 564 Planning Design FOR 503 GIS: methods and Applications I FOR 504 GIS: Methods and Applications II (Although elective courses are organized by topical specialty, no specialization is necessary) Proposed Copy for Catalog Certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies The Certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies, jointly offered by the departments of Geography, and Forest Management, is aimed at present or future professionals or scientists who require skills in GIS technologies. The purpose of this program is to provide undergraduate students or individuals possessing an undergraduate degree with the training, knowledge, and understanding necessary to acquire, process, analyze, and properly display geographic data. Requirements for the Certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies To earn a certificate in GIS Sciences and Technologies, students must either complete or have completed an undergraduate degree and complete a minimum of 20 semester credit hours of course work, including 11 to 13 required credits and 7 to 9 elective credits as described below. Students must achieve at least an overall grade point average of 3.0 for courses within the program in order to earn a certificate. The certificate will be awarded upon the successful completion of all of the requirements of the certificate and the undergraduate degree. It is recommended that students complete the University’s symbolic systems requirements before beginning this program, as these courses promote basic qualitative reasoning (MATH 117, MATH 241, FOR 201, SOC 202). CS 101, Introduction to Programming, is also strongly recommended. Required Courses (11–13 cr): FOR 250 Geographic Information Systems Practicum and FOR 350 Geographic Information Systems and Applications, or GPHY 381 Principles of Digital Cartography and GPHY 382 Digital Cartography Lab FOR 351 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing or GPHY 487 Remote Sensing and Raster GIS and GPHY 489 Cartography/GIS Lab GPHY 488 Thematic Cartography and GIS and GPHY 489 Cartography/GIS Lab Elective Courses (7–9 cr): Raster GIS, Remote Sensing, and Image Analysis GPHY 587 Digital Image Analysis and Modeling and GPHY 589 Cartography/GIS Lab FOR 551 Digital Image Processing Vector GIS and Networks GPHY 486 Transport Planning and GIS and GPHY 489 Cartography/GIS Lab GPHY 580 Seminar in GIS and Cartography GPHY 588 VECTOR GIS and GPHY 589 Cartography/GIS Lab Data Management and Collection GPHY 468 Community and Regional Analysis and GPHY 489 Cartography/GIS Lab FOR 505 Sampling Methods GIS Applications GPHY 385 Field Techniques GPHY 467 Planning Decision Support Systems GPHY 491 Digital Mapping and Design GPHY 564 Planning Design FOR 503 Predictive Distribution Modeling FOR 562 Wildlife Habitat Modeling (Although elective courses are organized by topical specialty, no specialization is necessary)