Program Modification Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Health Professions/Medical Assisting Department/program 1.) Delete U MED 154T Beginning Medical Terminology and replace Summary with U 161T Medical Administrative Procedures. 2.) Follow the common course numbering completed for the MUS transfer Initiative. 3.) As a result of the Faculty Learning Outcomes Council (FLOC), common Medical Assisting courses have a rubric of MA and the T is to be removed. II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval. Please type / print name Signature Requestor: Phone: Program Chair/Director: Karen Hill Department Dean Other affected Programs: (Use additional sheet if Barry Good Carol Wenderoth Date Anne Delaney needed) III Type of Program Modification (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Major Minor Option Teaching major/minor XX Other Please describe IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing program Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it or major, please cut and paste the requirements as to appear in the catalog. they appear in the current catalog below. First Year ACTG 100 (ACC 131T) Essentials of Accounting A S First Year ACTG 100 (ACC 131T) Essentials of Accounting A S - 4 - 4 BS 140T Customer Service. 4 – BS 140T Customer Service. 4 – COM 150S Interpersonal Communications - 3 COM 150S Interpersonal Communications - 3 CAPP 120 (CRT 108) Introduction to Computers or competency 3 - CAPP 120 (CRT 100) Introduction to Computers or competency 3 - CAPP 134 (CRT 108) Basic MS Word - 2 CAPP 134 (CRT 108) Basic MS Word - 2 M 105 Contemporary Math 3 - M 105 Contemporary Math 3 - MED 154T Beginning Medical Terminology 2 - MED 195T Terminology for Health Professions - 3 PSYX 100S (PSY 100S) Introduction to Psychology 3 SCN 201N Anatomy and Physiology - 4 WRIT 121 (WTS 115) Introduction to Technical Writing 3 - Total 18 16 Second Year MED 153T Insurance Processing A 3 S MED 155T Medical Software Applications 4 MED 201T Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures I 1 MED 202T Medical Assisting Internship I MED 203T Medical Assisting Procedures II MED 204T Medical Assisting Internship II MED 256T Medical Transcription I MED 280E Medical Ethics 3 PHA 160T Pharmacological Products PSYX 230 (PSY 201) Developmental Psychology MED 161T Medical Administrative Procedures 4 MED 160T Terminology for Health Professions - 3 SCN 201N Anatomy and Physiology - 4 WRIT 121 (WTS 115) Introduction to Technical Writing 3 - Total 17 16 Second Year MED 153T Insurance Processing A 3 S - PSYX 100S (PSY 100S) Introduction to Psychology 3 - MED 155T Medical Software Applications - 1 MA 203 Medical Assisting Procedures II - 3 MA 298 Medical Assisting Externship 1 - MA 2 Medical Assisting Internship II - 3 3 MED 256T Medical Transcription I - 3 3 MED 280E Medical Ethics - 3 3 PHA 160T Pharmacological Products - 3 PSYX 230 (PSY 201) Developmental Psychology 3 - SCN 202N Anatomy and Physiology 4 - Total 18 16 - 1 - - 3 - 3 4 SCN 202N Anatomy and Physiology Total 11 13 Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. 1.) Students need only one Terminology course that incorporates the previous information from the two courses. 2.) The Medical Administrative Procedures course was recently removed from the scope and sequence in Medical Assisting. New Faculty is saying that it is a benefit to students and is requesting that it be returned to the program. 3.) The Board of Regents has made the Transfer Initiative a priority for Montana Students and Medical Assisting was one of several Health Professions Programs that has been approved to date. What other programs are affected by your proposal? None Obtain signatures as requested above. V Copies and Electronic Submission Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221 ( VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change of all proposals.