I. ASCRC General Education Form Group XI Natural Science Dept/Program

I. ASCRC General Education Form
XI Natural Science
Course #
Course Title
General Botany
Consent Instructor
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Staff/Anna Sala
Phone / Email
Program Chair
Charles Janson
III. Description and purpose of the course: General Education courses must be introductory
and foundational. They must emphasize breadth, context, and connectedness; and relate course
content to students’ future lives: See Preamble:
Introduction to the plant kingdom including anatomy, physiology and ecology. The course
consists of 2 hour lectures and 2 hour laboratory exercises per week.
IV. Criteria: Briefly explain how this course meets the criteria for the group. See:
Courses explore a discipline in the natural
BIOL 120 explores the plant kingdom
sciences and demonstrate how the scientific
emphasizing on anatomy, physiology and
method is used within the discipline to draw
ecology. Major discoveries in the plant
scientific conclusions.
kingdom are the result of both observations
by early scientists during the 17-19th
centuries and by experimental research since
the late 1900. An examination of how
experimental research has led to major
discoveries (for example, the biochemistry of
photosynthesis, the ability of plants to sense
the environment) exposes students to the
scientific method. Exposure to the scientific
method is emphasized in the laboratory
portion where students conduct experiments
with clear hypotheses and simple
experimental designs (e.g. influence of soil
type to plant growth; influence of mineral
nutrition to plant from and function; etc.)
Courses address the concept of analytic
uncertainty and the rigorous process required to
take an idea to a hypothesis and then to a
validated scientific theory.
General Botany offers ample opportunity for
students to address the concept of analytic
uncertainty and the process required to take
an idea to a hypothesis and then to a
validated scientific theory. For example there
is ample uncertainty of how different plants
will respond to climate change and whether
such responses may lead to shifts in plant
community composition with climate
change. This is a very relevant question to
society in general and one that allows the
formulation of several alternative
hypotheses. A careful examination of what is
known so far on variety of anatomical,
physiological and ecological factors allows
to narrow down the alternative hypotheses
and to design experiments to test such
hypothesis. Results of these experiments are
presented and contrasted to other relevant
experiments to critically analyze whether a
comprehensive set of experiments points to
predictable responses. A specific example is
whether upper tree lines (at high elevations)
will move up or down in response to climate
change. Several predictions can be
tentatively made, which are contrasted to
what we know about tree response to
temperature, increased CO2 levels and
changes in water availability. Based on this
knowledge and on what it is known about
climate change effects on soil nutrients and
water availability one can narrow down the
specific predictions (e.g. tree lines will move
up). Accordingly, a set of observations and
experiments can be done to test this
hypothesis (e.g. presence of seedlings and
saplings at higher altitudes relative to the
present tree line suggest that tree lines are
moving up; Experimental transplant of tree
seedlings at different elevations can be done
to test specific hypothesis of tree
performance at different elevations).
Again, the course offers ample opportunity
to engage students in inquiry-based learning
activities where they formulate a hypothesis,
design an experiment to test the hypothesis,
and collect, interpret, and present the data to
support their conclusions. For instance on
experiment in the laboratory is to study the
effect of soil texture (e.g. sandy vs. clay
soils) on the ability of plants to extract water
from the soil and grow. The importance of
water for plant growth and the effect of soil
texture on the ability of soils to retain water
are emphasized in lecture (note that this is
very relevant for gardeners). In the lab
students are provided with bulk clay, sand,
organic matter, materials to grow plants, and
seeds of fast growing plants. They are asked
1) to formulate a hypothesis based on what
they have learned in lecture on how soil
texture influences ability of soils to retain
water and the subsequent influence on plant
growth, 2) to design the experiment, 3) to
conduct the experiment and collect data over
two weeks, 4) to analyze results and 5) to
interpret the data and draw conclusions.
Feedback is given to them on every step on
why or why not their hypothesis and
experiments are well formulated and
designed, respectively. Similar experiments
are done by varying nutrient and light
V. Student Learning Goals: Briefly explain how this course will meet the applicable learning
goals. See: http://www.umt.edu/facultysenate/ASCRCx/Adocuments/GE_Criteria5-1-08.htm
Lab courses engage students in inquiry-based
learning activities where they formulate a
hypothesis, design an experiment to test the
hypothesis, and collect, interpret, and present
the data to support their conclusions.
Understand the general principles associated
with the discipline(s) studied;
Understand the methodology and activities
scientists use to gather, validate and interpret
data related to natural processes
Students learn to appreciate: 1) the role of
plants in the biosphere as a source of food
supply to all other non-photosynthetic
organisms; 2) the evolution of the plant
kingdom and the major forces that have
allowed it to diversification; 3) the large
diversity of plant form and function and
how it varies with the environment; 3) the
fascinating physiology of plants and how it
relates to plant performance in nature, under
conditions imposed by humans (e.g.
gardening and agriculture), and under future
environmental change. Students also learn
the extraordinary value of plants for human
society (the many goods and service plants
provide to society such as food production,
biodiversity, medicine, etc.)
Methodologies for each topic are
emphasized in lecture and, when feasible, in
the laboratory (e.g. molecular techniques in
plant growth and development and plant
evolution, techniques to measure plant
photosynthesis, current techniques in plant
anatomy, etc.)
See examples above
Detect patterns, draw conclusions, develop
conjectures and hypotheses, and test them by
appropriate means and experiments
Understand how scientific laws and theories are See examples above
verified by quantitative measurement, scientific
observation, and logical/critical reasoning
Understand the means by which analytic
See examples above
uncertainty is quantified and expressed in the
natural sciences.
VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. ⇓ The syllabus
should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus
preparation see: http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/syllabus.html
Lecture Outline and Course Syllabus
BIOL 120 - General Botany
Spring 2003
Meeting time:
• Lecture: M-W 10:10-11:00 am; MCG 215
• Check class schedule for your lab time. Labs meet in NS (Natural Science) 208.
Instructor: Dr. Kevin Murray, Staff, (Anna Sala potentially in the future)
Office hours: TBD
Lecture text: Principles of Botany. Uno, Storey and Moore. 2001.
Laboratory text: Introductory Plant Biology Laboratory Manual. Stern.
Course conditions.
Exams and grading. There will be 3 regular session exams and a final. The final will be partly
comprehensive, but with an emphasis on the material covered after exam III. Each exam
including the final will be weighed approximately equally, at between 60-70 points. Your
overall final grade for BIOL 120 combines lecture and lab exams & assignments.
Lab quizzes, etc. Laboratory conditions will be discussed in lab.
Drops, withdraws, change of grade status. It is your responsibility to consult the Spring
Class Schedule for important dates such as drop without penalty, traditional letter grade or
pass/no pass option. It is also you responsibility to understand conditions allowing such status
changes (consult student handbook).
Makeup exams. There will be no early exams. If you must miss an exam, compelling
evidence must be provided, preferably in written form. Makeup exams will take place at one
time only, approximately one week after the scheduled exam.
NOTE: for final exam there will be NO early exams and no makeup exams.
Attendance and participation in a laboratory section is mandatory; you cannot pass the course
without a lab grade.
BIOL 120
Spring 2003
Lecture/exam schedule & reading assignments
Lecture topic
Reading Assignment
1 27-29 Jan
why are plants important
plant classification
chap 1 (pp.1-16)
chap 15 (see also chaps 16-18)
2 03-05 Feb
cell chemistry
cell chemistry
chap 3 (pp. 55-74)
3 10-12 Feb
plant cells & tissues
plant cells & tissues
chap 4
4 17-19 Feb
Washington-Lincoln holiday
Exam I
5 24-26 Feb
root systems & plant nutrition
stems and secondary growth
chap 7
chap 8
6 03-05 Mar
stems and secondary growth
leaves and the movement of water
chap 8
7 10-12 Mar
chap 9
plants in stressful environments
flowers & fruits
chap 18 (p.457), chap 12 (pp.
plant life cycles
chap 13 (p.312), chap 17 (p.4
8 17-19 Mar
Exam II
9 24-26 Mar
Spring break
10 31-02 Mar/Apr
11 07-09 Apr
Plants and climate change
origins & evolution of life
12 14-16 Apr
floristic milestones in earth history
Exam III
13 21-23 Apr
plant diversity: algae
chap 16
plant diversity: Bryophytes & ferns
chap 17
14 28-30 Apr
plant diversity: Bryophytes & ferns
chap 10
chap 17
plant diversity: Gymnosperms
15 05-07 May
plant diversity: Angiosperms
plant conservation
16 May
chap 18
chap 18
Final Exam (8:30 – 10:00 am)
BIOL 120 Lab Schedule
Lab Exercise
no labs first week
the microscope exercise 1
plant cells and tissues exercise 2 (predictions based on plant form and environment)
prepared slides:
herbaceous stem c.s., woody stem c.s., growing root tip l.s., leaf paradermal section,
macerated pine or angiosperm wood
living material fresh potato, tomato, carrot, Elodea, “pond water”
Campus field trip: diversity of plants
roots: primary & secondary growth exercise 4
we do part A (all except living materials), part B (only Rannunculus & Smilax roots), part
D (all)
stems exercise 5
we do parts A, B, C but omit all stains, filter paper and ethyl alcohol (item #’s 6-9
under “materials”)
also needed: wood blocks, 3 large conifer trunk “cookies” (ask Anna or Ray)
leaves exercise 6
we do all, parts A-C
flowers, fruits and seeds
exercise 18: parts A and B
exercise 19: part A
experiment: plant growth and environmental conditions (mineral nutrients, soil
texture and light). Students make hypothesis, predictions and design experiments
Growth materials, Wisconsin fast seeds, bulk clay, sand and organic matter, shade cloth,
mineral nutrient solution (Hoagland).
Photosynthesis (part 1) exercise 7 & leaf disc assay
we do part B (all), part C (all)
Photosynthesis (part 2)
handout; see Jean Dickey manual, exercise 8.1; I have copy if not in prep room.
Cyanobacteria & protistan algae. exercise 14.
we do parts A - G (omit seaweeds and slime molds). Also omit bacterial stain
materials; items 12 – 16 under “materials”.
Bryophytes & seedless vascular plants exercise 16
collect mosses locally, see me for instructions
order from Carolina: moss gametophytes with sporophytes (fruiting mosses),
thalloid liverwort review set (3) and Equisetum
living cultures (Azolla); order from Carolina
also living orders from Carolina: selaginella and lycopodium (3 of each)
bring potted ferns from greenhouse with sori
Gymnosperms exercise 17
we do part A (obtain branches from campus and potted specimens from greenhouse), part B
Presentation experiment results
*Please note: As an instructor of a general education course, you will be expected to provide
sample assessment items and corresponding responses to the Assessment Advisory Committee.