ThC06.4 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control December 14-17, 2004 Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas A Nonlinear Least-Squares Approach for Identification of the Induction Motor Parameters Kaiyu Wang, John Chiasson, Marc Bodson and Leon M. Tolbert Abstract— A nonlinear least-squares method is presented for the identification of the induction motor parameters. A major difficulty with the induction motor is that the rotor state variables are not available measurements so that the system identification model cannot be made linear in the parameters without overparametrizing the model. Previous work in the literature has avoided this issue by making simplifying assumptions such as a “slowly varying speed”. Here, no such simplifying assumptions are made. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear system identification problem and uses elimination theory (resultants) to compute the parameter vector that minimizes the residual error. The only assumption is that the system be sufficiently excited. The method is suitable for online operation to continuously update the parameter values. Experimental results are presented. Index Terms— Least-Squares Identification, Induction Motor, Parameter Identification I. I NTRODUCTION The induction motor parameters are the mutual inductance P , the stator inductance OV , the rotor inductance OU , the stator resistance UV , the rotor resistance UU , the inertia of the rotor M, and the load torque O . Standard methods for the estimation of the induction motor parameters include the locked rotor test, the no-load test, and the standstill frequency response test. However, these approaches cannot be used online, that is, during normal operation of the machine which is a disadvantage as some of the parameters do vary during operation. For example, field oriented control requires knowledge of the rotor time constant WU = OU @UU in order to estimate the rotor flux linkages and UU varies significantly due to Ohmic heating. The work presented here is an approach to identifying the induction motor parameters based on a nonlinear leastsquares approach. As the rotor state variables are not available measurements, the system identification model cannot be made linear in the parameters without overparametrizing the model [1][2]. Previous work in the literature has avoided this issue by making simplifying assumptions such as a “slowly varying speed”. Specifically, the proposed method improves upon the linear least-squares approach formulated in [1][2]. In [1][2] the approach was limited in that the acceleration was required to be small and that an iterative method used to solve for the parameter vector was not guaranteed to converge nor necessarily produce the minimum residual error. Here, no such simplifying assumptions are made. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear system identification problem and uses elimination theory (resultants) to compute the parameter vector that minimizes the residual error with the only assumption being that the system is sufficiently excited. This method is suitable for online implementation so that during regular operation of the machine, the stator currents and voltages along with the rotor speed can be used to continuously update the parameters of the machine. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the validity of the approach. A combined parameter identification and velocity estimation problem is discussed in [3][4][5]. In contrast, we do not consider the velocity estimation problem, as the velocity is assumed to be known. On the other hand, here the velocity is allowed to vary and the paper shows how estimates of the rotor flux linkages can be simultaneously constructed (for possible use in a field-oriented control drive, such as [6]). Additionally, the method developed in this paper provides measures of the errors affecting the parameter estimates. Such measures are useful for the monitoring of the estimation procedure itself. Other related work includes [7], [8] and [9]. For background in various approaches to machine parameter estimation, there is a recent survey paper [10] and the book [11]. II. I NDUCTION M OTOR M ODEL The work here is based on standard models of induction machines available in the literature [6]. These models neglect parasitic effects such as hysteresis, eddy currents and magnetic saturation. The particular model formulation used here is the state space model of the system given by (cf. [12][13]) K. Wang, J. Chiasson and L. M. Tolbert are with the ECE Department, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.,, M. Bodson is with the EE Department, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. L. M. Tolbert is also with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, NTRC, 2360 Cherahala Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37932. 0-7803-8682-5/04/$20.00 ©2004 IEEE 3856 glVd gw glVe gw g# Ud gw g# Ue gw g$ gw = = = = = 1 # Ud + qs $# Ue lVd + xVd WU OV 1 # Ue qs $# Ud lVe + xVe WU OV P 1 lVd (1) # Ud qs $# Ue + WU WU P 1 lVe # Ue + qs $# Ud + WU WU O qs P (lVe # Ud lVd # Ue ) MOU M where $ = g@gw with the position of the rotor, qs is the number of pole pairs, lVd > lVe are the (two phase equivalent) stator currents and # Ud > # Ue are the (two phase equivalent) rotor flux linkages. As stated in the introduction, the (unknown) parameters of the model are the five electrical parameters, UV and UU (the stator and rotor resistances), P (the mutual inductance), OV and OU (the stator and rotor inductances), and the two mechanical parameters, M (the inertia of the rotor) and O (the load torque). The symbols WU = = OU UU P OV OU =1 = P2 OV OU g# U| 1 gxV{ glV{ g2 lV{ g# U{ + = qs $ 2 Ov gw gw gw WU gw gw g$ g$ glV| qs # U| qs $ qs lV| (8) gw gw gw UV 1 1 P2 + OV OV WU OU have been used to simplify the expressions. WU is referred to as the rotor time constant while is called the total leakage factor. This model is then transformed into a coordinate system attached to the rotor. For example, the current variables are transformed according to · ¸ · ¸ ¸· lV{ cos(qs ) sin(qs ) lVd = = (2) sin(qs ) cos(qs ) lV| lVe The transformation simply projects the vectors in the (d> e) frame onto the axes of the moving coordinate frame. An advantage of this transformation is that the signals in the moving frame (i.e., the ({> |) frame) typically vary slower than those in the (d> e) frame (they vary at the slip frequency rather than at the stator frequency). At the same time, the transformation does not depend on any unknown parameter in contrast to the field-oriented g@t transformation. The stator voltages and the rotor flux linkages are transformed in the same manner as the currents resulting in the following model ([1]) glV{ gw equalities where known signals depend linearly on unknown parameters. However, the induction motor model described above does not fit in this category unless the rotor flux linkages are measured. The first step is to eliminate the fluxes # U{ > # U| and their derivatives g# U{ @gw> g# U| @gw. The four equations (3), (4), (5), (6) can be used to solve for # U{ > # U| , g# U{ @gw> g# U| @gw, but one is left without another independent equation(s) to set up a regressor system for the identification algorithm. A new set of independent equations are found by differentiating equations (3) and (4) to obtain glV| g# 1 gxV| g2 lV| g# U| + = + qs $ U{ 2 Ov gw gw gw WU gw gw g$ g$ glV{ + qs # U{ + qs $ + qs lV{ = (9) gw gw gw Next, equations (3), (4), (5), (6) are solved for # U{ > # U| , g# U{ @gw> g# U| @gw and substituted into equations (8) and (9) to obtain 1 gxV{ g2 lV{ glV| 1 glV{ + ) qs $ + ( + gw2 gw OV gw WU gw P 1 P ) + lV| qs $( + ) lV{ ( 2 + WU WU WU WU xV{ 1 g$ g$ + + qs lV| qs × OV WU gw gw OV (1 + q2s $ 2 WU2 ) µ glV| OV WU lV| OV WU lV{ qs $OV WU gw glV{ qs $OV WU2 lV{ qs $OV WU2 + gw ´ (10) lV| q2s $ 2 OV WU2 + qs $WU2 xV{ + WU xV| 0= xV{ lV{ + # + qs $# U| + qs $lV| OV WU U{ (3) and 2 xV| glV| lV| + # U| qs $# U{ qs $lV{ 0 = g lV| glV{ qs $ + 1 gxV| ( + 1 ) glV| = gw OV WU gw2 gw OV gw WU gw (4) P 1 P ) lV{ qs $( + ) lV| ( 2 + 1 P g# U{ WU WU WU WU lV{ # U{ (5) = gw WU WU 1 g$ g$ xV| + qs lV{ + qs × g# U| 1 P OV WU gw gw OV (1 + q2s $ 2 WU2 ) lV| # U| (6) = µ gw WU WU glV{ O qs P g$ lV{ OV WU + lV| qs $OV WU OV WU (lV| # U{ lV{ # U| ) = = (7) gw gw MOU M glV| + qs $OV WU2 + lV| qs $OV WU2 III. L INEAR OVERPARAMETRIZED M ODEL gw ´ Measurements of the stator currents lVd > lVe and volt+lV{ q2s $ 2 OV WU2 qs $WU2 xV| + WU xV{ = (11) ages xVd > xVe as well as the position of the rotor are assumed to be available (velocity may then be recon- The set of equations (10) and (11) may be rewritten in structed from position measurements). However, the rotor regressor form as flux linkages # U{ > # U| are not assumed to be measured. Standard methods for parameter estimation are based on |(w) = Z (w)N (12) = 3857 where N 5 U15 > Z 5 U2×15 and | 5 U2 are given by · 1 P 1 P WU N , P 2 OV WU WU WU WU WU P WU WU2 WU2 WU2 OV 1 OV WU WU OV ¸W Z (w) , 5 glV{ glV{ gxV{ q2s $ 2 lV{ lV{ qs $lV| 9 gw gw gw 7 gl gxV| glV| V| q2s $ 2 lV| lV| qs $lV{ gw gw gw lV{ qs $lV| q2s $ 2 glgwV{ + q3s $ 3 lV| + gl lV| qs $lV{ q2s $ 2 gwV| q3s $ 3 lV{ + glV| g$ 2 2 qs lV| g$ (qs + q2s $lV{ ) gw qs $ lV{ gw gw g$ glV{ 2 2 (qs + q2s $lV| ) qs lV{ g$ gw qs $ lV| gw gw glV{ g$ g2 lV{ glV| $2 q3s $ 3 lV| q2s ($ ) + q3s $ 3 2 gw gw gw gw 2 glV| g$ 2 2 g lV| 3 3 glV{ 3 3 qs $ lV{ qs ($ ) qs $ $ gw gw gw2 gw g$ g$ 2 2 glV{ 2 2 gxV{ qs ($lV{ $ ) qs ($ xV{ $ ) gw gw gw gw g$ gl gx g$ V| V| $2 ) q2s ($ 2 xV| $ ) q2s ($lV| gw gw gw 6 gw g$ 2 2 xV{ qs $ xV{ qs xV| gw : g$ 8 2 2 xV| qs $ xV| + qs xV{ gw and 5 2 6 g lV{ glV| g$ 9 gw2 qs lV| gw qs $ gw : 9 : |(w) , 9 := 7 g2 l g$ glV{ 8 V| + qs lV{ + qs $ gw2 gw gw Though the system (12) is linear in the parameters, it is overparameterized resulting in poor numerical conditioning if standard least-squares techniques are used. Specifically, identification problem when rotor flux linkages are unknown and is not specific to the method. If the rotor flux linkages are not measured, machines with different UU , OU > and P , but identical OU @UU and P 2 @OU will have the same input/output (i.e., voltage to current and speed) characteristics. Specifically, the transformation ratio from stator to rotor cannot be determined unless rotor measurements are taken. However, machines with different Nl parameters, yet satisfying the nonlinear relationships (13), will be distinguishable. For a related discussion of this issue, see Bellini et al [14] where parameter identification is performed using torque-speed and stator current-speed characteristics. IV. N ONLINEAR L EAST-S QUARES I DENTIFICATION [15][16] In this section, it is shown how the linear least-squares method is modified to account for the constraint (13). The problem is to minimize Q ¯ ¯2 X ¯ ¯ ¯|(q) Z (q)N ¯ H 2 (N) = q=1 W W = U| 2UZ | N + N UZ N (15) subject to the constraints (13). On physical grounds, the parameters N4 > N6 > N8 > N14 are constrained to 0 ? Nl ? 4 for l = 4> 6> 8> 14= (16) Also, based on physical grounds, the squared error H 2 (N) will be minimized in the interior of this region. Let H 2 (Ns ) , Q ¯ ¯2 X ¯ ¯ ¯|(q) Z (q)N ¯N1 =N6 N8 (17) N2 =N4 N82 q=1 .. . ¯ ¯ W = U| 2UZ N | ¯ + N1 =N6 N8 N2 =N4 N82 .. . ¢¯¯ ¡ W N UZ N ¯ N1 =N6 N8 N2 =N4 N82 .. . = N6 N8 > N2 = N4 N82 > N3 = N8 N14 > N5 = 1@N8 > where ¤W £ = N4 N8 > N9 = N6 N82 > N10 = N4 N83 > N11 = N82 > Ns , N4 N6 N8 N14 = = N6 N83 > N13 = N14 N83 > N15 = N14 N82 (13) As just explained, the minimum of (17) must occur in the so that only the four parameters N4 > N6 > N8 > N14 are interior of the region and therefore at an extremum point. independent. Also, not all five electrical parameters UV , This then entails solving the four equations OV , UU , OU and P can be retrieved from the Nl ’s. The CH 2 (Ns ) four parameters N4 > N6 > N8 > N14 determine only the four u1 (Ns ) , =0 (18) CN4 independent parameters UV , OV , and WU by CH 2 (Ns ) N6 N4 1 + N4 N82 1 (N ) , =0 (19) u 2 s > WU = N8 > OV = > = = UV = CN6 N14 N14 N8 1 + N4 N82 CH 2 (Ns ) (14) =0 (20) u3 (Ns ) , 2 As WU = OU @UU and = 1 P @ (OV OU ), only CN8 OU @UU and P 2 @OU can be obtained, and not P , OU > CH 2 (Ns ) (N ) , = 0. (21) u 4 s and UU independently. This situation is inherent to the CN14 3858 N1 N7 N12 The partial derivatives in (18)-(21) are rational functions in the parameters N4 > N6 > N8 > N14 . Defining CH 2 (Ns ) (22) CN4 CH 2 (Ns ) (23) s2 (Ns ) , N8 u2 (Ns ) = N8 CN6 CH 2 (Ns ) (24) s3 (Ns ) , N83 u3 (Ns ) = N83 CN8 CH 2 (Ns ) (25) s4 (Ns ) , N8 u4 (Ns ) = N8 CN14 results in the sl (Ns ) being polynomials in the parameters N4 > N6 > N8 > N14 and having the same positive zero set (i.e., the same roots satisfying Nl A 0) as the system (18)-(21). The degrees of the polynomials sl are given in the table below. deg N4 deg N6 deg N8 deg N14 s1 (Ns ) 1 1 7 1 s2 (Ns ) 1 1 7 1 s3 (Ns ) 2 2 8 2 s4 (Ns ) 1 1 7 1 s1 (Ns ) , N8 u1 (Ns ) = N8 All possible solutions to this set may be found using elimination theory as is now summarized. A. Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations [17][18] The question at hand is “Given two polynomial equations d(N1 > N2 ) = 0 and e(N1 > N2 ) = 0, how does one solve them simultaneously to eliminate (say) N2 ?”. A systematic procedure to do this is known as elimination theory and uses the notion of resultants. Briefly, one considers d(N1 > N2 ) and e(N1 > N2 ) as polynomials in N2 whose coefficients are polynomials in N1 . Then, for example, letting d(N1 > N2 ) and e(N1 > N2 ) have degrees 3 and 2, respectively in N2 , they may be written in the form d(N1 > N2 ) = d3 (N1 )N23 + d2 (N1 )N22 + d1 (N1 )N2 +d0 (N1 ) e(N1 > N2 ) = e2 (N1 )N22 + e1 (N1 )N2 + e0 (N1 )= Though the converse of this theorem is not necessarily true, the finite number of solutions of u(N1 ) = 0 are the only possible candidates for the first coordinate (partial solutions) of the common zeros of d(N1 > N2 ) and e(N1 > N2 ). Whether or not such a partial solution extends to a full solution is easily determined by back solving and checking the solution. Using the polynomials (22)-(25) and the computer algebra software program M ATHEMATICA [19], the variable N4 is eliminated first to obtain three polynomials in three unknowns as ³ ´ us1s2 (N6 > N8 > N14 ) , Res s1 > s2 > N4 ³ ´ us1s3 (N6 > N8 > N14 ) , Res s1 > s2 > N4 ³ ´ us1s4 (N6 > N8 > N14 ) , Res s1 > s2 )> N4 where us1s2 us1s3 us1s4 deg N6 1 2 1 deg N8 14 22 14 deg N14 1 = 2 1 Next N6 is eliminated to obtain two polynomials in two unknowns as ³ ´ us1s2s3 (N8 > N14 ) , Res us1s2 > us1s3 > N6 ³ ´ us1s2s4 (N8 > N14 ) , Res us1s2 > us1s4 > N6 where us1s2s3 us1s2s4 deg N8 50 28 deg N14 2 = 1 Finally N14 is eliminated to obtain a single polynomial in N8 as ³ ´ u(N8 ) , Res us1s2s3 (N8 > N14 )> us1s2s4 (N8 > N14 )> N14 where The q × q Sylvester matrix, where q = degN2 {d(N1 > N2 )} + degN2 {e(N1 > N2 )} = 3 + 2 = 5, is defined by Vd>e (N1 ) , 5 6 d0 (N1 ) 0 e0 (N1 ) 0 0 9 d1 (N1 ) d0 (N1 ) e1 (N1 ) e0 (N1 ) : 0 9 : 9 d2 (N1 ) d1 (N1 ) e2 (N1 ) e1 (N1 ) e0 (N1 ) : = 9 : 7 d3 (N1 ) d2 (N1 ) 0 e2 (N1 ) e1 (N1 ) 8 0 d3 (N1 ) 0 0 e2 (N1 ) The resultant polynomial is then defined by ³ ´ u(N1 ) = Res d(N1 > N2 )> e(N1 > N2 )> N2 , det Vd>e (N1 ) (26) and is the result of eliminating the variable N2 from d(N1 > N2 ) and e(N1 > N2 ). In fact, the following is true. Theorem 1: [17][18] Any solution (N10 > N20 ) of d(N1 > N2 ) = 0 and e(N1 > N2 ) = 0 must have u(N10 ) = 0. deg N8 = 104= The parameter N8 was chosen as the variable not eliminated because its degree was the highest at each step meaning it would have a larger (in dimension) Sylvester matrix than using any other variable. The positive roots of u(N8 ) = 0 are found which are then substituted into us1s2s3 = 0 (or us1s2s4 = 0) which in turn are solved to obtain the partial solutions (N8 > N14 ). The partial solutions (N8 > N14 ) are then substituted into us1s2 = 0 (or us1s3 = 0 or us1s4 = 0) which are solved to obtain the partial solutions (N6 > N8 > N14 ) so that they in turn may be substituted into s1 = 0 (or s2 = 0 or s3 = 0 or s4 = 0) which are solved to obtain the solutions (N4 > N6 > N8 > N14 ). These solutions are then checked to see which ones satisfy the complete system of polynomials equations (22)-(25) and those that do constitute the candidate solutions for the minimization. Based on physical considerations, the set of 3859 20 candidate solutions is non empty. From the set of candidate solutions, the one that gives the smallest squared error is chosen. i i sa sa- sim 15 10 B. Mechanical Parameters Current in Amperes Once the electrical parameters have been found, the two mechanical parameters M> i ( O = i $) can be found using a linear least-squares algorithm. To do so, equations (8) and (9) are solved for P # U{ @OU > P # U| @OU resulting in ¸ · ¸ · OV P # U{ @OU 1@WU $ = × 2 P # U| @OU $ 1@WU (1@WU ) + q2s $ 2 ¸ · glV{ @gw xV{ @ (OV ) + lV{ qs $lV| = (27) glV| @gw xV| @ (OV ) + lV| + qs $lV{ 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 5.56 5.58 5.6 5.62 5.64 5.66 5.68 Time in seconds 5.7 5.72 5.74 Noting that 1 1 P2 UV 1 1 UV + = + (1 ) OV > OV OV WU OU OV OV WU (28) then quantities on the right hand side of (27) are all known once the electrical parameters have been computed. With N16 , qs @M> N17 , i @M, equation (7) may be rewritten as 5 6 ¸ N16 · P # U| g$ P # U{ 8 = lV| lV{ $ 7 gw OU OU N Fig. 1. = 17 so that the standard linear squares approach is directly applicable. Then M , qs @N16 > i , qs N17 @N16 = Phase d current lVd and its simulated response lVd sim = lV{ > lV| glV{ @gw> glV| @gw> g2 lV{ @gw2 > g2 lV| @gw2 > $ = g@gw> g$@gw were calculated and the regressor matrices UZ > U| and UZ | were computed. The procedure explained in Section IV was then carried out to compute N4 > N6 > N8 > N14 . In this case, there was only one extremum point that had positive values for all the Nl . The table below presents the parameter values determined using the nonlinear least-squares methodology along with their corresponding parametric error indices [2]. (29) 200 V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS ω 150 Speed in radians/sec A three phase, 0=5 hp, 1735 rpm (qs = 2 pole-pair) induction machine was used for the experiments. A 4096 pulse/rev optical encoder was attached to the motor for position measurements. The motor was connected to a threephase, 60 Hz, 230 V source through a switch with no load on the machine. When the switch was closed, the stator currents and voltages along with the rotor position were sampled at 4 kHz. Filtered differentiation (using digital filters) was used for calculating the acceleration and the derivatives of the voltages and currents. Specifically, the signals were filtered with a lowpass digital Butterworth filter followed by reconstruction of the derivatives using g{(w)@gw = ({(w) {(w W )) @W where W is the sampling interval. The voltages and currents were put through a 32 transformation to obtain the two phase equivalent voltages xVd > xVe . The sampled two phase equivalent current lVd and its simulated response lVd sim are shown in Figure 1 (The simulated current will be discussed below). The phase e current lVe is similar, but shifted by @(2qs ). The calculated speed $ (from the position measurements) and the simulated speed $ sim are shown in Figure 2 (the simulated speed $ sim will be discussed below). Using the data {xVd > xVe > lVd > lVe > } collected between 5=57 sec to 5=8 sec, the quantities xV{ > xV| > gxV{ @gw> gxV| @gw> ω sim 100 50 0 5.4 5.5 Fig. 2. 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 Time in seconds 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Calculated speed $ and simulated speed $ sim . Parameter N4 N6 N8 N14 Estimated Value 519=7 1848=3 0=1311 259=5 Parametric Error 185=8 796=4 0=0103 59=4 The residual error index was calculated to be 13=43% [2]. The motor’s electrical parameters are computed using (14) 3860 VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS to obtain UV OV = 5=12 Ohms, WU = 0=1311 sec = 0=2919 H, = 0=1007 (30) (31) By way of comparison, the stator resistance was measured using an Ohmmeter giving the value of 4=9 Ohms, and a no load test was also run to compute the value of OV resulting in 0=33 H. Using the electrical parameters, the rotor flux linkages (P@OU ) # U{ and (P@OU ) # U| were reconstructed and used to identify the mechanical parameters. The table below gives the estimated values and the parametric error indices. Parameter N16 N17 Estimated Value 952=38 0=5714 Parametric Error 126=92 0=1528 The residual error index was calculated to be 18=6%. The 2 × 2 regressor matrix UZ for these two parameters had a condition number of 1=060 × 103 [20]. The corresponding values for the motor parameters M and i are then computed using (29) to obtain M i = qs @N16 = 0=0021 kgm2 = qs N17 @N16 = 0=0012 Nm/(rad/sec). (32) (33) A. Simulation of the Experimental Motor Another useful way to evaluate the identified parameters (30)-(31) and (32)-(33) is to simulate the motor using these values with the measured voltages as input. One then compares the simulation’s output (stator currents) with the measured outputs. The experimental voltages were then used as input to a simulation of the model using the parameter values from (30)-(31) and (32)-(33). The resulting phase d current lVd sim from the simulation is shown in Figure 1 and corresponds well with the actual measured current lVd . Similarly, the resulting speed $ sim from the simulation is shown in Figure 2. VI. D ISCUSSION The technique proposed here is relevant for other systems and not just for induction machine parameter identification. The first issue of concern in applying this methodology to other systems is that the parameters used to develop a linear overparameterized model be rationally related. The next issue is the symbolic computation of the Sylvester matrices to compute the resultant polynomials. As the degrees of the polynomials to be solved increase, the dimension of the corresponding Sylvester matrices increase, and therefore the symbolic computation of their determinants becomes more computationally intensive. The particular application considered in this work did not experience such computational difficulty. Interestingly, the recent work of [21][22] is promising for the efficient symbolic computation of the determinants of large Sylvester matrices. Drs. Chiasson and Tolbert would like to thank Oak Ridge National Laboratory for partially supporting this work through the UT/Battelle contract no. 4000023754. 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