A Hybrid Energy System Using Cascaded H-bridge Converter Hui Li1, Zhong Du2, Kaiyu Wang1, Leon M. Tolbert3, Danwei Liu1 1 Dept. of ECE, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL32310, hli@caps.fsu.edu Dept. of ECE, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, zdu@ncsu.edu 3 Dept. of ECE, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-2100, tolbert@utk.edu 2 Abstract∗— Different circuit configurations have been overvoltage problems resulting from saturation of the researched to combine clean energy sources and energy storage transformer in transients; and (5) They are prone to failure elements. This paper proposes a hybrid energy system to [6]. integrate the variable-speed wind turbine, fuel cell, and battery using a cascaded H-bridge converter. One of the advantages of this topology is that it still can obtain the regulated output Static Isolator voltage if one or more energy sources are diminished. In addition, the topology can be easily extended to connect more Transformer sources without increasing the circuit and control complexity; therefore, it is beneficial for distributed energy generation. Different operation modes are analyzed in detail. The control schemes were developed to extract maximum wind power and Transformer charge/discharge the battery with fast dynamics. The Utility 3-phases simulation and experimental results are provided to confirm Fig. 1. Hybrid energy system where power is combined on the the theoretical analysis. ac side through a transformer. Keywords - hybrid energy system, cascaded multilevel converter, single dc source In this paper, the outputs from different power sources are integrated on the ac side by a cascaded H-bridge inverter I. INTRODUCTION instead of a transformer. The topology can achieve regulated As different energy generation technologies become output voltage at a single source if the rest of energy sources mature, the power generation systems will employ various are diminished, resulting in increased robustness. Another forms of energy generation, storage, and transmission. The advantage is the topology can be easily extended to connect power from hybrid energy systems can be combined on the more sources without increasing the circuit and control dc side or ac side through different power conversion complexity; therefore, it is beneficial for distributed energy configurations [1-5]. A traditional approach to combine generation and high power applications. power on the ac side is through a multi-phase transformer, II. OPERATION PRINCIPLE shown in Fig. 1. The usage of multi-phase transformer has the following disadvantages: (1) They are the most Fig. 2 shows the topology applied to a hybrid energy expensive equipment in the system; (2) They produce about system integrating the variable-speed wind turbine, fuel cell, 50% of the total losses of the system; (3) They occupy up to and battery as an energy storage element. As shown in Fig. 40% of the total system’s real estate; (4) They cause 2, the speed of the generator is controlled through a PWM difficulties in control due to dc magnetizing and surge rectifier to extract the maximum wind energy from the wind turbine. A battery is used as an energy storage element to ∗ This work was supported by funding under U.S. Department of compensate the stochastic characteristics of wind energy. Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, The ac output of the fuel cell energy source and the ac Award number DE-FG02-05CH11292. output of wind turbine - generator system can be combined . 1-4244-0365-0/06/$20.00 (c) 2006 IEEE Wind Turbine Vw Generator DC Link PWM Rectifier Gear Box H-Bridge Inverter C Load Utility Grid Isolated bidirectional dc-dc converter Battery Fuel Cell Stack H-Bridge Inverter C Fig. 2. Proposed hybrid energy system using cascaded H-bridge converters. in series using a cascaded H-bridge inverter to provide Table I and Fig. 4. From Table I, it can be seen that there are desired power to the load and to the utility grid even if only two possible ways to generate −Vdc/2 and Vdc/2. One can be one source is available and the others are diminished. used to charge the capacitor while the other can be used to discharge the capacitor. The criteria required for this A. Operation modes of cascaded inverter Fig. 2 can be simplified as shown in Fig. 3 where Energy Source 1 represents the wind turbine with battery and Energy Source 2 is the fuel cell stack. Vdc1 can be assumed to be constant due to the control of the bidirectional dc-dc converter. Vdc2 can be variable since the fuel cell is connected to the dc bus directly. Vdc2 + S2,1 Utility Grid S2,2 C2 - S2,3 S2,4 + - Energy Source 1 Vdc1 + S 1,1 S1,2 S1,3 S1,4 C1 - + Vout H1 value is chosen large enough so that the variation of its voltage around its nominal value is small (generally, one can choose the capacitor-load time constant to be greater than 10 times of the fundamental cycle time), and (3) the capacitor energy in a cycle. The operation principles of mode II can be derived similarly. L L A + - voltage is less than the dc source voltage, (2) the capacitance charging energy is greater than the capacitor discharge H2 Energy Source 2 capacitor balancing scheme is that (1) the desired capacitor L B C - (a) v 3/2V dc V dc (b) 1/2V dc θ1 Fig. 3. Simplified hybrid energy system using cascaded H-bridge topology (a) single phase, (b) three-phase. θ2 θ3 π 2π -1/2V dc -V dc There are three operation modes for the proposed hybrid -3/2V dc energy system: (I) Energy Source 1 standalone mode; (II) Energy Source 2 standalone mode; and (III) mixed mode of Fig. 4. 7-level equal step output voltage waveform. Energy Source 1 and Energy Source 2. To analyze mode I, a dc source is assumed to be connected to the first H-bridge (H1) with voltage Vdc, a capacitor is connected to the second H-bridge (H2) with capacitor voltage to be held at Vc. For this example, suppose Vc = Vdc/2 By applying a fundamental switching scheme, the possible combinations of the two H-bridges that can generate 7-level equal step output voltage are shown in Table I. Output voltages for an equal 7-level converter 0 ≤ θ < θ1 θ1 ≤ θ < θ2 θ1 ≤ θ < θ2 θ2 ≤ θ < θ3 θ3 ≤ θ < π/2 v1 0 0 Vdc Vdc Vdc v2 0 Vdc/2 -Vdc/2 0 -Vdc/2 v = v1 + v2 0 Vdc/2 Vdc/2 Vdc 3Vdc/2 There are two situations of mode III. For the purposes of total electric charge on the capacitor is decreasing, and Q < discussion, Vdc1 > Vdc2 is assumed. If the situation is 0 means the opposite way. Equation (2) can be rewritten as reversed, the control situation is similar. the following formula considering the interval where S2(θ) (1) Situation 1: Energy Source 1 and Energy Source 2 both = 0: have enough available power to maintain the dc bus voltages Q= Vdc1 and Vdc2 near constant. The cascaded H-bridge converter produces 7 voltage levels -(Vdc1+Vdc2), -Vdc1, 1 ω θ2 π −θ3 θ1 θ3 [ ∫ i(θ ) S2 (θ )dθ + ∫ +∫ π −θ1 π −θ2 -Vdc2, 0, Vdc2, Vdc1, Vdc1+Vdc2. No power transferring occurs between H1 bridge and H2 bridge. i (θ ) S2 (θ ) dθ (3) i (θ ) S2 (θ ) dθ ] This unified equation can be applied to several special (2) Situation 2: Energy Source 1 has enough available power cases to solve the corresponding modulation index range. to maintain the dc bus voltages Vdc1 near constant; the • available power of Energy Source 2 cannot maintain the dc Pure resistive load For a pure resistive load, the output current is proportional bus voltages Vdc2 as required. The converter output 9 voltage to the output voltage. In the interval θ3 ≤ θ ≤ π-θ3, the levels –(Vdc1+Vdc2), -(Vdc1-Vdc2), -Vdc1, -Vdc2, 0, Vdc2, Vdc1, capacitor is discharged by the load current, so the switching Vdc1-Vdc2, Vdc1+Vdc2. Power is transferred from H1 bridge to function is chosen to be –1 in the intervals θ1 ≤ θ ≤ θ2 and π- H2 bridge to maintain H2 bridge dc bus to be Vdc2. Energy θ2 ≤ θ ≤ π-θ1 to compensate the loss. In this case, (3) can be Source 2 charges capacitor C2 during -(Vdc1-Vdc2) and (Vdc1- formulated as Vdc2) period to maintain a near constant dc bus voltage Vdc2. Q= Generally, in such a situation, the charging time decides the ratio of the output power between energy source 1 and energy source 2. In addition, during the duration when 1 1 3 [− vdc (θ 2 − θ1 ) + vdc (π − 2θ 3 ) 2 ωR 2 1 − vdc (θ 2 − θ1 )] 2 (4) voltage levels -(Vdc1-Vdc2) and (Vdc1-Vdc2) are produced, where R is the load resistance. From the previous discussion, Energy Source 1 and Energy Source 2 can charge capacitor the capacitor voltage is maintained only if Q ≤ 0. The C2 simultaneously. switching angle must satisfy the following inequality The modulation index in this cascaded system is defined derived from (4): as: m= 3π − 6θ3 − 2θ 2 + 2θ1 ≤ 0 vfπ (1) 2v dc where vf is the fundamental magnitude of the output voltage. The modulation index range for a pure resistive load is therefore: 0 ≤ m ≤ 1.4 The modulation index m with two separate dc sources can operate in the region of 0 ≤ m ≤ 2.52 [7]. The cascaded • Inductive load inverter with a single dc source cannot achieve the same Assume the high frequency harmonics are filtered by the range. The higher modulation index means a higher output inductive load, the load current can be regarded as a voltage, resulting in the increased load current. The electric sinusoidal waveform with the fundamental frequency, and it lags the voltage by phase angle α , shown in Fig. 5. charge on the capacitor drawn by the load cannot be compensated by the dc source charging process, so the normal operation cannot be maintained because of the In order to find the modulation index range, the variation of the electric charge on the capacitor must be studied first. α Vdc Magnitude capacitor voltage drop. 0 θ1 θ2 θ3 π i In the positive half cycle, it can be expressed as Q= 1 ω∫ π 0 i (θ )S2 (θ )dθ , where i is the output current, and (2) ω is the radian 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.01 time (s) 0.012 0.014 0.016 Fig. 5. Induction machine load current frequency. S2(θ) here is the switching function for the Hbridge converter with capacitor. The value Q > 0 means the 0.008 Equation (3) becomes (5): Wind Turbine 0.4 C p( λ ) PWM Rectifier SCIG Vw ia* ib* Power coefficient C Gear Box ic* Wr Maximum Power Tracking Control Wr* Iqs* Rotor speed Current control and dq to abc transformation Controller cos Ids* 0.35 CP_max 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 λopt 0 0 2 sin (a) 4 6 Tip speed ratio λ 8 10 (b) Fig. 6. (a) The control block diagram of wind turbine-generator system, (b) power coefficient vs. tip speed ratio. power flow high-voltage side low-voltage side Cr1 C1 S1 Cr3 S3 v1 C3 + v3 Tr L1 V bat v r12 i r12 iL1 Cr2 C2 S2 Iff* (Pwind - P load)/V bat V ref + Gv(s) Ifb* Cr4 S4 v2 S 1,2 P wind Co vr34 DC Bus in1 C4 v4 - S 3,4 PWM Drive + + - Voltage regulator Gi(s) Phi Current Regulator Fig. 7. Energy storage interface with dc bus using isolated bidirectional dual-half-bridge dc-dc converter. 1 Q= ω + + [ θ2 ∫θ cosθ 2 − cosθ1 + cos θ3 ≤ 0 I sin(θ − α )S2 (θ )dθ The modulation index range satisfying (7) is 0 ≤ m ≤ 1.54 . 1 π −θ3 ∫θ I sin(θ − α )S2 (θ )dθ 3 (5) π -θ1 B. Control of wind power and energy storage element The operation principles of varied-speed wind turbine ∫π θ I sin(θ − α )S (θ )dθ ], − (7) 2 with battery are described in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Fig. 6 (a) is a 2 control block diagram of variable-speed wind turbine system where I is the peak value of the current. The switching where the rotor speed reference of the generator is designed function here is again set to charge the capacitor, and (5) is to extract the maximum power from the wind turbine at a calculated as: certain wind speed: Q= I ω [cos(θ 2 − α ) − cos(θ1 − α ) + cos(θ 3 + α ) + cos(θ 3 − α ) + cos(θ 2 + α ) − cos(θ1 + α )] = where 2 I cos α 2 I cos α ω ω [cos θ 2 − cos θ1 + cos θ3 ], > 0 , since 0 < α < π / 2 . Now the triangle inequality can be found as ωr* = λopt (6) vw rm (8) where Vw is wind speed, rm is turbine radius, and λ is the tip speed ratio, λopt is the optimal λ of the maximum power coefficient. A typical power coefficient curve versus tip speed ratio of wind turbine is shown in Fig. 6(b). Fig. 7 shows the control block diagram of battery double loop control system with power feedforward interfaced with dc bus using an isolated bidirectional dual compensation is designed to achieve superior dynamic half bridge dc-dc converter. The high frequency transformer performance. The outer voltage loop detects dc link voltage provides the electric isolation and voltage boost on the high change and generates current reference Ifb* through a voltage side (dc link). The converter works in buck mode to voltage regulator. The feedforward current reference is charge the battery and boost mode to discharge the battery. calculated by: Under normal operation, the dc-dc converter is controlled to regulate the dc voltage to facilitate the flow of energy. A I ff * = ( Pwind − Pload ) / Vbat (9) Wind maximum power (W) Wind speed (m/s) (a) (b) DC link voltage (volt) DHB inductor Current (Amp) (d) (c) Fig. 8. The simulated performance of wind turbine-battery system (a) changing wind speed, (b) the extracted maximum wind power, (c) the input current of dual-half-bridge (DHB) dc-dc converter, and (d) the dc link voltage of H1 with battery voltage as 12 V, the desired dc link voltage is 300 V. (a) (c) (b) (d) Fig. 9. The simulated operation mode of hybrid energy system (a) capacitor voltage with resistive load, (b) output voltage with resistive load, (c) capacitor voltage with inductive load, and (d) output voltage and current with inductive load when Vdc1=200V, Vdc2=100V. 80 V 60 V a Vc b Phase voltage (Volt) 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Time (s) 0.02 0.025 0.03 (a) (b) Fig. 10. The experimental results of mixed operation mode of Energy Source 1 and 2 when Vdc1=48V and Vdc2=24V (a) three phase output voltage, and (b) single phase output current Pwind is the wind power in accordance with wind speed. advantage of this power configuration and the corresponding Pload is nominal power of the load. Vbat is the detected control scheme is to improve the system survivability and battery voltage, and in this case, the battery voltage variation power quality. The simulation and experimental results are could be also compensated by feed forward control. 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