Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007 Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2007 TuD14.1 Time-Varying Optimal Disturbance Rejection in Presence of Plant Uncertainty Seddik M. Djouadi, Charalambos D. Charalambous Abstract— The optimal robust disturbance rejection problem plays an important role in feedback control theory. Here its time-varying version is solved explicitly in terms of duality and operator theory. In particular, the optimum is shown to satisfy a time-varying allpass property. Moreover, optimal performance is given in terms of the norm of a bilinear form. The latter depends on a lower triangular projection and a multiplication operator defined on special versions of spaces of compact operators. D EFINITIONS AND N OTATION • B(E, F ) denotes the space of bounded linear operators from a Banach space E to a Banach space F , endowed with the operator norm kAk := sup kAxk, A ∈ B(E, F ) x∈E, kxk≤1 • ℓ2 denotes the usual Hilbert space of square summable sequences with the standard norm kxk22 := ∞ X j=0 • • ¡ ¢ |xj |2 , x := x0 , x1 , x2 , · · · ∈ ℓ2 Pk the usual truncation operator for some integer k , which sets all outputs after time k to zero. An operator A ∈ B(E, F ) is said to be causal if it satisfies the operator equation: Pk APk = Pk A, ∀k positive integers The subscript “c ” denotes the restriction of a subspace of operators to its intersection with causal operators, that is Bc (E, F ) (see [3], [2] for the definition.) Bounded and causal linear operators can be represented by lower triangular “infinite” matrices, with respect 2 to the canonical basis, {ei }∞ 1 of ℓ , where the entries S.M. Djouadi is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. C.D. Charalambous is with the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 1678, Cyprus. ISBN: 978-960-89028-5-5 of {ei } are all zero except that the entry at the i-th position is 1. The symbol “⊕” denotes the direct sum of two spaces. “⋆ ” stands for the adjoint of an operator or the dual space of a Banach space depending on the context [10], [14]. I. I NTRODUCTION The optimal robust disturbance attenuation problem plays a fundamental role in feedback optimization [26], [19]. In particular, it has been shown in [26], for linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, using a counter example based on a ”two-arc” result, that approximate solutions employing state space robust control theory may result in arbitrary poor solutions. An exact solution based on operator theory and duality theory for LTI systems has been proposed in [16], [15]. In this paper, we consider the optimal disturbance rejection problem is considered for time-varying systems generalizing certain results which hold in the LTI case. Characterization of the optimal solution in part by duality theory has been proposed in [17], albeit for continuous time systems. It was also shown there that for time-invariant nominal plants and weighting functions, time-varying control laws offer no improvement over time-invariant feedback control laws. Analysis of time-varying control strategies for optimal disturbance rejection for known time-invariant plants has been studied in [24], [5]. A robust version of these problems were considered in [23], [12], [13] in different induced norm topologies. They showed that for time-invariant nominal plants, time-varying control laws offer no advantage over time-invariant ones. The Optimal Robust Disturbance Attenuation Problem (ORDAP) was formulated by Zames [25], and considered in [4], [11], [26], [19]. In ORDAP a stable uncertain linear time-varying plant P is subject 2395 TuD14.1 to disturbances at the output (see Figure 1.) The objective is to find a feedback control law which provides the best uniform attenuation of uncertain output disturbances in spite of uncertainty in the plant model. We consider ORDAP for time-varying systems subject to time-varying unstructured plant uncertainty, and therefore generalizing previous results obtained for LTI systems in [16]. Here the plant uncertainty set is described by a weighted sphere in the algebra of bounded linear operators from ℓ2 into ℓ2 instead of H ∞ as defined in expression (1), and the feedback control laws and weights are allowed to be time-varying. In particular we show that ORDAP satisfies a time-varying allpass condition, and that it is given in terms of the norm of a bilinear form, which depends on a lower triangular projection and a multiplication operator defined on special versions of spaces of compacts operators. The solution of time-varying ORDAP is important for adaptive control in H ∞ , where plant uncertainty is reduced using identification and the controllers are allowed to be time-varying. The paper is organized as follows, section II contains the formulation of ORDAP in terms of a feedback optimization. In section III the optimal solution is characterized in terms of duality theory, where the annihilator is computed explicitly. This contrasts with the results of [17] where the annihilator was characterized implicitly. In section IV, the optimum is shown to satisfy an allpass condition. Section V shows that the optimal solution is equal to the operator induced norm of a bilinear transformation, defined on particular spaces of compact operators. The bilinear form is computed explicitly and involves a triangular projection analogous to the standard Riesz projection known in the context of Hardy H 2 spaces. II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION Let Po ∈ Bsc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) be the nominal (possibly timevarying) plant, and denote the set of plant uncertainty by C(Po , V ) = {P ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) : P = XV Po + Po , 2 (1) u uncertain Plant + - stable Filter + P output y C controller Fig. 1. Feedback Control in Presence of Plant and Disturbance Uncertainty feedback control law. With reference to Figure 1 above, mathematically this problem is equivalent to ° ° µo = inf sup °W (I + P C)−1 ° (2) C stabilising P ∈C(P0 ,V ) P ∈ C(Po , V ) where W is a causal stable time-varying weighting function. Expression (2) can be expressed as µo = inf sup P ∈C(Po ,V ) Q ∈ Bc (L2 , L2 ) (I + XV Po Q)−1 ∈ B(L2 , L2 ) ° ° °W (I − Po Q)(I + XV Po Q)−1 ° (3) The optimization (3) is termed as the time-varying optimal robust disturbance attenuation problem, in analogy with its time-invariant counterpart solved in [15], [16]. (3) is shown in [17] to be equal to the smallest positive fixed point of the function ξ defined for r ∈ [0, 1] as follows: ξ(r) = inf Q∈Bc (ℓ2 ,ℓ2 ) sup kf k2 ≤ 1 f ∈ ℓ2 (kW (I − Po Q)f k2 + r kV Po Qf k2 ) (4) The function ξ(r) is a continuous, positive, nondecreasing function of r. Therefore, in principle all that is required to solve the optimization (3) is to solve the following type of optimization 2 µo := X ∈ Bc (ℓ , ℓ ), kXk < 1} where V is a causal stable time-varying weighting function. The ORDAP can be shown to be equivalent to finding the optimal worst case sensitivity function with respect to disturbances and plants in C(Po , V ), achievable by a W inf Q∈Bc (ℓ2 ,ℓ2 ) sup kf kL2 ≤ 1 f ∈ ℓ2 (kW (I − Po Q)f k2 + kV Po Qf k2 ) (5) The rest of the paper characterizes the solution of (5) in terms of duality and operator theory. 2396 TuD14.1 III. BANACH S PACE D UALITY T HEORY Denote by A⋆ the dual space of any Banach space A. If M is a subspace of A then M ⊥ is the subspace of A⋆ which annihilates M , that is M ⊥ := {f ∈ A⋆ : < f , m > = 0, ∀m ∈ M } Isometric isomorphism between Banach spaces is denoted by ≃. A⋆ is said to be the predual space of A if (A⋆ )⋆ ≃ A, and a subspace ⊥ M of A⋆ is a preannihilator of a subspace M of A if, (⊥ M )⊥ ≃ M . We shall use the following standard result of Banach space duality theory asserts that when a predual and preannihilator exist, then for any K ∈ A [14] min kK − mkA = m∈M sup | < K, f > | f ∈⊥ M, kf kA⋆ ≤1 To apply this result we first show that (4) is equivalent to a shortest distance minimization problem in a specific Banach space. To this end, let L2 be the Banach space ℓ2 × ℓ2 under the norm °µ ¶° ° F1 ° ° ° (6) ° F2 ° 2 = kF1 k2 + kF2 k2 L µ ¶ W (I − Po Q) The vector function is viewed as a V Po Q 2 2 bounded multiplication µ ¶ operator from ℓ into L , that W (I − Po Q) is, ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , L2 ) with the operator V Po Q induced norm ° ° ° W (I − Po Q) ° ° ° (7) ° ° V Po Q °µ ¶ ° ° W (I − Po Q) ° ° = sup f° ° ° 2 V Po Q L kf k2 ≤ 1 2 f ∈ℓ ¡ ¢ kW (I − Po Q)f k2 + kV Po Qf k2 = sup kf kL2 ≤ 1 f ∈ L2 Therefore the optimization problem (4) can be expressedµ as a distance problem from the vector function ¶ W K := belonging to B(ℓ2 , L2 ) to the subspace 0 µ ¶ W S= Po Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) of B(ℓ2 , L2 ). V To ensure closedness of S , we assume that W ⋆ W + V ⋆ V > 0, i.e., W ⋆ W + V ⋆ V > 0 is a positive operator. Then there exists an outer spectral factorization Λ1 ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ), invertible in Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) such that Λ⋆1 Λ1 = W ⋆ W + V ⋆ V [1], [2]. Therefore Λ1 P as a bounded linear operator in Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) has an inner-outer factorization U1 G, where U1 is inner and G an outer operator defined on ℓ2 [6]. Next, we assume (A1) G is invertible, so U1 is unitary, and the operator G and its inverse G−1 ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ). (A1) is satisfied when, for e.g., the outer factor of the plant is invertible. Let R = T2 Λ−1 1 U1 , assumption (A1) implies that the operator R⋆ R ∈ B(ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) has a bounded inverse, this ensures closedness of S . According to Arveson (Corollary 2, [1]), the self-adjoint operator R⋆ R has a spectral factorization of the form: R⋆ R = Λ⋆ Λ, where Λ, Λ−1 ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ). Define R2 = RΛ−1 , then R2⋆ R2 = I , and S has the equivalent representation, S = R2 Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ). After ”absorbing” Λ into the free parameter Q, the optimization problem (4) is then equivalent to ° °µ ¶ ° ° W ° (8) µo = inf − R2 Q° ° ° 0 Q∈Bc (ℓ2 ,ℓ2 ) Let L2 be the Banach space ℓ2 × ℓ2 under the norm: °µ ¶° ° g1 ° ° ° (9) ° g2 ° 2 = max(kg1 k2 , kg2 k2 ) L The following Lemma characterizing the dual space of L2 follows from [8]. Lemma 1: Let L2 and L2 defined as above, then the following hold • (L2 )⋆ ≃ L2 • (L2 )⋆ ≃ L2 Hence all these Banach spaces are reflexive. Introduce the class of compact operators on ℓ2 called the nuclear operators acting from ℓ2 into L2 , denoted C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ), under the nuclear norm [22], o nX kFj k2 · kej kL2 kAkn = inf j where the infimum is taken over all possible representations of A, P Af = < Fj , f > ej , ej ∈ L2 , Fj ∈ ℓ2(10) Pj (11) and j kFj k2 · kej kL2 < ∞ where < · , · > is the inner product in ℓ2 . We identify B(ℓ2 , L2 ) with the dual space of C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ), C1⋆ (ℓ2 , L2 ), under trace duality [21], [22], that is, every operator A in B(ℓ2 , L2 ) induces a continuous linear functional on C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ) as follows: 2397 ΦA ∈ C1⋆ (ℓ2 , L2 ) TuD14.1 is defined by ΦA (T ) = tr(A⋆ T ), and we write However, we show first that the optimum satisfies a time-varying allpass condition. B(ℓ2 , L2 ) ≃ C1⋆ (ℓ2 , L2 ) Every nuclear operator T in turn induces a bounded linear functional on B(ℓ2 , L2 ), namely ΦT (A) = tr(T ⋆ A) for all A in B(ℓ2 , L2 ). The preannihilator of Bc (ℓ2 , given by [20] ℓ2 ), denoted S , is S := {T ∈ C1 (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) : (I − Qn )T Qn+1 = 0, for all n} (12) where C1 (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) is the trace-class for operators acting on ℓ2 into ℓ2 . Define the following subspace of C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ), S o := (I − R2 R2⋆ )C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ) ⊕ R2 S (13) The following Lemma states that S o is the preannihilator of the subspace S . Lemma 2: If φ ∈ X , then ⋆ o tr(φ T ) = 0 for all T ∈ S ⇐⇒ φ ∈ S (14) Proof. To show (14) it suffices to notice that tr(φ⋆ T ) = 0, ∀T in S o is equivalent to φ⋆ (I − R2 R2⋆ ) = 0 and φ⋆ R = A⋆ for some A ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ), and so these imply that φ⋆ = A⋆ R⋆ . By taking the adjoints we get φ = R2 A ∈ S . Using Theorem 2, Chapter 5.8 [14], relating the distance from a vector to a subspace and an extremal functional, we deduce the following Theorem. Theorem 1: Under assumption (A1), there exists at least one optimal Qo ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ), i.e., a linear timevarying control law such that: °µ ° ¶ ° W ° ° min ° − R2 Q° ° 0 Q∈Bc (ℓ2 ,ℓ2 ) °µ ° ¶ ° W ° − R2 Qo ° =° ° 0 ° ¯ µ µ ¶¶¯ ¯ ¯ W ⋆ ¯ ¯ = sup (15) ¯tr A ¯ 0 kAkn ≤ 1 A ∈ ⊥S Note that Theorem 1 shows only that an optimal time-varying controller exits, but does not show how to compute it. We propose to compute such a controller in the sequel by quantifying µo in terms of operator theory. The computation of such a controller is important, in particular, in adaptive control where plant uncertainty is reduced using identification algorithms. IV. TV A LLPASS P ROPERTY OF THE O PTIMUM In the standard H ∞ theory the space B(ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) corresponds to L∞ . The dual space of L∞ is given by the so-called Yosida-Hewitt decomposition L∞ ≃ L1 ⊕C ⊥ , where L1 is the standard Lebesgue space of absolutely integrable functions and C ⊥ is the annihilator of the space of continuous functions C defined on the unit circle. By analogy the dual space of B(ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) is given by the space [21], B(ℓ2 , ℓ2 )⋆ ≃ C1 ⊕1 K⊥ (16) where K⊥ is the annihilator of K and the symbol ⊕1 means that if Φ ∈ C1 ⊕1 K⊥ then Φ has a unique decomposition as follows Φ = Φo + ΦT (17) kΦk = kΦo k + kΦT k (18) where Φo ∈ K⊥ , and ΦT is induced by the operator T ∈ C1 . By the same token, the dual space of B(ℓ2 , L2 )⋆ is isometrically isomorphic to the Banach space C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ) ⊕1 K⊥ , i.e., B(ℓ2 , L2 )⋆ ≃ C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ) ⊕1 K⊥ (19) where in this case K is the space of compact operators acting from ℓ2 into L2 , and K⊥ its annihilator. The annihilator S ⊥ of S in C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ) ⊕1 K⊥ is given by ´ ³ S ⊥ = (I − R2 R2⋆ ) C1 (ℓ2 , L2 ) ⊕1 K⊥ ⊕R2 S (20) Banach space duality states with the existence of an annihilator that [14] inf kx − yk = y∈S max Φ∈S ⊥ , kΦk≤1 |Φ(x)| (21) The maximizing Φopt in the dual space can be written as Φopt = Φo + ΦTo kΦopt k = kΦo k + kΦTo kn = 1 (22) (23) where Φo ∈ K⊥ , and ΦTo is induced by the operator To ∈ S o . In others words, the following result holds °µ ° ¶ ° W ° µo = min ° − R2 Q° (24) ° ° 0 Q∈Bc (ℓ2 ,ℓ2 ) ¯ µµ ¯ ¶¶ ¯ ¯ W ⋆ ¯ (25) = ¯Φo + tr ((W , 0)To )¯¯ 0 2398 TuD14.1 If Qo achieves the minimum in (25), then the alignment condition in the dual is given by ¯ µµ ¯ ¶¶ ¯ ¯ W ⋆ ¯Φo + tr ((W , 0)To )¯¯ = ¯ 0 °µ ° ¶ °¡ ° W ¢ ° kΦo k + kΦTo kn (26) ° − R Q 2 o ° ° 0 µ ¶ W If we further assume that (A2): as an operator 0 µµ ¶¶ W 2 2 from ℓ into L is compact, then Φo =0 0 o maximum in (21) is achieved on S , that is, the supremum in (15) becomes a maximum. It is instructive to note that in the LTI case assumption µ ¶ W (A2) is the analogue of the assumption that 0 is the sum of two parts, one part continuous on the unit circle and the other in H ∞ , in which case the optimum is allpass [26], [15]. By analogy with the LTI case we would like to find the allpass equivalent for the optimum in the linear time varying case. This may be formulated by noting that flatness or allpass condition in the LTI case means that the modulus of the optimum µ|(W −¶R21 Qo )(eiθ )| + |R22 Qo (eiθ )|, R21 , is constant at almost all where R2 = R22 frequencies (equal to µo ). In terms of operator theory, the optimum viewed as a multiplication operator acting on L2 or H 2 , changes the norm of any function in L2 or H 2 by multiplying it by a constant (=µo ). In other terms allpass property for the LTI case is equivalent to A compactness argument (see [18]) shows that the optimal Qo ∈ µBc (ℓ2¶, ℓ2 ) may be chosen to be W compact, when is. 0 In the next section, we relate our problem to an LTV bilinear form analogous to the LTI bilinear, which solves the optimal robust disturbance attenuation problem in the LTI case [16]. The latter can be realized by invoking tensor products of operators along the lines [16], albeit in different spaces of linear causal compact operators. V. A S OLUTION BASED ON O PERATOR T HEORY Let C2 denote the class of compact operators acting from ℓ2 called the Hilbert-Schmidt or Schatten 2-class [21], [6] under the norm, ³ ´1 2 ⋆ (29) kAk2 := tr(A A) Define the space A2 := C2 ∩ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) then A2 is the space of causal Hilbert-Schmidt operators. This space plays the role of the standard Hardy space H 2 in the standard H ∞ theory. Define the orthogonal projection P of C2 onto A2 . P is the lower triangular truncation [27], and is analogous to the standard positive Riesz projection (for functions on the unit circle) for the LTI case [18]. Any operator A ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , L2 ), can be viewed as a multiplication operator acting from A2 into the Banach space A2 := A2 × A2 with the following norm 1 (|W − R21 Qo )(eiθ )| + |R22 Qo (eiθ )| µo L2 H2 is a partial isometry holds. That is, the optimum is an isometry on the range space of the operator To in (26). This is the time-varying counterpart of the same notion known to hold in the H ∞ context [16]. 1 kBkA := tr(B1⋆ B1 ) 2 + tr(B2⋆ B2 ) 2 ¶ µ B1 B = B2 (27) as a multiplication operator on or be an isometry. That is, the operator achieves its norm at every f ∈ L2 of unit L2 -norm. This interpretation is carried out to the LTV case in the following Theorem, Theorem 2: Under assumptions (A1) and (A2) there exists at least one optimal linear time varying Qo ∈ Bc (ℓ2 , ℓ2 ) that satisfies if µo > 0, the allpass condition µ W ¶ R2 µo − Qo (28) 0 µo (30) (31) with the operator induced norm of A, kAk, equal to the induced norm given by (7). Let Π be the orthogonal projection on the closed subspace A2 ⊖ R2 A2 , that is, the orthogonal complement of R2 A2 in A2 with respect to the operator inner product tr(·, ·). Now define the following bounded linear operator A2 7−→ A2 ⊖ R2 A2 µ ¶ W by Ξ = Π 0 Ξ : (32) Next, we need the dual space of A2 , which we will henceforth denote by A2⋆ . The latter may be shown to 2399 TuD14.1 be given by A2⋆ = A2 × A2 , but with the following norm ³ ´ 1 1 kBkA⋆ := max tr(B1⋆ B1 ) 2 , tr(B2⋆ B2 ) 2 ¶ µ B1 (33) B = B2 Define the following bilinear form Γ : A2 × A2⋆ ⊖ R2 A2 7−→ C ¡ ¢ Γ(A, B) := tr B ⋆ ΞA , 2⋆ A ∈ A2 , B ∈ A (34) ⊖ R2 A2 Then, the norm of Γ is given by kΓk = sup |Γ(A, B)| kAk2 ≤ 1 A ∈ A2 kBkA⋆ ≤ 1 B ∈ A2⋆ ⊖ R2 A2 (35) The bilinear form Γ plays a central role in finding in computing the optimal index µo through the following theorem, which quantifies optimal performance. Theorem 3: Let µo be the optimal performance index defined by (5), then under assumption (A1) the following holds µo = kΓk (36) The bilinear form Γ depends on the operator Ξ, which involves the projection Π. The latter is computed explicitly in the following Lemma. Lemma 3: Let Π be the orthogonal projection from A2 into A2 ⊖ R2 A2 , then Π = I − R2 PR2⋆ (37) where P is the lower triangular projection of C2 onto A2 . VI. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we gave a solution of the timevarying optimal robust disturbance rejection problem. In particular, the solution is given explicitly in terms of duality and operator theory. The optimum is shown to satisfy a time-varying allpass property. Moreover, optimal performance is shown to be equal to the norm of a bilinear form. The latter depends on a lower triangular projection and a multiplication operator defined on special versions of spaces of compact operators. R EFERENCES [1] Arveson W. Interpolation problems in nest algebras, Journal of Functional Analysis, 4 (1975) 67-71. [2] Feintuch A. Robust Control Theory in Hilbert Space, SpringerVerlag, vol. 130, 1998. [3] Feintuch A., Saeks R. System Theory: A Hilbert Space Approach, Academic Press, NY. 1982. [4] Bird J.F, Francis B.A. On the robust disturbance attenuation problem, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (1986) 1804-1809. [5] Chapellat H., Dahleh M. 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