Student SID Minor Advisor Division of Social Work, Behavioral and Political Sciences HISTORY DEGREE PLAN 2015-2016 (Beginning Fall 2014) American History Course No. Title 6 SCH Hours Equivalent Res Trans Grade Government / Political Science Course No. Title 6 SCH Hours Equivalent HIST 1313 U.S. to 1876 HIST 1301 POSC 1113 American Government I GOVT 2305 HIST 1323 HIST 1333 U.S. 1876 to Present History of Texas HIST 1302 POSC 1123 American Government II GOVT 2306 Hours Res Trans Grade ENGL 1301 ENGL 1302 ENGL 2311 0 0 Hours 3 SCH Hours Course No. ARCH 2233 ARCH 2243 ARTS 2223 ARTS 2233 DRAM 2123 ENGL 2153 ENGL 2383 Title History of Architecture I History of Architecture II History of Art I History of Art II Theatre History Introduction to Literature Survey of World Literature Equivalent ENGL 2333 HUMA 1303 HUMA 1403 PHIL 2023 PHIL 2303 SPAN 2023 Studies in Literature Introduction to Humanities ENGL 2342 Survey of Mexican-Amer Culture HUMA 1305 Ethics Critical Thinking Intermediate Spanish II PHIL 2306 ARTS 1303 ARTS 1304 DRAM 2362 ENGL 2341 ENGL 2331 MATH 2003 MATH 2024 MATH 2043 Elem. Statistics Calculus w/Analytical Geom II Differential Equations MATH 1342 MATH 2320 Creative Arts 3 SCH Course No. Title DRAM 2213 African American Theatre I MATH 2053 Discrete Mathematics MATH 2305 DRAM 2223 African American Theatre II MATH 2153 PSYC 2613 Calculus-Business Life/Soc Sci Statistics for Psychology MATH 1325 ARCH 1253 ARTS 1203 ARTS 2283 COMM 2643 Architecture Design I Introduction to Visual Arts African American Art Media Literacy ARCH 1303 DRAM 1103 Introduction to Theatre DRAM 1310 HCOL 1213 MUSC 1313 MUSC 1213 Honors Colloquium II Music in Contemporary Life Fundamentals of Music MUSC 1306 MUSC 2333 MUSC 2343 Afro-American Music Survey of World Music Trans MATH 1332 MATH 1314 MATH 1316 HUMA 1301 PHIL 2303 SPAN 2312 0 MATH 2413 Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 SCH Course No. Title Equivalent Land Grant System and Food AGHR 1303 Security Economic Analysis and CHEG 2003 Technical Applications CRJS 1123 CRJS 1133 Crime in America Principles of Criminal Justice CRIJ 1307 ECON 2113 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2302 ECON 2123 GEOG 1113 GEOG 2633 HDFM 2513 HDFM 2533 HDFM 2553 POSC 2213 POSC 2503 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2301 Introduction to Geography GOEG 1300 Cultural Geography GEOG 1302 Childhood Disorders Contemp. Family Cross Cult Perspective SOCI 2301 Human Development PSYC 2312 Blacks in Amer Pol System Introduction to Global Issues PSYC 1113 PSYC 2423 PSYC 2513 SOCG 1013 SOCG 2003 SOCG 2043 General Psychology Developmental Psychology Psychology of Personality General Sociology Minorities in American Soc. Social Problems Hours Res Trans Grade CRIJ 1301 PSYC 2301 PSYC 2312 PSYC 2316 SOCI 1301 SOCI 2319 SOCI 1306 0 0 0 MATH 1324 MATH 2414 PSYC 2317 0 Life and Physical Sciences Grade Trans Grade ARCH 1302 3 SCH Title Contemporary College Algebra College Algebra College Algebra & Trigonometry Trigonometry Calculus w/Analytical Geom I Finite Math Res Res ARCH 1301 MATH Course No. MATH 1103 MATH 1113 MATH 1115 MATH 1123 MATH 1124 MATH 1153 Equivalent 0 0 Language, Philosophy and Culture Equivalent Trans Grade 0 HIST 2301 0 COMMUNICATION 6 SCH Course No. Title ENGL 1123 Freshman Comp I (min. grade of "C") ENGL 1133 Freshman Comp II ENGL 1143 Technical Writing Res 6 SCH 0 Hours Course No. BIOL 1113 BIOL 1123 Title College Biology I College Biology II Equivalent BIOL 1054 BIOL 1064 CHEM 1033 CHEM 1053 CHEM 1063 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Gen. Inorganic Chemistry I BIOL 2401 Introduction to Gen. Chemistry CHEM 1305 Survey of Organic Chem & Biochem CHEM 1307 Res Trans BIOL 1308 BIOL 1309 BIOL 2402 CHEM 1311 PHSC 1123 PHSC 2123 PHYS 2113 PHYS 2123 Physical Science I PHYS 1315 Physical Science II General Physics I General Physics II PHYS 1317 PHYS 2513 PHYS 2523 University Physics I University Physics II PHYS 2325 PHYS 1301 PHYS 1302 PHYS 2326 0 0 Important announcements and deadlines can be found at: Grade Hours Equivalent Res Trans Grade ARTS 1301 ARAB 1013 ARAB 1023 CHIN 1013 CHIN 1023 Elem Elem Elem Elem Arab I Arab II Chinese I Chinese II CPET 1013 Computer App to Eng Tech I COSC 1300 ELEG 1043 FINA 2103 ECON 2003 Computer App in Engineering Personal Financial Mgmt COSC 1320 Fundamentals of Economics ECON 1301 Professional Development (Area Two) 3 SCH Course No. Title Equivalent ARCH 1273 Multimedia Digital Appl ARCH 1315 Hours Equivalent Res Trans Grade SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412 ARAB 1411 ARAB 1412 CHIN 1411 CHIN 1412 0 0 COMM 1003 COMM 2603 COMP 1003 CURR 1013 HLTH 2003 MISY 1013 Hours Res Trans 0 0 Grade BUSI 1307 COMM 2300 0 0 Foreign Language is a College Requirement - Not part of the Core Foreign Language Requirements 6 SCH (ONE Language Sequence) Course No. Title SPAN 1013 Elem Span I SPAN 1023 Elem Span II Professional Development (Area One) 3 SCH Course No. Title Equivalent COMP 1213 Computer Science I COSC 1300 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH 1315,1311 Interpersonal Communication SPCH 1318 Digital Communication COSC 1301 Principle of Effective Learning EDUC 1300 Personal Health and Wellness PHED 1304 Info and Communication in the Digital Age BCIS 1301 Hours Res 0 Trans 0 Grade HISTORY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS History majors must earn a letter grade of "C" or higher in the major, minor, support area, and unrestricted electives. Courses may not be used to satisfy multiple academic requirements. HISTORY as a MINOR - 18 SCH When the program is taken as a Minor in another degree program, required courses are HIST 1813, 1823, 2313, 4903 and 6 semester hours of advanced history courses. List Minor requirements here HIST MAJOR REQUIREMENTS 36 SCH (Minimum Grade of "C") 18 hrs. required courses Course No. Title HIST 1813 World Civiliz to 1500 HIST 1823 World Civiliz since 1500 Support Area Hours Equivalent Res Trans (Minimum Grade of "C") HIST 2322 Pre-Colonial African History Post-Colonial African History Colonial Latin Amer and Carr African History HIST 3223 Women in History HIST 3233 HIST 3313 HIST 3323 HIST 4313 HIST 4323 Studies in American History Late Nineteenth Century Amer Contemporary United States Foreign Relations Dip History of the US *HIST 4443 P01 Public History (Sp Top) *HIST 4443 P02 Civil Rights Movement (Sp Top) *HIST 4443 P03 Jeffersonian America (Sp Top) *HIST 4443 P04 American Chattel Slavery (Sp Top) Course No. ECON 2113 Title Prin Microeconomics ENGL ENGL 2423/3233 AMER LIT TO 1865 OR Intro to Geography 2000 level or above Res Hours Trans Grade Course No. Title Res GOEG 1300 0 Unrestricted Electives 6 SCH (Minimum Grade of "C") Hours Course No. Title Res Hours In Progress Hours Remaining Trans Grade 0 0 120 Notes: 0 0 Minor Requirements minimum 18 SCH Requirements for the selected minor must be satisfied. (Minimum Grade of "C") The History Program at Prairie View A&M University prepares Total Degree Requirements minimum 120 SCH 120 Coordinator: Western Expansion (Sp Top) Dr. Ronald E. Goodwin *HIST 4443 P07 *HIST 4443 P11 Collision of Cultures (Sp Top) Urban Government (Sp Top) Trailblazers and Torchbearers(Sp Top) The Atlantic World(Sp Top) Great Historical Narratives (Sp Top Mr. John W. Gorman Dr. James T. Jones Mr. Ralph E. Morales Ms. Kisha T. Turner *HIST 4443 P12 History through Biography (Sp Top) *HIST 4443 P13 The So. African Experience (Sp Top) *HIST 4443 P14 Hist. of Hip Hop Culture in Amer(Sp Top) The Ghana Experience (Sp Top) *Special Topics-repeatable for credit when topic differs *HIST 4443 P15 0 0 Trans ECON 2302 0 Black Power in America (Sp Top) *HIST 4443 P10 Equivalent ENGL 2433/3243 AMER LIT AFTER 1865 GEOG 1113 POSC *HIST 4443 P06 *HIST 4443 P09 18 SCH PreReq: ENGL 1133 *HIST 4443 P05 *HIST 4443 P08 0 Minimum Grade of "C" Hours Grade HIST 2321 HIST 3913 Amer Historiography HIST 4213 African Amer History to 1865 HIST 4223 African Amer Hist 1865-pres HIST 4903 Research 18 hrs. selected from courses listed below (Minimum Grade of "C") HIST 1333 History of Texas HIST 2301 HIST 1343 Intro to Historical Methods HIST 2203 Military History (ARMY 2203) HIST 2313 The US 1492 to 1837 HIST 2323 The US 1837 - 1898 HIST 2413 HIST 2423 HIST 2433 HIST 2613 MINOR 12 SCH Advisors: 936-261-3208 students for careers in teaching, business, government and Woolfolk law. The course work is designed to promote critical thinking and written communication - skills essential requisite for successful employment in the public or private sphere, as well Ste. 318 as admission to graduate or professional schools. 936-261-3203 Ste. 314 936-261-3204 Ste. 320 936-261-3205 Ste. 313 936-261-1671 BNKS 315 Dr. Walle Engedayehu, Division Head Division of Social Work, Behavioral and Political Sciences P. O. Box 519, MS 2203 Prairie View, TX 77446 Phone: 936-261-3200 Fax: 936-261-3229 0 Grade