How to Conduct Drop Tests of Aerial Retardant Delivery Systems

How to Conduct
Drop Tests of
Aerial Retardant
Delivery Systems
Greg Lovellette
Project Leader
USDA Forest Service
Technology and Development Program
Missoula, MT
0E01P06—Aerial Delivery
July 2004
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Drop Test Procedures ________________________________ 1
Preparing for a Drop Test ____________________________ 2
Identifying Aircraft to be Tested _________________________________2
Preparing a Test Matrix _______________________________________2
Selecting a Test Location ______________________________________2
Test Equipment Preparation ___________________________________3
Personnel _________________________________________________3
Getting There _______________________________________________3
Setup _____________________________________________________3
Drop Testing _________________________________________ 4
Grid Preparation ____________________________________________4
Sample Collection ___________________________________________4
Capping Cups ______________________________________________4
Marking Cups ______________________________________________5
Picking Up Cups ____________________________________________5
Labeling Boxes with the Drop Number ___________________________5
Additional Tasks _____________________________________________6
Video Documentation ________________________________________6
Daily Shutdown _____________________________________________7
Weighing Cups _____________________________________________7
Data Reduction _____________________________________________9
Delays ______________________________________________ 10
Breakdown _________________________________________ 11
Appendix A—Examples of Test Matrices _____________ 12
Appendix B—Drop Test Equipment __________________ 13
Appendix C—Final Setup Tasks _____________________ 15
Appendix D—Example of Grid Setup Instructions ____ 16