University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Classified Staff Advisory Council Bylaws

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Classified Staff Advisory Council Bylaws
The classified staff of UWM seeks to add its voice to the established tradition of shared
governance. All truly successful organizations recognize the value and importance of the
contributions and recommendations that are made by its employees. Therefore, the Classified
Staff Advisory Council is created and established to ensure that all members of the classified
staff have the opportunity to be actively involved in setting the priorities and the future
direction of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
All classified staff who work at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will have opportunities
to help shape and advance the University through active and involved patterns of collegial
communication and interaction with the University’s administration, groups, and organizations
participating in the process of shared institutional governance.
The name of the organization is the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Classified Staff Advisory
Council (Council or CSAC).
CSAC is an organization that operates within the administrative and shared governance
structure of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. CSAC is charged with the following
responsibilities: (1) To participate in the development of future plans for the University while
also promoting and sustaining a positive, professional environment for all classified staff
employees (whether represented, non-represented, limited term, or project appointment); (2)
To promote programs and services that support professional development activities; (3) To
encourage informed communication among classified staff and with the broader University
community, including the currently recognized governance groups; (4) To serve as advisors to
the Chancellor and other University administrators; and (5) To perform such other duties and
functions as befits a voluntary organization committed to creating and sustaining an affirming
and supportive operational environment that supports, promotes, and encourages excellence
in teaching, working, leading, and serving the community that is the University of WisconsinMilwaukee.
CSAC: The abbreviated name of the Classified Staff Advisory Council.
CSAC Membership: The 15 members of the CSAC.
CSAC Officers: The elected officers as described in Article VII.
Quorum: A quorum of CSAC shall be eight (8) members.
Eligible Classified Staff: Anyone who is a classified staff member of the University of
Employment Categories: The categories of classified staff employees by bargaining units as
reported by Human Resources. As of January 2012, the categories include the following:
UWM Classified Permanent Staff by Bargaining Unit
HRS EPM Effective Date: 1/7/2012
Bargaining Unit
02 - WSEU Administrative Support
03 - WSEU Blue Collar and Non-Build
04 - Building Trades Crafts
05 - Security and Public Safety
06 - WSEU Technical
07 - WPEC Fiscal and Staff Services
08 - Research/Statistics/Analysis
13 - Education
14 - Engineering
15 - Science
16 - Supervisory Non-Professional
17 - Supervisory Professional
18 - Executive & Management (Staff)
36 - Law Enforcement
97 - Confidential (Not-Prof)
98 - Conf/Supv (Prof)
99 - Conf (Prof) & LTE
*Excludes staff on Unclassified Leave of Absence
Categories are subject to change and the Elections Committee is charged with soliciting current
data from Human Resources at least annually.
Proportional Distribution Categories (PDC): A grouping of employment categories by
bargaining units which evenly divides the total number of classified staff into three categories
for election purposes.
PDCs used in the first election of CSAC, 2012:
Bargaining Units 2, 97
Blue Collar, Trades, Technical,
Security and Police:
Bargaining Units 3, 4, 5, 6, 36
Bargaining Units 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 98, 99
CSAC is a 15-member body proportionally representing all classified staff at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee. All classified staff members in permanent employment status are
eligible, and encouraged, to be a member of CSAC. CSAC members are elected by vote of all
participating and interested members of the classified staff at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee. CSAC’s 15 members serve three-year terms with a maximum of two consecutive
Terms of service on CSAC shall be staggered so that five seats are open each year. Individuals
can nominate themselves or other members of the classified staff for appointment to serve on
CSAC. New Members begin their term of service at the June Meeting, but should be present at
the May meeting to participate in the election of officers.
Nominations to fill any vacant seat(s) will be accepted beginning in February and continuing
until the CSAC Meeting occurring the third Tuesday of March. Voting for all members will be
conducted on the second Tuesday of April. Officers will be elected on the third Tuesday of
May, with those chosen beginning their term the third Tuesday of June. If an elected member
leaves before their term is completed, the Chair will nominate a new member to complete the
remainder of the term upon approval of the majority of the Council. The nominee shall be from
the same proportional distribution category as the vacating member.
CSAC shall have the following officers who serve single-year terms: (1) Chair; (2) Vice-Chair; (3)
Treasurer; (4) Secretary; and (5) Immediate Past Chair. CSAC officers constitute the Executive
Committee. The Immediate Past Chair (IPC) will retain a vote if his/her term on CSAC is not
completed. If it is, the IPC will serve as a nonvoting member.
The 15 CSAC members who have been elected or appointed to serve for the following year shall
elect new officers at the May CSAC meeting. A newly elected member must be present to be
nominated for an office. Outgoing members can nominate but do not vote. In order to be
elected to serve as Chair, the individual must have been a member for at least one year prior to
that election. The duties and responsibilities of each officer are set forth below.
Chair: Calls meetings of CSAC and presides over the meetings, coordinates activities, and
attends meetings with the Chancellor. The Chair, or their designee, will serve as the
representative of CSAC to other campus governance groups. The Chair makes all appointments
to Search and Screen committees and other committees as requested by the Chancellor.
Vice-Chair: Serves as Acting Chair and performs all of those duties when the Chair is absent.
Treasurer: Manages, reconciles, and reports on the budget to CSAC at all monthly meetings.
The Treasurer oversees all payments for CSAC bills or obligations.
Secretary: Prepares and distributes the agenda for all CSAC meetings, takes minutes of CSAC
meetings and files approved minutes.
Immediate Past Chair: Assists in preparing and mentoring new officers on current and past
issues, acts as advisor to the Committee and Officers, and performs other duties as assigned by
the Committee.
Scheduling: Regular meetings of CSAC shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month, with
other meetings called by chair. CSAC meetings are open to all University employees. Members
of CSAC will be allowed to attend meetings in paid status. Any employee serving as an elected
member of CSAC, and who is assigned to work the second or third shift, will be allowed to use
flex work hours to attend these meetings. Arrangement to flex work schedule should be
discussed with the appropriate supervisor.
Attendance: Each CSAC member is expected to attend at least 75% of the regularly scheduled
meetings. The Chair may identify members with low attendance and CSAC may remove them
from membership by an affirmative, secret ballot vote of two-thirds of the membership.
Leave of Absence: If a CSAC member knows he/she will not be able to attend meetings for a
period of time, he/she may request a leave of absence from these assigned responsibilities.
Leaves may be requested for up to one calendar year. The Chair will appoint an eligible
classified staff member from the appropriate proportional distribution category to serve on
CSAC during the absence. Replacement members will have full voting rights and privileges.
CSAC members requesting a leave longer than one year are encouraged to resign from CSAC.
Resignation: If any CSAC member resigns, the Chair will appoint an eligible classified staff
member from the appropriate PDC to serve on CSAC for the remainder of the resigning
member’s term. Replacement members will have full voting rights and privileges.
A member of CSAC may be removed from the board for cause. Any member may bring forth
concerns and justifications to the CSAC Officers who will make a recommendation to the
membership for removal. The member will be removed by an affirmative, secret ballot vote of
two-thirds of the membership. The Chair will appoint an eligible classified staff member from
the appropriate PDC to serve on CSAC in their place.
An officer of CSAC may be removed for cause by the same method as a member. The officer in
question will not meet with the other officers to make the recommendation. The highest
ranking officer shall preside at the meeting and conduct the vote. A special election will be held
at the next meeting of CSAC to fill the vacancy.
CSAC committees may be established or disbanded by a majority vote of CSAC, and each will
include at least one CSAC member. One of the CSAC members on the committee will serve as
liaison to CSAC. All committees select their own chair (or co-chairs) from among themselves.
Each committee is responsible for maintaining a roster and a list of duties and responsibilities.
Committee meetings shall be held during paid work hours. Any employee serving on a
committee of the Council and working second or third shift will be allowed to flex work hours to
attend Committee meetings. Arrangement to flex work schedule should be discussed with the
appropriate supervisor. Committees are reviewed annually and those that are no longer
necessary will be eliminated by majority vote of CSAC. A representative from each committee
will attend the monthly CSAC meetings for updates on the activities of the committee. Terms
for committee chairs (or co-chairs) are limited to two consecutive years with another term of
service allowed after a two-year break. The number of terms of membership on committees is
not limited. Classified Staff do not need to be members of CSAC to serve on University or CSAC
Committees, but must be in permanent or project employment status to be guaranteed to
serve in paid status.
The Chair will request recommendations and appoint Classified Staff to serve on University
Committees. Classified staff serving on University committees will report to CSAC as necessary
and at least once a year. Each term on the University committees will be three years and may
be renewed to a maximum of six years.
CSAC Standing Committees
Bylaws Committee: Annually reviews CSAC bylaws and proposes changes to CSAC as
necessary. At least one member from the past year’s committee will serve the following year.
Elections Committee: The founding CSAC members will establish terms and procedures for
the first elections. Subsequent elections will be the responsibility of this committee.
This committee is charged by the Council Chair each February. It is composed of three classified
staff members: One past CSAC chair, one past Elections Committee member and one current
CSAC member not seeking re-election as a member or election as an officer. The CSAC Chair will
name the Chair (or co-chairs) of the Election Committee. This person will be the convener of
the Election Committee and be responsible for soliciting the current Classified Staff by
Bargaining Unit Distribution List by which the proportional distribution categories will be
determined. They will report directly to the CSAC Chair. The Chair (or co-chairs) of this
committee will submit election results at the April CSAC meeting. The Council will approve the
election results at their April meeting. The Elections Committee shall conduct the election of
CSAC Officers at the May meeting.
Communications Committee: Responsible for facilitating the dissemination of information to
the Classified Staff of UW-Milwaukee. This may include, but not be limited to a CSAC web page,
newsletter, and direct mailings. The Secretary is a permanent member of this committee.
CSAC Bylaws may be changed by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of CSAC membership. This
vote will be done at a CSAC meeting. Before such a vote will take place, members of the
Council must be given notice regarding the intent to vote on proposed changes to the
Bylaws. All proposals must be discussed during at least one Council meeting prior to a vote on
the proposed changes. At a minimum, the Bylaws shall be revisited annually and revised as
All changes will be posted on the CSAC website a minimum of 14 days prior to any vote to allow
for input of all Classified Staff. An active attempt to gather input will be made.
Approved by vote of the CSAC Board April 24, 2012.