Classified Staff Council Minutes, April 6, 2015

Classified Staff Council
Minutes, April 6, 2015
Present: Danielle Beschta, Kym Buchanan (guest), Jay Christianson, Renee Copes,
Tana De Lonay, Randi Greene, Pat Kleman, Tammy Larson, Harley Martin, Julie Millis,
Libby Raymond, Paulette Rogers, Nanci Simon (advisory), Kathy Stedl,
Meeting was called to order at 10:00am
Minutes from March 16, 2015 were approved by consensus.
Group discussed classified staff award recipients and how they would be visited by the
Chancellor and Vice Chancellors to receive their award.
Committee Reports
Budget Review Advisory Committee – update from Julie Millis
- The employee separation incentive letters have gone out. Applications for the
incentive are due to Human Resources by April 20, 2015.
- 280 employees received a letter.
- Decisions on who will receive the incentive will be made by May 15, 2015.
- Open forums on the employee separation incentive have been scheduled.
- Administration hopes to receive the final budget numbers by the end of May.
- Greg Summers has proposed reorganization in Academic Affairs.
o Dissolving College of Fine Arts and Communication and moving those
departments under College of Letters and Science or College of
Professional Studies.
Nominations and Elections Subcommittee – update from Randi Greene
- Encourage classified staff to run for positions on Common Council and
Classified Staff Council
- Nomination are due by April 13, 2015
- Some CSC members felt Faculty Senate’s email about nominations was
o Paulette and Kathy will send out an email reminder to the classified
staff list.
Old Business
Complaint Procedure
- Libby state the complaint procedures were complete and sent to Pam Dollard.
She said they may need to be changed slightly for consistency sake.
Grievance Policy
Paulette reported Chancellor Patterson added the areas that people could file
a grievance about. They are work conditions, discipline, layoff, or dismissal to
the policy.
Local UPS Policy Updates
- Renee voiced her concern on not knowing where the local policies were at in
the process. She knows suggestions were submitted but questioned were
they included.
- Paulette commented she wanted to see the UPS policies posted on the
UWSP HR website. She will be checking in with Pam Dollard.
- Jay said once the policies were finalized, he was posting them on the
Classified Staff Council website.
New Business
Listserv for UW University Staff emails
- Paulette assumed everyone on CSC was on the listserv. She will forward
everything she receives.
CSC Open Forum
- Jay commented that he thought the information given at the forum by the
Chancellor was not clear and was different than what we had been told in the
- Jay also commented the difference between organizational groups and layoff
groups was not explained well.
- The consensus of the council is to have Pam Dollard clarify exactly what the
layoff groups are for classified staff.
- Paulette commented further that the layoff groups for classified staff needed
fine tuning.
- Pat indicated she felt layoff groups would not be determined until after the
employee separation incentive applicants were final.
- Kym Buchanan informed the council that supervisors cannot approach
employees to discuss or promote the employee separation incentive.
Common Council Constitution Draft
- Kym asked if there were any initial changes.
- Nanci indicated she had suggested adding to the top where classified staff
and academic staff get their authority for shared governance. (For academic
staff it is in a statute and for classified staff it is in the minutes from the Board
of Regents meeting.)
- Kym explained University Affairs Committee would be adding a subcommittee
to focus on Wellness. Diversity Council would be removed as a University
Affairs Committee subcommittee as it is becoming a stand-alone committee.
- Kym encouraged CSC to consider having a student representative on
Classified Staff Council.
Nanci questioned whether there should also be an academic staff person and
a faculty member on the Classified Staff Council.
Jay asked if the representatives would be voting members.
Kym thought that would be best as the non-classified representatives could
not overrule classified staff members.
Jay asked if the three employee groups (classified staff, academic staff, and
faculty) are represented on Student Government Association (SGA).
Nanci commented that many subcommittees under Student Government
Association had representatives from all employee groups and students.
Those committees include the Textbook Committee and the Parking Advisory
Kym reiterated that students serving on governance is a learning experience
for them.
Paulette stated this discussion would need to continue at another meeting as
different representation on the CSC would require a change to the bylaws.
Nanci stated it would be naïve to think that amendments to the Common
Council Constitution would not be made in Fall 2015.
Kym commented that an employee council could overrule the decision of the
Common Council.
Nanci stated it currently took 50 signatures to review a Faculty Senate
decision. It takes 2/3 of the people in the room at a called meeting to override
a decision made by CSC.
Meeting adjourned: 11:01am
Respectfully submitted by Danielle Beschta