Classified Staff Advisory Council Minutes Tuesday, November 2, 2010 10:00 – 11:00 AM Dreyfus University Center (DUC) Room 211 X X X X X X X Christianson, Jackie Dix, Steve Giese, Jane Hafkemeyer-Anderson, Vicki Heimstead, Denise Hintz, Erin, Co-Chair Jelich, Kathleen X E X X X Mory, Susan Peterson, Wendy Rajski, Tina Springer, Heather Woytasik, Robyn, Co-Chair X – Present, A – Absent, E - Excused Old Business Approval of 10/05/10 Meeting Minutes o Kathleen made a motion to approve the 10/5/10 meeting minutes. Vicki seconded the motion. Classified Staff Appreciation Week o October 4 – 8, 2010 o Events 10/05 – Chili Sale Seems like we received less chili than last year – we ran out very early Will order at least 3 times more next year Be more specific on amounts of specific chili we want (i.e., White Bean Chicken) Request that the chili be delivered to site beforehand Need to have chili kept warmer (Warming receptacles did not work well) We were charged more this year for the chili by CPS Dining and Dining Services, therefore less money was donated $61.88 will go to Empty Bowls and $61.88 to CPS Scholarships 10/06 – Oakview Veterinary Presentation (Denise) Great turnout (10-12 people) Excellent job, including handouts, answering questions with exacting answers Discussed using a larger, more accessible room that might accommodate more people Use Student MOD to make students aware of program Thank You will be sent to presenters from CSAC 10/07 – Watt’s Up Program (Steve) Good turnout ( 7 people) Excellent job, including handouts and a free energy efficient light bulb Answered questions and talked about the WATT’s UP program; many libraries lend the devices to people who can then check on their home’s energy usage Thank You will be sent to presenters from CSAC Safety & Wellness Fair o Walking Taco Sale (Vicki) Wednesday, November 10, 2010 MOD will go out promoting Walking Taco Sale, price, etc Signs will be made stating that money received for tacos will be donated to the Safety Cadet Program 150 tacos will be available Setup will begin at 11:00 Dreyfus University Center (DUC) – Laird Room 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Taco sales begin at 11:30 New Business Chancellor Patterson o 10:30 AM Introductions Thank you from Chancellor for job well done Questions, rumors addressed Spoke about 100 day document Status report on progress in first 100 days How UW-System works Listening to people campus-wide Meeting with leadership as well as people in ‘the trenches’ Feed information learned to Strategic Planning committee Community/open/listening forums Engage people Mechanism to put all the data together Surprises Not prepared for control/regulations of state government Involvement of Dept of Administration for all projects Bob Tomlinson (Student Affairs) retirement Interim to be named before Christmas Nation-wide search Replacement to be hired and hopefully start July 1, 2011 Goals Make a difference Higher retention rates Next Meeting o Tuesday, December 7, 2010 o 10:00 AM UW-River Falls has shown interest in starting a Classified Staff Advisory Committee Contacted Cindy Balz, who forwarded their questions on to Robyn Discussion on possible non-perishable food collection during the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas Set up boxes in Administrative Buildings as well as dorms Heather will contact Hall Directors to see if a box could be placed in specific dorms All of the details will be worked out via email with CSAC members during the next couple of weeks Committees: Brown Bag/Tours/Special Events – Everyone By-Laws – Erin & Robyn Campus Committees – Erin Equity & Affirmative Action is recruiting their own committee members, including two classified employees Chancellor’s Cabinet – Robyn Classified Staff Awards – Kathleen & Vicki Elections – Jane Environmental, Health & Safety Committee – Heather Next meeting in December Mentor Program – Denise & Jackie Online Surveys – Jackie Peter will be at January meeting with Lisa Keller. He will demo online surveys (Survey Select) Sargis – Heather, Karen & Tina Secretary – Jane Treasurer – Heather Green Bay trip used 2 vehicles costing $243.80 Chili sale proceeds were donated to Empty Bowls and CPS Scholarships Web Page – Steve Still working on updating some items on web page Years of Service – Kathleen & Tina