A Compact Planar Rogowski Coil Current Sensor for Active Current Balancing of Parallel-Connected Silicon Carbide MOSFETs Yang Xue, Junjie Lu, Zhiqiang Wang, Leon M. Tolbert, Benjamin J. Blalock, Fred Wang Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-2250, USA yxue5@vols.utk.edu Abstract- In this paper, a compact planar current sensor is developed to be used in active current balancing applications for parallel-connected Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs. The designed Rogowski coil allows non-intrusive current measurement with low profile, compact size, and high bandwidth. The sensor circuit design extends both lower and higher cutoff frequency of the sensor, and allows a continuous measurement of current waveforms that contain a DC component. The simulated bandwidth of the proposed current sensor is 2.66 Hz-100 MHz. The measured switching waveforms in the experiment are comparable to a 120 MHz commercial current probe. I. INTRODUCTION The relatively small die size and current capacity of wideband-gap (WBG) devices such as SiC MOSFETs make parallel connection necessary in high power applications. However, the mismatch of device parameters and external circuits can induce current unbalance in the paralleled devices, and cause uneven distribution of loss and temperature, affecting the performance and reliability of the system [1]. The multiple root causes and unpredictable nature of current unbalance call for automated methods of current balancing. An active current balancing (ACB) scheme has been proposed in [2-3]. It is able to sense the unbalanced current and eliminate it in closed loop by varying the gate delay to each device. However, this scheme is limited to two devices in parallel, mainly due to the limitation of current sensing, which only senses the current difference in two paralleled devices. To overcome this limitation, we propose to sense the current of each individual device, and based on the sensed currents, a controller can adjust the gate drive signals to eliminate the unbalance. The major challenge of this new scheme is the design of the current sensor, which needs to be compact and low-cost to have one for each power switch. In addition, to measure the dynamic unbalance during switching transitions accurately, a high bandwidth is required. Among the available low-cost current sensing techniques, a current transformer has a bulky core and is susceptible to saturation; resistive shunt adds power loss and lacks galvanic isolation; and Hall-effect sensor's bandwidth is not wide enough for fast current transitions. A Rogowski coil is an air- 978-1-4799-5776-7/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE core coil wrapped around the current carrying conductor. It provides non-intrusive current measurement with good bandwidth and linearity. It has been used in applications such as motor control [4], power system relaying [5], and short circuit protection [6]. PCB Rogowski coil has a low profile design. Its bandwidth is usually higher than wire-wound coils due to lower parasitic capacitance, and it has good accuracy and repeatability due to the tight tolerance of PCB fabrication. Many PCB Rogowski coils are designed for a single device with screw terminal, and the current conductor goes through a hole on the PCB, making it difficult to achieve the small size required [7-9]. A novel Rogowski coil design was presented in [10], in which the coil is embedded between two bus conductors carrying opposite currents. However, the bandwidth of this sensor is limited by the integrator design, and it lacks DC sensing capability. In this work, we propose a PCB Rogowski coil current sensor featuring compact and planar structure, and bandwidth extended toward both high and low frequency ends. Compared to previous works, it achieves small size, wide bandwidth and the ability to sense current waveforms that contain a DC component, suitable for current balancing application of fastswitching WBG devices, as well as any other applications where compact and fast current measurement is required. II. BANDWIDTH REQUIREMENT OF CURRENT SENSING IN ACB APPLICATIONS In this work, the current sensor needs to sense the dynamic unbalance current at the switching transitions. We mainly focus on the current unbalance at turn-on transition, as turn-on gate drive edge is usually slower than turn-off, making the current unbalance due to threshold mismatch more significant. In addition, the current overshoot during turn-on due to discharging of drain capacitance increases the absolute magnitude of current unbalance [2]. Being a majority-carrier device, the SiC MOSFET turns on very fast, and the current rise time tr is on the order of 10 ns, placing stringent bandwidth requirement on the current sensor. However, it can be shown that this requirement can be relaxed if we are only concerned with the current unbalance (differential currents) in paralleled 4685 Power Switch 2IL IL+ΔI Ld RON Ld Ld Ron Ron Current Conductors Via IL−ΔI IL Coil 2ΔI (a) (b) (a) Relative Accuracy Fig. 1. Equivalent circuits of power switches after turn-on (a) single device, (b) two devices in parallel. 1.00 0.90 0.80 (b) 0.70 0 20 40 60 80 Fig. 3. PCB Rogowski coil design in (a) side view, (b) top view. 100 Sensor Bandwidth (MHz) Relative Accuracy (a) Rogowski coil model 1.00 Lc 0.90 0.80 I McdI/dt Rc Cc Rd Vcoil 0.70 0 20 40 60 80 100 Sensor Bandwidth (MHz) Fig. 4. Simplified circuit model of the coil. (b) Fig. 2. Relative sensing accuracy versus sensor bandwidth in (a) single device, (b) two paralleled devices. devices. The equivalent circuits of power switches just after being fully turned on are shown in Fig. 1. In the single device case (Fig. 1(a)), the overshoot current in the device has to decay very fast because the load inductor acts as a constant current and the capacitance at the drain is small. However, in the paralleled case (Fig. 1(b)), the differential current 2ΔI caused by dynamic unbalance will circulate in the loop formed by the paralleled devices, and the drain inductances of the devices prevent it from changing abruptly. The decay time constant of ΔI is given by τ=Ld/Ron, where Ld is the package and PCB inductance at drain, and Ron is the on-state resistance of the power switch. The typical value of τ is on the order of 100 ns, about an order of magnitude larger than tr. This large decay time constant slows down the change rate of ΔI and relaxes the bandwidth requirement of current sensing. To verify that, simulations were performed to measure the drain current in the single device and the differential current in paralleled devices, respectively. The relative sensing accuracies as a function of current sensor bandwidth are plotted in Fig. 2. It can be seen that to achieve a 95% accuracy for a single device current measurement, 35 MHz sensing bandwidth is required. However, only 17 MHz is required to achieve the same accuracy in the measurement of current unbalance in paralleled devices. It should be noted that although two-device case is analyzed here, a similar conclusion can be drawn for multiple devices in parallel. III. DESIGN OF THE ROGOWSKI COIL The Rogowski coil senses the rate of current change in a nearby conductor through mutual inductance. The design of the Rogowski coil in this work is based on [10], several improvements have been adopted to further reduce its size and facilitate a non-intrusive current measurement. The coil is realized with traces on a double-layer PCB, sandwiched between two conductors carrying balanced currents, shown in Fig. 3. It has 10 turns, and a size of 8mm×8mm. Minimum trace width is used to reduce the inter-winding capacitance and increase bandwidth. Two soldering pads on the top and bottom layer and a row of vias connect the power device to the mainboard through the conductors. The current under measurement flows from the device terminal through the top 4686 RF a R2 Mc IV. CURRENT SENSOR CIRCUIT DESIGN A1 Rd Vin The Rogowski coil senses the di/dt in the current carrying conductor, and an integrator circuit is needed to integrate the output of the coil to produce the current measurement. The PCB Rogowski coil has a very wide bandwidth, therefore the bandwidth of the sensor system is usually limited by the integrator. The inverting integrator topology used in [10] is not suitable for high frequency applications because of the signal coupling from input to output by the integrating capacitor at high frequency. This causes undershoot in the step response, and generates a right-half-plane zero in the integrator transfer function, degrading the stability. The non-inverting integrator [11] eliminates this capacitive coupling by connecting the coil to the non-inverting input of the amplifier, as in Fig. 5(a). It further improves the high frequency performance by splitting up the integration task. The passive integrator R1C1 processes the high frequency components. The active integrator R2/C2/A1 processes the low frequency components; and at high frequency, it acts as a unitgain buffer, achieving the widest possible bandwidth. It can be shown that the transfer function of the integrator is: Vout C1 − Passive Integrator Coil b C2 R1 + I because it achieves fast response without overshoot. Rd can be sized according to (1) to yield a critical damping of ζ=1. Active Integrator (a) reset R R4 b a 6 a R3 A2 C3 R5 R7 b C4 R8 (b) (c) Fig. 5. (a) Non-inverting integrator topology. (b) Passive LPF to extend the lower cutoff frequency [11]. (c) The proposed active LPF together with the reset scheme. H i ( s) = conductor to the vias, then back to circuitry on the mainboard through the bottom conductor. Since the top and bottom pads are aligned, and the device pins that are not measured bypass directly through the PCB holes, the sensor does not change the device footprint. Therefore, it can be transparently inserted between the device and the mainboard without layout change. The embedded design doubles the sensitivity by having two balanced currents around the coil; it is insensitive to the distance variation between the conductors and the PCB; and the conductors serve as shielding for the coil. The Rogowski coil can be modeled as a lumped circuit shown in Fig. 4. The current in the conductor is coupled to the coil through the mutual inductance Mc, shown as the voltage source. The coil has a self-inductance of Lc, and a winding resistance Rc. The winding resistance can usually be neglected because it is very small. The parasitic capacitance can be modeled as the Cc. A damping resistor Rd is added externally to improve the coil’s frequency response. It can be shown that the coil has a 2nd-order transfer function and the natural frequency ωn and the damping factor ζ of the system can be derived: ωn = 1 Lc Cc ζ = 2 Rd ⋅ Lc / Cc . (1) The natural frequency limits the maximum operating frequency of the coil, and the damping factor affects the step response of the coil. Usually, critical damping is preferred Vout 1+τ2s = , Vin τ 2 s(1 + τ 1 s) (2) where τ1 = R1 C1, and τ2 = R2 C2. By selecting R1 C1 = R2 C2 = τi, the desired integrator response can be obtained and the current sensor's sensitivity is given by: S = Vout I = M c τ i . (3) The ideal integrator has infinite gain at DC. In a practical design, the DC gain has to be limited to avoid excessive output error due to the amplifier's offset. In Fig. 5(a), RF serves this purpose [10], and the output error is given by Verror = RF / R2 × Vos, where Vos is the offset voltage of the amplifier. However, this scheme degrades the low frequency response of the sensor, since it is given by f-3dB,low = 1 / (2 π RF C2). This limitation can be especially severe in this work because the relatively low Mc of the PCB Rogowski coil compared to wire-wound ones requires small τi and therefore small C2 to achieve comparable sensitivity. A passive low pass filter (LPF) shown in Fig. 5(b) can be used to extend the lower cutoff frequency of the sensor [11], but the value of R3 + R4 is limited because it causes output error similar to RF. As a result, the filter capacitor C3 has to be very large to achieve good low frequency response (the actual value will be given in the next section), increasing the sensor size. The proposed scheme in Fig. 5(c) uses a voltage buffer to decouple the two constraints of Verror and f-3dB,low. R7 can be large to reduce the size of C4 without increasing the output error. The additional amplifier A2 does not significantly add to the system's cost, since it operates at very low frequency and a 4687 V(vout) -20dB -40dB -60dB -80dB 1Hz Fig. 6. Fabricated PCB Rogowski coil. 100Hz 10KHz 1MHz 100MHz (a) Magnitude (dB) 100 undamped 50 24V V(vout)*14.3-0.4 V(n010) damped 14V 0 4V Phase (deg) 90 0 -6V 0μ s 6 8 40μ s 60μ s 80μ s 100μ s (b) Fig. 8. Simulation results of the sensor with experimentally extracted coil parameters: (a) ac response, (b) transient response. -90 10 10 Frequency (Rad/Sec) 20μ s 10 10 Fig. 7. Impedance Bode plots of the Rogowski coil. V(vout) -20dB low-cost opamp can be used. When the sensor is used to measure the current in the power switch, which is unipolar and contains a DC component, the integrator has to be reset occasionally to establish the correct DC level at the output, because the Rogowski coil does not sense DC components. This also helps to prevent the output error from accumulating. The reset switch implemented with the MOSFET in Fig. 5(c) turns on to reset the integrator when the device current is known to be zero (off-state). The reset control signal can be easily generated by the controller or derived from the PWM signal. Because of the good low frequency performance of the integrator, the reset can be executed once every tens of milliseconds, minimizing the interruption of continuous current monitoring. Compared to the reset scheme in [4] where the switch is placed across the integrating capacitor C2, the proposed technique significantly reduces the errors caused by switch charge injection and parasitic capacitances, because C4 is much larger than C2. -40dB -60dB -80dB 100Hz 1MHz 100MHz (a) V(vout)*14.3-0.4 V(n007) 18V 8V -2V -12V 0μ s V. COIL CHARACTERIZATION AND COMPONENT SELECTION The fabricated PCB Rogowski coil is shown in Fig. 6. To determine the component values in the integrator, the coil parameters in Fig. 4 are extracted experimentally using an impedance analyzer with the conductors attached: Lc=156.0 nH, Cc=3.271 pF, Rc=501.4 mΩ. The impedance Bode plot of the Rogowski coil is shown in Fig. 7, it can be seen that the coil has a self-resonance frequency of more than 220 MHz, 10KHz 20μ s 40μ s 60μ s 80μ s 100μ s (b) Fig. 9. Simulation results without the proposed active LPF circuit: (a) ac response, (b) transient response. indicating good high frequency performance. The damping resistor Rd can be determined to be 437 Ω according to (1) with 4688 15 400 200 5 Probe Current Sensor Drain Voltage 0 Fig. 10. Assembled current sensor compared to a U.S. quarter. 0 0 VDS (V) ID (A) 10 5 10 Time (μsec) 15 (a) 15 400 Fig. 11. Experimental setup of a DPT for current sensor. 200 5 0 0 2 ζ=1. The Bode plot after adding Rd in Fig. 7 shows a largely damped resonance peak with negligible bandwidth reduction. The mutual inductance Mc is extracted using a network analyzer: Mc = 10.69 nH. By properly choosing R1R2 and C1C2, a current sensor sensitivity of S = 0.0715A/V is achieved. Amplifier A1 and A2 are chosen to be single-package dualamplifier to save layout area. The typical output error due to amplifier offset is Verror =14.7 mV. R7, R8 and C4 are chosen to obtain a low pass corner f-3dB,low = 2.6 Hz, and their values are reasonable for surface mount components. To achieve the same Verror, however, the passive LPF circuit in Fig. 5(b) [11] needs to have R3 + R4 ≤ 100 kΩ. Also, C3 has to be as large as 4700 μF to achieve the same f-3dB,low. 2.1 2.2 Time (μsec) 2.3 10 400 5 200 0 0 12 12.1 12.2 Time (μsec) VDS (V) ID (A) (b) VI. SIMULATION RESULTS The current sensor system is simulated using the coil parameters extracted as in Section V. The -3dB bandwidth of the current sensor is 2.66 Hz – 100 MHz, shown in Fig. 8(a). The frequency at which the phase error is 45° is 30 MHz. The transient response when measuring the power switch current in a boost converter is shown in Fig. 8(b), compared to the real current. As a comparison, instead of the proposed active LPF shown in Fig. 5(c), RF is used to achieve the same Verror, and the required RF is 100 kHz. The resulting sensor bandwidth is 7.11 kHz – 100 MHz (Fig. 9(a)). The lower cut-off frequency is significantly increased, causing severe droop error in the transient response (Fig. 9(b)). VDS (V) ID (A) 10 12.3 (c) Fig. 12. The comparison of current measured by the proposed current sensor (red trace) and a 120 MHz commercial current probe (blue trace) in the DPT test at (a) on state, (b) turn-on transition, (c) turn off transition. VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The picture of the assembled current sensor is shown in Fig. 10. Its performance is demonstrated in a double pulse test (DPT) setup, shown in Fig. 11. The device whose current is measured is a first generation SiC MOSFET (Cree CMF20120D). It is mounted on the current sensor daughter 4689 board and the sensor board is then connected to the DPT mainboard. Since the current sensor does not change the footprint of the device, no layout change is needed to insert the sensor between the device and mainboard. The DC bus is 400 V and the load current is about 8 A. The gate resistors are 10 Ω for turn-on and 4.7 Ω for turn-off. The proposed current sensor is compared to a 120 MHz commercial current probe and the results are plotted in Fig. 12. It can be seen that the current measured by the proposed current sensor (red trace) agrees well with the current probe (blue trace) in both on-state and switching transitions, demonstrating good performance at both low and high ends of the frequency band. The sensor exhibits a propagation delay of about 7 ns, caused by the coil and the integrator circuit. This delay can be easily calibrated out at the beginning of measurement. VIII. CONCLUSIONS Active current balancing of paralleled WBG devices requires current sensors with small size and high bandwidth. We showed that when measuring the unbalance currents in paralleled devices at turn-on transition, the time constant in the paralleled loop slows down the change rate of unbalance current and relaxes the bandwidth requirement of current sensing. Then we proposed a current sensor based on PCB Rogowski coil. The planar and compact design of the coil allows nonintrusive insertion of current measurement. The integrator design extends both low and high ends of the sensor frequency response. The proposed reset scheme enables the measurement of device switching currents with a DC component. The model of the fabricated Rogowski coil was extracted in experiment, and simulations based on the model parameters show a sensing bandwidth of 2.66 Hz – 100 MHz. The performance is further verified by the experimental results, which demonstrate that the current measured by the sensor agrees well with that measured by a 120 MHz commercial current probe. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Oak Ridge National Laboratory under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Program. This work made use of Engineering Research Center Shared Facilities supported by the Engineering Research Center Program of the National Science Foundation and DOE under NSF Award Number EEC-1041877 and the CURENT Industry Partnership Program. 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