Evaluation of the 2006 Energy-Smart Pricing Plan SM Final Report Prepared for: CNT Energy (Formerly known as the Community Energy Cooperative) 2125 W. North Ave. Chicago, IL 60647 Prepared by: Summit Blue Consulting 1722 14 th Street, Suite 230 Boulder, Colorado 720-564-1130 November, 2007 C CONTENTS Executive Summary ....................................................................................................... i 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 2 Key Findings............................................................................................................... 2 3 Program Background................................................................................................. 3 4 Estimation of 2006 Program Impacts ....................................................................... 6 5 Comparison of 2006 Results to Previous Years .................................................... 10 6 Results/Conclusions............................................................................................... 11 Summit Blue Consulting E EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The evaluation of the Community Energy Cooperative’s Energy-Smart Pricing PlanSM (ESPP) in 2006, its fourth and final year, found results that supported and bolstered the findings of the evaluations conducted of the program’s first three years. Key findings include: · · · · · · Overall ESPP participants continue to respond to hourly electricity prices in a manner similar to prior years. They reduce electric consumption during high priced hours. Participants’ price responses vary depending upon the absolute level of prices, with a price elasticity of -0.047 when prices are below $0.13/kWh and -0.082 when prices are above $0.13/kWh. The first price elasticity is comparable to those found in other programs that use price signals to motivate changes in consumer behavior. The second price elasticity was not measured in prior ESPP analyses since prices did not significantly exceed that price level. However, this finding is significant because it suggests that participants increase their elasticity during times of very high prices, which are the times when reducing demand on the electric grid will have the most positive impact. The Energy PriceLight—a small orb that glows different colors based on the current price of electricity, was effective in assisting customers in responding to hourly prices, with these customers having an additional 2.4% price elasticity resulting in an elasticity of -0.067. Automatic cycling of the central-air conditioners (turning the compressor on and off for short periods of time via remote control) during high-price periods added to a participant’s response to electricity prices by as much as 9.8%. ESPP reduced summer energy (kWh) usage by about 27 kWh per month (or 3%). This indicates that ESPP is also effective at reducing energy usage. Elasticity of demand increased as the average neighborhood household income declined. In other words, lower income households were more responsive to price signals than higher income households. The implication of this and prior analyses of ESPP is that real-time pricing (RTP) is an effective tool to manage system electricity demand. As prices increase, participants reduce their electricity demand. Consequently, at a peak period when the market price for electricity will, by definition, be high, participants will reduce their demand. This response can have positive impacts on the operation of the electric system and markets. Summit Blue Consulting i 1 INTRODUCTION This report presents results from an impact evaluation of the Community Energy Cooperative’s Energy-Smart Pricing Plan SM (ESPP) residential real-time pricing (RTP) program as implemented during the year 2006. The ESPP program was the first large-scale residential RTP program in the United States, and 2006 was the fourth and final year of the program. This evaluation addresses the following key questions: · Will residential customers respond to hourly market-based electricity prices? · What is the magnitude of the effect, i.e., to what degree is electricity consumption effected by prices? · How do customers respond to high-price notifications? This report is important given that for the first time in the pilot program there was a significant price spike during the summer of 2006. On August 1, hourly prices exceeded $0.35/kWh for several hours (compared to a previous high of just over $0.20/kWh). Otherwise the summer of 2006 was not as hot as the severe summer of 2005, and the number of high price periods was more like what was seen during the first two years of the pilot program (just sixty hours over ten days). As a result of the success of the Energy-Smart Pricing Plan, in 2006 the Illinois General Assembly authorized the state’s two large investor owned utilities, ComEd and Ameren, to create new residential real-time pricing programs starting in 2007. These new programs will be assessed after four years by the Illinois Commerce Commission to determine whether they are resulting in net economic benefits to the residential customer class. This report (and previous impact evaluations from 2003 through 2005) can serve as a baseline for the evaluation of new programs, both in Illinois and elsewhere. Summit Blue Consulting 1 2 KEY FINDINGS This evaluation found that: · · · · · · Overall ESPP participants continue to respond to hourly electricity prices in a manner similar to prior years. They reduce electric consumption during high priced hours. Participants’ price responses vary depending upon the absolute level of prices, with a price elasticity of -0.047 when prices are below $0.13/kWh and -0.082 when prices are above $0.13/kWh. The first price elasticity is comparable to those found in other programs that use price signals to motivate changes in consumer behavior. The second price elasticity was not measured in prior ESPP analyses since prices did not significantly exceed that price level. However, this finding is significant because it suggests that participants increase their elasticity during times of very high prices, which are the times when reducing demand on the electric grid will have the most positive impact. The Energy PriceLight—a small orb that glows different colors based on the current price of electricity, was effective in assisting customers in responding to hourly prices, with these customers having an additional 2.4% price elasticity, resulting in an elasticity of 0.067. Automatic cycling of the central-air conditioners (turning the compressor on and off for short periods of time via remote control) during high-price periods added to a participant’s response to electricity prices by as much as 9.8%. ESPP reduced summer energy (kWh) usage by about 27 kWh per month (or 3%). This indicates that ESPP is also effective at reducing energy usage. Elasticity of demand increased as the average neighborhood household income declined. In other words, lower income households were more responsive to price signals than higher income households. The implication of this and prior analyses of ESPP is that real-time pricing (RTP) is an effective tool to manage system electricity demand. As prices increase, participants reduce their electricity demand. Consequently, at a peak period when the market price for electricity will, by definition, be high, participants will reduce their demand. This response can have positive impacts on the operation of the electric system and markets. Summit Blue Consulting 2 3 PROGRAM B ACKGROUND The Community Energy Cooperative (Cooperative) is a nonprofit organization committed to offering its members programs and services to help manage energy costs and improve neighborhood electrical reliability. It was founded by the Chicago-based nonprofit organization the Center for Neighborhood Technology in 2000. Starting in 2002, the Cooperative collaborated with Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to test residential customers’ responses to day-ahead, market-based hourly pricing (also known as real-time pricing) through a three-year pilot program (later extended for a fourth year). The program was offered to the Cooperative’s new and existing members through an experimental ComEd tariff. DCEO provided partial funding for the interval meters, programmable thermostats, and the initial evaluation reports. In 2007 the Cooperative changed its name to CNT Energy and their ongoing work on residential realtime pricing is conducted under that name. This program, the Energy-Smart Pricing Plan, was started in January 2003, and it was the first time in the nation that residential customers were given the opportunity to pay market-based electricity prices. By exposing residential customers to the market price of electricity, customers were given the opportunity to make informed decisions about electricity use. This program used ComEd’s Rate RHEP - Residential Hourly Energy Pricing (Experimental) (Rate RHEP). The program’s pricing was initially set using prices as provided daily from Platts Global Energy for ComEd translated into day-ahead hourly prices by using PJM West load shapes. In June 2005, the prices were changed to the PJM ComEd Zone Day-Ahead Hourly LMP’s, which became available due to ComEd joining the PJM Interconnection, LLC. In addition to the hourly electricity price, participants’ bills contained an access charge that was adjusted yearly, but was capped at 4.881 and 5.367 cents per kWh for single-family and multifamily homes, respectively. The June 2005 through May 2006 access charges were 3.307 and 3.734 cents per kWh for single-family and multi-family homes, respectively. Program participants’ rates were reduced by the Program Incentive of 1.4 cents per kWh that was designed to encourage participation in the program while also potentially reflecting changes in post-transition rates. In 2003, more than 750 members were enrolled in the program. To aid in the first impact evaluation of ESPP, the Cooperative randomly assigned ESPP enrollees into two groups: participants (651 members), who were exposed to the hourly market prices, and a control group (103 members), whose members had an interval meter installed, but did not receive any of the ESPP educational information and continued to pay a flat rate for their electricity. In 2004, the control group participants were transferred into the ESPP group and began paying for their electricity using Rate RHEP, and additional customers enrolled in the program. This resulted Summit Blue Consulting 3 in an enrollment of more than 1,000 members in the ESPP program. In 2005, additional applicants were allowed to enroll in the program until the target participation population of 1,500 was reached. No further participants were allowed in to enroll in 2006. A new feature of ESPP during 2004 and continuing into 2005 and 2006 was the addition of the installation of cycling switches on the central air conditioners of 57 participants. These switches were set to cycle the air conditioner 50% of the time during high-price periods. This automatic cycling was an experiment to see how this type of direct intervention compares to giving participants their choice of whether or not to use an air conditioner during the high-price periods. In 2006 the Cooperative added an additional experimental tool, the PriceLight. The PriceLight is a small globe that uses a pager signal to activate LED lights that change color to reflect the price of electricity for that hour. One of the features of ESPP was the day-ahead notification of high price days, when the price of electricity would be over thirteen cents/kWh1. This notification was either by telephone or email. The purpose of this notification was to provide a mechanism for participants to become aware of relatively expensive prices and to adjust their consumption accordingly without relying upon expensive technological monitoring systems. Other aspects of ESPP included: · · · Day-ahead prices. Prices for the next day were posted on the website or were available by phone after 5 p.m. Price protection cap. The Cooperative included a price limit hedge at $0.50 per kWh, meaning that no customer participating in ESPP would ever see a net hourly price greater than $0.50 per kWh. (The maximum actual price ever seen was $0.3655/kWh.) Energy management and price response information. The Cooperative provided: - Information about usage. - Instructions and tips on how to reduce usage overall and during peak periods. During the first year of ESPP (2003) weather conditions were relatively mild, and hourly electricity prices rose to the high-price alert level (above 10 cents per kilowatt-hour) on only 20 days, and usually for only three or four hours each day. The summer of 2004 was even milder and there were only 19 hours, spread over seven days, when prices triggered the high-price alerts. The weather conditions changed dramatically in 2005. June and July of 2005 were ranked as the sixth warmest of all comparable months on record since 1871. This extreme heat resulted in record peak electricity demands. In addition to the extreme weather, the prices for natural gas, an input to the production of electricity, were also high, reflecting world events and concern over the potential effects of hurricanes on supplies of natural gas. Higher gas prices translate into higher electricity prices, independent of weather. Taken together, they provided a set of market conditions that resulted in relatively high hourly electricity prices throughout the 1 Prior to 2006 the notification occurred when the price exceeded ten cents/kWh. Summit Blue Consulting 4 summer. During the summer of 2005, there were 57 days from June through August when prices exceeded $0.10/kWh (commodity portion only), with prices staying over this level for as much as 13 hours per day (for a total of over 360 hours of high prices). The highest price was just under 19 cents per kilowatt-hour for one hour. In 2006, the high-price notification was changed to $0.13/kWh, and there were 63 hours of high prices over 10 days. In 2006, the high-price notification point was changed to $0.13/kWh, and there were 63 hours of high prices over 10 days. During the summer of 2006, there where thirteen hours (all of them occurring on August 1 and August 2) when the price was above $0.20/kWh. The maximum price was $0.356/kWh during the hour of 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on August 1. Exhibit 3-1: ESPP Hourly Electricity Prices, Summer 2006 2006 ESPP Prices 0.4 0.35 0.3 $/kWh 0.25 0.2 Prices 0.15 0.1 0.05 08/31/06 08/24/06 08/17/06 08/10/06 08/03/06 07/27/06 07/20/06 07/13/06 07/06/06 06/29/06 06/22/06 06/15/06 06/08/06 06/01/06 0 Date The summer of 2006 represented an opportunity to examine how residential customers respond to hourly changes in electricity prices, including relatively high electricity prices. The results of the estimation of ESPP participants’ response to hourly electricity prices during the summer 2006 are presented below. Summit Blue Consulting 5 4 Estimation of 2006 Program Impact s This section presents the results of the impact evaluation of the fourth summer of the EnergySmart Pricing Plan program. The specific issues that were addressed in this evaluation include the following: · What is participants’ price elasticity, and how do they respond to high price notifications? · Have differences in the responses of participants in the Central Air Conditioner Cycling Option occurred, particularly when they have been controlled for very long periods of time? · Does the Energy PriceLight—a small orb that glows different colors based on the current price of electricity, have an effect on energy consumption (in addition to the above demand impacts)? As in the prior evaluations of these programs, the impact evaluation relied upon hourly consumption data for participants, weather data, and hourly electricity prices to capture, ex post, the response to prices. The details on how these data are combined within a regression model to understand participants’ behavior are presented below. HOURLY PRICE RESPONSE The fundamental approach that this (and the previous) analysis used to determine how participants respond to hourly electricity prices is the estimation of the price elasticity of demand for electricity. Price elasticity is defined as the percentage change in demand associated with a percentage change in price. For example, a price elasticity of -10% implies that a 100% increase in price will reduce demand by 10%. While the concept of price elasticity is straightforward, estimation of it is not. The problem is that there are other things changing hourly beside the price of electricity, which can significantly affect the demand for electricity. While there are many such things occurring for any given household (such as people coming and going), the only variables that can readily be measured are those relating to weather. In order to control for the effects of these non-price variables, this evaluation used a regression model that statistically models hourly energy use as a function of the hourly price of electricity and the hourly weather conditions. There are many ways in which such a regression model can be specified. In the previous analyses, a pooled model was used, which combines data across households (i.e., crosssectional) with data over time (i.e., time-series) into a single regression equation. Any Summit Blue Consulting 6 differences across homes that do not vary over time were captured through house-specific intercept terms, as discussed below. The fixed effects model can be viewed as a type of differencing model in which all characteristics of the home, which (1) are independent of time and (2) determine the level of hourly electricity use, are captured within the house-specific constant terms. In other words, differences in housing characteristics that cause variation in the level of energy consumption, such as building size and structure, are captured by constant terms representing each unique household. Algebraically, the fixed-effect panel data model is described as follows: ln( y ) = a + r ln( price ) + b x + e it i t it it , (Eq. 1) where: ln(yit) = The natural log of electricity consumption for home i during hour t ai = the estimated constant term for household i r = the price elasticity of electricity demand ln(pricet) = The natural log of the price of electricity during hour t ß = vector of estimated coefficients xit = e it = vector of variables that represent factors causing changes in the electricity consumption for home i during hour t (i.e., weather) error term for home i during hour t. This hourly demand model was estimated over all ESPP participants during the month of June through August. Since there was little price variation in early morning hours, the estimation included hours after 9 a.m. Thus, the model used 1,977,927 hourly observations from 1,134 participants.2 The estimated model for 2006 is presented in Exhibit 4-1. The resulting price elasticity estimate for prices below $0.13/kWh is -4.7% (with a t-value of -21.2, suggesting that this response is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level). Thus, a 100% increase in the hourly price of electricity would produce, on average, a 4.7% decrease in hourly energy use across all participants. This result was very robust across different specifications and different subsets of participants.3 2 3 This is fewer than the total number of participants due to missing data from sources such as estimated bills. This model also incorporates corrections for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. Summit Blue Consulting 7 Exhibit 4-1: Elasticity Model. Dependent variable is log of hourly kWh. (Summer 2006) Independent Variable Coefficient t-value Natural log of hourly price when price <= $0.13/kWh -0.047 -21.2 Natural log of hourly price when price > $0.13/kWh -0.082 -30.7 Natural log of hourly price and customer has a PriceLight -0.067 -13.9 Customer has A/C cycling and it is a high price hour -0.098 -9.7 0.10 14.9 Temperature lagged one hour Sample Size R-squared Partial (ignoring customer effects) Full 1,977,927 (1,134 homes) 1% 45% This estimated elasticity is similar to the elasticity found in the 2003 impact evaluation 4.2% with a t-value of 12.6. Thus, residential customers clearly respond to hourly changes in electricity prices, and this response is consistent over time. The unique result of this analysis is that for prices above $0.13/kWh (the high-price notification point), the elasticity increases (in absolute terms) to 8.2%, indicating that customers become more responsive when they are given the high price notification. 4 The next section investigates whether this price responsiveness lead to any energy savings. ENERGY EFFECTS The analysis presented above concentrated only on the response to hourly electricity price changes. Thus, the impacts are only demand (average kW). Another aspect of electricity usage is energy (kWh). So while it is clear that the ESPP reduces demand when prices are high, the next question that will be addressed is how the ESPP program affects energy usage, more specifically monthly kWh usage. In order to determine the effect of this program on energy (kWh) consumption, a regressionbased model was estimated that used monthly electricity consumption for all Cooperative members (thus all ESPP participants and a large sample of non-participants) going back to 2003 (so as to include consumption for both before and after participation in the program) as the dependent variable. The independent variables include the monthly weather conditions and two program effect variables: one variable that is equal to 1 for every month the person has been a participant in ESPP, and a second variable that is equal to 1 if the person is a participant 4 We were unable to address price elasticity changes in the past under high price notifications because there were not sufficient variations in prices above the high-price point. This is the first year where prices exceeded the high price point by such a large degree. Summit Blue Consulting 8 and the month is June, July, or August.5 A fixed-effects specification for the regression model was used, which pooled across customers and over time. The model was also corrected for autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. The results are presented in Exhibit 4-2. Period Participating in ESPP Participating in ESPP Summer Months Sample Size R-Squared Exhibit 4-2: ESPP Energy Impacts (Dependent variable, monthly energy use, 2003 to 2006) Estimated Coefficient T-Value -16.7 -14.5 -10.0 -9.3 1,253,593 (7,567 customers) 1.00 The estimation results show that ESPP participants consumed -26.7 kWh less per month during the summer months relative to individuals not on the ESPP rate (-16.7 kWh year round plus 10.0 kWh specific to the summer months). This represents a savings of around 3% of summer electricity usage. This result is statistically significantly different from 0 at the 95% confidence level. Therefore, ESPP results in a net decrease in energy consumption. THE IMPACT OF INCOME ON PRICE ELASTICITY An ongoing issue in the assessment of the potential of real-time pricing for residential customers is how it will impact different sub-sectors. An analysis of the ESPP data using neighborhood income as an added variable found that, in fact, elasticity of demand varied by neighborhood. Elasticity decreased as income increased. While the amount was small, it shows that lower income individuals are more price sensitive in their energy use than higher income households. Because income data can be hard to collect and verify, this analysis used census data at the zip code level to assign ESPP participants into various income ranges. Due to the high degree of residential segregation in the Chicago area, this method was considered an acceptable proxy for actual individual income levels. While this preliminary result is very encouraging in regard to the potential value of real-time pricing for low-income households, more research on this issue is needed, and additional research goals and objectives should be defined. 5 The model also includes monthly indicator variables to capture seasonal effects. For clarity, these coefficients, as well as the coefficients on the weather and annual variables are not included in the table. Summit Blue Consulting 9 5 Comparison of 2006 Results to Previous Years The results of the impact evaluation of the Energy-Smart Pricing Plan in 2006 show levels of response that are consistent with what was found in previous years. The following table is a summary of results from each year. Year Exhibit 5-1: Annual Elasticities, 2003 - 2006 Overall elasticity Other key elasticities 2003 -0.042 2004 -0.080 2005 -0.047 -0.067 for air conditioner cycling 2006 -0.047 when prices below $0.13/kWh -0.098 for air conditioning cycling -0.082 when prices above $0.13/kWh -0.067 for PriceLight While not part of this impact evaluation, the Community Energy Cooperative modeled the overall impact of participation in this pilot program on the bills of participants by comparing what they paid to what they would have paid with the same energy use billed at the traditional flat rate that all other ComEd residential customers paid. The following table is a summary of the savings/losses of participants. Exhibit 5-2: Annual Bill Impacts and Weather Average Average Year Monthly Bill kWh Savings Average Energy Price (¢/kWh) Maximum Summer Price (¢/kWh) Cooling Degree Summer Days with Days High Price Notifications (Avg. is 799) 2003 $51.10 630 20.1% 3.2 12.4 659 9 2004 $56.99 648 11.3% 3.8 12.5 574 7 2005 $77.82 758 -6.3% 5.7 19.1 1,087 57 2006 $56.32 679 15.5% 5.1 36.6 937 10 Summit Blue Consulting 10 6 Results/Conclusions The results of the fourth year of this program continue to be generally positive overall. During a relatively warm summer with periods of high electricity prices, participants continue to have a strong response to hourly electricity prices. Two price elasticity estimates were calculated for the 2006 evaluation. The first price elasticity estimated was for prices below the high-price notification level (i.e., below $0.13/kWh). This “low-price” elasticity was estimated as -4.7% (t-value of -21.2). This compares favorably to the elasticity estimate found in the evaluation of ESPP 2003 (-4.2% with a t-value of 12.6). For prices above the high-price notification, the elasticity was estimated as -8.2% (t-value of -30.7) indicating that customers become more price responsive with the high-price notification. This model also indicated that: · Cycling the air conditioners during high-price periods increases the elasticity, adding 9.8% on high-price days. This is consistent with the expectations for an automated control system. · The PriceLight increases (in absolute terms) participants elasticity by 6.7%. · The high-price notifications resulted in an increase in price elasticity from -4.7% to -8.2%. Thus, the high price notification nearly doubles customers’ responsiveness to electricity prices. · ESPP reduces summer energy (kWh) usage by about 27 kWh per month (or 3%). This indicates that ESPP is also effective at reducing energy usage. · Elasticity of demand increased as the average neighborhood household income declined. In other words, lower income households were more responsive to price signals than higher income households. These results demonstrate that residential customers do indeed respond to hourly electricity prices, and overall this response is consistent across years, despite great variation in weather and energy prices. This analysis has also shown that the degree to which residential customers respond to prices varies by the time of day, as well as by several observable characteristics of the customer. One of the key aspects of ESPP is the personal notification (via phone or e-mail) sent to participants when the price the next day is expected to be greater than or equal to 13 cents per kWh. The hourly price elasticity model described above revealed that these highprice notifications now result in an increase in price elasticity. This increase was not addressed in the past because there was not sufficient price variation above the high price point to develop a price elasticity estimate. Summit Blue Consulting 11 As was observed in the previous evaluations, the experience of ESPP shows that real-time pricing for residential customers can be an effective approach to establishing a demand side management program. The ESPP program, with its low tech design and correspondingly lower implementation costs, succeeds in enabling participants to understand and respond to the price patterns without placing an undue burden on them. Even under conditions with consistent periods of high prices, customers are able to respond to prices. Summit Blue Consulting 12