WSPA Spring 2015 Convention - Agenda March 25-27, 2015 | Stevens Point Pre-Convention – Wednesday, March 25 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration 8-9 a.m. Breakfast Outside Expo 1 Expo 3A/3B 9 a.m.-4 P1: Progress Monitoring: Do You Want the Good News of Bad News First? An Honest p.m. Discussion and Training to Promote Evidence-Based Knowledge and Skills Expo 1 Theodore J. Christ, Ph.D. NASP Practice Model #1 The presenter will provide a candid appraisal of Curriculum-Based Measurement and progress monitoring. He will (a) provide opportunities to practice and evaluate your skills to interpret and use progress monitoring, (b) review the advocates’ aspirations for CBM and progress monitoring, (c) thoroughly review the evidence for their use to guide low-stakes and high-stakes decisions, and (d) make evidence-based recommendations for their use in practice. Important considerations include (a) qualities of measurement tools, (b) schedules of progress monitoring, (c) precision of measurement, (d) time series models (slopes), and (e) decision rules. Curriculum Based Measurement of Reading (CBM-R) will be features, but other types of assessment will be referenced and discussed. This training will improve your awareness, knowledge and skills so you are better prepared to implement and use of progress monitoring in practice 10:1510:30 a.m. 10:3010:45 a.m. 1212:45 p.m. 2:152:30 p.m. 2:302:45 p.m. 5-9 p.m. P2: The DSM-5: Implications for School Psychologists Expo 2 Melissa A. Reeves, Ph.D.; Stephen E. Brock, Ph.D. NASP Practice Model #4 This session will provide an overview of the DSM-5 diagnostic categories most relevant to children and adolescents. A brief history of DSM development will be provided with emphasis on the current shift from a categorical to a dimensional approach. The relevance of these changes to school-employed mental health professionals will be explored. Also included in this session will be discussion of how these changes might influence IDEA eligibility determinations, and the impact these changes will have on accessibility to interventions and community services. Changes to specific diagnostic categories most relevant to children and adolescents will be the focus. Break - P1 Expo 3A/3B Break - P2 Expo 3A/3B Lunch Expo 3A/3B Break - P1 Expo 3A/3B Break - P2 Board Meeting & Dinner Expo 3A/3B Sands Convention – Thursday, March 26 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Registration 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Exhibitors 8-9 a.m. Breakfast Outside Expo 1 Commons Expo 3A/3B 9-10:15 a.m. Keynote: Student Success: Mental Health Matters Expo 3A/3B Stephen E. Brock, Ph.D. NASP Practice Model #4 After first clarifying the profound burden mental illness places on students, schools, and society; this presentation will offer that school psychologists are perfectly positioned to promote mental wellness and highly qualified to address the challenges of mental illness. The presentation concludes by offering the fact that there are well established and effective school-based approaches for addressing mental health. 10:1510:30 a.m. Break Expo 3A/3B 10:30 a.m.noon A1: You're hired!: Tips to a Successful First Year as a School Psychologist Expo 1 Chris Neddenriep, Ph.D. NCSP NASP Practice Model #10 A panel of school psychologists and current interns will answer student questions regarding getting and keeping their first job as a school psychologist. Panelists will discuss how to prepare to enter the job market and how to successfully interview for a position. Panelists will also discuss what employers are looking for in successful school psychologists, and they will offer strategies to succeed in students’ first year of employment. A2: Plan 2020: a colloquium to chart WSPA's future Expo 2 John Humphries NASP Practice Model #10 Join a group of fellow school psychologists as we help chart WSPA's future. Hosted by WSPA President John Humphries along with other board members, participants will engage in small- and large-group discussions about the directions, supports, and services that WSPA will take in our next 5-year strategic plan. Rest assured, your voices will be heard at this session. A3: School Mental Health in Wisconsin: An Exploration of New Initiatives, Barriers, and Promise Evergreen/Frontier Kathryn Bush; James Haessly NASP Practice Model #4 Over the next five years, Wisconsin will see its largest influx of federal dollars for school mental health in history. Learn about the major school and county mental health initiatives which are poised to begin or have already begun to expand mental health services to Wisconsin youth. Provide focused input about the professional development needs school psychologists have in order to more efficiently and effectively serve students with prevention, early intervention and mental health treatment needs. 12-1:15 p.m. Lunch & Award Presentation 1:304:45 B1: Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support in a Culturally p.m. Responsive Multi-Level System of Support Dan Seaman Ed.S, NCSP; Liz Gaebler; Dana McConnell NASP Practice Model #5 Expo 3A/3B Expo 1 This session will provide an introduction and overview of the Wisconsin RtI Center's training for Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support. School Psychologists are critical members of a Culturally Responsive Multilevel System of Support in schools and would benefit from understanding and facilitating a process of establishing and strengthening their selected and intensive levels of support for mathematics or reading. Individuals will leave this session with an understanding of the process and resources to begin facilitating the conversation back at their buildings. Participants are recommended to have an established screening process and completed the Wisconsin RtI Center's School-wide Implementation Review (SIR). Attendance of both the Wisconsin RtI Center's Framework Training and the Screening & Progress Monitoring (or similar training) is also encouraged. B2: Advanced Skills in School-Based Crisis Prevention and Intervention Expo 2 Stephen E. Brock, Ph.D. NASP Practice Model #6 This advanced level workshop will assist you in enhancing the crisis procedures already in place in your school district. Specifically, learn cutting-edge tips on conducting crisis exercises and drills in the school setting. In addition, strategies for using social media, dealing with the press, and planning memorials will be offered. The legal ramifications of crisis response and the spiritual dimensions in the aftermath of a crisis also will be highlighted. B3: Neuropsychology of Social, Emotional, and Behavior Challenges Evergreen/Frontier Margaret Sedor, NCSP NASP Practice Model #4 This workshop will provide an overview of the neurological underpinnings of the social, emotional, and behavioral challenges of children and adolescents and interventions within a multi tiered system. A full range of neurobased intervention strategies will be presented along with commonly used psychiatric medications to address depression, anxiety, ADHD, trauma and disruptive behavioral disorders. B4: Evidence-Based Practices for Identifying and Addressing School Refusal and Truancy Woodland/Trillium Mary Wimmer NASP Practice Model #5 This workshop will focus on how to assess why a student is not coming to school, how to identify contextual risk factors that contribute to school refusal and truancy, and how to intervene with students who have high rates of absenteeism. Researchers and practitioners have developed a plethora of effective strategies to tackle this problem. Through a review of research, case studies, and discussion of participants concerns and challenges, attendees will gain an understanding of how to design interventions for students with high rates of absenteeism. Emphasis will be on Tier 3 evidence-based practices and how some schools and communities are effectively addressing this problem at all levels of a three Tier model. 3-3:15 p.m. 3:153:30 p.m. 5-6 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Break - B1 & B2 Expo 3A/3B Break - B3 & B4 Student Posters Expo 3A/3B Expo 3A/3B Evening Entertainment All Assocation Party Expo 4 Convention – Friday, March 27 8-9 a.m. Registration 8-9 a.m. Breakfast Outside Expo 1 Expo 3A/3B 8 a.m.noon 9 a.m.12:15 p.m. Exhibitors C1: K-12 Data-Based Decision Making within a Model of Multi-Tier Systems of Support/Response to Intervention (RtI) Mark Shinn NASP Practice Model #1 This session will present a comprehensive approach to basic skills data-based decision making with a focus on screening, eligibility determination, and progress monitoring. Similarities and critical differences in strategies will be detailed among elementary, middle school, and high school implementations. Particular attention will be given to ensure that screening and progress monitoring are used within the context of a comprehensive evaluation for determining eligibility for special education. Commons Expo 1 C2: Diversity in our schools: Examining the relationship between culture, language and assessment Expo 2 Amanda Myers NASP Practice Model #8 Assessing students is a complex process that involves many factors and data sources. When students are English Language Learners (ELLs) and/or have different cultural backgrounds, the assessment process can have additional complexity. Elements such as assessment tools, normative comparisons, language skills, and even personal perceptions can impact the evaluation. In this session, best practice in the assessment of ELLs and students from diverse backgrounds will be reviewed, which will include discussion, reflection on personal perceptions, and examination of available tools and ways to review and share information. 10:1510:30 a.m. 10:3010:45 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:301:30 p.m. C3: Supporting Students with Complex Needs in the School Environment Evergreen/Frontier Chris Peterson NASP Practice Model #3 In this session, participants will discuss the unique opportunities and challenges in working with learners with complex learning needs in the school setting. Quality Indicators for supporting learners with low-incidence disorders (i.e., significant development and intellectual disabilities) will be shared across a variety of domains (academic, social, adaptive, transition, etc.), including a discussion around how to align significantly modified content to grade level curriculum benchmarks. Resources for support will be offered. C4: Mental Health Support and Ethical Practice for School Psychologists Woodland/Trillium Don Stovall NASP Practice Model #10 This presentation will combine the themes of mental health support services for students with the theme of ethical responsibility of school psychologist. A problem-solving model for ethical decision-making, based on the NASP model, will be reviewed and applied to sample case studies where a school psychologist is involved in providing services. The objectives of the workshop include: identification of components of an ethical problemsolving process; Identification of circumstances that involve ethical concerns; Identification of actions to maintain professional and ethical boundaries and to resolve ethical challenges. Break - C1 & C2 Expo 3A/3B Break - C3 & C4 Expo 3A/3B Adjourn Convention Committee Wrap-up Expo 1