2013-2014 A R o f nnuAl

Spring 2015
2013-2014 Annual Report
president’s letter
ourdes University hopes that you
have had a very blessed holiday
season. As we move into the quieter
part of the year when much of the
external natural world goes dormant
and prepares for the coming of
spring, we at Lourdes will begin
a new semester and prepare for
another spring filled with many important events. These
include the research symposium, student arts shows, the
awards ceremony, Luminations and Hit the Links which
raise important funds for students scholarships and our
most important spring day – commencement. All of
these events and more mark the coming of spring for our
campus community and we hope you can attend one of
these events to share in the celebration of the life of our
campus. Please see the full list of spring events on pages
Included in this AtLourdes edition is the 2013-2014
annual report. We had a very strong year and saw our
endowment move above $10 million for the first time
in the history of the institution. What is even more
impressive are the hundreds and hundreds of names that
fill the following pages and who support our students
by investing in the future of Lourdes University. I want
to extend my heartfelt thanks to all those who make
a Lourdes education possible. We could not fulfill
the mission of the Sisters of St. Francis without your
David Livingston, PhD
ATLO URDE S MAGA ZIN E | Sp r ing 2015
S P R I NG 2 0 1 5 • V O LUM E X • N U M B E R 4
A great theologian joins the
Lourdes community
Father James Bacik, faculty
Supporting Catholic education
Patrick and Angele McGrady, friends
Leading and following
in Francis’ footsteps
Staff and faculty feature
12 Gray Wolves spirit
16 A shining example
Constance Brooks, alumna
18 Alumni notes and pics
22 Campus news briefs
31 2013-2014 annual report
47 Coming events
51 Coming soon
Carol Howell Anderson
Bruce D. Klinger, ‘08
Richard L. Arnos
Deborah Knight
Joan E. Bayer
Robert W. LaClair
Susan Allan Block
David J. Livingston
Thomas E. Brady
Ann L. Meier
Alan W. Brass
James M. Murray
Bruce C. Carver
Sr. Rachel M. Nijakowski, OSF
Cindy Dana
Barbara S. Steele
Larry B. Dillin
Larry D. Ulrich
Russell J. Ebeid
David F. Waterman
Ernest C. Enrique
Michael J. Fischer
Trustee Emeriti
Thomas B. Geiger Jr.
Dolly Flasck
Michael C. Gibbons
Kevin J. Kenney
Sr. Carolyn Giera, OSF
W.G. Lyden III
Jim A. Haudan
Martha Mewhort
Sandra M. Hylant
Joseph T. Nachtrab
Daniel P. Ibele
Robert E. O’Brien
Daniel M. Johnson
Sr. Joan C. Jurski, OSF
David J. Livingston, PhD, President
Mary Arquette, Vice President for
Institutional Advancement
Sr. Ann Carmen Barone, OSF, Vice
President for Mission and Ministry
Roseanne Gill-Jacobson, Vice President
for Student Life
Geoffrey J. Grubb, PhD, Provost
Dean Ludwig, PhD, Vice President of
Robert Rood, PhD, Vice President for Finance and Administration
Todd Williams, President
Anneke Godlewski, Vice President
Stephanie Goller, Secretary
Helene Sheets, Director, University Relations
Carla Leow, Publications Coordinator & Lead Graphic Designer,
University Relations
Mary Arquette, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Sr. Ann Carmen Barone, OSF, Vice President for Mission and Ministry
Karen Dibling, Advancement Services Coordinator
Mary Fairbanks, Web Content Officer
Michael George, Director of Development & Annual Fund Officer
Linda Hoetzl, Advancement Services Specialist
Erin Hafner, Alumni Relations Officer
Ben Lewton, Web Content Administrator
Photoworks, Inc.
Robert Rood, PhD, Vice President for Finance & Administration
Sr. Shannon Schrein, OSF, PhD, Dean, Graduate School
Carla Woodell, Graphic Designer
Ryan Wronkowicz, Sports Information Director
o honor the life
and work of a 21st
century renowned
theologian, Lourdes
University recently
established the Father James Bacik
Endowed Chair in Theological
Studies. Graduate students in
the Master of Arts in theological
studies degree program have already
begun to reap the rewards enrolling
in his theological foundations
course. Once funded, the $500,000
endowed chair will provide a
scholarship for graduate students
and will allow Lourdes to recruit
more nationally respected faculty
who possess extensive teaching
experience within the field.
In November, Lourdes held another
historic event – the opening of
the Father James Bacik archive
collection. Housed within the
Duns Scotus Library, the archives
contain hundreds of documents,
artifacts and mementos of the
pastor, writer and lecturer. Lourdes
president David Livingston, PhD,
extended the offer to display his
archives and Father Bacik was
pleased to accept. “The Duns
Scotus Library is a treasure in itself
and this allows more individuals
to be exposed to its beauty and
extensive catalogue and resources,”
he says.
Father Bacik hopes the archives
will prove helpful to students
doing scholarly work. A grad
student doing a dissertation on
Karl Rahner, for example, could
come to Lourdes and find valuable
resources not readily available:
many of Rahner’s books in the
original German; his unpublished
dissertation on the Church flowing
from the side of Christ; and bound
copies of his class notes on God in
Latin and Mariology in German.
An author working on a history
of campus ministry in the United
States could find background
material on the American Bishops
Pastoral Letter Empowered By The
Spirit not available elsewhere,
including early drafts of the letter
written by Father Bacik.
No one is happier to have Father
Bacik join the ranks of faculty
than Sr. Shannon Schrein, OSF,
PhD, dean of the Graduate School.
“Father Bacik has been a friend,
pastor and mentor to me for many
years. I am deeply grateful to
him for his support and spiritual
guidance. His decision to teach in
our graduate theology program and
to gift Lourdes University with his
archives is a true blessing.”
Having taught in 13 scholarly
institutions in 6 states and
authored 10 books and numerous
chapters and articles, the revered
priest enjoys sharing his vast
knowledge with graduate students.
“I have been so lucky in life to
have studied with and met such
respected and great theologians.
I have a deep motivation to share
that knowledge. Theology is a
wonderful, open-minded subject
that is inherently interesting to
me. Earlier in my pastoral career, I
continued my studies at Fordham
and Oxford in order to become a
better pastor and teacher.”
The University of Oxford alumnus
has not disappointed his students.
“Not only does he possess a
brilliant mind but passionate heart
as well. Father Bacik made the
material understandable, often
peppering his lectures with stories
and humor. This brilliant academic
also has a profound love of God
which permeates his very nature.
No matter how many facts, dates
and theological principles he
provided us, he always made us
think about how these things could
strengthen our faith. He taught me
that it isn’t my job to learn theology
for the sake of learning but to be
closer to God. He gave me new
perspectives and a much greater
understanding of my faith, my
Church and myself. For that, I will
always be grateful,” says graduate
student Ruthi Mitchell (’13, BA,
The respect is mutual. Father
Bacik found his Lourdes pupils
to be enthusiastic about theology
and how it could enrich their
lives. Father Bacik even took the
educational experience outside the
classroom, taking each student to
lunch “to better understand and
learn more about each individual.”
Father James Bacik’s archives are
open during normal business
hours. Contact the Duns Scotus
Library at 419-824-3761 for more
information. To enroll in a future
graduate level course taught by
Father Bacik or to make a donation
to the endowed chair, contact
Mary Arquette, vice president
for institutional advancement at
marquette@lourdes.edu or 419824-3969. U
ATLO URDE S MAGA ZIN E | Sp r ing 20 1 5
atrick and Angele
McGrady are supporters
of Catholic education.
Both were educated in
the Catholic system –
Pat in Toledo and Angele in the
Bronx, NY. Regardless of their
family size (Pat is the oldest of
six siblings while Angele is an
only child), their parents believed
private faith-based education was
extremely important and worth the
sacrifices and cost. “Carrying on
that tradition, we chose to enroll
our children in Toledo Catholic
elementary and high schools. We
realize the difficulties some parents
have in sending their children
to Catholic schools so we have
continued to support our own high
schools and our children’s high
schools long after they graduated,”
says Pat.
for the Credit Union National
Association. He has served on the
Lourdes Board of Trustees and is a
member of the President’s Advisory
Angele’s accomplishments have
provided a different perspective.
A licensed counselor and certified
sports counselor with a master’s
and PhD in Physiology, she
has taught at The University of
Toledo Medical Center for many
years, predominantly in medical
education. Currently, Angele is a
professor and director of medical
education in the Department
of Psychiatry and maintains a
counseling and stress management
practice. “From the research
literature, a correlation between
years of completed education and
health has been identified. Staying
in school through college gives the
in classes with smaller student
numbers. The experiences
should be interactive, promote
engagement and allow faculty
to know how hard to push and
when to let up because a student
has reached a limit. Resources
available at Lourdes are needed
to facilitate the progression of
exceptional students and assist
those who struggle academically,”
adds Angele.
Pat and Angele appreciate
the spirit of Catholicism that
resonates throughout Lourdes
in administration, academics,
activities and athletics. “Although
a Catholic university, students are
not required to be of the Catholic
faith. All who walk the grounds
have access to the chapel for quiet
prayer, meditation or simple
solitude. Students can study the
world’s religions to gain a deeper
understanding of the models of
belief, spirituality and religious
practices. They can question
dogma, search for their own truth
and reflect on the values that
are important to them” adds the
Supporting the institution
Accomplished individuals
After earning his bachelor’s
and MBA degrees, Pat began a
successful career teaching before
moving on to the credit union
business. In 1973, he became
manager of the St. Clement Credit
Union, Inc. after serving on the
board of directors for the previous
4 years. As manager, president and
later as CEO, Pat was instrumental
in the continued growth of the
organization. He retired in 2006
when it was known as the Toledo
Area Catholic Credit Union
(TACCU). Today, it is still thriving
as Directions Credit Union. Well
respected in the profession, Pat also
served 3 terms as a board member
person an advantage to maintain
physical and emotional health
for the rest of his or her life and
actually increases one’s lifespan,”
says Angele.
The importance of private
“Several factors increase the
likelihood that a freshman will earn
a diploma 4 years later. It is critical
that a university create a learning
environment that challenges
students within the context of their
skills and intelligence while not
overwhelming them. In order to
do this, faculty must know their
students. This is best achieved
“Lourdes has evolved from a small
college in what used to be the
forests of Sylvania to a university
offering many undergraduate and
graduate majors. The addition
of athletics offers an opportunity
for young adults to obtain a
comprehensive mind-body-spirit
experience. What has remained
are the roots in Catholicism,
excellence, dedication and the
outside environment of natural
beauty,” says Angele. “We support
Lourdes so that the standards of
excellence, service and aspirations
for the future can be maintained.
We want to see Lourdes continue
to thrive and grow for many
decades into the future.” U
ATLO URDE S MAGA ZIN E | Sp r i ng 20 1 5
staff & faculty
in Francis’
r. Barbara Vano, OSF,
director of campus ministry,
has been appointed to the
position of staff pilgrimage
leader with the Franciscan
Pilgrimage Programs, Inc., a nonprofit ministry of the Assumption VM
Province, Franciscans. As a staff leader,
Sr. Barbara will annually accompany
groups on pilgrimages to Assisi and
Rome, Italy.
During its 40 years of existence,
Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs has
guided more than 9,000 pilgrims from
45 countries on pilgrimage, facilitating
the sharing of spirituality of place and the Franciscan vision of life.
In fall, two members of the Lourdes President’s Cabinet participated in
the Franciscan leadership pilgrimage. President David Livingston and
his wife Joan traveled with vice president for institutional advancement
Mary Arquette and assistant business professor and professional immersion
coordinator Robert Arquette (‘96, BIS, Business). The couples were joined
by other educational administrators from across the United States.
Before the Christmas holidays, Lourdes students Stephen Carl, Taylor
Maley and Hanna McLaughlin took part in the student pilgrimage
along with peers from other Franciscan universities. “I believe the pilgrim
experience allows students to expand their understanding of the Franciscan
family as they interact with colleagues from other Franciscan institutions. It
also helps them connect our values of community, learning, reverence and
service to the lives of Francis and Clare and their followers,” says Sr. Barbara.
AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2 0 15
a a
Francis reflecting on the valley
Night view of the valley
Bronze statue of Francis of Assisi, located near San
Damiano. Francis appears to be reflecting on the valley
View from the road near Casa Papa
Giovanni (pilgrims’ pensione)
Pope Francis
Angelus message
at noon on Sunday,
November 2
ATLO U R D E S M AG AZI N E | Sp r i n g 2 015
Santa Chiara
Santa Maria Sopra Minerva
View of the basilica of St. Clare
and other rooftops.
A Christian church dedicated to the Blessed Mother, built
over an ancient temple of Minerva (goddess of wisdom)
Portiuncula Chapel
One of the three chapels rebuilt by Francis of Assisi as
he was discerning his call. The chapel, whose name
means little portion, soon became the home base for
the early community of brothers. The much larger
basilica of St. Mary of the Angels was built around it
to provide a space to welcome pilgrims.
Vice President for Mission and Ministry Sr. Ann
Carmen Barone, OSF; with student pilgrims
Taylor Maley, Hanna McLaughlin and Stephen Carl.
ATLO URDE S MAGA ZIN E | Sp r ing 20 1 5
Inaugural soccer
coaches welcomed
Gr ay Wo lve s Spi ri t
thletics director
Andre Smith
is pleased to
announce Lourdes
University’s newest
Gray Wolves –
Jackie Donovan
and Barry Spitzer
– as the inaugural
women’s and men’s head soccer
coaches. Lourdes will take the
field as a National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)
program for the first time in fall of
Coach Jackie Donovan
Coach Jackie Donovan has her
United States Soccer Coaches
Association National Coaching
Diploma and earned her bachelor
and master’s degrees from
Frostburg State University. She
arrives at Lourdes from Adrian
College where she was the associate
women’s head coach and head
reserve coach for four seasons.
During her tenure, the team
won the Michigan Intercollegiate
Athletic Association (MIAA)
regular season championship in
2011 while producing a Third
Team All-American, the first
in program history with three
MIAA Players of the Year. Before
arriving at Adrian, she served as
the graduate assistant at Frostburg
State for two years and spent one
season as the school’s women’s club
Prior to her coaching days, she
played for the Frostburg Bobcats,
starting all 83 matches during her
career. She helped the team post
a 55-20-8 overall record and a
33-2-1 mark in the Allegheny
Mountain Collegiate Conference.
As a player, Coach Donovan
garnered All-Allegheny Mountain
Collegiate Conference (AMCC)
honors as both a sophomore
and junior and helped the
Bobcats in 2005 to a National
Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA) Division III tournament
“This is an incredible opportunity
for me to coach the Lourdes
inaugural women’s soccer team.
I intend on creating a highly
competitive program and one
that the University and studentathletes will be proud of,” says
Coach Donovan. “Jackie is a
hidden gem. Her energy level and
passion for the game is second to
none. A tireless recruiter that can
relate to today’s student-athletes,
she understands the game and
all the small details needed to be
successful in the classroom and
field,” adds director Smith.
Coach Barry Spitzer
Coach Barry Spitzer has his United
States Soccer Federation "A"
License, a National Soccer Coaches
Association of America Premier
Diploma, a National Soccer
Coaches Association of America
Level II Goalkeeper Diploma
and 15 years of college coaching
experience. A graduate of Florida
State University, he earned his
master’s degree at South Alabama.
He comes to Lourdes after
spending 8 seasons at Wallace
State Community College where
he compiled a 98-18-8 record and
was a two-time Region 22 Coach
of the Year. He guided the team to
seven Region 22 championships as
well as Southeast District playoff
appearances with Wallace State
finishing district runner-up three
times. Coach Spitzer’s 2008 team
earned the National Junior College
Athletic Association (NJCAA)
Academic Team of the Year Award,
compiling the nation’s best grade
point average.
Prior to coaching at Wallace State,
he served as head women’s soccer
coach at Samford University and
helped start the Bulldogs NCAA
Division I program. In seven
seasons at Samford, he posted a
38-32-1 mark.
“Lourdes has a rich heritage as well
as an excellent academic and social
support system for the students. As
remarkable as the university is, I
am even more impressed with the
vision for the Gray Wolves athletic
program and the preparations that
have been made for the future,”
says Coach Spitzer. “Barry was the
right individual for this job. He
has a proven track record at several
levels, has experience starting up
programs and he was also a
successful head coach at the
Division 1 level. His dedication,
knowledge, and experience will
lead us in the right direction
during the process of building our
program. He is committed to the
university values which will lead to
success,” adds director Smith.
To learn more about all the
Lourdes Gray Wolves teams, visit
www.lourdesathletics.com. U
ATLO URDE S MAGA ZIN E | Sp r ing 20 1 5
Men’s Golf
AT LO U R D E S M AG AZI N E | Sp r i n g 2 015
’s Bask
Women’s Cross
Men’s C
ATLO URDE S MAGA ZIN E | Sp r ing 20 1 5
onstance Brooks
(’12, BA, Criminal
Justice, Social
Work) is a role
model to many.
As program director at Harbor
House/300 Beds, Inc., she works
with homeless and chemically
dependent women to sustain
their recovery, gain self-esteem,
self-sufficiency and permanent
housing. Her own story of
transformation inspires these
women to secure a place in society
as productive, working citizens and
oftentimes, to reunite with their
children and loved ones.
“One of the reasons I pursued
a social work degree was to
help people turn failure into
achievement rather than letting
their obstacles overcome them.
My own personal struggles and
triumphs inspired me to uplift
others, to provide and give them
examples of how to achieve their
dreams,” says Connie.
Moving from Chicago, IL to
Toledo in 1987 to be closer to
family, the self-described shy
person with low self-esteem
allowed addiction to rule her life.
It was during Connie’s pivotal stay
at the Lucas County Correctional
Treatment Facility that her outlook
“It was then that I asked God
to show me my next sign. A
gentleman came in to share his
story that weekend. It began with
him getting high and then slowly
escalated to addiction, crime and
incarceration in the penitentiary.
His decision to seek assistance at a
halfway house was the beginning
to his successful rehabilitation. It
encouraged me to do the same. I
could not wait to speak with Miss
Love, a counselor on the unit. The
following Monday, I requested an
interview at the Harbor House.
On the way to the interview, I
noticed we were driving towards
a familiar area. I soon discovered
it was in my neighborhood – just
across the street from where I had
been hanging out!”
Connie stayed the course and did
not succumb to her addiction. “I
entered the program on March 15,
2000; 13 months and 9 days later,
I left a changed person.” Today, the
Lourdes graduate is one semester
away from achieving what was
once an inconceivable educational
goal – receiving her Master’s degree
in Social Work (MSW) from CaseWestern Reserve University in
Cleveland. The career goals she will
soon conquer include becoming a
Licensed Social Worker (LSW) and
a Licensed Chemical Dependency
Counselor III.
Daily duties at Harbor House
keep Connie very busy. Opening,
managing and closing cases;
operating the program; providing
the linkage to outreach treatment,
therapy, and mental and medical
appointments; and assisting
individuals take their General
Education Development (GED)
test and obtain housing and critical
job skills. “Social workers can be
change agents, effecting change at
any level. It is important that we
utilize our abilities when working
with people who are dealing with
the realities of their world and
society as a whole.”
Connie’s work ethic, dedication
to the field and those she serves
are evident. Originally employed
as a late night house monitor in
December 2001, she has held
several positions: resident manager,
case manager and housing
specialist. She was promoted to
her current position in November
2013 and is being encouraged to
become the executive director.
“As program director, I am able
to still do what I love – working
and interacting directly with the
AT LO U R D E S M AG AZI N E | Spr i n g 2 015
clients. I also make a point of
working with their families. My
aunt once said to me, ‘I never
hated or was disappointed in you;
I hated that drug.’ So I focus on
helping families understand and
encouraging clients to have faith in
the unknown and not the familiar
cycle they are living.”
As for her future, Connie is
committed to staying at Harbor
House and doing good work.
“God has always led me where I
needed to be. I had to go through
a healing process to be who I am
today. I am going to stay here until
He’s ready to move me.” Until
then, she will continue to inspire
others, to encourage them on their
road to recovery and when they
have successfully completed the
program, to challenge them to
achieve even greater heights. U
class notes
Barbara Steenrod
AA, Liberal Arts
Retired owner of Miss Barb’s Music
Studio, Barbara is “reinventing”
herself through volunteer piano
playing at St. Clare Commons and
the Franciscan Center. She also
enjoys various Lourdes Lifelong
Learning courses, mastering the
French language, yoga classes,
walking and exercising daily and
spending time with her husband,
4 children and 11 grandchildren.
Amanda Perry
BA, Business Administration
Amanda is employed as a database
and forecasting manager for TNS,
a leading full-service custom
market research agency. She
recently celebrated her 15th year
with the company. Her son, a
freshman Gray Wolves baseball
player and criminal justice major,
is a future alumnus.
Jeanette (Willis) Saunders
BA, Sociology
Jeanette is employed as the chief of
administration and performance
management at Cleveland Airport
Donald Hendren
BA, Criminal Justice
Donald is 65 years old, “still
going strong” and in retirement
is employed as a police officer at
Owens Community College. He
taught criminal justice for several
years at Penta Career Center.
18 AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
2009, 2014
Nowell Hens
BS, Marketing
MBA, Business Administration
Nowell and his wife Kari recently
welcomed baby girl Ava Jeanette
(see photo on p. 21).
Stephanie Rautio
BA, Early Childhood Education
Stephanie is employed as a pre-K
teacher at St. Kateri Catholic
Academy in Oregon, OH.
2012, 2014
Brittnie Kalucki
AA, Business
BS, Management
Brittnie and Dirk Voogdt recently
welcomed baby boy Liam Connor.
Annie Jackson
BA, Theological Studies
Annie is residing in Scottsdale,
AZ while building a new home
in Maricopa and contemplating
pursuit of a doctorate degree in
Chris Lockwood
BA, Criminal Justice
Chris is pursuing his Master of
Education degree at Durham
University in England and is a
member of the men’s volleyball
team. After he receives his degree,
he hopes to explore Europe and
play international volleyball.
Maryann Stevens
AA, Business
BS, Management
Maryann is employed at TARTA
as a procurement specialist. In this
role, she has saved the company
over $150,000 in a one year
2013, 2014
Rachel Crum
BS, Human Resource
Management; Health Care
MBA, Business Administration
Rachel is employed as a human
resources coordinator at Ralph
Lauren in Winston Salem, NC
Eleanore Sharkey
BA, History
Ellie is enjoying the Emerald Isle
living in a lovely chalet in Galway,
Ireland while studying history at
the National University of Ireland.
Yetsabeth Gonzalez
BS, Accounting
Yetsabeth was recently employed
as a processing specialist at The
Andersons, Inc.
Sp r ing 20 1 5 19
alumni pics
College of Business & Leadership (COBAL)
Meet the Dean Night
20 1
Bruce Klinger (‘08), Gwen Banks (‘08),
student Aretha Gilmer
Alishea Sutton (’07, ‘14), Aaron Phillips
(’11, ‘12)
Patti Zulewski (‘13), Todd Williams (‘02)
Patrice McClellan, EdD, director, Master of
Organizational Leadership (MOL);
AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
Jane Hankenhof Curry (‘09); Jennifer
Sader, associate professor of leadership;
Sally Oberski (‘11); Cindy Patterson (’01,
Terah Jude (’11, ‘12); Patricia O’Connell,
PhD, professor of leadership; Erin
McPartland (’11, ‘12); Debra Olejownik
(’08, ‘11)
Tim Broud (’08, ‘13), Marcia Kasza (‘08),
Kim Sader (‘13)
Move-In Day
Gina Black (‘13), Todd Williams (‘02), Mary
Campbell (’95, ‘96), Elizabeth Davies (‘03),
Magdalena Skiles (‘84), Tara Woodbury (’11,
‘13), Susie Brown (‘14)
New Lourdes Baby
12 Ava Jeanette Hens
New Alumni Board Members
Tiffany Duraney (‘14)
Fran Hendren (‘98)
10 Ruthi Mitchell (‘13)
11 Patti Zulewski (‘13)
keep in touch at lourdes.edu/alumni
Sp r ing 20 1 5 21
Campus News Briefs
Oral histories lecturer addresses
nonviolent resistance
Lourdes expands summer conference
and camp offerings
Beginning spring 2015, organizations can reserve
various Lourdes facilities for summer conferences,
seminars and camps. Available facilities include the
Franciscan Center, Ebeid Student Center, Den, smart
classrooms, gym, Rec Room and Lourdes Commons
housing. Event planning and catering services are also
available. To make reservations, contact Penny Marks,
Franciscan Center director, at 419-824-3971 or email
International business immersion
experiences open to the public
College of Business & Leadership dean Ryan Butt, JD
is offering Lourdes alumni and friends the opportunity
to join Master of Business Leadership (MBA) and
Master of Organizational Leadership (MOL) students
as they travel abroad. The students and faculty departed
in January for Johannesburg, South Africa on the first
of three international business immersions offered this
year. The next locales include Shanghai, China (May
22-31) and Italy (July 9-19) with stops in Corciano,
Assisi and Florence. To participate in one of these
upcoming international business immersions, contact
Ryan Butt at rbutt@lourdes.edu.
22 AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
author, historian and
peace activist Rosalie
Riegle, DA, recently
educated students
and attendees on the
topics of nonviolent
disobedience and
the importance
of collecting oral
histories. “Nonviolent
resistance has
occupied a significant place in our nation’s history
during the 20th century. Additionally, oral histories
reveal a lot about those involved in these activities
including their motivation, experiences and how they
were either successful or unsuccessful in exacting
change,” says Dwayne Beggs, PhD, assistant professor
of history.
Death penalty panel shines light on
criminal justice system
“Voices of Experience: The Death Penalty” brought
together judges, criminal justice officers and citizens
to discuss a controversial subject. Speakers included
Derrick Jamison, an individual who was exonerated
after spending 20 years on death row and Terry
Collins, the former director of the Ohio Department
of Rehabilitation and Correction. The event was
sponsored by Lourdes University’s sociology and justice
studies department.
Campus News Briefs
Lourdes welcomes
new Kappa Delta Pi
The newest members were
inducted into Kappa Delta Pi,
the international honor society
of education. Chapter advisor
and associate professor Karen
Roadruck presided over the
event. Education majors inducted
were Kelley Carmean, Sharie
Clausen, Thomas Cook, Megan
Eisenhour, Alexandrea Hultz,
Steven Kiss, Ashley Mank,
Bradley Miller and Lauren
Environmental Chemistry class conducts work at Sylvan Prairie Park
Thanks to professor of chemistry Sr. Barbara
Stallman, OSF, PhD, students enrolled in CHL 306
conducted some of their environmental science lab
lessons outdoors at Sylvan Prairie Park. Their lab work
focused on collecting and examining water and soil
samples. Sr. Barb’s class worked in conjunction with
associate professor of environmental science James
Minesky, PhD, and his ENV 450 fluvial ecosystems
course. Students conducted their outdoor lab sessions at
Olander Park.
The chemistry and physical sciences department also
celebrated its 14th annual chemistry day in recognition
of National Chemistry Week (NCW). Faculty members
Elaine Ault; Dan Fraser, PhD; Cindy Molitor, PhD;
Sr. Barb; Elizabeth Wise, PhD; and students Cassandra
Evans, Selena Evans and Hillary West provided
many fun demonstrations. Those gathered appreciated
educational activities involving ghost eyeballs and
floating m’s from M&M’s®. They also enjoyed
comparing the density of Coke® versus Diet Coke® and
the rock candy, caramels, sugar and a periodic table of
candy created by students in CHM 181.
Sp r ing 20 1 5 23
Campus News Briefs
Ohio Supreme Court
Justice addresses class
In November, Ohio Supreme
Court Justice Judith Ann
Lanzinger traveled to Lourdes to
discuss criminal justice and ethics
with students enrolled in the SOC
324 course taught by professor and
retired Toledo Municipal Court
judge Mary Trimboli. Judge
Lanzinger is the only person in
Making a FYE Sister connection
This fall, students enrolled in the first year experience (FYE) program
expanded their knowledge and appreciation of Sts. Clare and Francis.
Working in conjunction with the Sisters of St. Francis, FYE instructor Peter
Sibilio, PhD and mentor Alisa Smith broadened the students’ knowledge
through an interactive project that paired the students with a Sister mentor.
Ohio ever selected to all four levels
of the state judiciary. Re-elected in
2010 to the Supreme Court for a
second six-year term, over the last
28 years she has also served on the
6th District Court of Appeals, the
Lucas County Court of Common
Pleas and the Toledo Municipal
The Sylvania Franciscans wrote an
introductory letter to their Lourdes
student and later in the semester,
the students and mentors met for
the first time. As the fun meeting
came to a close, the students added
their Sister’s contact information
in their cell phones and the groups
continue to exchange notes.
“After meeting my sister (Sr. Jordan), I have made an attitude adjustment.
She has an amazing attitude towards things and it really inspired me. If I
am ever having a bad day, I just think of her and it will motivate me and I
end up having a better day,” says student Haley White. Gabe De Los Reyes
adds, “My sister (Sr. Julie Myers) is such a sweet person. She would listen
to any problem I have and is willing to help. I feel as if she is somewhat my
guardian at school and I wouldn’t want any other Sister.”
24 AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
Campus News Briefs
College day opens young minds to many career
Associate professor of education Karen Roadruck and education majors
Samantha Good, Daniel Kruzel and Molea Thompson brought college
day to youngsters this past fall at Kent Branch Library. Joining them for the
festivities was Lourdes mascot Gubi. Together, they worked with the young
children, teaching them about various careers and engaging them in other
fun activities. Afterward, the young learners had their picture taken with the
famous mascot. College Day at Kent Branch Library was created by Lourdes
alumna and children’s librarian Angela Bronson (‘10, BA, Art).
Appreciating Arabic culture and the Islamic faith
In November, the Lourdes Arab American Student Association (LAASA)
sponsored a trip to Dearborn, MI and the Islamic Center of America, the
largest Islamic mosque in the US. The group also visited the Arab American
National Museum and then stopped by a nearby Arabic restaurant for a
delicious meal. Participants enjoyed the experience and the opportunity to
learn more about the Islamic faith and Arabic culture.
Red Cross Club
surpasses blood drive
The newly-created Lourdes Red
Cross Club held its first blood
drive in fall in honor of assistant
baseball coach and Lourdes student
Tim Berta. “We chose to host the
drive in Tim’s honor because he is
a living example of the good that
can come from donating blood,”
says the club’s organizer Megan
Mosiniak. Tim received blood
products during treatment and
recovery from traumatic injuries
sustained during the 2007 Bluffton
University bus crash.
The blood drive brought in
64 donors or 138% of the
organization’s goal. More
importantly, 162 lives were
potentially saved.
Sp r ing 20 1 5 25
Campus News Briefs
A super hero Halloween
Health care administration major Tiffany Towell is
learning about her future career while on the job. As
an intern, she works with Ann Gilbert, director of
the general pediatrics, hematology & oncology and
pediatric intensive care units at Toledo Hospital. On
Halloween, the Toledo Police SWAT Team visited
26 AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
young patients in Toledo Children’s Hospital (TCH).
Kate Schwann, head of Child Life at TCH, makes this
visit possible each year. Tiffany, her coworkers and
friends dressed up and the SWAT team donned super
hero costumes. The captain of the swat team actually
scaled his way in as Spiderman!
Campus News Briefs
The Curious Savage comes to campus
The Lourdes Drama Society brought the comedy The
Curious Savage by John Patrick to the Franciscan Center
stage this fall. The family-friendly play focuses on Ethel
Savage, a woman whose husband recently died and left her
approximately $10 million. The play was first produced in
1950 with actress Lillian Gish in the title role.
Sp r ing 20 1 5 27
Campus News Briefs
Japanese nursing education leader
visits Lourdes
Lourdes joins the Toledo Labre
During fall semester, Lourdes College of Nursing dean
Judy Didion, PhD and faculty met with Mariko
Koyama, PhD, president of the Japan Red Cross
Hiroshima College of Nursing and president of the
Japan Academy of Nursing Education. Dr. Koyama
selected the Lourdes nursing program as the model for
quality and safety based (QSEN) curriculum. During
the visit, she learned more about the Lourdes QSEN
curriculum, particularly as it relates to implementing
overall nursing curriculum and its implications for
clinical practice.
In late summer, Lourdes Campus Ministry began
participating in a new weekly outreach endeavor - the
Toledo Labre Project. The program was initiated in
Toledo by St. John’s Jesuit High School and Toledo St.
Ursula Academy to share food and build community
with the poor and homeless. The two schools provide
this service each Monday evening. Lourdes has been
offering casseroles and other nourishing food each
Wednesday evening since August. If anyone would like
to donate to the Toledo Labre Project, please contact
Sr. Barbara Vano, OSF, Director of Campus Ministry
at bvano@lourdes.edu or 419-824-3861.
The Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing
is founded in nursing education at a high level of
professional competence and is an affiliate of the
Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS). Since 1890, more
than 100,000 nurses have received training through
JRCS which currently operates 27 nursing schools,
educating approximately 2,900 students each year. The
Japan Academy of Nursing Education was established
in 1952 to heighten the level of nursing education and
contribute to the development of nursing science.
28 AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
Reception honors generous friends
During the annual Donor Appreciation Reception,
Lourdes honored two of its most generous benefactors –
Douglas Boston (’88, ’98) and MT Business
Technologies Inc/RICOH.
A surgical nurse with ProMedica Hospital, Doug
established an endowed scholarship to financially
support junior and senior nursing majors with special
consideration given to non-traditional students and
students of diverse cultures and backgrounds. MT
Business Technologies Inc/RICOH has supported
Lourdes student scholarships through several fundraising
events including Hit the Links, the annual golf outing.
Campus News Briefs
Young Women and Men of Excellence explore a
variety of careers
Lourdes vice president
In November, Lourdes faculty and students shared insight and hands-on
experience with young learners from The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of
Northwestern Ohio and Toledo Public Schools Young Women and Men of
Excellence program.
president for
Arquette has
been named
by the
Association of Fundraising
Professionals, Northwest Ohio
Chapter. She received this
prestigious honor for her tireless
work in raising awareness and
funds for non-profit agencies.
Mary has served in her current
role at Lourdes for 14 years and
has overseen two successful capital
campaigns as well as increasing
dollars raised for the Annual Fund
and other university programs.
Prior to her role at Lourdes, she
was executive director of Mobile
Meals of Toledo.
“Lourdes was pleased to partner with the organizations and together create
programming opportunities for these bright and inquisitive students in
grades 4-12. In addition to the interactive career exposure available to all
students, those in grades 9-12 learned more about the college experience,
how to dress for success, and how to finance their college education,” says
career services director Andrea Domachowski.
Spreading the Joy
campaign brings holiday
cheer to families
Interactive sessions offered:
• Careers in astronomy including an Appold Planetarium experience
• Nursing jobs with hands-on activities in the Flasck Nursing Center
• Environmental science career opportunities and a lesson on how to
address and solve a water crisis
• A forensic science investigation at a mock campus crime scene and lab
• Pros of being an athletic scholar and learning to play lacrosse
Lourdes University once again
brought Christmas to families in
need through its Spreading the
Joy campaign. Each year, Campus
Ministry puts up a Christmas tree
complete with ornaments in the
Appold Planetarium Lobby. Each
ornament represents a gift needed
to bring Christmas joy to a family
in need. For more information on
this and other outreach efforts,
contact Campus Ministry at 419824-3861.
Sp r ing 20 1 5 29
Campus News Briefs
COBAL welcomes Ukranian delegation
In November, the College of Business & Leadership
(COBAL) hosted an educational program featuring
Ukrainian leaders. Ivanivna Nataliya Dohadailo,
Stanislavivna Stanislava Ostrovska and Tamara Zykova
addressed students and other members gathered about
the current events in their country including the
conflict with Russia. During their presentation, they
discussed life in Ukraine, its daily struggles and the
importance of reforms to protect their freedoms.
The guests were part of a delegation of six women
visiting northwest Ohio sponsored by the Open World
Leadership Center and Great Lakes Consortium for
International Education and Training. The delegation
has traveled to various countries to observe first-hand
how small businesses, non-profit organizations and
economic development agencies operate. Their goal is
to incorporate best practices in their villages, improve
their economies and educate citizens on the importance
of reforms and democracy.
30 AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
2013-2014 Annual Report
| 2013 - 20 1 4 31
2013 - 2014 Annual Report
The 2013-14 fiscal year generated $34.1 million in revenue and $32.8 million in expenditures.
The overall change in net assets from operating activities was $1.3 million. Our endowment
grew to $10.8 million, up $1.5 million, or 16%, from last year’s reported $9.3M. Over $500
thousand of the growth in endowment resulted from contributions from our generous donors.
Gifts & Grants
Investment Income
Student Services
Institutional Suppor t
Institutional Advancement
32 07-08
A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
tau society
Honoring donors who have contributed $5,000 or more
over their lifetime of giving as of June 30, 2014.
Russell J. & Carolee M. Ebeid
Rita F. O’Grady Trust*
Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.
ProMedica Flower Hospital/McKesson Fund
ProMedica Health System
Sisters of St. Francis - sponsor since 1958
$500,000 – 999,999
Diocese of Toledo
Dorothy M. Faber Trust
Fifth Third Bank
Richard A. & Dolly Flasck
LaValley Foundation
Mary A. & Richard G. LaValley, Sr.
Robin & Richard G. LaValley, Jr.
Joseph* & Kathleen Magliochetti
Joseph T. & Deborah K. Nachtrab
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Stranahan Foundation
$100,000 – 499,999
Andersons Fund Supporting Organization
Richard P. ‘05 & Frances H. Anderson
James M. & Patricia J. Appold
Robert V. ‘96 & Mary Arquette
AVI Foodsystems, Inc.
John C. & Sarah J. Bates
Allan J. & Susan J. Block
William J. & Cathy Carroll
City of Sylvania
Mahlon Cooper*
Delbro LTD an Ohio LLC
Bradley J. & Kathie Delp
Cleves R. & Kathy Delp
The Honorable Andy H. & Lorene T. Devine
Richard R. & Kathleen A. ‘94 Faist
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
France Stone Foundation
Paulette & Thomas B. Geiger, Jr.
Diane E. & John H. Harris, III
Rev. James Holmer
Sandra M. Hylant
Iott Foundation
Dennis G. & Sheila C. Johnson
Kathy & George M. Jones, III
Bruce D. ‘08 & Jayne M. Klinger
Paul R. Koester
Robert W. & Kimberly A. LaClair
Lourdes University Auxiliary
Lyden Company
The Lyden Family
Michael P. & Gloria McAlear
Patrick & Marilyn O. McAlear
Harold A.* & Helen McMaster
Clement O. Miniger Memorial Foundation
James M. & Kay K. Murray
Penny & Robert E. O’Brien
O-I Charities Foundation
Ruth Frost Parker
The Frost-Parker Foundation
Retirement Research Foundation
Rudolph/Libbe, Inc.
Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Fund
Toledo Community Foundation, Inc.
Larry D. & Kathleen S. Ulrich
Donald D.* & Grace* Young
Cecilia Zarembski*
$50,000 – 99,999
Anderson Foundation
The Andersons Inc Charitable Foundation
Michael J. & Carol H. Anderson
John & Elaine W. Bachey
Elsie and Harry Baumker Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Block Communications Inc
Vicky A. & George A. ‘08, ‘10 Brymer, Jr.
Buckeye CableSystem
Capital Tire Group, Inc.
Bruce C. Carver
Dana Corporation Foundation
Dana Holding Corporation
Determination Ventures LLC
Judy T. & Thomas A.* DeVilbiss, II
The Education Foundation of America
Entelco Foundation
Elmer L.* & Dorothy M.* Faber
Mark S. Feldstein
The Mark S. Feldstein Private Foundation
Charles A. & Terry Fetzek
Celia* & James R. Findlay, Sr.*
Michael & Karen Fischer
Helene Fuld Health Trust
Charles P. Gallagher
Grey Nun Community Fund
James & Michelle M. Haudan
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Heidtman Steel Products
Robert C. & Linda Helmer
Hylant Group
Jeannie Hylant
Michael & Tina Hylant
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Hylant
Richard & Clare Hylant
KeyBank Nat’l Assoc. for the Walter E. Terhune
Memorial Fund
Michael P. & Beth L. ‘05 Killian
Edward P. & Lisa Kinsey
George A. & Carol Koury
Florence M. Lackamp*
Ronald R.* & Colleen Langenderfer
Lawrence A.* & Carolyn S.* Leo
Lewandowski Engineers
Mass Mutual Financial Group
McMaster Foundation
Donald M. & Martha Mewhort
Muir Graphics, Inc.
PNC Bank
Dorothy Price
Gene ‘08 & Janet H. Robinson
William & Laura Rudolph
John* & Mary K. Savage
John F. and Mary K. Savage Family Foundation, Inc.
Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts
Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Sky Financial Group
St. Vincent Alumni Association
Stephen & Ann Stranahan
Sylvania Recreation Corporation
John & Yolanda Szuch
Thread Marketing Group
The Toledo Blade
Waite-Brand Foundation
R. Duke & Martha Wheeler
Xavier University
$10,000 – 49,999
John R. & Deborah A. Alderman
Jack J. & Barbara Altenburger
Ruth E. Alteneder
American Association of State Colleges & Universities
American Association of University Women
Ameritech Foundation
The Anastasia Fund
The Andersons
Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.
Richard L. & Denise S. Arnos
Arts Midwest
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education
James & Ursula Barrett
John C. Bates Foundation
Joan E. Bayer
Paul T. Belazis & Judy A. Didion
Bennett Enterprises, Inc.
F. Michael & Debra A. Bercher
Edwin M.* & Sally J. ‘92 Bergsmark
Richard L. & Sarah J. ‘96 Berndt
Patrick J. & Annette Birney
The Birney Tennis Foundation
Lester G. Bittner*
R. Jeffrey & Kathleen R. Bixler
Blade Foundation
Thomas C. & Anne Marie Blank
Olga Christina Boone*
Terry L. Bossert
Bostleman Corporation
Douglas J. Boston ‘98
Bowling Green State University Foundation
Thomas E. & Elizabeth C. Brady
Brooks Insurance Agency
Ashel G. Bryan*
Wayne & Gayle A. ‘08 Burrer
Ronald G. & Elizabeth J. Cain
Cargill Grain Division
Century Equipment, Inc.
| 2013 - 20 1 4 33
The Chrysler Foundation
Church of All Saints
Ciao! Ristorante
Lindell S. Clemens
Collaborative Charities Fund
The Collaborative, Inc.
Joseph M. & Mary Ann Colturi
Comfort Line Ltd
Concept Rehab, Inc.
John H. & Sue Crandall
Douglas Crocker
Sheilah M. Crowley
Ernest & Helen B. ‘93 Crum
Crum Manufacturing Inc.
Barbara D. & Frank W. Cubbon, Jr.
Charles & Cynthia M. Dana
Milo L. & Chrissie Danzeisen
Deco Tools, Inc.
William & Sara Jane DeHoff
Leo G. & Debra J. Deiger
Dimech Services, Inc.
Norene L. Drewicz ‘59
Pantalejmon Dziad*
Ernest C. & Carolina Enrique
Ernst & Young Foundation
Richard R. Faist and Kathleen A. Faist Revocable Trust
Michael T. & Kristi Farrell
Findley Davies, Inc.
FirstEnergy Corporation
FirstEnergy Foundation
Fischer Tool & Die Corp.
Follett Higher Education Group
Michael P. & Robin C. French
Rev. F. Anthony Gallagher
Ann M. Galloway
Stanley B. Galup*
General Mills Foundation
Michael & Sondra Gibbons
Michael F. & Roseanne Gill-Jacobson
Laurine L. Gladieux*
Timothy M. & Jennifer Gladieux
Virgil* & Beatrice G.* Gladieux
Goodremont’s, Inc.
James F.* & Betty J.* ‘93 Gorman
Glenn & Deborah Grady
Geoffrey & Jenna Grubb
Stephen L. & Kathleen M. Guillard
Ric & Kelly Gum
Allen T. ‘88 & Maggie L. Haley
HCR Manor Care
HCR Manor Care Foundation
Lewis R. Heldt*
Heymann Foundation
Benjamin E. Hills ‘91
Holly H. Hills
Charles W. & Rosalie M. Hinde
Gerard C. & Patricia Hipp
Carl H. & Anne D. Hirsch
Paul B. & Carol Hood
Matthew R. & Marie M. Hopkins Foundation
Daniel P. & Erin C. Ibele
Thomas W. & Nancy P. Kabat
Marcy Kaptur
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Ruth L. Kelly Foundation
Kemper Securities, Inc.
Kevin J. & Susan Kenney
34 Diane L. & William J. Kitson III
Klinger Associates Inc.
Milton F. & Deborah T. Knight
Paul M. & Carol A. Kraus
Jeffrey J. & Pat Kuhr
Michael J. & Gayle A. Lampkowski
LaserLine, Inc.
The Lathrop Company
Richard G. LaValley Trust
LDU Enterprises, LLC
Anne M. Lenkay
Harold R. & Carol A. Leupp
Libbey Inc.
Jill A. Liebnau ‘93
Edward J.* & Elizabeth B.* Lishewski
Joyce P. Litten
Lourdes University Alumni Association
Lourdes University Staff Association
David and Lura Lovell Foundation
William G. Lyden, Jr. Charitable Trust
Marathon Classic presented by Owens Corning and O-I
Marathon Oil Company Foundation
Michael T. & Joyce A. Marciniak
Emil & Penny Marks
George C. Matthews
Patrick J. & Angele McGrady
Rene C. McPherson*
Medical Mutual
John F. & Ann L. Meier
Mercy St. Vincent
Donald & Gail Mewhort
Miller Lite Pizza Challenge
Milliken & Co.
Mobile Meals of Toledo
Mortgage Insurance Companies of America
MT Business Technologies, Inc.
Hal P. & Melissa Munger
David J. & Mary Heather Munger
Lawrence P. & Darri S. ‘04 Murphy
NAFSA Association of International Educators
Ellen & Robert J. Navarre, Jr.
Bernadette Noe
Thomas W. Noe
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Nu Tek Steel, LLC
Edward J. & Lorraine R. Nussel
David L. & Katherine O’Connell
Patrick & Erin O’Hearn
Joe & Annie O’Leary
Randall D. & Barbara K. Oostra
Charles* & Joan* Oswald
Owens Corning Foundation, Inc.
Owens-Illinois, Inc.
Walter R. Palicki
Barney* & Barbara Paskiet
Paskiet Family Heritage Foundation
Mark & Cynthia L. ‘02, ‘11 Patterson
Thomas C. & Kathleen L. Perzynski
Larry C. & Jill Peterson
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program
Phi Theta Kappa
Pilkington North America
PNC Foundation
James W. & Mary E. Pope
Rev. James Profota
Program Solutions Group
Richard K. & Elizabeth* Ransom
A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
Ed & Linda Reiter
Republic Construction Corporation
Catherine Reuther
Mark E. Ridenour Family
Robin Riley-Casey ‘02
Wellington F. Roemer, III
Root Learning, Inc.
Scott J. & Julie Savage
Susan M. & Robert C. Savage, Sr.
Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment
Keith K. & Shirley Schlender
Robert W. & Laurie Schoonmaker
Patricia F. Seifried*
Service Spring Corporation
Dale J. & Phyllis Seymour
Yehia H. & Emney Shousher
Yehia H. Shousher Rev. Living Trust
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
Signature Bank
Michael J. & Mary T. Smith
Msgr. Bernard E. Smith*
St. Luke’s Hospital
Darlene ‘78 & Richard B. Stansley, Sr.
Steel Dynamics, Inc.
Frank M. & Christie Stichter
John P. & Christine A. ‘95 Stockwell
John W. Stoepler*
R. A. Stranahan, Jr. Charitable Trust
Albert & Gerda Stroucken
Robert A. & Linda Sullivan
Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce
Sylvania Community Improvement Corp.
Sylvania Franciscan Health
Les & Erin L. Szavuly
Toledo Classic, Inc.
Toledo Edison Corporation
The Toledo Woman’s Club
Harvey A. & Constance Tolson
Trans Tech Logistics, Inc.
Turner Electrical Services
United Way of Greater Toledo
USX Foundation
Al & Deborah J. Vargo
Richard Vernier & Patricia L. McCutchan-Vernier ‘89
Douglas ‘08 & Deborah K. ‘92 Waldie
David F. & Heidi E. Waterman
Polly & Thomas I. Webb, Jr.
Wellington F Roemer Insurance Co
Richard E. & Pearl M.* White
Philip S. Willis Student Loan Fund
George S. ‘99 & Sharon* A. Wilson
Harley A. & Nancy E. ‘91 Wood
Eugene R.* & Connie* Wos
Anoar & Kathleen Zacharias
Jerrol M. & Susan L. Zemla
$5,000 – 9,999
Aladdin Food Management Services, Inc.
All Green Inc.
Daniel T. & Lynn T. Anderson
Andy & Melissa ‘11* Anderzack
Arts Commission of Greater Toledo
Bartz Viviano
Nellie F. Bash for Charities
Charles & Diane Beavers
Thomas V. & Joyce A. Bettinger
Stephen S.* & Mary Ann Binkowski
Michael D. ‘98 & Karen Biscay
Aaron & Ronnie Bivins
Ellen C. Boone
Sam & Susan G. Botek
Nancy J. Brown
Ruth L. Brown
Richard J. & Jenny Brunner
Ronald & Pat L. ‘86 Burnard
Butterfly House and Garden Center
John E. & Mary J. ‘96 Campbell
A. Evelyn Capoun
Career Integration
John & Therese A. ‘91 Carroll
Carson’s Steakhouse
Catholic Healthcare Partners
Chase Investment Counsel Corporation
Walter A. Churchill*
Teresa Clark
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Contract Laboratories Assoc., Inc.
Kathryn M. Crook*
Dana Corporation
Brian J. & Faye M. Darah
Dave White Chevrolet
Judith A. Davenport
Delp Family Heritage Foundation
Charles Donatelli*
Door Security Solutions NORTH SHORES
Hank J. & Mary Douglas
Dow Jones & Co., Inc.
James D. ‘92 & Jaclyn M. Enderlen
Ernst & Young, LLP
Sara P. Feldstein
Findlay Business Partners Ltd
Flower Hospital Guild
Forrester & Wehrle, Inc.
Franciscan Care Center Sylvania
Friends Business Source
Funk Luetke Skunda Marketing, Inc.
Jeanette G. Furman*
Thomas W. & Martha S. Gallagher
Michael A. & Karen A. George
Great Lakes Credit Union, Inc.
Gregory A. & Jennifer ‘01 Guzman
Chad M. ‘97 & Kristie Haley
John F. & Jeanie Hayward
Heartland Arts Fund
Earl C. & Dolores M. Heath
Margaret G. & Carl B. Hedlund, Jr.
Pamela S. Hershberger
The Hodge Group
Richard & Therese K. Hoffman
Paul R. & Pamela A. Hollenbeck
Mark & Amy L. Houston
Huntington National Bank
I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 8
The Image Group
Wallace D.* & Jeanette* Iott
Jeffers Crane Service
Jocarno Fund
Marina Joy
Kenney & Niehaus, Ltd.
Key Foundation
Hugh* & Eva* Kirk
Denny Kish & Kimberly A. Grieve
James E. & Mary Ann Kline
Paul O. Koether
John F. & Barbara A. ‘98 Kornacki
Jeffery J. & Mary A. Kozy
Wallace F. Krueger
Annette M. Kurtz
Lakeside Interior Contractors, Inc.
Lamar Advertising
Frank E. Landry
Dale D. & Carol Lanigan
Ruth M. Lewandowski*
Songtao Liu & Mengxiao Dai
David J. & Joan M. Livingston
Paul & Susan Longenecker
Mr. & Mrs. James H.* Luckey
Dean C. & Judith A. Ludwig
Bob & Eileen Macrina
Mail It
Mail Works II LLC
Todd & Leah Matteson
Robert L. & Kathleen A. Maxwell
Vincent K. & Lorraine E. ‘99 McHugh
Medical Value Plan
Merck Company Foundation
Mercy Health Partners
Amy L. ‘09 & George M. Mergen, Jr.
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Metropolitan Distributing
Herbert R.* & Carolyn M. Metzger
Michael R. Miller
Susan Morgan
Christopher & Christine M. ‘13 Morris
The Mosser Group
Northwest Electrical Contracting
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
William M.* & Dorothy D. Nunemaker
John W. & Donna M. O’Connell
Patricia K. O’Connell
OCP Contractors, Inc.
Ohio Campus Compact
Laurie B. Orzechowski
Ronald W. & Svetlana ‘98 Ottney
Paramount Health Care
Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour
Michael & Tracy Pfeiffer
David J. & Dot Pienta
Port Lawrence Title and Trust Company
The Province of St. John The Baptist - Order of Friars Minor
Keith A. ‘03 & Michelle A. Rable
Mary & Martin P. ‘84 Regan, Jr.
William Reineke
Frank J. Reynolds ‘88 & Catherine D. Callahan ‘89
Anthony* & Katherine* Rigoli
Frank J. & Nancy E.* Roach
Romanoff Electric Corp
Bruce F. & Elizabeth B. Rumpf
The Robert C. Savage & Susan M. Savage Family Foundation
William E. & Carol A. ‘87 Schumaker
David W. ‘05 & Tracy Seeger
Helene E. Sheets ‘09
Scott L. & Liz Simon
Patricia A. Skaff ‘93
Anna F. Skoney*
Beverly A. Smith ‘95
Scot A. & Jodie Smith
Patricia A. Snyder*
Spanish American Organization
David J. & Sue Spiess
Virginia M. Stevenson ‘89
Jack & Gloria J. ‘92 Stiles
TDC Companies
Marguerite* & Norman R. Thal, Jr.
Toledo Area Catholic High Schools Scholarship Fund
Toledo Area Community Credit Union
Lynn & Robert J. Turek, Jr.
University of Toledo Medical Center Foundation
John & Ellen Vershum
Vin Devers Autohaus of Sylvania
John W. & Barbara A. Walters
Sr. M. Cabrini Warpeha, OSF
Thomas J. & Ann L. Welly
G. Patrick Williams
Thomas R. Wolf* & Karen M. Mohar
Dorothy Zammit*
Patricia* & David K. Zaski, Sr.
Sr. Karen J. Zielinski, OSF ‘74
| 2013 - 20 1 4 35
evergreen society
Honoring donors who have supported Lourdes annually for
three consecutive years or more as of June 30, 2014.
20+ years
John E. & Mary J. ‘96 Campbell
Lindell S. Clemens
John H. & Sue Crandall
Richard R. & Kathleen A. ‘94 Faist
Fifth Third Bank
Richard A. & Dolly Flasck
Geoffrey & Jenna Grubb
Lois J. Hinkleman ‘90
John F. & Barbara A. ‘98 Kornacki
The Lyden Family
Bill & Barb Masten
Penny & Robert E. O’Brien
Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.
Walter R. Palicki
Sisters of St. Francis
Jack & Gloria J. ‘92 Stiles
John & Yolanda Szuch
Harley A. & Nancy E. ‘91 Wood
15 - 19 years
Sr. M. Ann Carmen Barone, OSF ‘67
Judy M. & Charles V. Baumgartner, Jr.
F. Michael & Debra A. Bercher
M. J. Cox
Hank J. & Mary Douglas
M. Virginia Duff
Steven & LouAnn Fletcher
Robert C. & Linda Helmer
Hylant Group
Sr. M. Ann Francis Klimkowski, OSF
Norman C. Kuhlman
Frank E. Landry
Michael T. & Joyce A. Marciniak
James E. Moeller & Felicitas S. ‘85 Sebastian
Sr. M. Marguerite Polcyn, OSF
ProMedica Health System
Sr. M. Shannon Schrein, OSF ‘71
David W. ‘05 & Tracy Seeger
Kathleen J. Smith ‘88
Michael J. & Mary T. Smith
Sr. Rosine Sobczak, OSF
Darlene ‘78 & Richard B. Stansley, Sr.
Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce
Les & Erin L. Szavuly
10 – 14 years
John R. & Deborah A. Alderman
Ruth E. Alteneder
The Andersons
Michael J. & Carol H. Anderson
Richard P. ‘05 & Frances H. Anderson
James M. & Patricia J. Appold
Robert V. ‘96 & Mary Arquette
Robert H. & Gretchen E. ‘97 Bechtel
Bedford Hills Golf Club
Andra G. Bell
Patricia A. Bellomo
36 Michael D. ‘98 & Karen Biscay
Douglas J. Boston ‘98
Thomas E. & Elizabeth C. Brady
Renita M. & Howard L. Brooks, Jr.
James & Irene ‘04 Buechele
Robert F. & Cathy A. ‘94 Campbell
William J. & Cathy Carroll
Century Equipment, Inc.
James R. ‘97 & Alison M. ‘07, ‘09 Chamberlain
Mark S. & Amy Christensen
Robert N. & Mary J. Clark
Derrick Randolph & Tonya Colbert ‘03
Dane Copti
Thomas & Pamela A. ‘87 Curavo
Donald P. Czarcinski
Kathleen T. Daley
Milo L. & Chrissie Danzeisen
Thomas & Susan E. Deckelman
Michael Ewart & Kelly S. ‘13 McIntyre
Findley Davies, Inc.
FirstEnergy Foundation
Franciscan Care Center Sylvania
Thomas W. & Martha S. Gallagher
Steven M. & Patricia B. Garn
Stephanie Goller ‘04
John E. ‘10 & Carolyn J. Grant
Patricia A. Gray
Great Lakes Credit Union, Inc.
Oxana A. Grinevich
Sr. Valerie Grondin, OSF ‘65, Ph.D.
Michael A. Grzeszczak
Cynthia A. Hesburn
Charles W. & Rosalie M. Hinde
Mark & Amy L. Houston
JDRM Engineering, Inc.
Robert J. & Susan A. ‘98 Johnson
Michael P. & Beth L. ‘05 Killian
Patsy Stephens Kiros
Jeffrey J. & Pat Kuhr
Kenneth & H. Jean Kujawa
Caroline C. Kwiatkowski
Thomas & Deborah S. Lajeunesse
Michael J. & Gayle A. Lampkowski
Dale D. & Carol Lanigan
Sr. Rebecca LaPoint, OSF
Robin & Richard G. LaValley, Jr.
Vincent P. LeBer
Joseph S. & Jennifer Lenkay
Joyce P. Litten
Lourdes University Staff Association
Sue Lovett
Lyden Company
Mark & Nora MacDowell
Gary & Margaret* Malinowski
Emil & Penny Marks
Vincent K. & Lorraine E. ‘99 McHugh
John F. & Ann L. Meier
Amy L. ‘09 & George M. Mergen, Jr.
Sr. Brigid O’Shea Merriman, OSF ‘62
Jeannette C. Merritt
A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
M. Christine Miller ‘01, ‘10
Mobile Meals of Toledo
Karen M. Mohar
Kristin Moline
Scott C. & Cynthia A. Molitor
Teddi Moorman
Joseph D. Moran & Joyce Reichlin-Moran
Muir Graphics, Inc.
Lawrence P. & Darri S. ‘04 Murphy
F. Joseph & Linda E. Murray
James M. & Kay K. Murray
Ronald O. & Judith A. ‘98 Nelson
Douglas & Liz Nims
Notre Dame Academy
O-I Charities Foundation
Laurie B. Orzechowski
Edward & Laura M. ‘05 Ott
James D. Page, Jr.
Sr. Aloise Paluszak, OSF
Ruth Frost Parker
Mark & Cynthia L. ‘02, ‘11 Patterson
Thomas C. & Kathleen L. Perzynski
Sr. Theresa Martin Pigott, OP ‘80
Don & Candy Postlewaite
Keith A. ‘03 & Michelle A. Rable
Frank J. Reynolds ‘88 & Catherine D. Callahan ‘89
Karen S. Roadruck ‘09
S. Michael ‘08 & Mary K. Robinson
Gene ‘08 & Janet H. Robinson
William & Laura Rudolph
Rudolph/Libbe, Inc.
Sr. Sandra Rutkowski, OSF ‘71
Susan M. & Robert C. Savage, Sr.
Helene E. Sheets ‘09
Signature Bank
Scott L. & Liz Simon
Janet M. ‘69 & George R. Smith, Jr.
Alisa A. Smith
Ingrid Springer
Herman P. Steele
Deborah S. Sullivan ‘09
Sylvania Franciscan Health
Toledo Ballet
Toledo Community Foundation, Inc.
Toledo Mud Hens
Toledo Museum of Art
Toledo Symphony
Larry D. & Kathleen S. Ulrich
Sr. Barbara Vano, OSF
Waite-Brand Foundation
James D. & Carol Wares
Sr. M. Cabrini Warpeha, OSF
Michael S. & Kathleen A. Webber
Thomas J. & Ann L. Welly
Elizabeth T. Wise
Frederick J. ‘02 & Sue A. Wozniak
5 – 9 years
Edward & Sharon ‘86 Ahlfors
Alan Miller Jewelers
American Association of University Women
American Rent-All, Inc.
Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.
Richard L. & Denise S. Arnos
Mickey & Elaine C. Ault
John & Elaine W. Bachey
Jong & Heather G. ‘11 ‘13 Bae
George Baibak
Gene & Laura A. ‘98 Baker
Joan E. Bayer
Paul T. Belazis & Judy A. Didion
Cecile Bennett
Thomas V. & Joyce A. Bettinger
Michael & Katherine P. Beutel
Aaron & Ronnie Bivins
Bonnie J. Blakeman
Thomas C. & Anne Marie Blank
Michael & Christine W. Boudrie
Donald W. & Patricia Brenkman
Brooks Insurance Agency
Benjamin J. & Cindy Brown
Ruth L. Brown
Richard A. & Jill ‘94, ‘12 Brubaker
Michael A. & Renee ‘05 Bruno
Vicky A. & George A. ‘08, ‘10 Brymer, Jr.
Buckeye CableSystem
Christopher & Gretchen Bueter
Rev. David G. Burgard ‘87
Robert J. & Richelle L. Burkey
Benjamin D. & Bridget J. Burnor
Wayne & Gayle A. ‘08 Burrer
LeRoy & Aleta Butler
Robert & Bernadette E. Butler
Keith A. & Margie A. ‘03 Cadaret
Carpets by Otto
Bruce C. Carver
Ursula I. Cauffiel
Concept Rehab, Inc.
Matthew A. & Kelly L. Conkle
Continental Secret Service Bureau, Inc.
Country Grains Bread Co
Kimberly A. Cousino ‘99
Helen F. Cox
Albert H. & Sharon L. Croci
Barbara D. & Frank W. Cubbon, Jr.
David B. & Jane Hankenhof ‘09 Curry
Jeanette Czajka
Brian J. & Faye M. Darah
Judith A. Davenport
Kim R. & Vicki L. ‘10 Davis
Nancy A. Davis
William & Sara Jane DeHoff
Brennan Deitsch & Gina M. Luck-Deitsch ‘08
Gary P. & Diane Dekany
Kevin M. & Mary K. ‘96, ‘11 Devine
Kelly R. Dilworth ‘13
Dimech Services, Inc.
Diocese of Toledo
David & Mary Jo Dressell
Norene L. Drewicz ‘59
Jennifer L. Dykes ‘10
Joseph & Carole Dymczyk
Ernest C. & Carolina Enrique
Ernst & Young, LLP
Thomas J. Estrella
Anne Marie ‘96 Etue
Steven A. & Jamie Farr
Mark S. Feldstein
The Mark S. Feldstein Private Foundation
Michael & Karen Fischer
Fischer Tool & Die Corp.
Follett Higher Education Group
Daniel M. & Ruth Ann Fraser
Michael P. & Robin C. French
Cathy T. Frogameni
Ann M. Galloway
Robyn A. Gandy ‘85
Mary J. Garrison
Maureen J. Gartner ‘74
Paulette & Thomas B. Geiger, Jr.
Theresa A. Gerold
Joseph & Angela M. Giacci
Michael & Sondra Gibbons
Quontice M. Gibson ‘05
Michael F. & Roseanne Gill-Jacobson
George M. & Maurine Glasser
Christopher & Christina R. Muntz Gore
Stuart E. & Kim D. ‘03 Gray
Great Lakes Global Taekwon-Do
Ryan & Erin T. Hafner
John Hairston
Tara E. Hanna ‘13
Rannae Hansen ‘05 ‘12
Diane E. & John H. Harris, III
James & Michelle M. Haudan
Sr. Sharon Havelak, OSF ‘68
HCR Manor Care
Health Care REIT, Inc.
Richard W. & Margaret R. Heck
James R. & Frances C. ‘98 Hendren
James & Mary Ann Henricks
Karen J. Hensley
Pamela S. Hershberger
Lisa L. Hess ‘08
Mark W. & Mary Hetrick
Max & Linda M. Hoetzl
Heather M. Hoffman
Paul R. & Pamela A. Hollenbeck
Theresa L. Holup
Paul B. & Carol Hood
John H. & Johanna R. Hull
Kenneth O. & Janice M. Hummer
Sandra M. Hylant
Sandy Isenberg
J. Foster Jewelers
Roberto M. & Anna M. Jaso
Tobia M. & Janice J. ‘08 Jercovich
Jerl Machine, Inc.
Barry L. & Denise L. ‘01 Kaufman
Diane T. Keil-Hipp ‘90
Tim & Heidi A. ‘14 Keller
Michael J. & Debra J. Kennedy
Kody L. & Lea Anne ‘00 Kessler
Key Foundation
Shakil A. Khan
Jeffery B. & Elizabeth D. ‘11 King
Diane L. & William J. Kitson III
Bruce D. ‘08 & Jayne M. Klinger
Jeffrey R. ‘95, ‘09 & Christine M. Knaggs
Chrissy D. Knapke ‘12
Milton F. & Deborah T. Knight
Jacqueline S. Koch
Jeffery J. & Mary A. Kozy
Paul M. & Carol A. Kraus
Bernard & Annette ‘97 Krochmalny
Kroger Company
John M. & Anne M. Krupa
William H. & Julie A. ‘99 Kruse
Julie A. Kurtz ‘91
Robert W. & Kimberly A. LaClair
Katheryn C. Laird
The Lathrop Company
Mary A. & Richard G. LaValley, Sr.
Keith A. Lemle ‘07
Randall & Carla J. Leow
Harold R. & Carol A. Leupp
Jill A. Liebnau ‘93
Jeffrey & Tracy ‘12 Linenkugel
Paul & Susan Longenecker
Dean C. & Judith A. Ludwig
Anthony R. ‘93 & Leigh Macaro
Kathleen Magliochetti
Mail Works II LLC
Mainstreet Ventures, Inc.
Jeanne M. Marciniak
Janenne A. Marcus ‘13
Leroy & Marian Marquette
Alan L. & Karen M. ‘97 Martin
Todd & Leah Matteson
Todd M. ‘10 & Molly Matthews
Christopher D. & Mary J. Maurer
Patrice A. McClellan
Fran McCutchan
Medical Mutual
Laura J. Megeath
Ann Marie Mendel
Daniel L. Merritt
Casey & Aileen ‘11 Meyer
Marc L. Moralez*
Susan Morgan
Christopher & Christine M. ‘13 Morris
David A. & Kathleen L. Morris
Marilyn J. Mossing
Henry J. & Carol ‘67 Mrozek
David J. & Mary Heather Munger
Hal P. & Melissa Munger
Donald W. & Kathleen A. Myers
George L. Mylander
Michael J. & Judi L. Nath
William & Therese Naumann
John J. & Dorothy H. Newton
Sr. Rachel Marie Nijakowski, OSF ‘71
Northwest Electrical Contracting
Dorothy D. Nunemaker
Edward J. & Lorraine R. Nussel
Valerie V. Obloza
Patricia K. O’Connell
Mary J. Ohns
Olander Park System
Bob & Debra ‘08 ‘11 Olejownik
Randall D. & Barbara K. Oostra
David F. & Dana ‘03 Oswald
Thomas D. & Patricia S. ‘05 Penny
Larry C. & Jill Peterson
Sharon R. Pheatt
Brian M. ‘00 & Sandy K. Piezer
Vincent S. & Monica M. Polcyn
Martha M. & Mark A. Pownall, Jr.
Dorothy Price
Program Solutions Group
Eligio & Maritza Quinones
Racing for Recovery
Keith E. & Tina Ramsdell
| 2013 - 20 1 4 37
Ann E. Randolph
Deborah M. Rathbun ‘11
Reddeman Farms Golf Club
Chandra Reinhart ‘08, ‘10
Gregory A. & McKenna Reitz
Republic Construction Corporation
Catherine Reuther
Daniel Rey & Hongqin Li
Kollin & Manda R. Rice
David & Jane Richardson
Mark A. Robinson
Melissa Romero
Root Learning, Inc.
Michele M. Ross
James A. & Lillian Rossler
Pamela A. Rybka ‘89
Randy ‘04 & Dawn M. Saint John
Lisa Sanchez ‘99
Sauder Village
Mary Kate Savage
Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment
Pamela J. Schaefer
Keith K. & Shirley Schlender
Harry P. Schulman
David & Doris Schwartz
Seeger Consulting Service
Dale J. & Phyllis Seymour
Susan M. Shelangoskie
Keith B. Shirk & Dariel A. Jacobs
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
Victor M. Sierra
Patricia A. Skaff ‘93
Sr. M. Janeen Sobczak, OSF
Sr. Jeanine Sokolowski, OSF
Eleanor Sonntag
Joyce J. ‘00 Spinelli
Jesse L. Squire & Jennifer L. Sader
Sr. Barbara Stallman, OSF ‘71
Robert L. & Julie M. ‘97 Stausmire
Emilie J. Steers ‘84
Susan P. Stoner ‘10
Terry E. ‘13 & Belinda Strode
Sr. Nancy Ann Surma, OSF ‘68
Sylvania Tam-O-Shanter Sports, Inc.
James E. & Sandra K. Tellefsen
Thread Marketing Group
Tim Horton’s
Benjamin D. & Rebecca L. ‘09 Tobias
Toledo Area Community Credit Union
The Toledo Woman’s Club
Toledo Zoo
R. Scott & Margaret U. Trumbull
Edward V. & Ann Tschappat
United Way of Greater Toledo
Al & Deborah J. Vargo
Sr. Mary Jon Wagner, OSF
Walt Disney World Co.
John W. & Barbara A. Walters
James E. & Judith ‘96 Warntz
Rick S. & Carla L. Woodell
Patricia Rice Yancy
Lynne Zajac
David K. Zaski, Sr.*
Jerrol M. & Susan L. Zemla
Sr. Jeanette Zielinski, OSF
Gary R. & Marla J. ‘07 ‘12 Zink
Kaiko & John Zureich
38 3 – 4 years
All Good Things
David Anderson & Rachel N. Duff Anderson
Dennis & Mary Kay Assenmacher
AVI Foodsystems, Inc.
Jeffrey S. & Tina M. ‘94 Baden
Carmen Barbosa
Olivia R. Barone ‘13
Holly L. Baumgartner
B-D Manufacturing Inc
William & Rita Biegala
Craig & Jean Billmaier
Jeannette Biro
David V. Black ‘88
Jason & Andrea ‘03 Bond
Melissa R. Bondy
Sr. Barbara Ann Borkowski, OSF
Terry L. Bossert
Brieschke’s Bakery
Daniel & Satin Briones
Luann K. Brodbeck
Susan J. Brown
Abby A. Camp ‘09
Capital Tire Group, Inc.
Cardinal Stritch High School
Carolyn Chojnowski
Jamila Clark ‘11
Collaborative Charities Fund
John M. & Angela L. Couperthwaite
Fred & Pamela S. Crabtree
Raymond & Kathryn L. ‘11 ‘13 Crabtree
The Croswell Opera House
Crum Manufacturing Inc.
Jameson & Lindsay N. Czech
D & H Associates
Michael J. & Karen J. Dibling
Door Security Solutions NORTH SHORES
Sr. Janet Doyle, OP
Sr. Antoinette Dudek, OSF ‘64
Richard O. & Zakie Z. Dulbs
Catherine D. ‘84 & William J. Durako, Jr.
Angel & Gina M. Duran
Claudia M. Earnest
Russell J. & Carolee M. Ebeid
Sr. Ann Marie Emon, OSF ‘72
Employee Benefits Consulting Group LLP
David E. & Mary Lou Eriksen
Kevin G. & Annette B. ‘12 Fink
Philip R. Fink & Tina Baker-Fink
E. Lynn Fisher
Remy Fleurima ‘13
Allison N. Frey ‘08
Friends Business Source
Michael L. Froehlich
Lynn & Richard M. Fuchs, Jr.
Roland J. & Mary C. Gagnet
Rev. F. Anthony Gallagher
Michael A. & Karen A. George
James E. & Carol S. Gerdeman
Brian & Anneke M. ‘08 Godlewski
JoAnn Gordon
Charles & Angela M. Gorny
Zareth Gray
Emily N. Green
Benjamin L. & Joyce E. ‘89 Gregor
Adam & Lauren Ashley ‘08 Hahn
Andrew O. & Reyna Ham
A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
Alan & Robin R. Hamm
Eleanor J. Harbaugh
Carl H. & Anne D. Hirsch
Andrew A. & Kimberly A. ‘02 Hohlbein
H.O.T. Graphics
Patricia R. Howard
David D. & Sherrie Humphrey
Michael & Tina Hylant
Imagination Station
John B. Jacob
Sr. Rosamond Jasinski, OSF*
Jocarno Fund
Jack A. & Sue A. Jolley
Daniel C. & Judith Kasper
Terry M. & Kayla Keller
Donald V. & Sharon F. Kellermeyer
Nancy J. Kelley
Kevin J. Kenney & Associates
Hyuk Kim & Eunjeung Hwang
Charles W. & Wendie ‘09 Kiskaddon
James E. & Mary Ann Kline
Laureen K. Knueven ‘09, ‘11
William T. ‘10 & Caroline Koback
Paul R. Koester
William J. Kohler
Leonard E. Kreinbrink
Richard* & Mary Lou Krill
Dorothy A. & Anthony Kujawa, Jr.
Lakeside Interior Contractors, Inc.
Robert E. & Marcia S. Latta
Local 50 Plumbers and Steamfitters
Larry & Susan Lottier
Lourdes University Orbis Ars
Cynthia Lutzmann
John J. Makay
Robert L. & Kathleen A. Maxwell
Patricia McCarthy
Kevin J. ‘07 & Teresa A. McCrory
James H. & Barbara F. McGowan
Patrick J. & Angele McGrady
Susan McHugh
Thomas A. & Mary J. Meehan
Janet J. Metzger ‘94
Vincenz M. Meyer
James J. Minesky & Paula Goetting-Minesky
James & Ruth ‘13 Mitchell
James & Michelle E. ‘11 Molnar
Annette C. Morford-Martin ‘88
The Mosser Group
Damon R. Murdock & Demecia J. Wade-Murdock
Peter Najarian & Donna Pollex-Najarian
Nu Tek Steel, LLC
Kristin E. Oneail ‘98
James C. & Linda K. ‘11 Otermat
Sr. Kathleen Ottrock, OSF
Sr. M. Lois Anne Palkert, OSF
Perry J. & Sharon L. ‘14 Parker
Alexis B. Peregoy ‘12
ProMedica Flower Hospital/McKesson Fund
Roberta Raeder
Paul & Brenda C. Rahman
Keith A. & Julie A. Recknagel
Reeb Funeral Home
Tara N. Reineck ‘12
William Reineke
Norman & Jane Revenaugh
Noah R. & Charity Roderick
Paul & Kathleen F. Roesner
J. B. & Suzanne G. Rorick
Gerald & E. Ann Rotterdam
Ronald R. & AmyJo ‘95 Rouleau
Kristine M. Ruehl ‘94
Sr. M. Thomas More Ruffing, OSF
Elizabeth S. Ruppert
Sr. M. Irenaeus Samsel, OSF ‘59
Carol A. Schwartz ‘75
Nancy Segan
George B. Seifried
Linda Selvidge ‘99
Sr. M. Francis Jerome Serewa, OSF
Beverly Severance ‘97
Anne Shutrump
Peter M. Sibilio
Monica L. ‘12, ‘14 & Andre D. Smith, Sr.
Randolph T. & Rachael Smith
Sofo Food Company
Edward & Kathy Walczak
Polly & Thomas I. Webb, Jr.
Peter B. & Kelley M. Weddington
H. Gene Wenninger
Mary Wesley ‘14
Brent A. Wickham
Rev. Robert J. Wilhelm
Todd M. Williams ‘03
Nancy S. Wilson
Gwendolyn J. Wilson-Banks ‘08
Tara Woodbury ‘10 ‘11
Phillip A. ‘08 & Jennifer L. Worley
Richard J. & Sandra L. ‘08 Wrobel
Cynthia Zientek ‘99
Matthew & Amy S. Spangler
Spanish American Organization
St. Francis de Sales High School
St. Joseph’s Parish
Marc E. & Terry L. Stockwell
Blaine D. & Linda L. Stout
Super Fitness Centers
Robert B. & Dianne M. Tankoos
David & Cindy Taylor
Mary J. Taylor ‘06, ‘09
Ward M. Taylor
Toledo Opera
Harvey A. & Constance Tolson
Richard & Theresa ‘95 Trame
James & Mary Valiton
Vertigo Photo
James & MaryJo Vollmar
Daniel L. & Jasmine A. Wakeman
| 2013 - 20 1 4 39
legacy society
Honoring donors who have made provisions
for Lourdes in their estate plans.
Royal H. Barber, III
Thomas V. & Joyce A. Bettinger
Msgr. Michael Billian, VE
Terry L. Bossert
Olga Brodecki
Renita M. & Howard L. Brooks, Jr.
A. Evelyn Capoun
John & Therese A. ‘91 Carroll
Lindell S. Clemens
Mahlon Cooper*
Milo L. & Chrissie Danzeisen
Cleves R. & Kathy Delp
Norene L. Drewicz ‘59
Elmer L.* & Dorothy M.* Faber
Richard R. & Kathleen A. ‘94 Faist
Richard A. & Dolly Flasck
40 Michael P. & Robin C. French
Ann M. Galloway
Angela M. Garlinger ‘95
Carol Ann Harrigan-Allen ‘98
Lewis R. Heldt*
Paul B. & Carol Hood
Jeff & Shannon M. ‘05 Iverson
Paul R. Koester
John A. Kroll*
Clifford J. Kujawa
Florence M. Lackamp*
Ronald R.* & Colleen Langenderfer
A. Helen Lawson
Alex C. Leadbetter
Richard J. & Gerry M. MacAdams
Edmund L. Naber*
Thomas W. Noe
A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
Rita F. O’Grady Trust*
Walter R. Palicki
Ruth Frost Parker
Elizabeth J. Pluto
Janet Santelli*
Dale J. & Phyllis Seymour
Msgr. Bernard E. Smith*
Patricia A. Snyder*
Herman P. Steele
Larry D. & Kathleen S. Ulrich
Thomas J. & Ann L. Welly
Kim W. Werner*
Donald D. Young*
Cecilia Zarembski*
David K. Zaski, Sr.*
franciscan society
Through their gift of $1,000 or greater, either in a single gift or
accumulated within the fiscal year, Franciscan Society members
have become a catalyst in the lives of our students.
Annual fund donors provide the foundation for giving at Lourdes
University. Through their generous support, they enable the
University to provide the opportunities to students that would
otherwise have been financially impossible. The gifts below are
for the fiscal year from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014.
The Andersons Inc Charitable Foundation
John C. & Sarah J. Bates
Joan E. Bayer
William & Sara Jane DeHoff
The Honorable Andy H. & Lorene T. Devine
Diocese of Toledo
Russell J. & Carolee M. Ebeid
Fifth Third Bank
Michael & Karen Fischer
Richard A. & Dolly Flasck
France Stone Foundation
The Frost-Parker Foundation
Paulette & Thomas B. Geiger, Jr.
Diane E. & John H. Harris, III
Heidtman Steel Products
Bruce D. ‘08 & Jayne M. Klinger
Robert W. & Kimberly A. LaClair
Mary A. & Richard G. LaValley, Sr.
Robin & Richard G. LaValley, Jr.
LaValley Foundation
Lyden Company
The Lyden Family
Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.
O-I Charities Foundation
Dorothy Price
ProMedica Flower Hospital/McKesson Fund
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Sisters of St. Francis
Donald D. Young*
$10,000 – 24,999
Michael J. & Carol H. Anderson
AVI Foodsystems, Inc.
John & Elaine W. Bachey
John C. Bates Foundation
Block Communications Inc
Allan J. & Susan J. Block
Buckeye CableSystem
Capital Tire Group, Inc.
William J. & Cathy Carroll
Bruce C. Carver
Charles & Cynthia M. Dana
Cleves R. & Kathy Delp
Richard R. & Kathleen A. ‘94 Faist
Mark S. Feldstein
The Mark S. Feldstein Private Foundation
Paul M. & Carol A. Kraus
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Muir Graphics, Inc.
PNC Bank
PNC Foundation
Rev. James Profota
ProMedica Health System
Rudolph/Libbe, Inc.
Keith K. & Shirley Schlender
George B. Seifried
Steel Dynamics, Inc.
Sylvania Franciscan Health
Thread Marketing Group
Waite-Brand Foundation
David F. & Heidi E. Waterman
$7,500 – 9,999
Robert V. ‘96 & Mary Arquette
Vicky A. & George A. ‘08, ‘10 Brymer, Jr.
Barbara D. & Frank W. Cubbon, Jr.
Ernest C. & Carolina Enrique
Daniel P. & Erin C. Ibele
John F. & Ann L. Meier
MT Business Technologies, Inc.
James W. & Mary E. Pope
Program Solutions Group
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
Toledo Community Foundation, Inc.
$5,000 – 7,499
The Andersons
Richard P. ‘05 & Frances H. Anderson
James M. & Patricia J. Appold
Terry L. Bossert
Comfort Line Ltd
Concept Rehab, Inc.
Dana Holding Corporation
Norene L. Drewicz ‘59
Michael & Sondra Gibbons
James & Michelle M. Haudan
Sandra M. Hylant
Harold R. & Carol A. Leupp
Libbey Inc.
David J. & Joan M. Livingston
Clement O. Miniger Memorial Foundation
James M. & Kay K. Murray
David J. & Dot Pienta
Catherine Reuther
Root Learning, Inc.
Signature Bank
Harvey A. & Constance Tolson
Larry D. & Kathleen S. Ulrich
Al & Deborah J. Vargo
$2,500 – 4,999
Ruth E. Alteneder
Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.
Richard L. & Denise S. Arnos
Betco Corporation
Thomas E. & Elizabeth C. Brady
Alan W. & Dana Brass
Crum Manufacturing Inc.
Dana Corporation Foundation
Paul T. Belazis & Judy A. Didion
Dimech Services, Inc.
Michael F. & Roseanne Gill-Jacobson
Allen T. ‘88 & Maggie L. Haley
HCR Manor Care
Scott J. Heacock
Robert C. & Linda Helmer
Charles W. & Rosalie M. Hinde
Michael P. & Beth L. ‘05 Killian
Milton F. & Deborah T. Knight
The Lathrop Company
Emil & Penny Marks
Medical Mutual
Mobile Meals of Toledo
Penny & Robert E. O’Brien
Walter R. Palicki
Mark & Cynthia L. ‘02, ‘11 Patterson
Larry C. & Jill Peterson
William Reineke
Republic Construction Corporation
William & Laura Rudolph
Scholarship Fund, Inc.
John & Yolanda Szuch
$1,000 - 2,499
AKAM Enterprises, Inc.
John R. & Deborah A. Alderman
B-D Manufacturing Inc
A. Dwayne & Susan Beggs
Thomas V. & Joyce A. Bettinger
Michael D. ‘98 & Karen Biscay
Rev. Robert Borer
Evelyn J. Campbell ‘13
John W. & Dawn L. Christy
The Collaborative, Inc.
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
James D. & Kimberly A. Cooper
Ernest & Helen B. ‘93 Crum
Milo L. & Chrissie Danzeisen
Brian J. & Faye M. Darah
John A. & Nancy G. DiMartini
Door Security Solutions NORTH SHORES
Epiphany Community Services
Expeditus Transport, LLC
Findley Davies, Inc.
Flower Hospital Guild
Michael P. & Robin C. French
Rev. F. Anthony Gallagher
Brenda & Thomas B. Geiger, Sr.
GEM Energy LLC
Michael A. & Karen A. George
Geoffrey & Jenna Grubb
| 2013 - 20 1 4 41
Harold Jaffe Jewelers
John F. & Jeanie Hayward
Pamela S. Hershberger
H.O.T. Graphics
Mark & Amy L. Houston
Huntington Insurance
Jeannie Hylant
Michael & Tina Hylant
Patrick R. & Ann Hylant
Richard & Clare Hylant
Hylant Group
Jocarno Fund
Paul & Denise Johnson
Thomas W. & Nancy P. Kabat
Keepsake Portraits
Donald V. & Sharon F. Kellermeyer
Alan W. Kimpel & Barbara S. Steele
Diane L. & William J. Kitson III
Paul R. Koester
Jeffery J. & Mary A. Kozy
Jeffrey J. & Pat Kuhr
Lakeside Interior Contractors, Inc.
Michael J. & Gayle A. Lampkowski
Jill A. Liebnau ‘93
Joyce P. Litten
Local 50 Plumbers and Steamfitters
Lourdes University Staff Association
Dean C. & Judith A. Ludwig
Kathleen Magliochetti
Mail Works II LLC
Mainstreet Ventures, Inc.
Michael T. & Joyce A. Marciniak
Todd & Leah Matteson
Robert D. & Lynne W. Mazur
John McHugh
James & Michelle E. ‘11, ‘14 Molnar
Christopher & Christine M. ‘13 Morris
David J. & Mary Heather Munger
Hal P. & Melissa Munger
Lawrence P. & Darri S. ‘04 Murphy
Patrick J. & Kitty Murtha
Northwest Electrical Contracting
Patricia K. O’Connell
Office Furniture Warehouse
OmniSource Corporation
Kristin E. Oneail ‘98
Laurie B. Orzechowski
Thomas C. & Kathleen L. Perzynski
Wellington F. Roemer, III
Wellington F Roemer Insurance Co
Sauder Woodworking Co
Susan M. & Robert C. Savage, Sr.
Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment
Robert W. & Laurie Schoonmaker
Service Spring Corporation
Helene E. Sheets ‘09
Keith B. Shirk & Dariel A. Jacobs
Yehia H. & Emney Shousher
Paul G. & Susan K. Sieben
Michael J. & Mary T. Smith
Monica L. ‘12, ‘14 & Andre D. Smith, Sr.
Eleanor Sonntag
Spanish American Organization
Jesse L. Squire & Jennifer L. Sader
St. Francis de Sales High School
Jack & Gloria J. ‘92 Stiles
Eric & Amy Swierczek
42 Toledo Children’s Hospital
The Toledo Woman’s Club
Richard T. & Georgianna M. Torchia
Thomas & Patti Tuschman
United Way of Greater Toledo
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Douglas ‘08 & Deborah K. ‘92 Waldie
Richard E. White
Jerrol M. & Susan L. Zemla
$500 – 999
Mary Jo Anderson
Holly L. Baumgartner
James R. & Melissa J. ‘13 Bergfeld
Chad & Linda Bringman
Christopher & Gretchen Bueter
Cardinal Stritch High School
James R. ‘97 & Alison M. ‘07, ‘09 Chamberlain
Collaborative Charities Fund
Continental Secret Service Bureau, Inc.
Cooper-Smith Advertising
John H. & Sue Crandall
Donald P. Czarcinski
Dancing Light Studio
Nancy A. Davis ‘14
Kelly R. Dilworth ‘13
DMC Technology Group, Inc.
Hank J. & Mary Douglas
Edward Jones
Element 112
David E. & Mary Lou Eriksen
Ernst & Young, LLP
James B. & Sanda Findley
Marilynn R. Fine
Kevin G. & Annette B. ‘12 Fink
Philip R. Fink & Tina Baker-Fink
FirstEnergy Foundation
First Merit Bank
The Galloway Group, Inc.
Peter J. & Valerie A. Garforth
Sr. Carolyn Giera, OSF ‘62
Brian & Anneke M. ‘08 Godlewski
John & Linda Graham
John E. ‘10 & Carolyn J. Grant
Hafner Florist, Inc.
HCC, Inc.
Health Care REIT, Inc.
Max & Linda M. Hoetzl
Duane J. Horst
John M. & Rita M. ‘00 Hrivnyak
John H. & Johanna R. Hull
JDRM Engineering, Inc.
Jerl Machine, Inc.
Jet’s Pizza
Sr. Joan Jurski, OSF
Daniel C. & Judith Kasper
Brian P. & Mary Kennedy
Kevin J. Kenney & Associates
Jeffrey R. ‘95, ‘09 & Christine M. Knaggs
Kevin & Christa S. Koffel
Kroger Company
Kenneth & H. Jean Kujawa
Virginia I. Langenderfer*
Dale D. & Carol Lanigan
T.J. & Susan Lewis
Victoria Luhring
John P. Mackin
A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
Larry Manley & Cheryl Buckland Manley
Peter R. & Susan D. Martyn
Jason & Rachel Mason
Robert L. & Kathleen A. Maxwell
Vincent K. & Lorraine E. ‘99 McHugh
Clayton D. & Gloria A. McKenzie
Donald M. & Martha Mewhort
M. Christine Miller ‘01, ‘10
James J. Minesky & Paula Goetting-Minesky
James & Ruth ‘13 Mitchell
Scott C. & Cynthia A. Molitor
The Mosser Group
Munn Wealth Advisors
Peter Najarian & Donna Pollex-Najarian
Michael J. & Judi L. Nath
Nazareth Hall
Sr. Rachel Marie Nijakowski, OSF ‘71
The Noma Group, Inc.
Nu Tek Steel, LLC
Olander Park System
Bob & Debra ‘08 ‘11 Olejownik
Randall D. & Barbara K. Oostra
Paramount Health Care
Christina Parker
Salvadore E. & Lena S. Peron
Don & Candy Postlewaite
Mario N. & Kristie Procaccini
Keith A. ‘03 & Michelle A. Rable
Racing for Recovery
Keith E. & Tina Ramsdell
Regional Growth Partnership
Alice Robie Resnick
Gene ‘08 & Janet H. Robinson
Roetzel & Andress
Ronald R. & AmyJo ‘95 Rouleau
Dale J. & Phyllis Seymour
Pamela J. Schaefer
Michael J. Sgro
Yehia H. Shousher Rev. Living Trust
Scott L. & Liz Simon
Tobin J. & Sherry L. Slocum
Alisa A. Smith
Soffietta Art Glass
Susan P. Stoner ‘10
Sylvania Advantage
Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce
Lynn & Robert J. Turek, Jr.
Lance & Wanda Tyo
Walt Disney World Co.
Peter B. & Kelley M. Weddington
Harley A. & Nancy E. ‘91 Wood
Lynne Zajac
Phillip & Edina Zmuda
Kaiko & John Zureich
endowed funds & scholarships
Lourdes is grateful to the many donors who have generously set up
scholarship funds to assist students.
Lourdes has two types of scholarships: Endowed, and Named or
Endowed Scholarships:
Endowed scholarships last in perpetuity. The minimum dollar amount
needed to establish an endowed scholarship is $10,000. An endowed
scholarship can be established upfront with a gift of $10,000 or more,
or it may be paid through a pledge agreement not to exceed three
years. Once endowed, 5% of the three-year rolling average will be
awarded annually in scholarships to students. Subsequent donor
contributions to the fund go towards the principle, thus increasing the
awardable earnings. By university policy, the principle amount of an
endowment cannot be invaded.
Named (pass-through) Scholarships:
Named scholarships are awarded as contributions are received. Funds
do not accumulate. The minimum amount necessary to establish a
named scholarship is $500 with a commitment to support the fund
annually for at least three years. Funds that do not have a balance
will move to inactive status until sufficient funds are acquired. Named
funds that are inactive for one or more years may be discontinued and/
or any balance may be rolled into another fund at the discretion of the
Financial Aid Office.
Scholarship Guidelines Established by Donor:
When setting up a new scholarship fund, several criteria and
guidelines should be considered. To facilitate the awarding, the more
general the guidelines, the easier it is to award the scholarship. All
guidelines are at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid. A donor
may consider the following:
n Naming: A fund may be named at the discretion of the donor.
n Financial need: Students may or may not be required to show
financial need. This is determined through a student’s Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – a federal financial aid
n Course of Study: The scholarship may be major-specific.
n Enrollment Status: It is preferable to award scholarships to full-time
students (12+ credit hours) because their financial need is the
greatest. Enrollment status options are part-time and full-time.
n Year of study: A year of study or a number of semester hours at
Lourdes successfully completed may be designated.
n GPA: Scholarship or a specific GPA or ACT/SAT score may be a
consideration. Lourdes does require that all students receiving
scholarships are in good academic standing.
n Additional Qualifications of Recipient: Donors may establish specific
criteria of scholarship recipients (i.e., graduated from a specific
high school) pending approval from the Director of Financial Aid.
n Acknowledgements: Students receiving scholarships must agree to
participate in thanking the donor(s).
For more information on setting up a scholarship, please contact Mike
George, director of development and annual fund at 419-517-8990 or
| 2013 - 20 1 4 43
The Father James Bacik Endowed Chair in
Theological Studies
Thomas W. & Nancy P. Kabat
Dr. Richard T. Torchia & Mrs. Georgianna M. Torchia
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
The Endowed Chair in Education –
Principal Academy
Diocese of Toledo
The Joseph M. Magliochetti Endowed Chair of Business and Finance
The Sisters of St. Francis Endowed Chair in Franciscan Integration
Sisters of St. Francis
The College of Business Professorship
The Mark S. Feldstein Private Foundation
The Larry and Kathy Ulrich Professorship in
The Sister Agneta/Gorman Art Scholarship
Carole Kiroff
Les & Erin L. Szavuly
The Ruth Rowland Alteneder Nursing Scholarship
Ruth E. Alteneder
The Alumni Scholarship
The Melissa Anderzack Nursing Scholarship
Thomas & Susan E. Deckelman
Kristie N. Gallagher ‘11
Thomas W. & Martha S. Gallagher
Program Solutions Group
Summer Repass ‘11
Al & Deborah J. Vargo
Jeffrey M. & Linette M. Will ‘11
Lynne Zajac
The Auxiliary Scholarship
Edward & Sharon ‘86 Ahlfors
Richard P. ‘05 & Frances H. Anderson
Sylvia R. Bartell
Thomas V. & Joyce A. Bettinger
William & Rita Biegala
Richard T. & Charlene Boyd
Donald W. & Patricia Brenkman
Kenneth M. & Barbara Bro
Olga Brodecki
Renita M. & Howard L. Brooks, Jr.
Ruth L. Brown
Susan J. Brown
John E. & Mary J. ‘96 Campbell
Norman & Marjorie A. Cowell
Jeanette Czajka
Judith A. Davenport
44 Hannah F. Davis
Ralph & Karen DeNune
David & Mary Jo Dressell
Norene L. Drewicz ‘59
Richard O. & Zakie Z. Dulbs
Joseph & Carole Dymczyk
Claudia M. Earnest
Richard R. & Kathleen A. ‘94 Faist
Richard A. & Dolly Flasck
Cathy T. Frogameni
Roland J. & Mary C. Gagnet
Theresa A. Gerold
Joseph & Angela M. Giacci
Mary L. Glen
Thomas G. & Margaret A. Gregory
Eleanor J. Harbaugh
James & Mary Ann Henricks
Charles W. & Rosalie M. Hinde
Carl H. & Anne D. Hirsch
Patricia R. Howard
Joseph P. & Sheila O. Jordan
Nancy J. Kelley
Dorothy A. & Anthony Kujawa, Jr.
Katheryn C. Laird
Sue Lovett
Edythe J. Lykowski
Betty MacKillop
Emil & Penny Marks
Leroy & Marian Marquette
Patricia McCarthy
Fran McCutchan
James H. & Barbara F. McGowan
Ann Marie Mendel
Dorothy Mioduszewski
William & Therese Naumann
Dona M. Netterfield
Sue Ney
Dorothy D. Nunemaker
Penny & Robert E. O’Brien
Vincent S. & Monica M. Polcyn
Peter Najarian & Donna Pollex-Najarian
Martha M. & Mark A. Pownall, Jr.
Ann E. Randolph
Norman & Jane Revenaugh
Geneva D. Rodgers
Joseph L. & Dolores Roesner
James A. & Lillian Rossler
Gerald & E. Ann Rotterdam
Pamela A. Rybka ‘89
Daniel & Cheryl A. Sanders
Mary Kate Savage
David & Doris Schwartz
Anne Shutrump
Darlene ‘78 & Richard B. Stansley, Sr.
Emilie J. Steers ‘84
Larry D. & Kathleen S. Ulrich
James & Mary Valiton
David & Anne D. Vander Hooven
The Bel-Main Scholarship
The Rebecca Binkowski Scholarship
Thomas & Pamela A. ‘87 Curavo
Brother Paul Hoffman, SM
The Olga Christina Boone and Ellen Christina
Boone Scholarship
Karen A. Bahow
A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
The Douglas J. Boston Scholarship
The Tom and Betsy Brady Study Abroad Scholarship
The Evelyn Campbell Scholarship
Teresa Adamshick ‘95
Chelsea J. Aiello ‘12
Bradford J. & Carrie A. ‘09 Alexander
Charity L. Anderson ‘11
Robert V. ‘96 & Mary Arquette
Sr. M. Ann Carmen Barone, OSF ‘67
Diana Beazley ‘04
Aimee Beeman ‘07
Jennifer R. Bettinger ‘10 ‘13
Gina H. Black ‘13
Douglas J. Boston ‘98
Brenda Boudrie ‘07
Candice D. Braxton ‘08
Margaret E. Bretzloff ‘13
Constance Brooks ‘12
Michael C. ‘12 & Kaycee L. Buck
Heather L. Calkins ‘00 ‘12
Rev. Charles E. & Jerilyn K. Campbell
Craig W. Campbell
Evelyn J. Campbell ‘13
Jamila Clark ‘11
Kristine Cookson ‘12
Jennifer L. Dahmani ‘13
Robert J. & Elizabeth A. ‘04 Davies
Kelly R. Dilworth ‘13
Linda A. Fadden ‘80
Lora A. Gable ‘14
Sr. Carolyn Giera, OSF ‘62
Sr. Cecile D. Glodek, OSF ‘65
Brian & Anneke M. ‘08 Godlewski
Stephanie Goller ‘04
Sr. Valerie Grondin, OSF ‘65, Ph.D.
Allen T. ‘88 & Maggie L. Haley
David B. & Jane Hankenhof ‘09 Curry
Carol Ann Harrigan-Allen ‘98
Jennifer K. Heinze ‘97, ‘12
James R. & Frances C. ‘98 Hendren
Tobia M. & Janice J. ‘08 Jercovich
Marcia Kasza ‘08
Matthew L. & Alisa M. ‘04 ‘12 Keck
Debra Kehren ‘12
Joseph Kest, Jr. ‘13
Douglas Kidd ‘07
Laureen K. Knueven ‘09, ‘11
James F. & Cheryl L. Kohring
Kroger Company
William H. & Julie A. ‘99 Kruse
Peitso H. Laurinen ‘99
Martita E. Lawson ‘92
Nicole M. Magana ‘14
Todd M. ‘10 & Molly Matthews
Heather McCaig ‘08
Carolyn R. McCartney ‘14
Lisa P. McCartney ‘06
Erin McPartland ‘11, 12
James & Ruth ‘13 Mitchell
Christopher & Christine M. ‘13 Morris
Henry J. & Carol ‘67 Mrozek
Paul R. Mueller ‘11
Rebecca Neeley ‘14
Susan Nowak ‘13
Bob & Debra ‘08 ‘11 Olejownik
Edward & Laura M. ‘05 Ott
Panera Bread
Mark & Cynthia L. ‘02, ‘11 Patterson
Nicole R. Peckham ‘13
Debra A. Piel ‘97
Anna C. Proshek ‘13
Judith A. Ramirez ‘14
Kevin & Melanie R. ‘10 Rantanen
Nicholas A. ‘13 & Annette S. ‘02 Rediger
Summer Repass ‘11
Claudette Reynolds
Claudia Reynolds ‘14
Heather L. Rodriguez ‘13
Linda Roth ‘08
Richard L. & Cynthia J. ‘06 Ruff
Victoria C. Ruiz ‘13
Sr. Sandra Rutkowski, OSF ‘71
Randy ‘04 & Dawn M. Saint John
Melinda Scott ‘14
Nicole A. Searfoss ‘14
Eleanore J. Sharkey
Thomas W. & Janis L. Sharkey
Jamila Shaw ‘13
Anne C. Sidner ‘60
Patricia A. Skaff ‘93
Magdalena M. Skiles ‘84
Jack & Gloria J. ‘92 Stiles
Daniel ‘11 & Brenda Waters
John & Angela A. ‘05 Weichelt
Mary Wesley ‘14
Todd M. Williams ‘03
Kimberly L. Wilson ‘13
Gwendolyn J. Wilson-Banks ‘08
Jennifer J. Wohlwend ‘01
Richard J. & Sandra L. ‘08 Wrobel
Cherryl Young ‘13
Devona Young
Eric & Patricia M. ‘13 Zulewski
The Walter H. Chapman Art Scholarship
Les & Erin L. Szavuly
The Faist Scholarship
The Eleanor Kahle Memorial Scholarship
The Fifth Third Bank Scholarship
The Stephen J. Kaptur Scholarship
The James R. Findlay, Sr. Family Business
The Irene Toth Kinsey Scholarship
The Michael J. Fischer/Fischer Tool and Die
Corporation Scholarship
PNC Bank
PNC Foundation
The Florence and Leo Lackamp Scholarship
The Ann M & Frank E Landry Scholarship
Lawrence P. & Darri S. ‘04 Murphy
The LaValley Scholarship
The Lourdes University Diamante Scholarship
The Graduate Student Scholarship
Michael P. & Robin C. French
Michael J. & Mary T. Smith
The Elwood (Woody) Haley Business Scholarship
Dane Copti
Philip R. Fink & Tina Baker-Fink
Allen T. ‘88 & Maggie L. Haley
Tim & Heidi A. ‘14 Keller
Kenneth & H. Jean Kujawa
Edward & Laura M. ‘05 Ott
The Hirsch Scholarship
The Faculty Memorial Scholarship
Lynne Zajac
The Paul and Carol Kraus Scholarship
Paul M. & Carol A. Kraus
The Robin C. French Scholarship in Graduate
Michael P. & Robin C. French
Stanley J. Potempa
Sr. M. Shannon Schrein, OSF ‘71
Sisters of St. Francis
The Barbara D. Cubbon Business and Leadership
Barbara D. & Frank W. Cubbon, Jr.
The Dorothy M. and Elmer L. Faber Perpetual Scholarship
The Paul R. Koester Environmental Science and
Biology Scholarship
The ProMedica Flower Hospital McKesson
ProMedica Flower Hospital/McKesson Fund
The Sharon Haley and Don Gokee Scholarship
Allen T. ‘88 & Maggie L. Haley
The Duns Scotus Library
The Paul R. Koester Education Scholarship
The Flasck Scholarship
Richard A. & Dolly Flasck
The College of Business and Leadership
Philip R. Fink & Tina Baker-Fink
Hyuk Kim & Eunjeung Hwang
Kenneth & H. Jean Kujawa
Paul & Susan Longenecker
Dean C. & Judith A. Ludwig
Patrice A. McClellan
Patricia K. O’Connell
Edward & Laura M. ‘05 Ott
Jesse L. Squire & Jennifer L. Sader
Brent A. Wickham
The Doyle Social Work Scholarship
The Sister Ann Francis Klimkowski Scholarship
Carolyn Chojnowski
Helen F. Cox
Sr. M. Ann Francis Klimkowski, OSF
The Karen J. Fischer Nursing Scholarship
Michael & Karen Fischer
The Ruth V. Hawkins Heldt Education
The Arthur and Mary Hills Scholarship
The Steven G. Hills Memorial Art Scholarship
Les & Erin L. Szavuly
The Lourdes University General Endowment
Michael & Christine W. Boudrie
James R. ‘97 & Alison M. ‘07, ‘09 Chamberlain
Charles & Cynthia M. Dana
Hank J. & Mary Douglas
Oxana A. Grinevich
Sandra M. Hylant
Keith B. Shirk & Dariel A. Jacobs
Diane L. & William J. Kitson III
William J. Kohler
LaValley Foundation
Joyce P. Litten
Michael T. & Joyce A. Marciniak
Todd & Leah Matteson
Amy L. ‘09 & George M. Mergen, Jr.
M. Christine Miller ‘01, ‘10
James J. Minesky & Paula Goetting-Minesky
Teddi Moorman
Marc L. Moralez*
Christopher & Christine M. ‘13 Morris
F. Joseph & Linda E. Murray
Edward J. & Lorraine R. Nussel
James D. Page, Jr.
Kollin & Manda R. Rice
Carol A. Schwartz ‘75
The Lourdes University Veterans Scholarship
The Lyden Family Scholarship
Lyden Company
The Benjamin Hogg Scholarship
Les & Erin L. Szavuly
The Islamic Christian Fellowship Scholarship
Yehia H. & Emney Shousher
Yehia H. Shousher Rev. Living Trust
The Islamic Community Scholarship
The Dennis and Sheila Johnson Scholarship
Dennis G. & Sheila C. Johnson
The Dr. Patricia McCutchan - Richard Venier
The McMaster Family Foundation Scholarship
The Multicultural Student Services Program
O-I Charities Foundation
| 2013 - 20 1 4 45
The Nightingale Nursing Education Scholarship
Jeffrey S. & Tina M. ‘94 Baden
Flower Hospital Guild
Larry Manley & Cheryl Buckland Manley
Lois M. Manion ‘97
Bill & Barb Masten
John C. & Rebecca A. D. Zechman
The Signature Bank, N.A. Scholarship
Signature Bank
The Sisters of St. Francis Franciscan Integration
Sisters of St. Francis
The Sister Maria Goretti Sodd Scholarship
Vincent K. & Lorraine E. ‘99 McHugh
The Bob and Penny O’Brien Scholarship
The Staff Association Memorial Scholarship
Paul & K.C. Bailey
Melissa R. Bondy
Kristin Booth ‘10
Robert J. & Richelle L. Burkey
LeRoy & Aleta Butler
Todd L. Chiarelott
Matthew A. & Kelly L. Conkle
M. J. Cox
Jameson & Lindsay N. Czech
Nancy A. Davis
Michael J. & Karen J. Dibling
Kelly R. Dilworth ‘13
Angel & Gina M. Duran
Mary E. Fairbanks
Cynthia A. Fisher
Michael A. & Karen A. George
Charles & Angela M. Gorny
Patricia A. Gray
Andrew O. & Reyna Ham
Tara E. Hanna ‘13
Cynthia A. Hesburn
Max & Linda M. Hoetzl
Heather M. Hoffman
Cindy L. Hurst
John B. Jacob
Keith A. Johns
Michael J. & Debra J. Kennedy
Thomas & Deborah S. Lajeunesse
Brianna K. Lievens Pilbeam
Lourdes University Staff Association
Todd M. ‘10 & Molly Matthews
Amy L. ‘09 & George M. Mergen, Jr.
Jeannette C. Merritt
M. Christine Miller ‘01, ‘10
James & Ruth ‘13 Mitchell
Karen M. Mohar
Christopher & Christine M. ‘13 Morris
Edward & Laura M. ‘05 Ott
Don & Candy Postlewaite
The Rita O’Grady Scholarship
The Chuck Oswald Memorial Scholarship
The Owens Corning Diamante Latino
The Walter Palicki Library Endowment
Walter R. Palicki
The Ruth Frost Parker Nursing Scholarship
The PNC Diamante Latino Scholarship
The Presidential Franciscan Scholarship
The Catherine Reuther Lifelong Learning
Catherine Reuther
The Roemer Insurance – Janice L. Ramsdell
Keith E. & Tina Ramsdell
Wellington F Roemer Insurance Co
The Keith and Shirley Schlender Masters of
Science in Nursing Scholarship
Keith K. & Shirley Schlender
Al & Deborah J. Vargo
The Patricia Flaherty Seifried Scholarship
George B. Seifried
The Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick Scholarship
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
David F. & Heidi E. Waterman
Elizabeth A. Radecki
Keith E. & Tina Ramsdell
Deborah M. Rathbun ‘11
Chandra Reinhart ‘08, ‘10
Natalie I. Richardson
Ronald R. & AmyJo ‘95 Rouleau
Helene E. Sheets ‘09
Scott L. & Liz Simon
Alisa A. Smith
Janet M. ‘69 & George R. Smith, Jr.
Ann D. Snyder
Blaine D. & Linda L. Stout
Rick S. & Carla L. Woodell
The Stasch-Howell Scholarship
Michael J. & Carol H. Anderson
The Student Memorial Scholarship
The Student Nurse Anesthetist Support Fund
Benjamin D. & Bridget J. Burnor
Jill A. Liebnau ‘93
The Sylvania CIC Scholarship
John H. & Sue Crandall
The John S. and Yolanda Danyi Szuch Scholarship
John & Yolanda Szuch
The Robert J. Turek, Jr. Leadership Scholarship
The Philip S. Willis Scholarship
The Women’s Initiative and United Way Scholarship
The Connie Wos Memorial Scholarship
Judy M. & Charles V. Baumgartner, Jr.
The Grace R. Young Scholarship
Donald D. Young*
The David K. & Patti Zaski Scholarship
David K. Zaski, Sr.*
The Sister Karen Zielinski Scholarship
James E. & Carol S. Gerdeman
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy
in this report. However, if your name has been
incorrectly listed or inadvertently omitted, please
contact Mike George, director of development &
annual fund, at mgeorge@lourdes.edu or
46 A N N UA L RE P ORT | 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
coming events
Spring Semester Begins
Register for classes:
Late Registration
Register for classes:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Lourdes University closed
S.A.V.E. Lecture
Urban Farming Ministry
Franciscan Center
7:30 pm
Annual Have a Heart
Restock Drive
Alumni Committee Meeting
Activities and Advancement
Franciscan Center
5:30 pm
All events are FREE unless otherwise noted
Alumni Phonathon
2 to 6 pm Sundays
6 to 9 pm Mondays - Thursdays
“When the Past Calls, Let It
Go To Voicemail”
Define Your Own Destiny’s
(DYOD) Jennifer Wenzke and
Kathy Pigott share personal
triumphs over adversity and
discuss how to live your best
possible self
Bring lunch; dessert and drinks
Regina Hall Conference Room
S.A.V.E. Lecture
Climate Change: What is it?
Where is it now?
Franciscan Center
7:30 pm
Spring Break
No classes
2015 Registration Begins
Summer and Fall Semesters
Lifelong Learning Lecture
Franciscan Center
10 am
Annual Celebration of Black
History Month
Featuring Lourdes choirs and
community guests including Alma
Drum and Dance
Franciscan Center
5:30 pm
| S p r ing 2015 47
“Northwest Ohio Coming
Together to Reduce Violence
in Schools”
An Evening with the Sandy Hook
Co-sponsored by St. Rose Parish
Peace & Justice Committee
Franciscan Center
7 pm
“Lifestyles of the Relaxed and
Cyd Laurel, clinical counselor at
Sophia Center
Regina Hall Conference Room
Lifelong Learning Lecture
Franciscan Center
10 am
48 Distinguished History Lecture
D. Scott Hartwig, Retired
Supervisory Park Historian at
Gettysburg National Military
Park will speak on the American
Civil War
Franciscan Center
7 pm
100,000 Meals / 100,000
Outreach project with Toledo
Area Ministries
Franciscan Center gymnasium
8 am to 5 pm
Dr. Morton Golderg Lecture
“Human Rights and Human
Obligations from a Jewish
Rabbi Rob Dobrusin
Franciscan Center
2 pm
AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
Alumni & Student Outing
Toledo Walleye vs. Evansville
Huntington Center, Toledo OH
Spring Student Art Exhibition
Opening Reception
Russell Ebeid Hall/Ulrich
7-9 pm
Spring Student Art Exhibition
Russell Ebeid Hall/Ulrich
Commons Area
Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak
Lecture Series
Franciscan Center
2-5 pm
Easter Break
Lourdes University closed
Father Bacik Lecture Series
The Resurrection According to the
Distinct Perspective of the Four
Evangelists: Mark
Our Lady Queen of Peace
$35 for series; $10 individual
preregistered; $15 walk-ins
5:30 pm
S.A.V.E. Lecture
Waste Water Treatment Becoming
Resource Recovery Plants
Franciscan Center
7:30 pm
Father Bacik Lecture Series
The Resurrection According to the
Distinct Perspective of the Four
Evangelists: Matthew
Our Lady Queen of Peace
$35 for series; $10 individual
preregistered; $15 walk-ins
5:30 pm
Lifelong Learning Lecture
Franciscan Center
10 am
2015 Ohio Council on
Criminal Justice Education
Ebeid Student Center
Details TBA
Alumni Night at Great Wolf
Sandusky, OH
1 pm - Wolf Shake Break Gitchigoomie Grille
5 pm - Hospitality Room
Stay overnight - reduced rate
Awards Ceremony
Franciscan Center
2 pm
Father Bacik Lecture Series
The Resurrection According to the
Distinct Perspective of the Four
Evangelists: Luke
Our Lady Queen of Peace
$35 for series; $10 individual
preregistered; $15 walk-ins
5:30 pm
Franciscan Center
$125 per person
6 pm
MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015
2015 Research & Scholarship
Franciscan Center
4-9 pm
Joseph M. Magliochetti
Leadership Summit
James “Jamie” Wesner of One
Acre Fund, Eric Savage of Unitas
Capital, Bob Savage Jr. of Rocket
The Park Inn By Radisson
$25 per person
Student rates available
11:30 am
Father Bacik Lecture Series
The Resurrection According to the
Distinct Perspective of the Four
Evangelists: John
Our Lady Queen of Peace
$35 for series; $10 individual
preregistered; $15 walk-ins
5:30 pm
Senior Student Art Exhibition
Opening Reception
Russell Ebeid Hall/Delp Hall
Common areas
7-9 pm
Sp r ing 20 1 5 49
Senior Student Art Exhibition
Russell Ebeid Hall/Delp Hall
Common areas
Annual Spring Concert
Featuring Lourdes choirs
Franciscan Center
7 pm
Alumni Committee Meeting
Activities and Advancement
Franciscan Center
5:30 pm
Alumni Happy Hour
Location TBA
5 pm
2015 Baccalaureate
Our Lady Queen of Peace
10 am
2015 Commencement
SeaGate Convention Center
1 pm
Summer Sessions I and II
Register for classes:
Alumni Annual Dinner
Franciscan Center
$10 per person
5:30 pm
2015 Karl Rahner Lecture
“Extraterrestrials: Threat or
Mystery for the Christian Faith?
Reverend Thomas O’Meara, OP
Franciscan Center
$10 preregistered; $15 walkins
7 pm
alaroy@sistersosf.org FRIDAY, JUNE 5
Hit the Links
Bedford Hills Golf Club;
6400 Jackman Rd.
$125 per person
$500 per team
8 am shotgun start
Annual Business Alumni
Franciscan Center
1 pm
Summer Session III Begins
Register for classes:
Independence Day Observed
Lourdes University closed
For a complete list of upcoming events, visit www.lourdes.edu/events
To follow the Lourdes Gray Wolves teams, visit www.lourdesathletics.com
Check out the Lourdes University Art Department at Artomatic 419!
Sponsored by the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo, the event is held on
April 11, 16, 18-19 and 25. Info: tmatteson@lourdes.edu
50 AT LO U R D E S M AG A ZI N E | Sp r i n g 2015
coming soon…
The summer AtLourdes edition will feature
the new Canticle Center, the completion of the
soccer and lacrosse practice field and the newest
alumni members.
Sp r ing 20 1 5 51
6832 Convent Boulevard
Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Toledo, Ohio
Permit No. 216
Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis
Saturday, April 25
AtLourdes magazine is published quarterly by the Lourdes
University Institutional Advancement Office. To request further
information or a change of address, please call 419-824-3980.