STUDENT PROPOSAL APPLICATION Lourdes University Research and Scholarship Symposium Monday, April 25, 2016 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. in the Franciscan Center REMINDER: BEFORE YOU BEGIN FILLING OUT THE APPLICATION, BE SURE TO SAVE IT TO EITHER YOUR DESKTOP OR YOUR DOCUMENTS. Student participant information and instructions: Complete this form by typing in the fields below. Send it via email to the professor supervising your work on this project. He or she will review it with you and forward the final application to the Research and Scholarship Symposium Committee. NOTE: THE DEADLINE FOR FACULTY TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO THE SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE IS MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016, by 5:00 p.m. Applications received after the deadline will not be included in the Program and may not be reviewed by the Committee. Students with late submissions may present as “walk-ins” the day of the Symposium. FACULTY SUBMITTING FOR A POSTER GROUP PROJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT WILL GENERATE ONE E-MAIL NOTIFICATION TO THE FACULTY SPONSOR. THAT CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE SHARED WITH THE CLASS. STUDENTS SUBMITTING INDIVIDUAL ORAL AND POSTER PROJECTS: ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT WILL GENERATE ONE E-MAIL NOTIFICATION TO THE FACULTY SPONSOR AND THE STUDENT. *GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL POSTER PRESENTATIONS ARE UPLOADED AND AVAILABLE ON THE SYMPOSIUM WEB PAGE. **GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR ORAL PRESENTATIONS ARE UPLOADED AND AVAILABLE ON THE SYMPOSIUM WEB PAGE. I. Project Title: Student Author(s) – If this is a group project, fill out only one form and list all student authors in alpha order (last name/first name) separated by commas, as they will be listed in the program. Please doublecheck the spelling of student names, as they will be listed in the program as shown on this application. 1 Student author(s): Faculty advisor(s): Project description: (A 150-200 word description of the topic, or focus of the project and results, if available) II. Additional Information Select the type of participation you are proposing: ☐ Poster – A standalone poster that explains your project. Posters are set up from 3:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Students should be available during as much of this time as possible to discuss their project and answer questions. ☐ Oral presentation – Formal presentation (with PowerPoint and handouts) of your project to a small audience, with time for Q&A. Oral presentations will be done in 30-minute blocks starting at 4:30 p.m. and ending by 9:00 p.m. Please check all applicable needs for your oral presentation: ☐ ☐ Connection to the internet Sound ☐ Class Project -- please provide the following information: Course Number and Title of Course in which the project was conducted: Instructor’s name: Check one: ☐ Undergraduate Student ☐ Graduate Student 2 This project has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (if required): Yes ☐ No ☐ Not Applicable ☐ III. Education Information Your major is (include majors of all students if this is a group project): IV. Invitation information For Group Project invitations, please see instructions below* Individual presenter’s full name, and Lourdes email address: List the email address of three individuals you would like to formally invite to the Research Symposium: Please make sure the email information submitted is correct – returned emails will not be re-sent! 1. 2. 3. *If this is a Group Project, please inform students that a copy of the invitation will be uploaded to the Symposium web page for access to send an electronic invitation to their guests. 3 V. Faculty Instructions: Review your student(s) application(s), especially the description/abstract, and discuss any suggestions you may have with your students prior to submitting their application. When the application meets your standards, please send it by email attachment to the Research and Scholarship Symposium Committee at: Only forms submitted by members of the Lourdes University faculty can be considered. Deadline to submit student proposals is: Monday, March 21, 2016, by 5:00 p.m. By submitting this application you are agreeing to assist the student(s) with this project, serve as contact person with the Committee on the project, and sponsor the student presenter(s) at the April 25, 2016, Student Research and Scholarship Symposium (4:00 – 9:00 p.m.). If your student is giving an oral presentation, you, as the advisor, are expected to promote your student’s presentation and attend it yourself. REMINDER: Applications received after the deadline will not be included in the Program and may not be reviewed by the Committee. Students with late submissions may present as “walk-ins” the day of the Symposium. FACULTY SUBMITTING A GROUP PROJECT APPLICATION WILL RECEIVE ONE EMAIL NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE WITH DIRECTIONS THAT MUST BE SHARED WITH THE CLASS. General Directions will also be available on the Symposium web page for access by students. General Directions for both INDIVIDUAL POSTER AND ORAL presentations will also be available on the Symposium web page for access by students. Lourdes University Research and Scholarship Symposium Abstract Guidelines The APA Publications Manual defines an abstract as a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of a published article or academic paper. It should be a concise summary of the key points of your research or project. Your abstract should be a single paragraph, 150 to 200 words maximum, double-spaced, that includes the following central components: 1. 2. 3. 4. It accurately reflects the purpose and essential content of the paper. It clearly states the problem that you are addressing. It has a clear description of the project or methods used in research. It should cover four or five of the most important concepts, findings, results, or implications. 5. It should not include any information that is not included in the paper. 4