Thomas M. Crady, Ph.D.
I aspire to be a vice president or senior leader at a small college or university.
Gustavus Adolphus College, July 2010- present.
I currently supervise Admission, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and a budget of approximately 46
million dollars (including financial aid) along with the professional and support staff. In consultation with
the President and the Vice President for Finance, I set yearly enrollment targets for the first year class and
net tuition revenue goals for the College. During my first-year, I implemented a new admission marketing
plan to increase applications along with a new paperless CRM system to manage a larger applicant pool.
Kept comprehensive fee increases no higher that the CPI. Within two years, applications rose from 3200
to near 5200 resulting in the enrollment of two of the large classes in recent history. I have expanded
recruiting markets both out-of-state and internationally (doubling international students) and worked
closely with faculty to market their departments and involve them in all steps of the admission process. I
am currently a member of the Internal Budget Committee, Trustee Enrollment Management Committee,
Trustee Institutional Resources Committee, and Chair of the College’s Retention Committee.
Dartmouth College, January 2008 – August 2009
Supervised 500 staff, 90 million dollar budget (approximately), and the following areas: Academic Skills
Center, Division I Athletics, Club Sports, Fitness, and Recreation, Career Services, Center for Women
and Gender, Class Deans including First-Year and Upper-class Deans Offices, College Health Service,
Collis Center (Student Union), Counseling and Human Development, Dartmouth Broadcasting,
Dartmouth Dining Services, Forensic Union, International Office, Native American Program, Office of
Pluralism and Leadership, Student Life, Undergraduate Judicial Affairs Office, Dartmouth Skiway (Ski
Resort), Hanover Country Club, Morton Farm (Equestrian Center), and the Dartmouth Outdoor program
(including 80,000 acres of New Hampshire wilderness). Was a member of the Arts & Sciences faculty,
President’s Staff, Trustee Student Affairs Committee, Committee on Standards, and the Committee on
Student Life. Responsible for fund raising for the Dean of the College division and the College.
Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa 50112.
1998-December 2007: Vice President for Student Services,
1998-2005: Supervised Admission, Financial Aid, and Student Affairs
1995-1998: Vice President and Dean for Student Affairs
1988-1995: Dean for Student Affairs
Supervised the following areas: Campus Security, Academic Advising and Tutoring, Housing, Residence
Life, Health Center, Psychological Services, Multicultural Affairs, International Student Services, Student
Union, Student Activities, Chaplain, Career Development and Experiential Education, Community
Service Center, Office of Social Commitment, Kimbo Black Cultural Center, Stonewall Resource Center,
and KDIC (campus radio station). Commissioned an audit of the student culture in 1999. Was responsible
for predicting the College’s yearly enrollment. Improved the graduation rates from 86% to 90%.
Supervised the construction of four residence halls (creating East Campus) and a 127,000 sq ft, campus
center from 2005-2008.
Supervised Admission, Financial Aid, in addition to Student Affairs from 1998-2005. Increased the
prospect pool and applications from 2400 to near 4000. Significantly improved selectivity and supervised
budgets totaling over 20 million dollars. Member of the President's staff, Committee on Academic
Standing, Committee on Student Life, Trustee Committee on Student Life, Trustee Committee on
Admission and Financial Aid, Trustee Buildings and Grounds Committee, and two past North Central
Accreditation Committees. Member of the College’s Strategic Planning Task Force and the College
Budget Committee.
1999-2000: Grinnell College
Supervised the day-to-date operations of the Admission Office while supervising Financial Aid and
Student Affairs. Developed a new view book with the assistance of the Public Relations Office,
implemented new recruiting strategies to increase the size of the applicant pool, and designed strategies to
increase the yield of domestic and U.S. students of color. Implemented regression modeling techniques
for awarding financial aid to increase selectivity and net tuition revenue. Developed and implemented
college enrollment goals.
1985-1988: Grinnell College.
Directed the Grinnell College residence life program. Supervised a professional staff of seven Resident
Hall Directors, seventy student staff. Designed, implemented and evaluated staff training and workshops.
Coordinated recruitment of all professional and student residence hall staff. Advised judicial system
including the College Judicial Council and the Office of Community Rights (Mediation Board).
1982-1985: Grinnell College
Live-in position. Supervised two residence halls and one college house. Counseled students and
responded to crisis situations. Quarter-time counselor in Academic Advising 1983-1985: Quarter-time,
Assistant Director of the Student Union 1982-1984: Acting Co-Director in 1982 when current Director
was on sabbatical. Directed and supervised Student Union, Craft Workshop, and Coffeehouse operations.
Project manager - Joe Rosenfield Campus Center, Building Chair, Pelli Clark Pelli Architects
Project manager - East Campus Residence Halls (4 Halls), Building Chair, William Rawn Architects,
Boston, MA. See:
Project Manager - Harris Center, Building Chair, Herb Stone Architects, Cedar Rapids Iowa.
Commissioned a Housing Master Plan for the campus, Janet Stegman Architect, Boston, MA.
Participated in a Campus Master Planning process in 1990.
Post Graduate Counselor Apprentice Summer 1983, Graduate Apprentice, Summer 1982: Counseling
Center, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan 49855. Provided individual, relationship,
and group counseling to summer school students with clinical staff. Received one to two hours of weekly
supervision from staff psychologists.
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Peer Reviewer, current.
Member of 1st Lutheran Church, Saint Peter, MN
Iowa State University, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS), Lecturer.
Taught “Finance in Higher Education” at the Doctoral/Master’s level in the ELPS program and advised
students during the semester.
Team taught “Qualitative Research Methods” at Grinnell College with the Director of Institutional
Research in the Anthropology Department.
Oxford Roundtable on the Residential College. Oxford, England, Summer 1999.
Oxford Roundtable on the Residential College. Oxford, England, Summer 1997.
Consultant, Alma College, Review of Athletics, Alma Michigan, Fall 2014.
Consultant, Naropa College, Administrative Structure, Boulder, CO, Fall 2008.
Consultant, Hartwick College, Retention Assessment (three year degree program), Oneonta, NY, 20082009.
Consultant, Carleton College, Review of Student Affairs, 2006
Consultant, Beloit College, Review of Student Affairs, 2004.
Consultant, Carleton College, Review of Psychological Services, 1994.
Consultant, Oberlin College, Review of Psychological Services, 1992.
Consultant, Oberlin College, Review of Residence Life Program, 1989.
Board member of the Grinnell Chamber of Commerce, 2005-2007.
Poweshiek County Foundation, Board Member, 1998-2005.
Subcommittee on Harassment, City of Grinnell, 1993.
United Way of Grinnell, Board member, 1991-1996, President, 1994, Vice President, 1993, Co-Drive
Chairperson, 1991-1993.
Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)
American College Research Associations (ACRA)
National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)
Book Review: Crady, T.M. (2005). [Review of the book: College of the overwhelmed: the campus mental
health crisis and what to do about it]. Journal of College Student Development, 46(5), pp.556-558.
Monograph: Crady, T.M., & Sumner, J. (eds.) (2007). Current issues in admission and financial aid. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Have presented numerous programs at regional and national conferences across the country on topics
such as North Central Accreditation strategies, managing serious psychological issues on campus, address
diversity on campus, managing change in student affairs administration, and other topics. Topics available
upon request.
Ph.D. Education, Higher Education
Department:: Educational Policy and Leadership Studies
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50102
Dissertation: Written and Unwritten Rules: The Use of Alcohol by Fraternities: A Study of One
M.A. Education.
Major: Guidance and Counseling.
Northern Michigan University,
Marquette, MI 49855
B.S. Major: Speech Communication.
Minor: Geography, Earth Science.
Northern Michigan University
Married to Lisa Bard (Psychotherapist – Mankato Psychological Associates) and have two sons (Scott, 18
(college student) and Peter, 24 (Software Engineer, CRAY Computing). Avid fly fisherman. We both
love the outdoors, skiing, hiking, sky diving, scuba diving, and motorcyclist.