John T. Fletcher January 28, 2016 Human Resources

John T. Fletcher
January 28, 2016
Human Resources
University of Montana
To Whom It May Concern:
I am pleased to submit this letter to express my interest in the Vice President for
Enrollment Management and Student Affairs position currently available at the
University of Montana. I recently learned about this position from a colleague and The
Chronicle of Higher Education. As a higher education professional I have spent most of
my 35 years providing leadership within an enrollment management and student affairs
I find myself drawn to this outstanding university and newly created Vice President
position. From my research regarding today’s University of Montana and the clearly
articulated future plans contained in UM 2020: Building a University for the Global
Century, I see a university led by a dynamic forward looking President, a university
community committed to identification of challenges and actions to resolve them, and
the once in a career opportunity to lead in the development of a student centered, results
and data driven organization single-mindedly structure committed to the success of
University of Montana students from prospect to graduation. As a career student affairs
and enrollment management professional I believe it will be exciting to be the driving
force providing a visionary plan to assist a campus-wide team of administrators, faculty,
staff and students that will implement the goals and objectives outlined in UM 2020 in
the newly created division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. I believe this
letter of interest, a copy of my vita, and completed University of Montana application for
employment will clearly demonstrate why you should consider me for this position. In
addition, I have attached a personal statement regarding the role of Vice President for
Enrollment Management and Student Affairs in recruiting and retaining students for your
The position of Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs is of
particular interest to me for several reasons. My extensive experience in both enrollment
management and student affairs has prepared me to look for opportunities like this where
an institution is committed and poised to move to the next step. I seek this kind of
challenge and want to assist the university in achieving its goals that will continue to
drive UM towards excellence. Second, and of primary importance to me, I appreciate the
value of serving at an institution whose students, future, present and past, are the
foundation upon which the university is built.
My vita demonstrates my service in many roles that encompass the key responsibilities as
identified in the position description for the Vice President. In my current position as
Associate Provost for Enrollment Services at East Carolina University I am responsible
for undergraduate enrollment. During my tenure at ECU we have succeeded in our
undergraduate growth goals (highest undergraduate enrollment in ECU’s history), highest
profile and had the highest retention in the university’s history all during a time of yearly
reduction in state and university budgets and changes in student demographics in North
Carolina and across the nation. I have most recently served as a member of a new
university strategic enrollment committee which is committed to providing fiscal stability
far into ECU’s future. At the center of this new plan is a continued emphasis on
undergraduate enrollment growth recognizing the accomplishments and successes of the
last five years. It has been my pleasure during my time at ECU to serve on numerous
faculty and university committees. I was one of the charter members of the university
Academic Success Committee. This committee is a faculty/staff committee committed to
supporting the academic success of our student-athletes in a collaborative and innovative
manner. In addition, I have been responsible for the North Carolina Board of Governors
requirements for reporting of athletically related information, which has been a topic of
interest in our state. During my time at ECU I have been a frequent presenter at the
Chancellor Executive Council and Board of Trustee meetings regarding enrollment
management and athletic reporting.
At Auburn I served as the Interim Vice President for Student Affairs (at that time
Enrollment Services reported to Student Affairs) I championed the student affairs and
enrollment services division in Provost Council meetings, attended the President’s
cabinet as the chief student affairs and enrollment officer, and made presentations to the
Auburn University Board of Trustees. In addition, while serving as Interim Vice
President, I reviewed and approved all recommendations regarding Greek life, student
discipline, campus recreation, the student health clinic and frequently attended our
student government association meetings.
In my role as Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management and Executive
Director, I was responsible for managing the undergraduate recruitment and enrollment
effort. Those responsibilities led me to develop marketing and recruitment plans, review
and establish admission policy, manage registration processes and procedures, implement
student information systems (SCT SIS + and SunGard Banner), develop scholarship and
financial aid policies that best serve students, and to work with students from prospect to
graduate to provide exemplary service in our delivery systems. In my previous university
positions, I have worked closely with all academic areas of the university and have
served on numerous university taskforces and committees.
This summary of my experience illustrates my service in progressively responsible
positions throughout my career, each of which focused on specific elements of a
comprehensive enrollment management organization. However, for me personally there
yet remains a higher goal to reach. It is difficult for me to sufficiently communicate to
you on paper my dedication and passion for working with and for students. During my
tenure at ECU and at Auburn, I have built student-centered, team-oriented staff that are
fully engaged and participate in the design and implementation of programs that support
our students in their educational endeavors spanning the entire spectrum from recruitment
to graduation and beyond. My message is simple; for me, it is all about serving our
I would enjoy the opportunity to discuss my experience, education, and desire to serve as
the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs at the University of
Montana. My vita lists my administrative path, professional commitments, and civic
activities. I have been fortunate to be able to give back to my community, serve as a
leader in state and regional professional organizations, and make significant contributions
to my current institution. What this letter and my vita cannot adequately express is my
sincere interest in serving at an institution committed providing a quality educational
experience to serve the students of their state and to recognize the value of “family” that
has been expressed to me.
I look forward and welcome the opportunity to discuss further my qualifications and my
vision for Enrollment Services and Student Affairs with you in more detail.
John T. Fletcher, Ed.D.