Apportionment Meeting September 21, 2009. Meeting called to order at 5: 34pm I. Binders and Presentations a. Binders – contact and reference information i. Last years senate decisions ii. Two resolutions 1. Oversight over the green fund resolutions iii. System policies iv. Request forms b. What is SUFAC? i. They fund various organizations and student activities through segregated fees. c.. Kinds of fees i. Allocable and non allocable segregated fees 1. Allocable – the committee decides where to use the funds d. 6 blocks of SUFAC i. Cultural affairs ii. CCEF iii. Student services iv. Athletics v. Green fund vi. Student organizations e. Green fund – 5 dollar segregated fee that goes to student requests to allocate funds. Last years allocation of funds totaled $31,000. II. Budget authority a. Total limit of revenue able to spend, regardless of revenue raised b. Carry-over, and whether or not to allow c. How to deal with last years carryovers? i. Organization to keep difference into the next fiscal year. ii. Will decide on a later date. d. Funds – revenue flows through fund 128 i. Encumbrance – expenses not yet realized pending the services or the delivery of goods e. What is a one shot? i. A one time request for a need that emerges after budgets have been finalized f. Is travel a one-shot? i. It is based on yearly situation, and is revisited on a yearly basis ii. Not intended for personal items g. Last years expenditures i. Proposed amount: $37,553.95 ii. Senate approved: $21,153.00 iii. Apportionment committee approved: $17,153.00 h. Perdium criteria i. Lodging cannot exceed 45 dollars per night, per person. ii. Meals shall not exceed 18 dollars per day, per person. iii. Are the perdium funds provided up front? 1. Collect all receipts and then the individual is reimbursed for expenditures iv. Appropriate uses 1. Contractual services 2. Capital expenses for programs 3. Travel 4. Food, if budgeted for and approved i. UW System vs. Southworth i. Supreme Court decided that students could not choose not to pay segregated fees, even if they didn’t agree with the reason or organization the funds were being appropriated to. As long as it is done with viewpoint neutrality. j. Eric touched on AIOC i. Funds things not on 102 dollars 1. Advising center III. Introduction of members (SUFAC is new committee name) a. Dates to note i. September 21st , 2009, Start One-Shots ii. October 26th, Non-allocable budget reviews iii. October 19th, budget instructions and prioritizing iv. November 9th , athletics committee review v. December 7th , cultural affairs committee review 10-“11 vi. December 14th , finalize 2010-2011 budget vii. January 27th , submit finalized budget to student senate b. Viewpoint neutrality – not bringing personal bias into vote/abstaining from vote c. UW system document and policies i. Appropriate and non appropriate student expenditures ii. Responsibility of chancellor iii. 30-5, procedure for segregated fees (appealing decisions) iv. F-43, auxiliary operations and funding, dealing with 128 funds d. Forms i. Budget request forms ii. One-Shot budget requests iii. Requests for budgeted status iv. Requests for developmental grant IV. One-Shot Procedures a. Committee bylaws and meeting criteria b. Process i. Recommended deadline: October 16th, 2009. ii. Submission period: September 21, through October12th, 2009 iii. Date of deliberation: October 19th c. Is this a realistic schedule? i. Committee chairs have not all been selected /appointed yet. V. Revised One-Shot Procedures i. Submission period: September 21, 2009 through October 16th, 2009 ii. Recommendation deadline: October 23rd, 2009 iii. Date of deliberation: November 2 , 2009 iv. Appeals /reviews meeting: October 26th , 2009 v. The SUFAC chair will notify the sum-committee chairs of the One-Shot procedure and appeals process for the Fall semester 1. Motion to approve, second 2. Call to question 3.Question has been called 4. Motion passed VI. Should we notify the sub-committees’ that the allotted funding is only $15,000? a. Motion that we set $15,000.00 in our budget as a guideline with no upper limit to be told to the sub committee chairs, when they submit their report for fall semester. This amount is to be spread among the four groups in that subcommittee. b. Motion, Chair /Laura i. Call a question: all those in favor ii. It is the decision of the chair that the motion passes c. If the group does not meet the criteria in the by-laws, the appeal will no be heard. VII. Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm