SUFAC Meeting 11/29/10 Members Present: Laura Lauderdale Reece Rykal

SUFAC Meeting 11/29/10
Members Present:
Laura Lauderdale
Reece Rykal
Carly Cappozzo
Tiep Nguyen
Derek Nelson
Ben Knutson
Hoang Vo
Bonnie Jo Bratina
John Palmer
Larry Ringgenberg
Not Present:
Madisson Heinze
Brock Bennett
Bill Doering
Meeting called to order 5:39 pm
I. Student Services and Buildings Allocable Budgets Presentation by Mary Beth
Intramurals: 0% increase, Projected Revenue of $30,383, total expenditure of $111,399,
Student Fee Request of $81,016 which is a 0% increase, $77,132 in student help dollars
for referees, funding $1,152 for 16.5% of a graduate assistant athletic trainer to be
shared with club sports, maintain funding based on the revenue brought in from various
sports and anticipated increases in participation
Club Sports General: Projected Revenue $650, total expenditure $31,124, Student Fee
Request of $31,125, funding $3,324 for 16.5% of a graduate assistant athletic trainer to
be shared with Intramurals, $3,429 in student help for event supervision, office hours,
and weekly staff meetings, $8,450 in travel monies requested, increase of $4,761
requested which is 18.06% to account for the graduate assistant
Post-Season Budget: Total expenditure of $2,515.32 which is a 2% increase from last
year and is reserved primarily for travel, split between 15 teams this isn’t very much per
Racquet: Projected Revenue of $36,502, total expenditure of $45,102, Student Fee
Request of $8,600 which is a 0% increase from last year, lots of money continues to be
saved by using the other printing company which is cheaper, the racquet continues to
pay for their expenses each week from advertising, revenue appears less than last year
because the anticipated revenue for this year was not realistic
Scholarship Honors Reception: Total expenditure of $2,300 for Professional Services and
Printing and Duplicating-State and no anticipated revenue, this is a $600 and 35.29%
increase in Student Fee Requests from last year, last year there was an unbudgeted
video clip which was streamed online for international students and students studying
abroad which received great reviews, this was a one-shot last year and is a budgeted
item this year, the rest of the budget is funded through the foundation
Radio Station: did not complete a budget and did not respond to requests to prepare a
budget so they will not be funded next year
II. Student Orgs. Allocable Budgets Presentation by Erin and Kaye
CAB: Projected Revenue of $24,500, total expenditure of $106,241, Student Fee Request
of $81,741 which is a 0% increase, this is a group that historically manages their money
very well, last year they requested a budget increase and thought it was approved but it
wasn’t so they overspent by the requested increase, they had a negative balance and
carry-over this year so they had a negative balance and by our by-laws they can’t
request an increase the following year
Distinguished Lecture Series: Projected Revenue of $10,563.50, total expenditure of
$17,916, Student Fee Request of $6,570.50 which is a $19 decrease, this entity has a
special deal with SUFAC where they only spend money every other year on a lecturer
Grad Student Organization: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $9,200, Student
Fee Request of $9,200 which is a $2,572 and 38.81% increase from last year, the Student
Orgs committee approved their budget at $6,694.28 and took the money difference
from the travel line item because even though Grad Student Organization is the only
entity that funds this type of student, with the recent budget troubles they felt that the
travel budget was quite high
Org Grant: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $24,350, Student Fee Request of
$24,350 which is a $2,506 and 11.47% increase from last year, the Student Orgs
committee approved $23,350 which $1,000 less than requested, Org Grants requested
their increase for film rights and while the Student Orgs committee thought this was a
useful cost, they felt $2,000 was too much to be spent on this so they changed it to
$1,000 based on last year’s costs and estimated costs for next year, $1,000 is enough
money for 3-4 movies
Student Leadership: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $4,575, Student Fee
Request of $4,575 which is a $74 and 1.64% increase from last year, Student Orgs
committee approved $4,500, deductions taken from the food portion because the
Student Orgs committee didn’t feel that much money was necessary, this makes the
request a $1 decrease from last year
III. Cultural Affairs Allocable Budgets Presentation by Ashley and Kaye
Ability Awareness Programs: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $4,330, Student Fee
Request of $4,330 which is a $85 and 2.00% increase from last year, this is the group that puts
on events for disability awareness week
Choral Music: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $11,527, Student Fee Request of
$11,527 which is a $135 and 1.19% increase from last year, this extra money will be used for
additional travel ($100) and some recording in studio because the recordings during concerts
does not work well with the equipment they have
International Student Programs: Projected Revenue of $500 (from the International Food
Tasting Event), total expenditure of $8,850, Student Fee Request of $8,350 which is a $2,050
and 20.50% increase from last year, printing increases and an OxFam Hunger Banquet, this
group was not called in by the Cultural Affairs committee, they have $500 in revenue that wasn’t
carried over to the front budget sheet and the Cultural Affairs committee corrected this error
and adjusted their Student Fee Request down to $8,350 to demonstrate this
Korean Percussion Ensemble: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $5,353, Student Fee
Request of $5,353 which is a $238 and 41.60% increase from last year, their supplies budget is
going up from $1,636 to $2,801 for music, instruments, uniforms and instrument cases
LGBT: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $6,950, Student Fee Request of $6,950 which
is a $200 and 2.96% increase from last year, travel increased as well as supplies and food
Marching Band: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $41,272, Student Fee Request of
$41,272 which is a 0% increase from last year, the budget couldn’t be itemized from large
groupings without questions and representatives from marching band did not attend the
meeting to explain their budget so the Cultural Affairs committee did not originally approve any
of the requested monies for the next year, some questions included why students were being
paid for maintaining uniforms and equipment, why there was no revenue listed on their budget
when they were recordings, why there were expenses for copyright licenses if the band director
were arranging music for the band etc., the Cultural Affairs committee was very frustrated with
this budget and does not have a formal recommendation about this budget, this mirrors their
behavior last year and this behavior is not acceptable, the Cultural Affairs committee failed to
approve the Marching Band’s budget request
Multicultural Events: Projected revenue of $2,676.44, total expenditure of $48,900, Student Fee
Request of $48,900 which is a 0% increase from last year, the $2,676.44 revenue is not actually
revenue – it is their carry-over from last year to fiscal year 2011, Cultural Affairs committee
approved their request at $47,700 because they had a $1,200 carry-over last year
Orchestra: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $15,300, Student Fee Request of $15,300
which is a $50 and 0.33% increase from last year, increase in repair and professional services
monies, some monies were moved around in their budget to account for instrument repairs for
the aging instruments, they have a carryover of ($4,700) this year so they will have to account
for that somehow
Theatre: Projected revenue of $60,000, total expenditure of $94,972, Student Fee Request of
$34,972 which is a $8,972 and 34.51% increase from last year, increases in student help and
supplies because the company manufacturing the steel used for sets went out of business and
they now need to travel to the Twin Cities to get steel, the Cultural Affairs committee approved
the budget at $30,486 because they felt the student help increases were very severe, and
although this group deserves an increase, there is not enough money to be giving this big of an
increase, the theatre representatives said that they could maintain the quality of their program
with a budget of $30,486 so the Cultural Affairs committee approved them at that amount
Women’s Studies Student Association: total expenditure of $4,250 which is a 13.33% increase
from last year, want to do a book club about women’s rights and requested $500 for this,
Cultural Affairs approved the budget at $4,000 by cutting $250 from buying books for the book
club because they didn’t know how successful this new program would be and they wanted
members to be paying for half of the book costs
Jazz Ensemble: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $11,828, Student Fee Request of
$11,828 which is a 0% increase from last year
Art Exhibits: the advisor is on sabbatical and the person who they asked to prepare the budget
did not know what to do so Larry Ringgenberg prepared the budget after speaking with the
advisor and they are requesting a 0% increase for next year
Student Senate: No projected revenue, total expenditure of $48,484.34, Student Fee Request of
$48,484.34 which is a $820 and 1.72% increase from last year
IV. Budget Discussions by SUFAC
Look at all of the budgets that have a requested decrease or no increase for their budget for the
next fiscal year: Athletics, Intramural Sports, Racquet, WRAQ, CAB, Distinguished Lecture Series,
Art Exhibits, Multicultural Events, Jazz Ensembles
o (Palmer/Knutson) Motion to approve all budgets at a 0% increase – MOTION
o (Palmer/Knutson) Motion to approve all budgets at their requested decrease if one was
requested and if they did not request a decrease they be approved at a 0% increase –
o (Knutson/Bratina) Motion to approve any requested decrease or 0% increase (listed
above) at the amount requested. Motion Passes 8:0:0
Marching Band budget: We don’t currently have enough information but the director of the
marching band is changing for next year and the director for next year was not given much time
to develop this budget and that is why it is not complete. There is no requested increase for next
year but the budget was submitted in the wrong format. We could have the marching band
come in with their budget in the right format but that may not be necessary since there is no
(Palmer/Rykal) Motion to approve the Marching Band budget at a 0% increase. Motion
Passes 8:0:0
Ability Awareness Programs: They haven’t gone to any DRS meetings to request co-sponsorships
this year so if they wanted more money, they could go there to get money. The requested
increase is only $85 so it wouldn’t make much of a difference either way
o (Palmer/Bratina) Motion to approve the budget with a 0% increase. Motion Passes 7:0:1
o (Palmer/Nelson) Motion to approve any groups requesting less than a $150 increase at a
0% increase (Choral Music, Orchestra, Grad Student Organization, Post-Season Travel)
Motion Passes 7:1:0
International Student Programs: The increase was for the OxFam Hunger Banquet. They had a
revenue total of $1,833.69 last year and had a carry-over of $532 with a budget of $5,800 in
student fee support. They could logistically support their anticipated expenditures
o (Palmer/Vo) Motion to approve the International Student Programs student segregated
fee support at $5,800 with an anticipated revenue of $500 and therefore a budget
authority of $6,300. Motion Passes 8:0:0
Korean Percussion Ensemble: actual student segregated fee support this year was $5,115 but
because of their approved carry-over their budget authority was $9,166 and they are requesting
$5,353 for next year. They have a contingency request in right now for $3,748. They are
requesting only a $200 increase and they are not looking to increase their programming for next
year – the money is just to maintain current programming.
o (Cappozzo/Rykal) Motion to approve the Korean Percussion Ensemble’s budget at a 0%
increase, $5,115. Motion Passes 8:0:0
LGBT: $200 requested increase mostly for travel and increases in food prices, not for more
programming. This is a small amount of money and is not for new programming.
o (Rykal/Nelson) Motion to approve the LGBT budget at a 0% increase, $6,750. Motion
Passes 8:0:0
Women’s Studies Student Association: The $500 increase is for a book club where the books
would be supplied but if they are reading new books every year, the books could only be used
once. Is this money going to be spent once to get the program started or on books? The books
could be funded through a grant from System if they were for the students to keep. If the
money were just to be used to start up the program, they could submit a contingency fund
o (Vo/Rykal) Motion to approve Women’s Studies Student Association at a 0% increase
which is $3,750. Motion Passes 7:0:0
CAB: They didn’t think they were asking for an increase because they included their
o (Rykal/Nelson) Motion to approve the CAB budget at a 0% increase as per the SUFAC bylaws, $75,141. Motion Passes 7:0:0
o We will approve any budgets that over-spent last year at a 0% increase (CAB, Org
Grants, Scholarship Honors Reception)
Club Sports General: Increase requested to fund a graduate assistant split between Club Sports
and Intramural Sports. We have never funded a graduate assistant through allocable budgets
before because this is a long-term commitment, it has fringe benefits tacked onto it, and it
counts towards FTE monies which are limited.
o (Palmer/Nelson) Motion to take the graduate assistant position out of the Club Sports
and Intramural Sports budgets, leaving both groups at a 0% increase. Motion Passes
Scholarship Honors Reception: Requested $2,500 increase is for a new program to cover which
will cover costs of copyright
Theatre: The classified overtime position salary is to support the ADA who also serves as the box
office manager but allocable budgets should not be going towards salaries so we should not
fund this line item. Due to the special deal that theatre has with SUFAC, they can’t request any
increase because they get their carry-over and by getting a budget increase beyond cost of living
increases, they would break the agreement.
o (Palmer/Rykal) Motion to approve the theatre budget at $26,000 and not allow them to
fund the classified overtime position Motion Passes 7:0:0
Student Association: They have a requested increase for the Off-Campus housing resource
center. This is the first year of the program and it is unsure whether it will succeed. They
minimized the cost of the increase as much as possible and took cuts to other portions of the
budget to account for as much of the additional programming costs as possible.
o (Palmer/Nelson) Motion to approve the Student Association’s requested increase of
$820 for the additional programming (off-campus housing resource center) with a final
budget of $48,484. Motion Passes 7:0:0
U-Pass Transit: Requested increase of $1,290 which is 0.76% for next year. One safe ride will be
cut next year – the Saturday before Easter. The Saturday before spring break also has a very low
ridership and will be discussed in Student Senate to see if it should be cut for next year as well.
o (Palmer/Bratina) Motion to approve the U-Pass Transit at $170,985 for next year which
includes cutting the Safe Ride bus on the Saturday before Easter. Motion Passes 7:0:0
Total Seg Fee Support needed next year is $877,178.18. We have $115,871 in the reserve
currently so if we took $30,000 out of the reserve to offset student support, the cost per student
would be $93.37 which is an 8.76% increase from last year. Then we could put $20,000 into the
one-shot account to support Supplies and Equipment Fund Requests and Contingency Requests.
This will leave us with a safe amount in the reserve and allow us to increase student seg fee
support at a steady rate over the following years.
o (Cappozzo/Nelson) Motion to take $30,000 from the reserve to offset student seg fee
support for next year and to put $20,000 into the One-Shot account making the cost per
student $93.37 which is an 8.76% increase from last year. Motion Passes 7:0:0
o (Cappozzo/Rykal) Motion to adjourn. Motion Passes 7:0:0
Meeting adjourned 9:28pm