SUFAC Meeting 11/15/10 Members Present: Laura Lauderdale Reece Rykal

SUFAC Meeting 11/15/10
Members Present:
Laura Lauderdale
Reece Rykal
Madisson Heinze
Carly Cappozzo
Ben Knutson
Tiep Nguyen
Hoang Vo
Brock Bennett
Bonnie Jo Bratina
John Palmer
Larry Ringgenberg
Brianne Rogers
Not Present:
Bill Doering
Derek Nelson
Meeting called to order 5:34 pm
I. Committee Field Trip to the Child Care Center
No requested student segregated fee increase for next year
Total Revenue $525,180
Personnel Budget Total $282,877 ($4,100 less than last year)
Fringe Benefits Budget Total $134,245 ($18,000 less than last year)
Supplies and Expenses Budget Total $62,510 ($8,000 more than last year due to
Program Rev. Lapse to Fund 100)
Budget Summary: Projected Revenue ($525,180) – Projected Expenses ($488,217) =
$36,963 as a balance to reserve to fund larger projects such as replacing lockers, vinyl
flooring, carpeting etc.
II. REC Budget discussion with Sue
Not asking for an increase for next year in student segregated fees
$177.15 per year per student in segregated fees
Projected Revenue 2011-2012 $1,705,302
Anticipated Expenses 2011-2012 $1,746,917
2011-2012 Net Balance $(41,614)
Prior year cash balance $414,673.00
Final Balance (Prior Year Cash Balance” plus “2011-2012 Net Balance”) $373,058.51
III. Auxiliary Student Center Budgets
Rate increase of 3% from $228.40 to $235.25 per student per year
Charge Backs $284,833
2011-2012 (One-Time Only) Cost Factors $410,726 for Broiler #3 replacement, Student
Center Consultant, Switches and Routers, Classified Staff 27th Week Pay Period
Ongoing Cost Factors $16,766
Memberships $2,785
Projects to be completed if Cartwright Center is maintained $1,309,775 + TBD
Cartwright Center General Operations - Personnel, Supplies and Equipment, Furlough,
Capital, Special Purpose/Debt Service, Out of State Tuition Waiver, Sales CreditsInternal, 2% Giveback Total at $2,676,489
Projected Revenue $2,165,256.65 – Anticipated Expenses $2,676,489.12 + Prior year
cash balance $759,867.65 = Final Balance $248,635.18
Dining Services
o Meal Plan Price Increases - .8% increases for 10,14 and 19 meal plan, 2.9%
increase for off-campus block plan, 1.2% increase for on-campus (Reuter) block
o Charge Backs $181,613 for People Soft, Common System Allocation, Auxiliary
Charge backs, WISMART, OSER, UW System Purchasing Assessment, Safety/Loss,
Work Center, Property Premium, Liability Insurance, Workers Comp. Insurance
o 2011-2012 (One-Time Only) Cost Factors $341,862 for Backflow Prevention, Sixburner gas stove, Steam kettles, Whitney Dining Tables, Whitney Dining Chairs,
Fish Oven, Black Chiller, Switches & Routers, Floor machine, battery powered
walk behind, Carpet extractor, battery powered walk behind, Steam Valve and
Coil Repair/Replace, Whitney Center Carpet, Boiler #3 Replacement, Cellar
Exterior Fan Replacement, Ice Machines, Food Service Office Furniture, Reach-in
Freezer, Classified 27th Week pay period, Renovate Food Service OfficesCartwright Lower Level
o Ongoing Cost Factors $112,919.31
o Dining Services General Operations $8,640,212 - Personnel Budget, Supplies and
Equipment, Capital, Special Purposes/Debt Service, Out of State Tuition Waiver,
Sales Credits-Internal, Furlough Savings, 1% Giveback FY 12, 2% Giveback FY 12
o Projected Revenue 2011-2012 $8,612,666.13 – Anticipated Expenses 2011-2012
$8,640,212.48 + Prior Year cash balance $332,066.11 = Final Balance
IV. Discuss One-Shots Approved Last Week
We approved $20,966 total which would pull $5,966 from the reserve
John Whitman, Kim Blum, Paula Knudson, Larry Ringgenberg, Tiep Nguyen, and Sharon
Radke met this morning to discuss the one-shots we approved and there was a strong
feeling that we shouldn’t be pulling $5,966 out of our reserve to fund these requests.
The Athletics Department said they’d be comfortable taking only $14,000 in a one-shot
and allocating that however they choose to their projects like the Diving Blocks, Throw
Cage, and Gymnastics Resi-Training Pit. There was also talk about how the Portable AED
could be funded through the Recreational Sports Reserve. This would bring us down to
the $15,000 we had originally allocated to one-shots this year.
In the future, meetings like this will take place before SUFAC sees the requests.
In order to cut down to $15,000 we will cut
o (Heinze/Knutson) Motion to reconsider the vote to approve the document as a
whole. Motion Passes 9:0:0
(Cappozzo/Bennett) Motion to allocate $113 to Club Sports for the Lacrosse Goalie
Chest Protector, Lacrosse Pants, and Lacrosse Gloves and $14,000 to Athletics to be
spent where they choose between the Starting Blocks, Gymnastic Resi-Training Pit, and
the Throw Cage and request that Athletics come back to SUFAC to report where the
money will be spent to gain final approval. Motion Passes 8:1:0
This document will go to Senate this week
V. Discuss Rugby Ground Sleeves
We allocated $2,011 to Rec Sports to fund rugby clubs new ground sleeves for their rugby goals
for north campus and the physical plant’s estimate was $500 short of the actual cost.
They are requesting an emergency contingency fund request for the money that was charged in
o (Palmer/Vo) Motion to communicate with Ryan Rudesill, graduate assistant in the
Recreational Sports Department, requesting that the remainder of the money to be
funded through the REC’s reserve. Motion Passes 8:1:0
(Knutson/Bennett) Motion to adjourn Motion Passes 9:0:0
Meeting adjourned 8:02pm