MATH 1180: Calculus for Biologists II (Spring 2011) Lab Meets: January 26, 2011 Report due date: February 2, 2011 Section 002: Wednesday 9:40−10:30am Section 003: Wednesday 10:45−11:35am Lab location − LCB 115 Lab instructor − Erica Graham, Lab webpage − Lab office hours − Monday, 9:00 − 10:30 a.m., LCB 115 Lab 03 General Lab Instructions In−class Exploration Review: Last time, we compared Euler’s Method for solving autonomous differential equations to the default method used by Maple. We also saw an example of how we can use various mathematical techniques to determine the information given within the solution of a differential equation. Background: This week, we will use Maple to find the equilibrium points of a differential equation and to identify their stability properties. Here, we’ll explore a variant of the basic disease model, by studying the behavior of the fraction of infected individuals in a population. restart; with(DEtools): ## useful tool for differential equations Suppose the change in the fraction of infected people is given by the differential equation dE/dt = g(E), where g(E) = b*E^2*(1−E)−E. g:=E−>b*E^2*(1−E)−E; g := E b E2 1 E E (2.1) Let’s plot dE/dt for b=5 from E=0 to 1. plot(eval(g(E),b=5),E=0..1,labels=["E","dE/dt"]); 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 E 0.4 dE/dt 0.6 0.8 1 Whenever we analyze a differential equation, the first thing we want to do is determine the equilibria. Recall that the equilibrium points exist whenever dE/dt = 0. When b=5, there are 3 equilibria. Let’s tell Maple to solve for them. Estar5:=fsolve(eval(g(E),b=5)=0,E); Estar5 := 0., 0.2763932023, 0.7236067977 (2.2) Now, we can analyze the stability of the equilibria. The graph can give us an idea of what the stability behavior might be. (1) Between 0 and the 2nd point, the fraction of infected people decreases toward 0, since dE/dt < 0. (2) Between the 2nd and 3rd points, this fraction increases toward ~0.7, since dE/dt > 0. (3) Between the 3rd point and 1, the fraction now decreases toward ~0.7. Notice that E always seems to move away from ~0.28. This suggests that the 2nd point is unstable. Further, E=0 appears to be stable, based on observation (1). Lastly, (2) and (3) suggest that the 3rd point is also stable. Let’s verify our observations mathematically. To begin, we need to differentiate g(E) when b=5 with respect to E, which we’ll save to the function gprime(E). gprime:=unapply(diff(eval(g(E),b=5),E),E); gprime := E 10 E 1 E 5 E2 1 (2.3) Now, we can substitute each of the 3 points we saved in ’eq’ into ’gprime(E)’. If the result is greater than zero, the corresponding equilibrium is unstable. If the result is negative, the corresponding equilibrium is stable. Recap: unstable when g’(E*) > 0 and stable when g’(E*) < 0. gprime(Estar5[1]); gprime(Estar5[2]); gprime(Estar5[3]); 1. 0.618033989 1.618033988 (2.4) This confirms what we inferred from the graph. Of course, this analysis is only valid for the particlular case when b=5. How does b change the number and stability of equilibrium points? To examine this question, we will graph the actual equilibrium values as functions of b. First, we’ll need to solve g(E)=0 for all b values. Estar:=solve(g(E)=0,E); 1 b b2 4 b 1 b b2 4 b , (2.5) 2 b 2 b Now we will plot each E* versus the parameter b. The dotted line (linestyle 2) indicates unstable points, while the solid lines denote stable equilibria. plot([Estar[1],Estar[2],Estar[3]],b=0..5,color="red",linestyle=[1, 1,2],thickness=4, labels=["b","E*"]); Estar := 0, 0.7 E* 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 b Notice that when b=5, the solid lines are located at E* = 0 and E* ~ 0.7. This graph summarizes our analytical findings above, and is called a bifurcation diagram. If we were to complete the same analysis for different values of b, we would find that any E* values between ~0.25 and ~0.5 would always be unstable, while those between ~0.5 and ~0.7 would always be stable. In addition, E*=0 is always a stable point too. The graph also indicates how many equilibrium points there are for a particular value of b, which you will explore in the homework. Finally, we can use the new DEplot( ) command (from the DEtools package we imported at the beginning) with b=5 to get an idea of how different solutions look based on where the initial fraction of infected individuals is. DEplot( ) numerically solves a differential equation and then plots the solution. We will save a bunch of DEplots using different initial conditions for E, which we will plot along with the equilibria corresponding to when b=5. Below, ’Eplot’ will be assigned to all of the plot commands for our differential equation, and ’Estar5plot’ will plot the 3 lines we found above in Estar5 (E*=0, ~0.28 and ~0.7). b:=5: # parameter value ode:=diff(E(t),t)=g(E(t)): # the diff. equation we want to solve ic_vec:=[seq(0.05..1,0.05)]: # various initial fractions we want to use ics:=[seq(E(0)=i,i in ic_vec)]; # create init. condition in the form of E(0)=f for each one Eplot:=[seq(DEplot([ode],E(t),t=0..10,E=0..1,[j], linecolor=black,stepsize=0.1,E=0..1,arrows=none,thickness=1),j in ics)]: ## DEplot ics := E 0 = 0.05, E 0 = 0.10, E 0 = 0.15, E 0 = 0.20, E 0 = 0.25, E 0 = 0.30, E 0 = 0.35, (2.6) E 0 = 0.40, E 0 = 0.45, E 0 = 0.50, E 0 = 0.55, E 0 = 0.60, E 0 = 0.65, E 0 = 0.70, E 0 = 0.75, E 0 = 0.80, E 0 = 0.85, E 0 = 0.90, E 0 = 0.95, E 0 = 1.00 Estar5plot:=plot([Estar5[1],Estar5[2],Estar5[3]],t=0..10,E=0..1, color="Red",linestyle=[1,2,1],thickness=4): ## horizontal lines of equilibria plots[display](Estar5plot,Eplot,labels=["days (t)","infected fraction E(t)"],labeldirections=["horizontal","vertical"]); infected fraction E(t) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 days (t) Think about how the results in this graph compare with our inferences from the plot of g(t) at the beginning of the lab. Please copy the entire section below into a new worksheet, and save it as something you’ll remember. Lab 03 Homework Problems Your Full Name: Your (registered) Lab Section: Useful Tip #1: Read each problem carefully, and be sure to follow the directions specified for each question! I will take a vow of silence if you ask me a question that is clearly stated in a problem. Useful Tip #2: Don’t be afraid to troubleshoot! Does your answer make sense to you? If not, explore why. If you’re still unsure, ask me. Useful Tip #3: When in doubt, restart! Paper−saving tip: Make the size of your output graphs smaller to save paper when you print them. Please ask me if you’re unsure of how to do this. (You can see how much paper you’d use beforehand by going to File Print Preview.) NOTE: For this assignment, you should re−define/assign any parameters or functions we used in class, as needed. This will require an understanding of what’s being asked of you. (0)(a) Read the useful tips. Pay particular attention to #1. (b) Import the DEtools package for later use. with(DEtools): (1)(a) Plot dE/dt = g(E) from class for b = 3.5, 4 and 4.5 on the same set of axes for E=0 to E=1. Required: [1] Specify a single color for all three curves. [2] Specify a different line style for each curve. [3] Include a descriptive legend to distinguish between your curves. Note: The above requirements must be included within your plot command. ## feel free to use this space ## feel free to use this space (b) How many equilibrium points are there for each value of b you used above? (2)(a) Reproduce the bifurcation diagram from the in−class exploration (start with copy and paste!), with the following modifications: [1] Plot from b=3 to b=5. [2] Include grid lines on your graph. (Search in Help for ’gridlines’ if you don’t remember how these work.) ## feel free to use this space (b) Given that all possible equilibrium values, denoted E*, are along the y−axis, what does this diagram say about the number of equilibria for b=3.5, 4 and 4.5? Recall that the red line indicated where the equilibria are located for each value of b. If there’s only one red line passing through a b value, then there’s only one equilibrium point. (c) How do these numbers compare to your answers in problem 1(b)? (3) Using your graph of g(E) and your modified bifurcation diagram, guess the approximate locations of the equilibria of the differential equation and their stability for each b value. Do this by filling in the following table. *Put an X through any unused boxes. Potentially useful tidbit: An equilibrium point at which the sign of the derivative does not change on either side is sometimes called ’semi−stable’ and usually has a derivative of zero. eqm 1 b value # of equil. location eqm 2 stability location eqm 3 stability location stability 3.5 4.0 4.5 (4)(a) Choose either b=4 or b=4.5, and verify your table results using Maple. You will need to: [1] solve for the equilibria. [2] compute g’(E). [3] substitute each unique equilibrium into the derivative. [4] interpret the results. ## feel free to use this space ## feel free to use this space ## feel free to use this space (b) What does Maple say about the stability of each equilibrium for the b value you chose? (c) How do your computational results compare to your guesses regarding stability? (5)(a) Use DEplot to draw many solutions to dE/dt = g(E) using the same range of initial conditions we used in class. Assign b=4, use the same options we used in class, and save your list of plots to something useful. ## feel free to use this space Save a plot of the equilibrium points for b=4, using the same options we used in class. Then use plots [display]( ) to put both plots on the same set of axes, plotting the equilibrium points first. ## feel free to use this space (b) What happens to the population of infected individuals if its initial number is 25% of the total population? (c) What happens to the population of infected individuals if its initial number is 75% of the total population? (6)(a) What new command (there’s only one) did we use in class today, and what does it do? (b) List any (at least one) old commands we used today that you may have forgotten about, and describe what they do. (’plot’ is not allowed!) Did you remember to save paper?