CRESSE: Environment Modeling

CRESSE: Environment Modeling
Premkumar B. Saganti, Ph. D.
Associate Professor and NASA-CARR Faculty
Department of Physics
Prairie View A&M University
Visit with TRC at NASA-JSC
August 13, 2009
Space Radiation Environment
Modeling and Visualization
Planetary Radiation Environment Modeling and Visualization (PREM-V)
To develop model calculated GCR radiation environment at LEO, Moon,
Mars and beyond per the NASA priorities and to expand such model
calculated radiation data transported through spacecrafts / spacesuits for
depicting dose distribution in the human body through 3D-visualization.
Objectives and Goals of the Project
Project Area 1: Space Radiation Environment Modeling (GCR/SPE)
Project Area 2: Radiation Transport and Dose Calculations (Spacecrafts/suits)
Project Area 3: Radiation Quantification and Visualization (Human Body)
Project Area 4: Educational Efforts and Outreach (Student Participation)
Project Area 1: Space Radiation Environment Modeling
Data assessment and radiation environment model development with ACE/CRIS Data (~L1)
– a wealth of radiation particle data currently available from 1998 – present with isotopic
abundance of protons through nickel. Several reports and publications from NASA-CARR
resulted as of now with this data.
Data Assessment VOYAGER-1 and 2 Data (~80+ AU) – both the spacecrafts are providing
radiation data continuously for the past 35+ years (from 1973) and currently from the edges
of the solar system. Currently we are working on analyses reports of the Voyager data with
the past encounters of the planetary systems.
Data Assessment with MARIE Data (~1.5 AU) – the current radiation instrument at Mars,
MARIE provided radiation data from the Mars orbit for nearly two years and in near future we
may be able to acquire the data fro the Martian surface.
These model assessments and understanding the radiation environment at Mars are likely to
pave path for future human exploration of Mars. These expansions will be predictive dose
estimations for the anticipated new radiation measurements from the Mars Science
Laboratory (MSL) Lander from 2010.
Between 2004 and 2008, Dr Saganti supported model calculated dose-rate estimates at
Mars for MARIE through a NASA research grant [NNJ04HD93G, PI-Dr Saganti] and
presented several conference papers and journal publications
Project Area 2 : Radiation Transport and Dose
Calculations (Spacecrafts/suits)
– Model Calculations of Dose Rate with HZETRN (High Z and Energy
Transport) - Model calculated dose rate predications as a function of
time for the GCR environment are being generated based on the current
NASA transport models.
– Model Calculations for Particle Flux with HZETRN - Model calculated
particle flux is also being generated as a function of time and for
comparisons with the available spacecraft data such as ACE/CRIS and
MARIE and to improve the accuracy so as to assess the radiation risk
for deep space human exploration.
– Expansion of the current NASA code - Quantum Multiple Scattering and
Fragmentation (QMSFRG) for implementation of the HZETRN transport
codes to increase the ability to interpret the radiation damage and risk
assessment at cellular targets making use of the nuclear fragmentation
modeling techniques.
– Currently, Dr Saganti is working in these expansions under the
directorship of Dr Cucinotta through a NASA Co-Op agreement between
PVAMU and NASA-JSC [NNX07AT25A, PI-Dr Saganti]
Project Area 3: Radiation Transport and Visualization
(Human Body)
– Expanding the NASA-CAM model with the NIH-Visible Human Body
Data – initial approaches to increase the tissue densities in the human
body beyond the current NASA CAM/CAF models has been very
promising and will expand these models in a phased approach of major
sections in the body for radiation dose estimates more precisely.
– Developing Secondary Particle Transport and Visualization – secondary
particle transport and development of track structure has been
considered to be of importance in assessing the radiation damage at
DNA level. Expansions in these areas are expected to augment the
radiation biology studies in collaboration with NASA-JSC.
– Spacecraft shield model development – in preparation to support
NASA’s exploration visions, we anticipate expanding the CAD model
resources for developing and generating conceptual spacecrafts with all
the needed material composition and construction to evaluate the
radiation doses inside these conceptual vehicles.
Project Area 4: Educational Expansions and Outreach
(Student Participation)
Expansions of (under) graduate program in collaboration with Texas Southern University
(TSU) and NASA-JSC and NASA-LaRC has been initiated from 2006 with support from
NASA leveraging the expertise from the URCs (PVAMU and TSU) that facilitates the
mentorship of minority students for the anticipated space radiation related engineering and
science paradigms of NASA exploration enterprises.
Currently we are expanding these educational and research efforts through a NASA grant
support [NNJ06JD37G and NNX07AL91G, PI- Dr Saganti]
Expansions of educational material related to space radiation studies – we anticipate to
develop and generate material relevant for graduate studies in sciences and engineering in
the next few years. Also a series of publications with review material in the radiation
modeling, measurements, materials, and mitigation are anticipated.
Continue our expansions in the model calculated capabilities with other collaborative support
on a non-interference effort with the TSU and University of Houston such as FLUKA and
MCNPX on the UH cluster.
Continue efforts of student research presentations at PATHWAYS (TAMUS) and other
research symposia
Conference Presentations: Dr. Saganti
Saganti, P.B. and F.A. Cucinotta, Model Calculated GCR Particle Flux Variations and
Assessment of Biological Consequences for Deep-space Human Explorations, in International
Conference on Radiation Biology, 9th Biennial Meeting of Indian Society for Radiation Biology
(ISRB). 2008, Indian J of Radiation Biology: University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, November,
2008 (Invited)
Saganti, P.B., G.M. Erickson, and F.A. Cucinotta, 3-D Visualization of SPE and Correlations
with Data from the Other Side of the Sun, in American Geophysical Sciences (AGS) Fall
Meeting. 2008, AGS: San Francisco, CA.
Saganti, P.B., and F. A. Cucinotta, Expansion of “QMSFRG” Radiation Model Calculations in
the Context of GCR Nuclei Fragmentation, Heavy Ions in Space Symposium 2009, Köln,
Germany; July 2009.
Saganti, P.B., J. Alvaro, A. Scott-Turner, and F. A. Cucinotta, Radiation Dose Variations from
Galactic Particle Flux (2001-2008): Assessment with Ulysses, ACE/CRIS and MO/MARIE
Data, 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), Lodz, Poland.
Saganti, P. B., and F. A. Cucinotta, Radiation Environment at Mars: Model Calculations and
Assessment with Measurements (2001-2008), 6th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
Meeting. August 2009, AOGS-2009, Singapore, Singapore (Invited)
Saganti, P. B., A. Scott-Turner, F. A. Cucinotta; Galactic Particle Flux Variations: Assessment
with Ulysses and ACE/CRIS Data, 6th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Meeting.
August 2009, AOGS-2009, Singapore, Singapore