The Impact of the Implementation Based on the

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2039-2117 (online)
ISSN 2039-9340 (print)
MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
Vol 7 No 2 S1
March 2016
The Impact of the Implementation Based on the
Policy Development Neighborhood for the Social Welfare in the City Of Manado
Jeanne E. Langkai
Haedar Akib
Chalid Imran Musa
Orbanus Naharia
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Jl. Bonto Langkasa Kampus Gunung Sari, Makassar 90222, Indonesia,,
This study aimed to describe and analyze the impact of policy-based Development Neighborhood on the welfare of people in
the city of Manado. This type of research is qualitative with the phenomenological approach. Data were collected through
observation, documentation, and in-depth interview with the informant who set intentionally (purposive sampling) based on the
degree of involvement and understanding of informant in the focus issue. The results showed that PBL policy infrastructure
program has a positive impact on society beyond the targets and objectives. Otherwise, socio-economic programs negatively
affect: the target situation, the future target, optimizing the utilization of financial resources, and indirect costs.
Keywords: Impact, Implementation, PBL Policy, Public Welfare.
1. Introduction
Mayor Regulation No. 46 of 2011 established policies in Development Environment (Pembangunan Berbasis
Lingkungan/PBL) based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government and Law on
Social Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2009. The PBL policy objectives are to improve:
a. The participation of the whole society,
b. The capacity of community institutions,
c. The capacity of the government in providing services,
d. Synergies among the community, local government, and private sector,
e. The social capital of society according to the potential social and local culture,
f. Innovation utilization of appropriate technology, information and communication to the target to establish
adequate infrastructure, increasing the income of low people with additional capital for small businesses, and
improving the welfare of low-income people in 504 neighborhoods spread environment in the city of Manado.
Implementation of Public Policies
To understand the impact of public policy cannot be separated from a realizing of the concept of policy, implementation,
and public policy determinants. Nugroho (2011, p. 66) considers that public policy is a dynamic form of the political
dimension, law dimension and management dimensions. The political dimensions, looking at public policy as an option
based on the political system, which is the result of a democratic process that is built for the mutual benefit of every
citizen. The law dimensions, looking at public policy as a policy that has binding legal force citizens, organizers' states
and parties related to this public policy. The management dimensions, looking at public policy as a managerial process in
which public policy is through the process of planning, implementing, supervising and monitoring even evaluated the level
of success or failure of policy. While Pasolong (2013, p. 38), says that the policy is a series of alternatives ready to be
selected based on certain principles. It is a result of in-depth analysis of the various alternatives that lead to decisions
about the best alternative.
Implementation of policy measures in the form of operational activities. Wahab (1997, p. 68) discusses the views
ISSN 2039-2117 (online)
ISSN 2039-9340 (print)
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
Vol 7 No 2 S1
March 2016
Denhard that the implementation is the scene of the action or the action, where all the planning that is formulated in a
policy that is operated. In the implementation of the policy, Akib (2012, p. 16-17) discusses the implementation model of
Mazmanian and Sabatier policy are classified into three categories. The first category is independent aspects easy or
difficult a problem is controlled. Its scope is the technical difficulty, the diversity of the target behavior, the percentage of
target groups about the population, and the extent of the change desired behavior. The second category is the ability to
intervene aspects of policy to systematize the process of implementation of political policies or program management. It
scopes are clarity and consistency of policy objectives, the distribution of funding sources, the integration of the hierarchy
between the implementing agencies, the decision rules of the executing agency, recruitment agents of management, and
formal access to foreigners. The third category is dependent aspects, beyond the political aspects that affect the
implementation process of the policy. Its scope is the socio-economic conditions and technology, public support, attitudes
and resources belonging to groups, support of superiors and officials of commitment and implementation leadership
abilities. Although related aspects presented through the stages to the implementation process involve the production of
policy implementation bodies, target groups comply with the will of the release of the policy, the real impact upon the
output politics, the output of the impact upon the policy as it is perceived, and repair. In the implementation of the running
of the policy sometimes faced with factors that support and hinder implementation. Siregar (2013, p. 3), discuss the view
of Van Meter and Van Horn, which suggested six aspects that influence the implementation of the policy. Those are
political, resources, communication between the organization and the strengthening of activity, characteristics of the
executing agency, the layout of the performer and the social, economic and political standard and targeted.
Impact of public policies
To assess whether the public policies that affect the public, and Dunn (2013, p. 610) suggest several criteria, including:
a. To evaluate the effectiveness, if the desired results were achieved,
b. Evaluation of the efficiency, how much effort is required to achieve the desired success,
c. To assess the adequacy of how far the achievement of expected results to solve problems,
d. Assess the alignment, if the costs and the benefits are evenly distributed to groups of various
e. Assess responsiveness, if the results of policies to meet the needs,
f. Assessing preferences or values certain groups
g. To evaluate the accuracy, if the result (destination) you want useful or valuable.
Approach to assessing the impact of public policies mentioned by Dunn intended to assess the seven criteria.
Those are whether the desired result was achieved, how much effort is needed to achieve the desired results, how the
realization the desired result can be a solution, if the costs and benefits are distributed evenly across different groups,
whether political outcomes to meet the needs, preferences or values of certain groups and the result (destination) you
want to really useful or valuable. Unlike Dye in Pandu Pratomo et al., (2011, p. 4) suggests that the impacts of the policy
are the overall effects of policy under real conditions. So there are number of policy impacts to examine the impact of
policies on objectives, people outside the target called externalities or spillovers, the future, direct costs and indirect
Welfare of Society
The welfare of society is the aim of the state, where the public entrusts the mandate to an official who is authorized to
exercise this authority. Suharto (2010, p. 4-9), suggests that the Social Protection Development Goals include:
a. The improvement of living standards, through a range of social services and social security all levels of
society, especially low-income people who need social protection,
b. Increasing empowerment through implementation of the institutional system and economic dignity, social and
political and human dignity,
c. Improving freedom through the expansion of accessibility and options by the aspirations of the ability, capacity
and humanitarian standards.
Regulation Policy based on the environment development
Law No. 23 in 2014 about Regional Autonomy
Law about Welfare of Society No. 11 in 2009
Permendagri No. 32 in 2011 about Guidelines for Grant And Social Assistance
Major Regulation No. 46 in 2011 about Regulation Policy based on environment development
ISSN 2039-2117 (online)
ISSN 2039-9340 (print)
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
Vol 7 No 2 S1
March 2016
2. Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of this research can be seen in the chart below.
3. Research Method
This study of qualitative research phenomenological methods conducted in Community Empowerment and Agency of the
Government of the Village (Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pemerintah Kelurahan/BPMPK), which includes the
504 neighborhoods. It aims to describe and analyze the impact of the implementation of the policy against the well-being
of the community in the city of Manado. The impact of the policy of PBL is described and analyzed concerning the
conceptual framework of Dye model. He said that the impact of policy can be analyzed through the five aspects are
targeted, community outside target, next policy objectives, direct costs and indirect costs. The concept of community
welfare refers to public policy guide of PBL. It explains that the welfare society is a condition of harmonious adequate
infrastructure, income generation low economic community with the help of additional capital for small businesses and an
increase in the well-being of the citizens of the low economic for 504 neighborhoods that existed in the city of Manado.
The neighborhood is the lowest region in the structure of Government in the city of Manado.
It means, through the use of the descriptive-phenomenological method, to obtained capture and understanding of
the informant or the subject of research in the form of the structure of the experience of the "Impact of Policy-Based
Development Environment to Improve Public Welfare in Manado"
Data collection through observation, interviews and studies of the literature. The interviews were conducted using a
semi-structured interview guide for informants. Those are four neighborhoods, three villages of the facilitator; three
headsmen, Head of Director of Technical Empowerment as executor, Secretary and head of BPMPK of the city of
Manado, four leaders community. Data documents are BPS North Sulawesi in 2013, Manado in 2013, potential city of
Manado in 2014, electronic data, document of BPMPK of City of Manado as settlement Mayor of Manado No 46 of 2011,
Guidelines in General and particular, the implementation of the budget. The analysis of data referring to the interactive
model of Miles and Huberman (1992, p. 112).
4. Result and Discussion
Manado City area is about 15,726 hectares, and it has 11 administrative districts, 87 villages, and 504 neighborhoods.
Sub-district Mapanget is widest, with an area of 49.75 km2 and the smallest sub-district Sario with an area of 1.75 km2.
Street length to reach of 605,213 km. Streets in the city are divided into four categories according to the street conditions
are good, modest, slightly damaged and severely damaged. Demographically, the population in the city of Manado in
2011 of 419,596 people, the growth of the population of 1.13 percent, or a population density of 2,623 people per km2,
the number of households amounted to 111.308 (Manado dalam Angka 2013).
The number of workers as much as 193.115 people, or 63.02%, while the rate of 10.85% unemployment (BPS
Manado 2013). Poor conditions showed an alarming increase from the year 2012 to 4.91% and amounted in 2013
increased by 6.73% while the policy is implemented PBL. In 2012, a population of 417,483 inhabitants, poverty 265.589
or 63 661%, poverty 20 427 inhabitants or 4.89%, are suffering from malnutrition and 226 or 0.05%, with social welfare
issues 2,745 or 0.65% and pre-prosperous families 5010, or 0.12% (Manado dalam Angka, 2013).
The specific objectives of BL are increased the participation of the whole society through the process of decisionmaking, the institutional capacity of community which deep, representative and accountable, the government's ability to
ISSN 2039-2117 (online)
ISSN 2039-9340 (print)
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
Vol 7 No 2 S1
March 2016
provide services directly to the public, synergy communities, local government, private, associations, universities, nongovernmental organizations, community organizations and other groups concerned, to streamline efforts of empowerment
and self-sufficiency and capital head of the company that has developed in line with the social and cultural potential. The
aims are the creation of adequate infrastructure development in all the villages of the neighborhood, increasing lowincome society by funding of additional capital for small and micro enterprises, increasing the well -being of society
because of multiplier effects, encourages people to make synergy with the different programs to increase social
protection in accordance with the aspirations and needs of the community, produce top quality of the creative industrial
economy that supports the vision and mission of Manado and the availability of the study environment the results of
government programs as a place to learn how to plan, implement, monitor and society care activities.
The impact of the policies of PBL against the well-being of people in the city of Manado described and analyzed in
reference to the conceptual framework of the model of Dye impact on: objectives, people outside of the target policy, the
future of the policy objectives, the direct costs and the indirectly costs.
The impact on Target
PBL political realization is as follows:
a. APDBD Manado city budget in 2012 amounted to Rp, from APDBD Manado. Highest limit of
the available budget Rp. 46.000.000 - for each neighborhood or Rp -. Program completion is
environmental infrastructure 402 neighborhood or Rp 4.911.466.239.-. Social and economic program for 83
neighborhood or Rp Thus, the total implementation of the budget is Rp 6.073.466.239.
b. APDBD Manado city budget in 2013 amounted to Rp 21.772.800.000. -. Highest limit of the available budget
of Rp 47.200,000,- each neighborhood or Rp 23.788.800.000. -. Environmental Infrastructure Program
Delivery is 411 neighborhoods. 10.683.032.116, -. Social and economic programs are not realized.
c. Fiscal in 2014, the budget carrier in Manado City Rp. 21.432.096.000,- the highest limit the provision of
budget Rp. 24.000.000, - for each neighborhood or Rp. 21.432.096.000,-. Budget changes of Manado City,
the highest limit granting Activity Budget: Rp. 11.592.000.000, - each neighborhood Rp. 23.000.000, (BPMPK Manado 2014).
Interview with the village facilitator, District of Wanea Tigri Runtuwarou Christi Peu and Fahmi Idris said that the
infrastructure had not been based on the needs of each neighborhood because BPMPK has defined infrastructure
activities namely drainage and embankment retaining water meant that the environment is not given to choose according
to the needs within the environment (July 2, 2014), Whereas the PBL policy is a policy-based environment. Secretary of
BPMPK Marthen Thomas said the neighborhood infrastructure program has changed, because in the past, there is no
footstep, streetlights, sewage, compost, but it is now available (July 22, 2014). Beritamanado wrote that PBL Commission
recommended a policy of not rescheduled or denied based on various studies and compelling reasons, but It still comes
with forced, because PBL budget fails to be achieved with no evidence of absorption of 40 percent of the budget is
prepared (uploaded 26 June 2015).
Based on these data, it was concluded that the implementation of the PBL program infrastructure policies has an
impact on the situation, but not the goals and objectives of the appropriate target policy. Intended for the matter of socioeconomic programs, no impact on the situation of the target due to the implementation of the PBL policy more attention to
environmental infrastructure and not on people with low incomes and poor people. The achievement of socio-economic
programs according to BPMPK made in the form of procurement chairs, tents where social and managing of goods
proposals combined with the proposed infrastructure. Otherwise for the economic, program is deleted on the grounds that
working capital was not abused by the receiver (8 July 2014). Akib et al. (2001, p. 7) said that the impact of policies on
the political situation and the target group must be clear. The effect sought by the policy must also be determined.
People outside of the target policy
According to data obtained from BPMPK about achieving PBL policy is more emphasis on infrastructure development of
the environment and the realization of social programs on the markets of chairs and tents for environment, as well as
remove the economic program, we can say that the implementation of the impact of policies on the PBL d beyond the
target company or Dye as externalities or spillovers. Akib et al (2011, p. 7) said that the impact of policies on the situation
or other groups in which case it was called externalities or spillovers, due to a number of public policy results defined by
the term externalities. Thus, the implementation of a positive impact on political people outside of the target.
ISSN 2039-2117 (online)
ISSN 2039-9340 (print)
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
Vol 7 No 2 S1
March 2016
The future of the policy objectives
PBL aims to increase public participation in the process of decision-making to manage the development of social and
economic infrastructure, building the capacity of community institutions, service to the community, increasing the synergy
between the community, local government, private sector, associations, universities, non-governmental organizations,
community organizations and groups to streamline the efforts of empowerment and self-sufficiency, enhancing social
capital, the improvement of appropriate technology innovation, information and communication in empowering
The purpose of the above is not an easy goal to achieve and implement because it requires a strong commitment
by the government of the city of Manado, the head of the neighborhood, community leaders and the public consciously
and continuously to try to solve the problems of infrastructure and poverty and quality of life. The impact on the future as
secretary of BPMPK expressed that the implementation of policy impacts on the future of the target because since before
the PBL policy footpath from oven stone, lights, sewers, compost but those are now available. Moreover, we must
recognize that the implementation of the policy of the gradual nature or steps (22 July 2015). The implementation of
infrastructure programs can be said to have an impact on future goals. However, for social programs had no impact
because the program was merged in the infrastructure program to meet the needs of the entire community environment,
and economic program is stopped.
The direct costs
Mayor Regulation No. 46 of 2011 lists the sources of funding the implementation of PBL charged to the budget through
the Budget of Implementation Document of BPM-PK Manado. PBL policy realization funds are: a) The fiscal in 2012
amounted to APDBD Manado of Rp,- The budget ceiling of Rp. 46.000.000, - for each neighborhood or
Rp.,- b) The budget in 2013, APDBD Manado amounted to Rp. 21.772.800.000,-. c) The fiscal in 2014,
the budget carrier Manado City of Rp. 21.432.096.000,- Budget Ceiling of Rp. 24.000.000, - for each neighborhood or Rp.
21.432.096.000,- Manado City budget changes Budget Ceiling Activity: Rp. 11.592.000.000,- each neighborhood Rp.
23.000.000, -. Capping Program in 2012 of Rp., In 2013 USD. 23.788.800.000,-, Total Change Rp., -. Total in BPMPK Rp. 37.322.586.907, - (BPMPK Manado, 2014). Mayor Regulation stated that
community participation was needed by 20 percent, and 80 percent is a stimulant fund.
First-year Perwako put the PBL program budget in capital expenditure that should be on spending on goods and
services, and it becomes BPK determine. For the second and third years, budget PBL program included in the list of
goods and services. As a result, it must wait for changes to the budget on budget changes that set in November (July 8,
2015). Observing the budget ceiling and the realization of the policy of PBL, the Commission A DPRD Manado, Salendu
and Tampi said that for two years since budgeted in 2012, the fund PBL less well absorbed into the rest of Earnings
Calculation Budget (Silpa/Sisa Laba Perhitungan Anggaran) reached 60 percent of the total budget per month
( downloaded 25 June 2015).
Based on these data, the implementation of PBL policies negatively affecting the direct cost in terms of optimizing
the budget because of the direct costs provided untapped properly.
The indirectly costs
Mayor Regulation No. 46 in 2011 set fund policy realizations of PBL are: a) The fiscal in 2012 amounted to APDBD
Manado of,- the Budget Ceiling Rp.,- b) In 2013 budget, amounting to Rp.
21.772.800.000,-. c) The fiscal in2014, the budget carrier Manado City Rp. 21.432.096.000,- Budget Ceiling Rp.
24,000,000, - to 504 neighborhood or Rp. 21.432.096. 000, Manado City budget changes Budget Ceiling Activity: Rp.
11.592.000.000,- Capping Program 2012 is Rp., In 2013 Rp. 23.788.800.000,-, Total Change Rp., -. Total in BPMPK Rp. 37.322.586.907, - (BPMPK Manado).
Observing the budget of the PBLs policy is the president, vice-president and secretary of the Commission C DPRD
Manado, says the budget tens of billions in the budget, considered a bit of a project done carelessly. Binti, said it was
agreed that if the implementation of PBL solar cell work should be completed by the end of April 2015. Although the fact,
the agenda set out in the 2014 budget changes must be completed in late December of last year (2014 Metro
downloaded 25 June 2015). To implement the neighborhood has impact assessment meeting while the lack of funds to
actualize these activities require funding in addition to funding infrastructure programs be community participation
amounting to 20 percent of the total budget approved on the proposal by BPMPK Manado. These costs are indirect costs
ISSN 2039-2117 (online)
ISSN 2039-9340 (print)
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
Vol 7 No 2 S1
March 2016
PBL program. Thus, it can be said that the implementations of PBL policy impact on indirect costs and indirect costs are
often not taken into account in the assessment because it may not always be quantified and come to lose the chance to
conduct activities for the most urgent programs.
Based on the description and discussion of research results is reconstructed summaries of research findings on
the impact of the implementation of the PBL policy for the welfare of society in the city of Manado, to facilitate the flow of
thought, as can be seen in the table below:
Impact of Implementing PBL against the public welfare in the city of Manado in 2015.
Sub focus
Impact on
Implementing PBL
against on target,
people outside of the
target, the future of
the target, direct cost
and indirect cost
Ideal Condition
Impact on
of Policy Model
of Dye
Research Result
Implementation of the infrastructure program
PBL policy has had a positive impact on the
target and outside of the target. However,
socio-economic programs negatively affect
the target and future target. Negative impact
on the infrastructure program to optimize the
use of funding sources, with only 60 percent
and achieved for indirect costs, the absence
of the ability to fund other programs.
The existence of a good impact on the target, the
future, and people outside the target is the
objective of the implementation of the policy.
Therefore, in order positively to influence the
implementation of the policy, if the implementation
of policy objectives and appropriate policy
objectives. Funding sources are the direct cost
policy. For that, available funds should be used
optimally and to avoid the impact of indirect costs.
5. Conclusion
Implementor has difficulty controlling technical difficulties such as the high proportion of the target than the population; the
target behavior change is desirable, ideally aims and objectives, the accuracy of the allocation of funding sources, the
implementor of competence, preparedness-related parties outside the structure in participating, understanding
stakeholders on policy.
A determinant in the implementation of PBL policies for the welfare of people in the city of Manado, namely:
1. The disposition and commitment of the government,
2. Standards and policy targets,
3. The dictum of funding sources that have not been appropriate,
4. Communication and dissemination,
5. The central government policy changes and the creation of social conditions that support implementation.
Implementation of infrastructure programs had a positive impact on the target, the future of society, negatively
affecting the direct and indirect costs, while the social and economic programs negatively affecting the target, the future
of society, the cost of direct and indirect costs.
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