Alabama A&M University Visual, Performing, and Communication Arts Department Applied Music Jury Form STRINGS Directions: Please complete this form online and print (1) copy. Give the typewritten form to your instructor for his/her approval and signature prior to your jury examination period. Then, ask the Administrative Assistant or any other office assistant to help you duplicate the form onto one sheet (front and back) and make (6) copies. NAME: Last CLASS LEVEL: First Freshman TERM OF INSTRUCTION: CONCENTRATION: Middle Sophomore Fall Education Junior Spring Summer Performance Senior Unclassified YEAR: Business INSTRUCTOR: HOURS OF WEEKLY PRACTICE: JURY SELECTION: COMPOSER: I. Please list all compositions and composers reviewed this semester in applied lesson: II. Please list solo pieces performed publicly this semester (i.e. recitals, concerts, etc.): III. List all technical studies reviewed during this term: Other ________________________________________ Instructor’s Signature Officials will include a + or – by the subdivisions, which mean they are noticeably good or noticeably needing improvement as related to the letter grade assigned. The absence of any marks indicates a performance consistent with the letter assigned. After completing the previous, circle an A, B, C, D, or F to indicate the level of performance in each caption. PERFORMANCE FUNDAMENTALS TECHNICAL ACCURACY MUSICAL EFFECT _______Tone Quality _______Intonation _______Control _______Attacks & Releases _______Fingering _______Bowing _______Fluency _______Note Accuracy _______Rhythm Accuracy _______Dynamic Contrast _______Precision _______Interpretive Articulation _______Stability of Pulse _______Technique _______Transitions _______Phrasing _______Expression _______Style _______Tempo _______Continuity _______Mood _______Musicianship (Circle One) (Circle One) (Circle One) A B C D F A B C D F A B C D F COMMENTS (INCLUDING STAGE PRESENCE, DRESS ATTIRE, DISCIPLINE, POSTURE, STRONG POINTS, WEAKPOINTS) _______________________________________________________ Adjudicator’s Signature Rev 4/12-cj