C l a s s A g e... 1 | P a g e

C l a s s A g e nt H a n d b oo k
Welcome Letter .............................................................................................................................. 3
Roles and Responsibilities of Class Agent ....................................................................................... 4
Preparing the Class Agent Letter .................................................................................................... 5
Sample Letter #1 ............................................................................................................................. 6
Sample Letter #2 ............................................................................................................................. 7
Gifts to Alabama A & M University ................................................................................................. 8
Suggestions for Soliciting Support for AAMU ................................................................................. 9
Ways To Give… .............................................................................................................................. 10
50th Year Celebration Information
Information Sheet: Attire & Line-Up ......................................................................................... 11
25th Year Celebration
Silver Reunion Certificate Reply Form ....................................................................................... 13
Class Reunion Meeting 2016 ........................................................................................................ 14
Class Reunion Forms ..................................................................................................................... 14
Class Reunion Attendance Sheet ............................................................................................... 14
Class Gift Reporting Form ......................................................................................................... 15
Class Gift Report Summary ....................................................................................................... 16
Class Gifts Recording Sheet 2016 ............................................................................................. 17
Class Achievement Award Criteria ............................................................................................ 18
Class Achievement Nomination Form 2016 ............................................................................. 19
Minutes of Class Meeting 2016 ................................................................................................ 20
Line – Up Data Care .................................................................................................................. 21
Special Statistics ........................................................................................................................ 22
Registration Form ......................................................................................................................... 23
Staff Directory and Web Site Information .................................................................................... 24
C l a s s A g e nt H a n d b oo k
Welcome to the Alabama A&M University
Class Agent Program
Dear 2016 Class Reunion Agents:
Thank You for your service as Class Agent. By taking on this role you are setting an example
for AAMU alumni around the globe.
The Class Agent booklet will be a very useful roadmap as you begin to contact your
Our goal, simply stated is to encourage as many class members as possible to come back
and make a donation to Alabama A&M University.
Please know that you have a dedicated team in the Office of Alumni Affairs working with
you to make 2016 the Best Class Reunion ever.
With grateful thanks for your participation in this effort!
Sandra S. Stubbs
Sandra S. Stubbs, ’87 Director
C l a s s A g e nt H a n d b oo k
Roles and Responsibilities of Class Agent
Work with your classmates and the Office of Alumni Affairs to provide coordination and
planning for class reunion and reunion gift campaigns.
Write or facilitate the completion of reunion letters, postcards, emails, etc. (with support
of the Office of Alumni Affairs). One letter should be a specific appeal for a financial gift.
Email is strongly encouraged.
Educate the class members about AAMU's financial condition and other needs.
Coordinate class agent committee meetings to discuss issues related to class agent
Assist in locating or identifying lost and deceased classmates.
Conduct the class meeting: We will identify a location on campus for your meeting. You
are free of course to hold your meeting wherever your class has agreed to meet. You will
be provided with an agenda and all appropriate forms needed.
Assist in the planning the program for the Class Reunion Banquet.
Maintain copies of all reports from class meetings and submit to Alumni Affairs
Present class gifts at the Reunion Banquet
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Preparing the Class Agent Letter
Your classmates will depend on you for news about the university and about other
classmates. Remember, for each class agent who does not write, there are dozens to
hundreds of classmates who will have empty mailboxes. Don’t let that happen. If you
have a problem getting a letter out, just let your Reunion Partner know and we will
provide a solution.
Write your letter. Your letter may be handwritten, typed, or e-mailed to the Alumni
Affairs Office. We will take it from there. Email is more efficient. Let us know if we are to
scan your signature onto the letters and mail from here or if we are to mail them to you
for your personal signature and notes. We will also provide 2 sets of address labels for
your classmates upon request.
Please mail, email or fax your first letter to us by Friday, November 13, 2015. We have
selected this time frame to better facilitate processing in our office. We will work to get
your letters out on a timely basis. We will format your letter, proof it and include early
registration forms. We proof for spelling and grammatical errors, but generally will not
change the style. We will mail your letter accordingly.
Encourage matching gifts. The matching gift program is a great way to increase the impact
of a contribution to AAMU. Many companies will match their employee’s gifts to higher
education. Some also match contributions of employee spouses and retirees. Encourage
classmates to contact their Office of Human Resources for a matching gift form to
complete and send with their gifts.
Please mail, e-mail or fax all updated life information (name, address, career changes;
marriages, births, deaths, etc.) and any class notes that you receive from your classmates.
We will update our database and include a hard copy of the update in their file. Class
notes will then be shared for future issues of the Alumni Affairs Newsletter, if permission
was given. Any class information received by the alumni office will be mailed to you for
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Sample Letter #1
Dear Class of 1961:
Time is indeed a marvelous and miraculous reality. It moves along like an ever-rolling
stream. It just does not seem that ______years have passed since we shook the hand of
the president of Alabama A&M University in the presence of our loving family members
and other supporters to confirm that we were proud college graduates. The memorable
occurrence of our graduation arrived after four years of remarkable and unforgettable
experiences which definitely prepared us for life and living. Those tremendous exposures
of enrichment, challenge and preparation have been the basic reasons for our being
where we are in life. By God’s matchless grace, we have come this far by faith.
Now, please know that the real reason for my letter is to activate your reflections upon
what Alabama A&M has meant to you. With that in mind, please accept my personal
invitation to join me and all of our other classmates and reunion groups by returning to
the campus on May 5-8, 2016. What a glorious time will be yours to see, talk with,
fellowship with, and learn more about those whom you have not seen for years!
You will be overwhelmed to see the additional beauty of the campus surroundings, the
extended campus acreage, the latest buildings, the spacious stadium, the new streets and
the Student Health & Wellness Center. You will certainly be excited about the increased
number of nationally accredited programs offered by the University, as well as the
opportunity to meet our 11th President, Dr. Andrew Hugine, Jr.
In addition, this reunion time will provide an excellent opportunity for you to make a
special financial contribution to Alabama A&M University as a member of the remarkable
Class of 1961. I am confident that in that category, we can count on you to do your part!
Please consider making a minimum contribution of $1,000.00 class gift. If you are unable
to attend the reunion, please make your check or money order payable to the Alabama
A&M University Foundation and mail the check to me at Alumni Affairs, Welcome
Center/Patton House, Normal, AL 35758. Your gift can also be made by credit card:
Discover, MasterCard, VISA and American Express. You may also call (256) 372-5287.
Please specify your class year when you call.
I hope you will come and enjoy all of the exciting, informative, and inspiring activities that
are being planned to make your visit to “The Hill” an occasion to remember. With the
greatest possible anticipation, may all of us look forward to sharing heart-warming
experiences with classmates and friends.
Your Class Agent
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Sample Letter #2
Dear Classmates of 1966:
Planning for our Class Reunion is already underway. On May 5-8, 2016, we will celebrate
the 50th anniversary of our time at Alabama A&M University. As we look forward to our
class reunion, we can reflect on and be thankful for the many opportunities, friendships
and experiences the University gave us. I hope that you will mark your calendars and plan
to attend! Call and make your hotel reservations today.
As part of the Reunion effort, each class will be afforded the opportunity to support
AAMU through contributing to the class gift. I have been charged with the important task
of suggesting the giving participation and funding goal for our class and enlisting your
support to achieve that goal.
You may add your name to the list of 50th Reunion donors by making a contribution of
$1,250.00 before our May 2016 reunion.
Our beloved AAMU is committed to ensuring that its students continue to receive a
world-class education. To do this, the University must ensure that class sizes stay small
enough to give students the opportunity to learn in optimal conditions, that enough
faculty members are hired and retained to keep class sizes under control, that old
buildings and facilities are renovated and updated, and that new buildings are built to
ensure students have top-notch facilities in which to learn. The University is also
committed to providing financial aid and scholarship assistance to students with financial
need. To achieve success the University needs your support!
Our 50th Reunion provides each of us with a perfect occasion to participate in supporting
the University’s future. Any gift, to any area, made from now until our presentation in
May will count toward our class reunion totals. I hope you will join me in supporting
AAMU and its vision for the future, thus preserving the unique University experience for
generations of students to come.
Please feel free to contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at 256-372-5287 if you have any
questions regarding your gift. Thank you for your consideration and support of AAMU and
the Class of 1966’s Reunion giving effort. I look forward to seeing you in May!
Class Agent
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Gifts to Alabama A & M University
Donor Named Endowed Fund
Named in honor of the donor or in honor or memory of someone the donor selects. These
endowed funds start at a minimum of $25,000 and can be paid over a five year period. This
fund can be created for scholarship, financial support to a specific program, or designated
as unrestricted. If created for a scholarship during the Councill Challenge Campaign the gift
will receive an equal match. Only interest generated from the endowment will be used for
the designated purpose annually, the principal is never disbursed allowing the fund to
remain in perpetuity.
Donor Named Annual Fund
Named in honor of the donor or in honor or memory of someone the donor selects. These
funds start with a minimum deposit of $500. This fund can be created for academic or book
scholarships, or financial support to a specific program. Each annual payment will be
expended in the year it is received.
Planned Giving
Through Planned Giving many alumni and friends have made a lasting impact on AAMU.
These individuals have used their wills, life insurance policies, annuities and real estate to
benefit AAMU and to preserve their legacy. Each planned gift is different and we will be
happy to work with you to craft the plan that suits you best. Options include, but or not
limited to:
BEQUEST – This gift can be a set dollar amount or property established by the donor in his
or her will. The expressed use of the gift can be specified by the donor in the will or left to
the discretion of AAMU.
LIFE INSURANCE – The donor establishes an insurance policy and names AAMU as the
beneficiary. The fund can support scholarships, a specific intent or be unrestricted. The
donor can designate the name of the fund in their will.
CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY – This type of gift establishes a contract between the donor
and AAMU that pays the donor an agreed upon fixed income for a specific period of time
in exchange for AAMU acquiring the principal gift at the end of the contract.
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST – This trust can be funded with cash, securities or real
estate and is established once the donor places these assets in trust. This gift is irrevocable
and in exchange the donor receives an income for life or over a specific period of time.
CHARITABLE LEAD TRUST – The donor transfers assets to a charitable lead trust for life or
a specific term of years and the trust income is paid to AAMU. At the term’s expiration, the
trust principal is either returned to the donor or the donor’s estate.
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Suggestions for Soliciting Support for AAMU
Making the Ask is simple but not necessarily easy…so, if you are hesitant to “ask for
money” in your letter, here are a few important points to keep in mind:
1) You’re not asking for money for yourself. As an official representative of the university,
you’re asking your classmates to support their alma mater - a very worthy cause.
2) Use the words “consider” and “please”. It is highly unlikely that you will offend any of
your classmates when you include these words as part of your request.
3) Don’t be afraid to speak from your heart. Donors are more inspired by sincere, personal
testimonials than statistics and facts. The best appeals have emotional impact.
4) Making the Case for Support: Consider incorporating one of the messages below that you
feel will resonate with your classmates and please add your personal touch.
Message #1 – Keeping an AAMU education accessible to all students…
“Many deserving students would not be here today without the financial aid and
scholarships made possible by our donors. Last year the Councill Challenge Campaign,
our annual fundraising campaign, helped provide financial assistance to many AAMU
students. Please consider a gift today to help make an AAMU education possible for
those who follow in our footsteps.”
Message #2 – The Cost of Excellence…
“Funding the Councill Challenge Campaign enables AAMU to remain competitive by
helping to attract and retain the brightest students and most talented faculty. Your
support further ensures that fundamental characteristics of the AAMU experience
carry on, like small classes taught by dedicated full-time faculty members, innovative
curriculum and opportunities for off-campus study. Please consider a gift today to
help provide extraordinary opportunities for every student on The Hill.”
Message #3 – Every gift really does make a difference…
“Supporting the Councill Challenge Campaign only succeeds as a collective effort when
you remember that every gift, regardless of size, has true power.”
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Ways To Give…
Mail Your Gift Today
Write a check or use your credit card to make your tax-deductible gift. Credit card gifts
can be made using Visa, MasterCard or Discover cards.
Make a Pledge
Consider monthly or quarterly contributions if you wish. Pledges enable you to make a
more significant gift to AAMU than may otherwise be possible.
Matching Gifts
Increase your giving power through matching gifts. If you or your spouse is employed by a
company with a matching gift program, your gift could have even greater impact.
Online Gifts
Your gift to AAMU can be mail online at www.aamu.edu click “Give Now”
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50th Year Celebration Information
Information Sheet: Attire & Line-Up
Founder’s Day Convocation Attire
The Golden Reunion Class is traditionally recognized by the ladies wearing white dresses
or suits while dark suits are traditionally worn by the men with collared shirts and ties.
(Black or navy are preferred) Please honor this tradition.
Presentation of Golden Certificates to Class of 1966
You will receive your Golden Certificate during the Spring Commencement on Friday, May
6, 2016. The convocation will be held in the Von Braun Center (VBC) Arena.
A class photograph will be taken in the VBC Arena. Instructions will be given prior to
line-up. Encourage class members to be on time!
Should you have questions, call the Office of Alumni Affairs (256) 372-5286.
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Golden Reunion Lettering Sheet
Class of 1966 Data Sheet
►Please complete this form and return no later than March 20, 2016 to the
Alumni Affairs, Welcome Center/Patton House, Normal, AL 35762
YES, I will be attending the Class Reunion.
NO, I will not be attending the Class Reunion.
(Print your EXACTLY as you want it to
appear on your Golden Certificate)
Examples: Dr. Jane A. Doe,
Mr. John Anybody Doe, II,
Jane Anybody Doe
Mailing Address:
(Street or P.O. Box)
(Zip Code)
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Alternate Email/Telephone
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25th Year Celebration
Silver Reunion Certificate Reply Form
Class of 1991 Data Sheet
►Please complete this form and return no later than March 20,
2016 to the Alumni Affairs, Welcome Center/Patton House, Normal,
AL 35762
(Print your EXACTLY as you want it
to appear on your Silver Certificate)
Examples: Dr. Jane A. Doe,
Mr. John Anybody Doe, II,
Jane Anybody Doe
Mailing Address:
(Street or P.O. Box)
(Zip Code)
Email Address:
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Class Reunion Meeting 2016
Class Reunion Forms
Class Reunion Attendance Sheet
Please complete one for each class member in attendance.
Maiden if
Zip Code:
Maiden if
Zip Code:
Maiden if
Zip Code:
Zip Code:
Maiden if
Duplicate as Needed
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Class Gift Reporting Form
Please complete a donation card and attach to each gift.
Name and Address
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Cash, Pledge or
Credit Card
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Class Gift Report Summary
Class attendance sheets and contribution sheets must be summarized and turned
in as the complete report at the Reunion Banquet.
Include all cash, checks, money orders and pledge cards. All should remain
with the class agent or designated person until the reports are given at the
The Alumni Affairs Office will receive report forms at the appropriate time
prior to the program.
Each class will designate the agent/classmate to make the summary report at
the Reunion Banquet. Class Agents should prepare presenter accordingly.
a. Total Number of Classmates in Attendance
b. Total Class Gifts – Cash, Pledges, etc.
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Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
Class Gifts Recording Sheet 2016
Class of ____________
Number in Class Meeting
Number of Total Returning Classmates
Number Deceased Classmates
Class Gifts Cash
Class Gifts Check
Pledges Down Payment
Total Amount of Class Gift
Signature of Class Agents Chair
Signature of Reunion Partner
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Class Achievement Award Criteria
The Class Achievement Award is presented to the most outstanding alumnus/alumna during
his/her Class Reunion Year. Nominees are evaluated based on the following criteria:
 List earned academic degrees(s) from Alabama A&M University and other institutions of
higher education.
 List membership and offices held in professional societies (local, state, regional, and
national affiliations).
 List other notable accomplishments, honors, and awards.
 List memberships and leadership involvement with community, civic, and social
 List any significant volunteer service.
 List affiliation and leadership with any church or religious organizations.
 List any local, state or national political activities, including offices held.
 List involvement and leadership with any special committees, advisory boards or
University organizations.
 List membership and involvement with the AAMU Alumni Association.
 List any notable financial or in-kind contributions to the AAMU Foundation.
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Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
Class Achievement Nomination Form 2016
NOTE: Please fill in all lines. This form must be accompanied by
documentation of awards, achievements and accomplishments.
Class Year________________
Name ________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
Street Address or P. O. Box
City _________________________ State ______ Zip Code _____________
Telephone Number _____________________________________________
Email Address _________________________________________________
Submitted by: _________________________________________________
Telephone Number _____________________________________________
Email Address _________________________________________________
Mail to:
Office of Alumni Affairs
Patton House/Welcome Center
Normal, AL 35762
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Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
Minutes of Class Meeting 2016
____________________________________________ is the next Class Agent Chairperson.
Class Achievement Award Recipient is ________________________________________.
Signature of Recorder ______________________________________________________
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Line – Up Data Care
The information provided on this card will be used to introduce you
during class processional at Reunion Banquet.
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
141st Founder’s Day Observance and Grand Reunion Celebration!
May 5-8, 2016
Class Year ______________
Print Name _______________________________________________________________________
Nickname in School _______________________________________________________________
Home City and State _______________________________________________________________
Occupation/ (Retired/Previous Occupation) ______________________________________________
Email Address ____________________________________________________________________
(For Alumni Affairs Office Use Only)
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Special Statistics
CLASS OF _______________
Number of Class Members Contacted
Number of Letters Returned
Number of Times Members Contacted
Number of Members to Register
Number of Members to Give
Average Gift Amount
Percentage of Class to Register
Percentage of Class to Give
Number of Ads Sold
Percentage of Goal Achieved
Class Agent Chairperson: ___________________________
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Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University
141st Founder’s Day Observance and
Class Reunion Celebration
May 5-8, 2016 - “The Best ReYOUnion Ever”
Registration Form
(events & time subject to change)
CLASS YEAR_____________________
Home Phone
Zip Code
Cell Phone
Email Address
Please check here if this is an address correction.
ALL guests of class members must pay for selected events.
Guest Name
AAMU Class Year
REGISTRATION FEE (Conference bag and gift)
CLASS DANCE–Thurs., May 5th
$ 40.00
$ 55.00
$ 30.00
$ 60.00
$ 15.00
TOTAL $200.00
Price After
$ 45.00
$ 60.00
$ 35.00
$ 65.00
$ 20.00
$ 225.00
Check (Make check payable to: AAMU FOUNDATION).
I wish to pay registration of $___________
I wish to pay registration of $_______________________by credit card.
Card Number ____________________________CVS# _________ Expiration Date _______________
Name on Card___________________________________Signature______________________________
Mail Registration To:
Office of Alumni Affairs
Welcome Center/Patton House
Normal, AL 35762
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Staff Directory and Web Site Information
Director – Sandra S. Stubbs
(256)372-8351 sandra.stubbs@aamu.edu
Coordinator – Susan Eason
(256) 372-5287 susan.eason@aamu.edu
The Office of Alumni Affairs is located in the Patton House/Welcome center adjacent to the
Chase Road entrance to campus. The physical address is 116 Chase Road, Huntsville, AL 35811.
We are open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Feel free to drop in for a visit!
AAMU Alumni Affairs – www.aamu.edu/alumni
Class Agent Page - www.aamu.edu/alumni/class_agents
Stay connected on Facebook!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/aamu.alumniaffairs
The Office of Alumni Affairs appreciates your help!
Please visit, call or email us your suggestions, updates and
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2016 Class Reunion
Of Events
MAY 5th
MAY 6th
MAY 7th
MAY 8th
1:00 - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Clyde Foster
Multipurpose Room
President’s Community
Breakfast (50 Year Class
7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Fun Social Event
Clyde Foster
Multipurpose Room
Campus Tour
10:00 AM
10:00 AM – 10:30 PM
Founder’s Day
Normalite Walkway
Pavers Ceremony – Quad
(If you purchased a brick)
6:00 PM
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Spring Commencement
(Class of 1966 receive
Golden Certificate)
Alumni Association
Ernest L. Knight Reception
7:00 PM
Fun Social Event
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Clyde Foster
Multipurpose Room
8:00 AM
Founder’s Day
Worship Services
St. John AME Church
Immediately After
Class Meetings/Pictures
TG Parker Classroom
6:30 PM
Class Banquet
Alumni Hospitality
Embassy Suites Hotel
Schedule - Events
subjected to