rieann A3 )tection January 2001 • MONITORING PONDEROSA PINE DECLINE AND MORTALITY ON THE FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION Establishment Report and 5-Year Results • Blakey Lockman and Tom Corse INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • Mortality in ponderosa pine from annosum root disease (Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref) was first diagnosed on the Flathead Indian Reservation (IR) in the mid 1970's (Williams and Haglund 1976; see Appendix for biology of annosum root disease). Extensive root disease and/or drought symptoms and associated mortality were recognized in the Dry Fork area and nearby Sunrise area on the Reservation's west side in the late 1980's, and appeared to increase significantly in 1990. Mature pines scattered throughout that area had been dying at an unknown rate. Many crowns were thin, with needle retention lower than expected; terminal growth was poor; and in some cases, foliage color was chlorotic or appeared to have a silver cast. Annosum root disease had been identified as a causal agent in some of these situations. In 1993, we established permanent plots to monitor the decline of ponderosa pine on the west side of the Flathead IR. The main objectives of the study were: (1) determine rate of decline of individual trees; (2) identify symptoms which can be used to predict time of mortality; and (3) determine mortality rate over time. All of these objectives will help the Tribes United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Northern Region manage their ponderosa pine. Large ponderosa pine have great significance to tribal members, but economics dictate harvesting of trees before they die to optimize monetary value. We also hoped to determine the overall cause of decline and mortality. METHODS Plot Selection We investigated the possibility of using annual aerial videography to monitor mortality with the Methods Application Group (MAG), Fort Collins (now called Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, Fort Collins). We determined aerial video technology was too much in its infancy to use as the main survey tool. MAG considered using this project as a test site for the usefulness of aerial videography to monitor annual mortality, so we attempted to design ground plots to compliment a future aerial video test project. We created a random number list using UTM coordinates from the Ill's west side under 4,400 feet elevation (R24W and T19N north to T24N). This general area was selected by Tom Corse, IR forester, as the area of most concern. 200 East Broadway P.O. Box 7669 Missoula, MT 59807 with directions for locating them. Transects were established in 1993. We selected the first 23 UTM coordinates from the random number list and then delineated 1/4mile wide flight lines on 1:24,000 topographic maps. Each flight line was drawn from the selected UTM coordinate north to the next UTM coordinate. The first 18 flight lines that were entirely on IR land, were forested, and mostly under 4,400 feet elevation were then selected for aerial photography. At the time of plot establishment, the Tribes requested we include a transect in an area of known annosum infection. They selected the site and we verified the presence of annosum fruiting bodies on the roots of overstory trees and seedlings/saplings. The Tribes located this nonrandomly selected transect (Annosum transect) adjacent to the leading edge of an active H. annosum root disease center. This transect was not flown and was analysed separately. In June 1993, these 18 flight lines were flown and 1:6000 aerial photography was taken. Three flight lines were discarded because they were in an active timber sale (Welcome Springs), which left 15 flight lines. Data Collected At plot establishment, all trees 15 inches or greater in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) within boundaries were tagged at the base with an aluminum numbered tag. Their general location was also noted on a transect grid map. Crowns of all trees were given a numerical rating for needle complement, needle length, needle color, and twig and branch condition. The highest cumulative rating a crown could receive was 9 (Table 1). A high rating indicated a tree in poor condition. This rating system was based on risk rating systems developed for predicting mortality of ponderosa pine from bark beetles (Salman and Bongberg 1942) and oxidant air pollution (Miller 1973). The photo which best represented each flight line was selected. A scaled overlay which represented an 8-acre transect 264 feet wide (east/west) by 1,320 feet long (north/south) was placed over each photo to delineate ground sampling. Starting point for each transect was the south end of overlay. Each photo was then pinpricked and the spot was located on the ground. Ground transects ran due north for 1,320 feet from starting points. Rebar was placed at starting and ending points on all transects, and reference trees were painted and tagged with an aluminum tag at approximately 4.5 feet above ground. Starting points were located on maps and photos, along 2 Table 1. Ponderosa pine crown rating system. • • • • • • • • SYMPTOMS _ 1"- RATING e oini3 em6n a. normal (3+ years retention) b. 2-year needle retention c. 1-year needle retention (bottle brush)) 0 1 2 a. normal b. shorter than normal throughout crown c. needles shorter in upper crown, normal below a definite contrast . 6 e a. normal b. off color (moderately chlorotic) c. fading, more yellow than green .. an a. no twigs or branches dead b. a few scattered dead or dying branches or twigs in crown, with <10% occurring in uper V2 of crown c. 10-20% of twigs and branches in upper of crown dead d. greater than 20% of twigs and branches inupper 'A of crown dead 3' 4N;IO..,*14:g COMU- LAT'CROWNATIN 8-' The following information was also collected and recorded for each tree: d.b.h., crown ratio, crown class, and damages using Region 1 Timber Stand Exam damage codes (Anonymous 1985: 415.4-415.51). A standard stand exam plot (Anonymous 1985) was then nested on the transect center line at three locations: 264, 660, and 1,056 feet from each starting point. A variable-radius plot using 10 BAF (basal area factor) was used to tally trees 5 inches d.b.h. and larger, and a nested 1/100-acre fixed plot was used to count regeneration and estimate ground coverages. - 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 9 as close to ground level as possible and incubated in a moisture chamber to verify the presence of the asexual stage of the fungus, Spiniger meineckellus (A.J. Olson) Stalpers. Transects were revisited each year, except 1997, when time and financial constraints prevented a remeasurement. Mortality was recorded at these annual visits, as well as any significant changes. In 1998, in addition to mortality, crowns of all live tagged trees were rated again and damages were again recorded. Any missing tags were replaced, and reference trees were repainted as necessary. In addition to the above data, an informal survey was done on each transect looking for the presence of H. annosum. Cut stumps were investigated for typical decay and/or fruiting bodies, and seedling and sapling mortality was checked for presence of button conks. When possible, mortality trees were sampled to determine the presence of H. annosum. Dead trees were cut and 2-inch thick discs were taken Statistical Analysis One-way analysis of variance was used to test for significant differences between live and dead trees. T-tests for paired samples were used to test for significant differences between 1993 measurements and 1998 measurements of live trees (SPSS 1994). 3 Table 2. Transect characteristics at time of plot establishment. • # Ponderosa Elevation (feet ' 0071*, 3600 Transect # 2 Slope .240;T; 11 '; • T • 43 No 63 Yes 48 W 46 3900 20 E 25 19.8 16 NE 78 Y:',%-,, 48 21.4 ,.- ,. - 2%. - Mtt 2 .: 3700 ,A,, , 4200 30 NE tx:-',1,%t 4000 % 14 N No _ 1`07 19.2 88 No 61 No '''',2t,, 3 19.5 66 Habitat T I GRi1C8lif' ABGR/LIBO/LIBO 591) PSMENACA 250. ABGR/LIBO (590) SME/VACA 250 PSME/SYAL/AGSP 311 Sm5 1G' PSME/VACA 250 :i.PSMENACA 250 PSME/VACA (250) R/LT80,: 590):Vt PSME/CARU 350 ,,TSME/PHMA:: 260 —1 "58'2 4-' PSME/CAGE 330 R/L A,4,4 p,:.0.-., . 'BA= square feet of basal area per acre. Series/Habitat Type/Phase (Pfister et.al. 1977). 3 Transect 4 was burned in the 1998 Boyer Wildfire and was excluded from further analyses. (average needle complement, p<0.001; average needle length, p<0.01). Average twig/branch mortality significantly worsened (p<0.05) and there was no change in needle color from 1993 to 1998. Trees put on significant diameter growth over the 5 years; average d.b.h. increased from 21 inches to 22.4 inches (Table 3). Average cumulative crown rating for all tagged trees at time of transect establishment was 1.8. When live trees were rated again 5 years later, cumulative crown rating significantly improved to 1.6 (p<0.001). Two of the individual crown characteristics also significantly improved • • • 5 • Yes E Crown Conditions • 46 30 0 27 " 440; 15 19.8 3600 0'.i.:Z 3400 2'413 No N , • 67 20 . 6 tg 9:9 23.0 A Asiect .,.,, 43 confirmed on the transect % ;., H. annosum Average BA' for all trees f lg 91 Pine Trees >=15.0"d.b.h. i. 48 sy • 1993 Average d.b.h. inches 2 5. 20.3 Table 3. Average crown characteristics for trees alive in 1993 and 1998 on randomly selected transects (excluding Transect 4). 1993 Average Value (SE') 1998 Average Value (SE') Needle Complement 0.37 (0.020) 0.19 (0.016) Needle Len: h Needle Color 0.19 (0.020) 0.02 (0.007) 0.14 0.018 0.02 (0.006) Twig/Branch Mortality 1.20 (0.020) 1.25 (0.021) Cumulative Crown Rating 1.79 (0.048) 1.61 (0.046) Crown Characteristic D.B.H. Trend (p value) Improved* (p<0.001) Improved* s<0.01 No Change Worsened* (p<0.05) Improved* (p<0.001) 22.42" (0.203) 21.92" (0.201) SE = standard error of the mean * significantly different Darker). Almost 6% of all live trees had Elytroderma recorded as a damaging agent. Other Damages Three damages were recorded for each tagged tree. Table 4 lists the five most common agents recorded for all transects and their frequencies. In addition to the above damaging agents recorded for each tree, H. annosum was confirmed on 20% of transects. Table 4. Most common damages recorded for live trees at plot establishment. i In 1994 (year 1), one tree was killed by secondary bark beetles and tested positive for H. annosum. In 1995 (year 2), one tree was killed by a combination of lightning and secondary bark beetles, and two trees were salvaged after death so cause of mortality could not be confirmed, but was assumed to be bark beetles. Samples were collected from the lightning killed tree and the stumps of the two salvaged trees, but H. annosum was not confirmed. No trees died in 1996 (year 3). In 1997/1998 (years 4 and 5), one tree was killed by western pine beetles and two trees were lost to road improvement and harvesting. Samples were not collected from these three trees. Fre uenc 1993 Dama e 217 Western I an rust' 67 Fire scars No damage Mortality - 311 Western gall rust = Endocronartium harknessii (Moore) Hirat. Elytroderma needle blight = Elytroderma deformans (Weir) Darker The most common biological damaging agent recorded was western gall rust (Endocronartium harknessii (Moore) Hirat.). Over 21% of trees had western gall rust recorded as a damaging agent. The second most common biological damaging agent recorded was Elytroderma needle blight (Elytroderma deformans (Weir) Transect 4 was burned by the Boyer Wildfire during the 1998 fire season. Seven trees on the transect were killed outright by the fire. Although many trees survived, the transect was 6 •-• improvement; and five trees died from "natural" causes other than fire. The latter five trees were the only trees we could use to calculate a representative mortality rate. Average annual mortality was 0.14% for ponderosa pine trees 15.0 inches d.b.h. or greater. See Table 5 for a summary of mortality. no longer useful for this project, so the 1998 remeasurement for transect 4 was dropped from the analysis. Over the 5-year period, 14 trees died from various causes: seven trees were lost to fire; two trees were lost to harvesting and/or road Table 5. Individual mortality characteristics and probable cause . Year of Mortali 1993 D.B.H. inches Tree ID' 1 1994 1993 Cumulative Crown Ratin . Presence of H. annosum Cause Beetles Salva e Li htnin /beetles - g g g *-4 4 , ., . , .,, . , - , , IN. 97/9 g., 1997/98 1 , ., 10-426 -.4 5 22.4 r.,:,,, ',. "1-3997.1.9 V_ i. , . :Eit-0,' . , 0 4 . , , , tt .. . , . , , . , ' vca oZt Not sam led Beetles s awe ii, • e 161. .rovem., I Tree ID=Transect number - tree number. 2 Mortality in shaded rows were not included in calculating mortality rate nor decline symptoms tied to mortality. (Table 6). Additionally, trees that died were significantly larger in d.b.h. than trees that survived (26.9 inches and 21.92 inches, respectively; p<0.05). When 1993 average crown characteristics of trees that died over 5 years were compared to trees that lived over 5 years, they were found to be significantly different. All crown ratings were statistically greater (worse) for trees that died Table 6. 1993 average crown characteristics for trees dead through 1998 and 1998 live (excluding Transect 4). Crown Characteristic Needle Complement Needle Length Needle Color Twig/Branch Mortality Cumulative Crown Rating D.B.H. Dead Tree Average Value (SE') 1.20 (0.490) 0.80 (0.374) 0.60 (0.400) 2.20 (0.490) 4.80 (1.463) 26.9" (2.277) SE - standard error of the mean 7 Live Tree Average Value (SE') 0.37 (0.020) 0.19 (0.020) 0.02 (0.007) 1.20 (0.020) 1.79 (0.048) 21.92" (0.201) Significance p<0.001 p=0.01 P<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.05 • consistently worsened over 5 years, although only three measurements were statistically significant: needle color, twig/branch mortality and cumulative crown rating (Table 8). The average d.b.h. increased from 18.9 inches to 19.9 inches over the 5 years. Annosum Transect This transect was selected by the Tribes based on the presence of H. annosum. Table 7 lists the transect characteristics. • The non-randomly selected Annosum transect was analyzed separately, but similarly to other transects. Average crown characteristics • Table 7. Annosum transect characteristics at time of plot establishment. • #Ponderosa Pine Trees Elevation Slope (feet) (%) As ect >=15.0"d.b.h. 255 3200 10 SE 1993 Ave. d.b.h. (inches) 18.9 H.annosum Average BA' for all .ees 100 confirmed on the transect Yes Habitat T Ee2 PSME/SYAL (310) ' BA= square feet of basal area per acre. 2 Series/Habitat Type/Phase (Pfister et.al. 1977). • Table 8. Average tree characteristics for trees alive in 1993 and 1998 on Annosum Transect only. 1993 Average Value (SE') 1998 Average Value (SE') Needle Complement 0.11 (0.020) 0.12 (0.024) Needle Length 0.04 (0.013) 0.06 (0.017) Needle Color 0.01 (0.006) 0.05 (0.015) Twig/Branch Mortality 1.06 (0.018) 1.20 (0.030) Cumulative Crown Rating 1.22 (0.037) 1.43 (0.065) 18.86" (0.216) 19.90" (0.323) Crown Characteristic • D.B.H. SE = standard error of the mean 2 NS = not significant at p<= 0.10 * significantly different 8 Trend (p value') Worsened (NS) Worsened (NS) Worsened* (p=0.01) Worsened* (p<0.001) Worsened* ((p----0.001) • • • • • • • • Only one tree died over 5 years, and it occurred in 1994 (Table 9). The tree had been hit by lightning at time of plot establishment and was attacked by western pine beetles (Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte) the following year. In 1994, we collected a 2-inch thick disc at ground level which tested positive for S. meineckellus. Death of one tree on this transect equates to an average annual mortality rate of 0.08%. Because only one tree died, a comparison of crown characteristics of trees that lived versus trees that died was not made. When the non-randomly selected Annosum transect was compared to the 14 randomly selected transects, trees on the Annosum transect were significantly smaller in d.b.h. and average crown characteristics were significantly better than trees on the other transects (Table 10). Table 9. Individual mortality characteristics and probable cause . Year of Mortality 1994' Tree ED' SS-163 1993 D.B.H. (inches) 20.8 1993 Cumulative Crown Rating 1 • • Cause Lightning/beetles H. annosum Yes Tree ID=Transect number - tree number. (SS=Annosum Transect) Table 10. 1993 average live tree characteristics for the non-randomly selected Annosum Transect compared to the 14 randomly selected transects at plot establishment. Crown Characteristic Needle Complement Needle Length Needle Color Twig/Branch Mortality Cumulative Crown Rating D.B.H. 1993 Average Value (SE') Annosum Transect 0.11 (0.020) 0.04 (0.013) 0.01 (0.006) 1.06 (0.018) 1993 Average Value (SE) 14 Randomly Selected Transects 0.37 (0.020) 0.20 (0.020) 0.03 (0.007) 1.21 (0.021) Significance p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.10 p<0.001 1.22 (0.036) 1.81 (0.049) p<0.001 18.86" (0.216) 21.96" (0.201) p<0.001 SE = standard error of the mean DISCUSSION • Presence of from these transects indicate the mortality rate was low for the 5 years of this study (19931998). Mortality and decline rates may have been higher in previous years, and the period of this study did not capture those higher rates. Overall, there was very little decline or mortality in ponderosa pine trees 15 inches or greater d.b.h. over the 5 years of this study. When all randomly selected transects were analyzed, crown characteristics generally improved. The exception was the characteristic of twig and branch mortality, which worsened. The appearance of a decline noted in the late 1980's and early 1990's was likely very real, but data The appearance of an overall decline in the previous years may have been due to droughty conditions the area experienced in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Data from the National Climatic Data Center indicates a droughty 9 damaging in trees of low vigor with poor crowns, however, the disease is often more conspicuous in good crowns. In larger trees, direct mortality from Elytroderma is uncommon, but infection contributes to permanent deterioration of crowns and consequent reduction of growth and increase in vulnerability to bark beetles, root diseases and other enemies (Childs 1968; Childs et al. 1971). There is also some evidence to suggest that very droughty conditions, such as occurred in the area prior to plot establishment, hasten death of infected twigs (Childs 1968). period existed from 1986 through the second half of 1993, the year of plot establishment. At plot establishment in 1993, 3 of the previous 6 years experienced moderate drought and the remaining 3 years were barely within normal range, according to the Palmer Drought Severity Index (National Climatic Data Center 2000). Palmer Drought Severity Index ranged from – 5.0 (severe drought) during 1987, to +1.0 (near normal) during 1989-91. During the 5-year time period of this study, precipitation for the area had returned to more normal levels, with 2 of 5 years falling in a "very moist spell" (Palmer Drought Severity Index = +3.0 to +3.9, or greater). Another period of drought in the future may initiate another appearance of decline. The addition of the annosum transect allowed some comparisons to be made between a known annosum-infected site with randomly selected sites. On the annosum transect, average crown characteristics consistently worsened from 1993 to 1998. This is contrary to randomly selected transects, where average crown characteristics consistently improved over the 5 years. It is possible that if we analyzed the randomly selected transects with confirmed annosum infection separately, we might see a similar trend to the non-randomly selected annosum transect. This warrants further investigation. Crowns of trees that died were significantly worse than trees that survived the 5-year time period. This indicates the rating system used in this study may have some predictive value. Individual crown characterisitics which are most predictive cannot be determined from this study due to the low mortality rate. A most predictive characteristic and threshold may be revealed over time. Twig and branch mortality worsened over the study period. This general twig and branch decline may be due to varying levels of western gall rust and Elytroderma needle blight. Western gall rust was recorded on over 21% of all live trees in 1993, and Elytroderma needle blight was recorded on almost 6% of the trees. Western gall rust causes galls to form on infected branches or stems of trees. Branches and sometimes small stems are killed when insects and other fungi attack galled tissue (Byler et al. 1972). High levels of western gall rust in crowns of trees can cause significant branch mortality and possibly top kill (Peterson et al. 1960; Hennon 1993), contributing to an overall decline in the vigor of individual trees. The 1993 crown measurements for the annosum transect were statistically better than the randomly selected transects. The trees on the annosum transect are smaller and appear to be younger (data not analyzed), so they have not been exposed to damaging agents for as long as trees on the other transects. It is noteworthy that trees on the annosum transect have healthier crowns than trees on the randomly selected transects, but showed a general crown decline over 5 years, rather than an improvement in crown conditions as found on the randomly selected transects. FUTURE PLANS We plan to monitor these transects for another 5year interval, at which time their usefulness will be assessed. Elytroderma needle blight is considered the most important needle disease of pines in the Pacific Northwest (Childs et al. 1971). It is most 10 • small pores. "Button conks" are small, corky mounds of sterile tissue, and are generally cream colored (Hagle et al. 1987). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • • • • We acknowledge Sue Hagle for initiating the project and providing her expertise in project planning. We also acknowledge the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes for assisting in the installation of transects. We extend our thanks to Terry Reedy for his assistance in project management and field data collection, Ka Moua for keying data into our data management system, and Michael Marsden, INTECS International, Inc. employee under contract with Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, for performing the statistical consulting and analyses. We acknowledge many others who were involved in field data collection, including: Jane Taylor, Ken Gibson, Bill Cramer, Carol Randall, Tim McConnell, and various seasonal workers. Annosum decay varies, but is generally recognized in its early stage as a stain in the outer heartwood, which can be readily seen in a cross section of a freshly cut stump. The advanced decay is often white to yellow, stringy to laminate, and may contain white pockets with black flecks (Schmitt et al. 1984, Hagle et al. 1987). Positive identification of the decay can be made by culturing and/or incubating decayed wood and observing the imperfect stage of the fungus, Spiniger meineckellus (A.J. Olson) Stalpers. H annosum in western North America consists of two intersterility groups or biological species. These two types, 's' and 'p', have very different host specificities. Hosts for the p-type include pine species, incense cedar, and western juniper. The hosts for the s-type include true firs, giant sequoia, spruce, western hemlock, and Douglasfir. This host specificity is not apparent in stump infections; both groups have been isolated from "non-host" stumps without causing disease in neighboring "host" trees (Lockman 1993, Otrosina et al. 1992, Klielunas 1986). In intermountain forests, butt rot is associated with infection in spruce and true firs, and outright tree mortality is more common in pines and Douglasfir (Hagle 1985, Byler and Hagle 1985). Infected trees often are attacked by bark beetles (Byler 1989, Ferrell and Parmeter 1989, Hadfield et al. 1986). APPENDIX • • • • • • Identification and Biology of Annosum Root Disease Annosum root disease is a white root and butt rot of many conifer species throughout western United States and many other temperate forest ecosystems (Hodges 1969). It is caused by the fungus Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.)Bref.. Symptoms of annosum root disease are similar to other root diseases. Infected trees may have faded, chlorotic crowns, reduced growth, stressinduced cone crops, resin at the base, resinsoaked and discolored wood, and decay in roots and butts. Annosum root disease can be identified by its fruiting bodies, characteristic decay it causes, and by isolating H annosum from the associated incipient decay. Annosum root disease can spread in several ways. H. annosum in a diseased tree can infect a healthy neighboring tree by ectomycelium growing across root contacts, if the neighboring tree is a susceptible species. H annosum can also spread by airborne spores (Hodges 1969, Hsiang et al. 1989). When spores land on a newly cut stump or fresh basal wound, they may germinate and colonize the wood if conditions are favorable. Spore infections are usually limited to the tops of freshly cut stumps in pine H annosum fruiting bodies (i.e., sporophores or conks) can sometimes be found inside decayed hollowed stumps, just under the duff layer at the base of infected pines. It may also be found as small "button conks" on the outside of infected roots and root collars on all susceptible species. Annosum fruiting bodies are perennial, woody to leathery, with dark brown upper surface and white to cream-colored lower surface with very 11 Ferrell, G.T. and J.R. Parmeter, Jr. 1989. Interactions of root disease and bark beetles. pp. 105-108. /N: Proceedings on the Symposium on Research and Management of Annosus Root Disease (H. annosum) in western North America. Monterey, California. April 18-21, 1989. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-116. species (Otrosina and Cobb 1989), while freshly cut stumps and fresh basal wounds are susceptible to infection in other species (Schmitt et al. 1984). The newly infected stump or tree may then initiate a new disease center by rootto-root contact. LITERATURE CITED Hadfield, J.S., D.J. Goheen, G.M. Filip, C.L. Schmitt and R.D. Harvey. 1986. Root diseases in Oregon and Washington conifers. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. 27 p. Anonymous. 1985. Timber Management Data handbook. Chapter 400: Stand Examination Procedures. USDA Forest Service. Childs, T.W. 1968. Elytroderma disease of ponderosa pine in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Res. Paper, PNW69. 46 pp. Hagle, S. 1985. Fomes annosus in the Northern Region. PANEL DISCUSSION: Annosus root disease management. pp. 95-96. IN: Summaries of the Proceedings for the Western Forestry Conservation Association Meeting. Spokane, Washington. December 3, 1985. Childs, T.W., K.R. Shea, and J.L. Stewart. 1971. Elytroderma disease of ponderosa pine. USDA Forest Service, Forest Pest Leaflet, FPL- 42. 6 p. Hagle, S.K., S. Tunnock, K.E. Gibson, and C.J. Gilligan. 1987. Field Guide to Diseases and Insect Pests of Idaho and Montana Forests. USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Northern Region. Missoula, Montana. Byler, J.W. 1989. Symptoms and diagnosis of annosus root disease in the Intermountain western United States. pp. 37-39. IN: Proceedings on the Symposium on Research and Management of Annosus Root Disease (H. annosum) in western North America. Monterey, California. April 18-21, 1989. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-116. Hennon, P.E. 1993. Pine gall rust. 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