Summer School Radiative Transfer and Numerical MHD Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics Oslo, 19 – 29 June 2007 Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics: Numerical concepts Rony Keppens NONLINEAR MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS: NUMERICAL CONCEPTS R. Keppens FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Association Euratom-FOM P.O. Box 1207, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands November 28, 2005 Abstract The ideal MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD) equations accurately describe the macroscopic dynamics of a perfectly conducting plasma. Adopting a continuum, single fluid description in terms of the plasma density ρ, velocity v, thermal pressure p and magnetic field B, the ideal MHD system expresses conservation of mass, momentum, energy, and magnetic flux. This nonlinear, conservative system of 8 partial differential equations enriches the Euler equations governing the dynamics of a compressible gas with the dynamical influence – through the Lorentz force – and evolution – through the additional induction equation – of the magnetic field B. In multi-dimensional problems, the topological constraint expressed by the Maxwell equation ∇ · B = 0, represents an additional complication for numerical MHD. Basic concepts of shock-capturing high-resolution schemes for computational MHD are presented, with an emphasis on how they cope with the thight physical demands resulting from nonlinearity, compressibility, conservation, and solenoidality. 1 I. LINEAR ADVECTION PROBLEM As a preliminary to the full hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) system, it is instructive (see e.g. [7], [6], [5]) to focus on a seemingly trivial problem at first, namely the numerical solution to the linear advection equation in 1 spatial (x) dimension given by ∂t ρ + v∂x ρ = 0. (1) Under a constant given velocity v, an initial density pulse ρ(x, t = 0) = ρ0 (x) will merely be advected at the constant speed, such that ρ(x, t) = ρ0 (x − vt). Analytically, we are done. The particular initial data where two constant states are separated by a discontinuity is known as the Riemann problem and has ρl x < 0 (2) ρ(x, 0) = ρr x > 0. For the linear advection problem, its solution is still trivial and is graphically shown in Figure 1. Linear advection (v>0) ρl t=t1 x-t plane vt 1 ρr t x= 0 ρl ρr ρl t=0 ρr x= 0 x= 0 x Figure 1: Solution of the Riemann problem for the linear advection equation. Numerically, we need to discretize the problem both spatially and temporally, and come up with a recipe to advance the discrete solution ρni on grid cells indexed by i (e.g. equidistant grid points spaced by ∆x) from time level tn to tn+1 . A forward Euler temporal discretization, combined with a centered difference spatial gradient approximation, suggests as a time-stepping recipe: ρn − ρni−1 ρn+1 − ρni i + v i+1 = 0. (3) ∆t 2∆x Unfortunately, this method leads unavoidably to a numerical instability, under all combinations of time step ∆t and grid size ∆x. This can be predicted by a Von Neumann stability analysis of the discrete formula (3), which inserts ρ(x, tn ) = Gn ρo eikx and computes the amplification factor | G | n+1 defined from ρn+1 = GGn ρn ≡ Gρn . The unconditional instability of the method is found from s 2 ∆t | G |= 1 + v sin (k∆x) > 1 (4) ∆x 2 Figure 2: Numerical solution of a Riemann problem for the linear advection equation using the upwind scheme. Shown is the initial discontinuity placed at x = 0.5 for t = 0, and the numerical solutions for times t = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Note how the profile gets diffused over more and more grid points, but does advect at the correct velocity v = 1. for all wavenumbers k. Luckily, there are several ways to ‘cure’ the instability (at least conditionally) by slightly modifying the formula (3). One way is to replace the centered difference spatial gradient by a one-sided gradient operator, taken in the ‘upwinded’ direction. That is, if the flow goes from left to right (v > 0), simply use the upwind scheme ρn − ρni−1 ρn+1 − ρni i +v i = 0. ∆t ∆x The Von Neumann stability analysis of this scheme finds for the amplification s ∆t ∆t v − 1 [1 − cos (k∆x)]. | G |= 1 + 2v ∆x ∆x (5) (6) This scheme is conditionally stable, as | G |< 1 for ∆t < ∆x/v. At a given (fixed) grid spacing ∆x, this poses a limit on the discrete time step. When one numerically solves the Riemann problem for the advection equation using this upwind scheme (5), the numerical solution will show the correct advection behavior of the initial step function, but the discontinuity becomes smeared out over increasingly many grid points. This is illustrated in Figure 2. A method which mixes spatially forward and backward differences as follows ∆t n ρ∗i = ρni − v ρi+1 − ρni ∆x ∆t ∗ ρi − ρ∗i−1 ρ∗∗ = ρni − v i ∆x ∗ ∗∗ ρ + ρ i ρn+1 = i , (7) i 2 3 is known as the MacCormack method, and this can be rewritten as ∆t ρni+1 − ρni−1 n+1 n ρi = ρi − v ∆x 2 n 2 ρi+1 − 2ρni + ρni−1 2 (∆t) +v . 2 (∆x)2 (8) Hence, while the upwind method (5) stabilizes the scheme (3) by replacing the centered spatial gradient with a one-sided one, the MacCormack scheme (7) in effect adds a ‘diffusive’ type term. Indeed, the last term in (8) is recognized as a finite difference approximation to a right hand side source term 2 ∂t ρ + v∂x ρ = ν∂xx ρ, (9) with νMC = v 2 ∆t/2. Note that for the constant coefficient linear advection problem (1) considered here, the method (8) is also referred to as a Lax-Wendroff scheme. One can obtain this discrete formula (8) from a truncated Taylor series expansion as ρ(x, t + ∆t) ≈ ρ(x, t) + ∆t ∂ρ (∆t)2 ∂ 2 ρ + . ∂t 2 ∂t2 (10) Using the equation (1), the temporal derivatives can be replaced by spatial derivatives, directly leading to (8). The Von Neumann analysis gives the amplification s (∆t)2 2 (∆t)2 2 2 | G |= 1 + v [cos (k∆x) − 2 cos (k∆x) + 1] v −1 . (11) (∆x)2 (∆x)2 This demonstrates that conditional stability again requires ∆t ≤ ∆x/v. The result of solving a Riemann problem with ρl = 1 and ρr = 0.1 using the MacCormack method with an increasing number of grid points is shown in Figure 3. The initial discontinuity is captured numerically by a steep negative gradient region, immediately trailed by an oscillatory part. This oscillation does not disappear when more grid points are used, but covers roughly the same number of grid points throughout. This so-called Gibbs phenomenon is an indication of the dispersive properties of this scheme, where numerical wave signals of different wavelengths (or wavenumbers k) travel at different speeds. Note that the Riemann problem has an initially monotone (although discontinuous) variation with x, i.e. there is no internal extremum of ρ(x, t = 0). The MacCormack method introduces internal extrema seen in Figure 3 from this monotone data, and is therefore ‘non-monotonicity preserving’. Despite its tendency to introduce spurious oscillations at discontinuities, the MacCormack scheme is superior to the upwind method for smooth solutions. To determine the order of accuracy of a discrete approximation to a partial differential equation, the Local Truncation Error can be quantified by inserting the exact solution in the discretization formula. For the upwind method ρn − ρni−1 ρn+1 − ρni i +v i = 0, ∆t ∆x (12) the local truncation error is found from LUP ∆t = v 1 [ρ(x, t + ∆t) − ρ(x, t)] + [ρ(x, t) − ρ(x − ∆x, t)] . ∆t ∆x 4 (13) Figure 3: Numerical solution of a Riemann problem for the linear advection equation using the MacCormack scheme for increasing number of grid points N. We used xi = (−1/2 + i)/N with i = 1, N on x ∈ [0, 1] and left state ρl = 1 and right state ρr = 0.1. The initial discontinuity was at x = 0.5, and the solutions correspond to time t = 0.4: the exact solution should jump discontinuously at x = 0.9 By using Taylor expansions (hence assuming smooth solutions), and using the fact that the solution obeys ∂t ρ + v∂x ρ = 0 we find ∆x ∆t UP ρxx + O ∆t2 , ∆x2 . (14) v v− L∆t = 2 ∆t Since this goes to zero linearly with ∆t for ∆t → 0, the upwind scheme is first order accurate. A similar determination of the order of accuracy for the MacCormack method leads to 2 ∆t2 ∆x MC 2 L∆t = (15) v − v ρxxx + O ∆t3 , ∆x3 . 2 6 ∆t Hence, the MacCormack method is second order accurate. A third option to stabilize the scheme (3) is to replace the ρni in the temporal gradient approximation by a centered average, namely ∆t n 1 (ρ − ρni−1 ). ρn+1 = (ρni+1 + ρni−1 ) − v i 2 2∆x i+1 (16) This scheme is known as the Lax-Friedrichs discretization. Performing a Von Neumann stability analysis gives | G |=| cos(k∆x)−i v∆t sin(k∆x) | ≤ 1 if ∆t ≤ ∆x/v. Furthermore, this discretization ∆x is first order accurate since ∆x2 ∆t 2 2 2 LF v − ρ + O ∆t , ∆x . (17) L∆t = xx 2 ∆t2 5 First Order Upwind Second order MacCormack Time First order Lax-Friedrichs Space Figure 4: Space-time stencils for the different schemes discussed in the text. We can rearrange the terms in (16) to write it as ρn+1 i ∆t ρni+1 − ρni−1 = −v ∆x 2 n 2 ρi+1 − 2ρni + ρni−1 (∆x) . + 2 (∆x)2 ρni (18) We conclude from this formula that in analogy with the MacCormack method (8), a diffusive term is added with coefficient νLF = (∆x)2 /2∆t. Note that due to the condition ∆t ≤ ∆x/v, we find that νMC < νLF . Some general considerations and nomenclature can now be introduced. For more extensive discussions of these concepts, we refer to LeVeque [6], Chapter 8. • A method where the Local Truncation Error (LTE) goes to zero when ∆t → 0 is said to be consistent. • When a method is stable and smooth solutions are sought, the LTE and the global error between the numerical and exact overall solution can be demonstrated to be of the same order. • The Lax equivalence theorem states that for a consistent method, stability of the scheme is a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence. • The stencil of a method can be drawn schematically by linking the discrete space-time points involved in the discrete formula. Stencils are shown in Figure 4 for all three schemes mentioned thus far. 6 Figure 5: Error versus number of grid points for periodic advection of a smooth bell profile. Upwind method (solid) versus MacCormack method (dashed). Representative solutions are at right. We found that conditional stability was expressed by ∆t ≤ ∆x/v for all three usable schemes (5,7,16). For a chosen grid size ∆x, this condition on the time step will apply generally to any explicit time stepping scheme where future ρn+1 values are directly computable from presumed known values ρni i at time level tn . To demonstrate that the convergence to the correct solution is in accord with the order of accuracy, we first simulate the periodic advection of a smooth Gaussian bell profile. The initial data is shown at left in Fig. 6. Since the side boundaries x = 0 and x = 1 are treated periodically, after one complete cycle the error can be computed from the difference with the initial t = 0 pulse (i.e. the analytical solution). This is done after one full advection cycle of the Gaussian profile for both the upwind and the MacCormack scheme for resolutions [50, 100, 200, 400], as shown in Fig. 5. Representative solutions are depicted as well. For this smooth initial data, the MacCormack scheme renders second order accuracy, while the upwind scheme is only first order accurate, as evident in the slope of the curve for the error versus number of grid points N. Obviously, the first order upwind scheme suffers from rather large numerical diffusion as the bell profile widens and its maximum lowers accordingly (conserving the total area underneath the curve). We now repeat this exercise for two formally second order methods, the MacCormack scheme (7) and a second order TVDLF scheme, to be introduced later. However, we now contrast the periodic advection of a smooth Gaussian bell profile with the advection of a square pulse, essentially consisting of two discontinuous jumps. Both initial profiles are shown in Figure 6. The convergence for both methods on both problems is shown in Figure 7 (left panel). Note that the smooth profile yields the expected second order convergence, but only first order convergence is found for 7 Figure 6: Initial data for periodic advection problems: Gaussian bell and square pulse profile. the square pulse. Contrasting the numerical solutions at 50 versus 400 grid points (right panels), one can notice the diffusive properties of this TVDLF scheme, and again the dispersive nature of the MacCormack scheme. As the initial pulse is fairly narrow, the spurious oscillations from the latter are dominating the visual appearance of the numerical solution, and are clearly undesirable. On a single discontinuity, the TVDLF scheme diffuses the jump over a number of grid points, and the equivalent of Figure 3 for the TVDLF scheme is Figure 8. We will see later that the TVDLF scheme is monotonicity preserving (monotone initial data remains monotone), which is confirmed by the observation that for the Riemann problem from Figure 8, no oscillations appear. These numerical experiments for the linear advection equation are indicative for simulations of more physical systems. Sophisticated discretization formulae that handle e.g. shocks in gas dynamics computations will generally balance a wish for high order accuracy on smooth data, as well as a desire to avoid the introduction of spurious oscillations in numerically representing discontinuous profiles. As we will see, this combination will call for nonlinearity in the discretization methods employed. 8 Figure 7: Error after one cyclic advection of a Gaussian Bell, as well as a square pulse, for increasing resolutions for MacCormack and TVDLF schemes. At right, solutions are shown for the square pulse profile advected once over [0, 1]. Figure 8: Numerical solution of a Riemann problem for the linear advection equation using the TVDLF scheme for increasing number of grid points N. Compare to Figure 3. 9 II. LINEAR HYPERBOLIC SYSTEMS A generalization from the linear advection equation considers the constant coefficient linear system given by ~qt + A~qx = 0. (19) We now have to solve for m unknown spatio-temporal functions ~q(x, t) ∈ ℜm for a given constant matrix A ∈ ℜm×m . This linear system is said to be hyperbolic when A is diagonalizable with real eigenvalues. When all eigenvalues are always distinct, the system is strictly hyperbolic. In that case, we can determine m real eigenvalues λp (with λp 6= λq for p 6= q) from solving | A − λI |= 0. (20) The corresponding right eigenvectors obey by definition A~rp = λp~rp with p : 1, . . . , m. (21) We can write this in matrix form where the column vectors ~rp are arranged in a square matrix R as λ1 λ2 . (22) [A] [~r1 | ~r2 | . . . | ~rm ] = [~r1 | ~r2 | . . . | ~rm ] ... λm Calling the diagonal matrix Λ, this is A R = R Λ. In the strict hyperbolic case where all eigenvectors are distinct, we can compute the inverse matrix R−1 . This matrix then obeys R−1 A = Λ R−1 , so that its rows determine the left eigenvectors of the matrix A. These can be denoted as ~lq and are clearly orthogonal to the right eigenvectors as ~lq · ~rp = δ q (as R−1 R = I). p The solution to the system ~qt + A~qx = 0 is then found as follows: • pre-multiply with R−1 or: • redefine ~v ≡ R−1 ~q to get (R−1 ~q)t + R−1 (R Λ R−1 )~qx = 0, ~vt + Λ~vx = 0. In the new variables ~v , the problem is now reduced to m independent constant coefficient linear advection equations. The ~v variables are called the ‘characteristic variables’ and the λp are the ‘characteristic speeds’. Exercise: Consider the 2 × 2 linear system ut + 0.5ux + wx = 0 wt − 1.25ux + 3.5wx = 0 Show that this system is strictly hyperbolic. Compute its eigenvalues and the left and right eigenvectors. Calculate the characteristic variables and verify that their evolution is governed by constant coefficient linear advection equations. 10 Each advection equation ∂t vp + λp ∂x vp = 0 has the trivial analytic solution vp (x, t) = vp (x − λp t, 0). (23) Returning to the original variables using ~v ≡ R−1 ~q then gives the solution to the full linear hyperbolic system as Xm vp (x − λp t, 0)~rp . (24) ~q(x, t) = p=1 Note how for every point x at time t, the solution depends on the initial data at m discrete points. In the (x, t) plane, the curves (straight lines) with slopes related to the λp by x = xo + λp t are called ‘p-characteristics’. Specifying to initial data corresponding to the Riemann problem for the linear hyperbolic system, i.e. ~ql x < 0, ~q(x, 0) = (25) ~qr x > 0, we can determine the analytic solution as follows. First decompose the constant left and right states in terms of a linear combination of the right eigenvectors as ~ql = ~qr = m X p=1 m X αp~rp , βp~rp . (26) p=1 In practice, these expansion coefficients can be found from ~lq · ~ql = αq due to the orthogonality between left and right eigenvectors of A. The corresponding characteristic variables at t = 0 are then obviously αp x < 0, vp (x, 0) = βp x > 0. Hence, the characteristic variable vp at later times, cfr. equation (23), is then αp if x − λp t < 0, vp (x, t) = βp if x − λp t > 0. (27) Therefore, following the general solution (24), the solution for the Riemann problem posed by (25) is given by X X βp~rp . (28) αp~rp + ~q(x, t) = all p where x/t>λp all p where x/t<λp In the (x, t) plane, we can graphically illustrate this solution procedure for dimension m = 3 as shown in Figure 9. At time t = 0, the two constant states ~ql and ~qr are denoted by their coefficients (α1 , α2 , α3 ) and (β1 , β2 , β3 ), respectively. Assuming distinct and ordered eigenvalues λ1 < λ2 < λ3 , the three characteristic curves x = λp t through the origin (the position x = 0 of the discontinuity at t = 0) divide the halfplane t > 0 in 4 regions. In each of these four regions, the solution of the Riemann problem is a constant state. Indeed, according to the formula (28), the coefficients used in writing ~q(x, t) as a linear combination of the (constant) right eigenvectors ~rp can be found by 11 Linear Hyperbolic System (m=3): solution to RP x= λ 1 t x= λ 2 t (β1, α2, α3) q l x= λ 3 t q (α1, α2, α3) r (β1, β2, β3) x=0 Figure 9: Graphical representation in the (x, t) plane of the solution of the Riemann problem for a linear hyperbolic 3 × 3 system. drawing the three p-characteristics backwards in time from the point (x, t). Their intersection with the initial t = 0 data determines which of the two coefficients αp or βp prevails. The three expansion coefficients then change in the four regions going from left to right: from (α1 , α2 , α3 ) (hence ~ql ) to (β1 , α2 , α3 ) (this case is indicated in the figure 9), to (β1 , β2 , α3 ) to ~qr = (β1 , β2 , β3 ). Hence, out of one discontinuity separating two constant states for a system of m linear equations, up to a maximum of m + 1 constant states (m − 1 on top of the given left and right state) separated by m discontinuities emerge. The discontinuities travel at the characteristic speeds given by the eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix A, while the jumps across the m discontinuities are proportional to the right eigenvectors of the matrix A. More on linear hyperbolic systems can be found in Chapter 3 from [6], and Chapter 6 from [5]. 12 Figure 10: Numerical solution to the Riemann problem from the exercise at t = 1. Exercise: Consider again the 2 × 2 linear system ut + 0.5ux + wx = 0 wt − 1.25ux + 3.5wx = 0 Compute the analytic solution to the Riemann problem for initial data 4 u = ~ql = 1 w for x < 0 and ~qr = u w = 2 100 for x > 0. Figure 10 shows a numerical result for time t = 1, computed using the TVDLF discretization. Is the numerical solution correct? III. NONLINEAR SCALAR EQUATION In gas dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, we will have to deal with systems of nonlinear equations. Nonlinearity introduces the possibility to develop discontinuities in the solution from initially continuous data. A general nonlinear scalar conservation law for the quantity q(x, t) is written as qt + (f (q))x = 0, (29) where the flux function f (q) depends nonlinearly on q (the linear advection equation has the linear dependence f = v q). The inviscid Burgers equation is obtained for f (q) = q 2 /2. Assuming differentiability, Burgers equation can be written as qt + q qx = 0, 13 (30) so that we can speak of an ‘advection’ speed proportional to q. Identifying q ≡ ρ, the local density determines the local advection speed, with R x2 denser regions traveling faster than more rarified regions. Note further that the spatial integral x1 ρ dx determining the total mass over the interval [x1 , x2 ] will be the same for all times if the fluxes f (q) at the edges x1 and x2 vanish at all times. This is the conservation property of equation (29). From these considerations, it is now easily understood how wave steepening and shock formation can occur. In Figure 11, numerical results are shown for both the MacCormack (7) [as applicable to the nonlinear scalar equation this method is written out in equation (56)] and the TVDLF scheme [the latter still to be specified fully in equation (58)]. As initial data, a triangular pulse is set up. The tip of the triangle experiences the fastest rightward advection, and in conserving the total area underneath the triangle, the front edge steepens. This continues up to the point where a true discontinuity appears: the shock front has formed. At all later times, the solution will remain its form as shown in the right panels. Note again the Gibbs phenomenon for the MacCormack numerical result, which is absent in the TVDLF simulation. When we now consider the Riemann problem for the inviscid Burgers equation with q ≡ ρ, we can expect two totally different outcomes depending on whether the constant left state has the higher (ρl > ρr ) or the lower density (ρl < ρr ). In the former case, the discontinuity will remain (the left state is advected at the higher speed ρl ), but the speed of the discontinuity s must be compliant with the discrete equivalent of the conservation law across the shock. This is known as the Rankine-Hugoniot condition for the discontinuity traveling at speed s, expressed as f (ρl ) − f (ρr ) = s (ρl − ρr ) . (31) r For Burgers equation, we find s = ρl +ρ . In contrast, when the left state is of lower density, we expect 2 the right state to ‘run away’ from the left one, turning the initial discontinuity into a continuously increasing profile. Note though that the Rankine-Hugoniot relation (31) is symmetric: exchanging r . A physically admissable shock must obey ρr ↔ ρl would still lead to a solution for s = ρl +ρ 2 another relation as well, known as the Lax entropy condition. We can identify f ′ (q) ≡ dd fq from (29) as the characteristic speed, like the λp in the linear hyperbolic system. For Riemann initial data with ql joined to qr at x = 0, the characteristics in the (x, t) plane are then straight lines with slopes changing according to x = f ′ (ql )t and x = f ′ (qr )t. The Lax entropy condition states that a shock with speed s satisfying the Rankine-Hugoniot relations must additionally obey f ′ (ql ) > s > f ′ (qr ). (32) This expresses that the shock speed must lie in between the characteristic speeds of the 2 states, and r is asymmetric in left versus right state. For Burgers equation, we find ql > ql +q > qr , as expected. 2 In general, a system of nonlinear equations in the variable U will have multiple characteristic speeds λp , and a jump in the p-th characteristic variable obeying Rankine-Hugoniot is allowed when λp (Ul ) > s > λp (Ur ). (33) Schematically indicated in Figure 12, p-characteristics then enter the shock from both sides. From every point on the shock, one can then travel along characteristics backward in time. This indicates how information reaches the shock from the past, not from the future, as required by ‘causality’. This time-irreversibility argument leads to the nomenclature of ‘entropy’ condition for (33). Returning to Burgers equation, we now analyse the case where ρl < ρr , and a continuously increasing profile is expected. For continuous solutions, assuming a x/t self-similarity in the (x, t) 14 Figure 11: Initial triangular pulse (left) and shocked numerical solution of Burgers equation as obtained with MacCormack (top) and TVDLF (bottom) schemes. 15 p-shock Ul Ur p-characteristics Figure 12: An admissable p-shock will have the p-characteristics converge into the shock, as sketched in this (x, t) diagram. plane such that ρ(x, t) = ρ(x/t) ≡ ρ(ξ) we find from (29) with q ≡ ρ that df dρ dρ =ξ , dρ dξ dξ (34) or we must have ξ = dd fρ . For Burgers equation, this means that the solution to the Riemann problem for which ρl < ρr is given by x < ρl t ρl x/t ρl t < x < ρr t ρ(x, t) = ρ(x/t) = (35) ρr x > ρr t. When the discontinuity is initially at x = 0, at all later times t the left state is found for x < ρl t, and a linear profile connects this state to the constant right state in the region x > ρr t. This is a so-called rarefaction wave, as the gas gets rarefied when the signal passes. The result of numerically solving Riemann problems for Burgers equation with the TVDLF scheme is shown in Figure 13. To stress the importance of using a discretization which is able to handle discontinuities properly, suppose we were to apply the following first order ‘upwind-like’ scheme directly discretizing the quasi-linear form ρt + ρρx = 0 as ρn+1 − ρni + i ∆t n n ρi ρi − ρni−1 = 0, ∆x (36) where we assumed ρ ≥ 0. The particular initial data [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] is seen [5] to remain a discrete solution that does not change from time tn to tn+1 . However, we know the correct solution should have the jump traveling rightward, at the shock speed s = 0.5. The reason why this discretization fails for discontinuous solutions is that it can not be written in a conservative form. A conservative scheme is of the form ∆t n ρn+1 = ρ − F − F , (37) i+1/2 i−1/2 i i ∆x 16 Figure 13: Riemann problems as solved with the TVDLF scheme for Burgers equation. Left panels: initial data, right panels: solution at t = 0.5, with the analytical positions of shock wave and rarefaction edges indicated by dotted vertical lines. 17 where the numerical fluxes Fi+1/2 are interpreted as fluxes over cell edges xi + ∆x/2. It turns out that both MacCormack and the TVDLF scheme are conservative in this sense, and as seen before capture shocks traveling at their correct shock speeds. The scheme (36) would do fine for smooth solutions. Another means of conveying the same message is to show that the conservation law given by 2 3 ρ x = 0, (38) (ρ2 )t + 3 is non-equivalent to the inviscid Burgers equation [15], although it expresses the same for differentiable ρ. The correct shock speed associated with a discontinuous solution to (38) is found to be s = 2 (ρ2r + ρr ρl + ρ2l ) /(3ρr + 3ρl ), in contrast with s = (ρr + ρl ) /2. The flux f (q) appearing in the nonlinear conservation law (29) is said to be convex when the second derivative f ′′ (q) has the same sign everywhere, expressing that the first derivative f ′ (q) varies monotonically. Burgers equation with flux function f (q) = q 2 /2 has this property, and we saw how the Riemann problem gave rise to either a rarefaction solution or a shock. When we take as nonlinear flux function f (q) ≡ q 3 , the flux is non-convex as f ′′ (q) = 6q changes sign at q = 0. In the solution of the Riemann problem for a scalar equation with a non-convex flux function, a new possible outcome arises. The familiar cases return as long as we stay on the monotonous side by e.g. restricting q > 0. Then, we conclude by analogy with Burgers equation that for f (q) ≡ q 3 the rarefaction wave will occur when 0 < ql < qr with solution ql x < 3 ql2 t p x q(x, t) = q(x/t) = (39) ) 3 ql2t < x < 3 qr2 t ( 3t 2 qr x > 3 qr t. In contrast, when 0 < qr < ql , the discontinuity is maintained and travels at the shock speed s = ql2 + ql qr + qr2 . When we allow for negative states q, we can find a ‘compound’ solution as follows. Taking ql > 0 > qr , we can seek an intermediate state qm < 0 which connects to ql discontinuously, hence 2 at shock speed s = ql2 + ql qm + qm , while at the same time qm is connecting to the right state qr by a rarefaction solution. This compound solution then has 2 2 x < s t = (ql2 + ql qm + qm ) t = 3 qm t ql p x 2 q(x, t) = q(x/t) = (40) − ( 3t ) 3 qm t < x < 3 qr2t 2 qr x > 3 qr t. For the case considered here, qm = −ql /2, and thus this compound solution will only emerge when ql > 0 > −ql /2 > qr . Example numerical solutions to Riemann problems for qt + (q 3 )x = 0 as solved with TVDLF are shown in Figure 14, demonstrating the three distinct possibilities. Schematically in (x, t) diagrams, the three possibilities are indicated in Figure 15. More on nonlinear scalar problems: Chapters 11 and 16 in [6]. 18 Figure 14: Riemann problems as solved with the TVDLF scheme for a non-convex scalar equation. The discontinuity was placed at x = 0.1 at t = 0, and the frames shown are at time t = 0.27. The vertical dotted lines in all frames correspond to the analytic locations of shocks or rarefaction edges. In the left panel, the dashed line indicates the exact solution for the compound wave structure. Compound wave Shock Rarefaction Figure 15: Schematic solution to Riemann problems for a non-convex nonlinear scalar conservation law in the (x, t) plane. 19 IV. FINITE VOLUME DISCRETIZATION The Euler system for compressible gas dynamics, as well as the ideal MHD system, forms a set of nonlinear conservation laws. For a single scalar conservation law, written in the differential form (29), the discontinuous solutions discussed above seem to conflict mathematically with the implicit assumption of differentiable functions. Physically though, they correctly describe solutions to qt + (f (q))x = ν qxx expected in the limit of vanishing viscosity ν. In fact, the discontinuous solutions are perfectly allowed by the more general integral form of the conservation laws. Considering a cell [x1 , x2 ] and a conserved quantity ρ within this cell, the total mass in this cell changes from times t1 to t2 only through a flux over the cell edge f (ρ) (provided that no mass sink or source exists within this cell). This leads to the integral form Z x2 Z x2 ρ(x, t2 ) dx = ρ(x, t1 ) dx x1 x1 Z t2 Z t2 f (x2 , t) dt. (41) f (x1 , t) dt − + t1 t1 Under the assumption of smoothly differentiable functions, and since this holds for any cell [x1 , x2 ] and time interval [t1 , t2 ], we arrive at the differential form ρt + (f (ρ))x = 0. (42) The Finite Volume discretization method, see [6], directly incorporates the more general integral form as follows. Given conservation laws Ut + ∇ · F(U) = S (43) for the vector of conserved quantities U where possible sources or sinks are collected in S, the Finite Volume method will solve for the time evolution of cell-averaged quantities U (any U component) Z 1 Ui (t) = U(x, t)dx, (44) Vi Vi where Vi indicates the volume (length, area or true volume depending on dimensionality) of grid cell i. It therefore solves the volume averaged conservation law Z ∂Ui 1 1 X Fl · nl = Sdx, (45) + ∂t Vi l Vi Vi where the cell normals are nl . Since this is consistent with the integral form of the conservation laws, this approach is ok for dealing with discontinuous solutions as well. Note that for a 1D problem without source term, this is simply written as 1 ∂Ui Fi+1/2 − Fi−1/2 = 0, + ∂t ∆xi (46) where Fi+1/2 are fluxes defined at the cell edges. Clearly, this is the conservation form discussed earlier. Any cell average value changes only through the cell edge fluxes, and the total ‘mass’ in the 20 entire discretized volume can only change through boundary losses or gains. As explained before, it turns out to be extremely important to use a conservative discretization of the form (46) in order to correctly treat discontinuous (weak) solutions: schemes that can not be recasted in this form can easily produce completely erroneous shock speeds. In fact, all of the schemes (5,7,16), representing the upwind, MacCormack and Lax-Friedrichs schemes, are conservative. E.g., the upwind flux from (5) for the linear advection equation is given by UP Fi+1/2 = 1 {vρi+1 + vρi − | v | [ρi+1 − ρi ]} , 2 while the Lax-Friedrichs flux from (16) is ∆x 1 LF vρi+1 + vρi − [ρi+1 − ρi ] . Fi+1/2 = 2 ∆t (47) (48) However, we mentioned that the upwind and Lax-Friedrichs schemes render first order spatial accuracy. In the Finite Volume discretization, the evaluation of fluxes at the cell edges implies that some extrapolation within the cell i is needed from the volume averaged value Ui . Simply using a constant extrapolation where U(x ∈ [xi−1/2 , xi+1/2 ]) = Ui is of course consistent with Ui as the cell average, but leads to first order accuracy where averaged edge fluxes Fi+1/2 = (F (Ui ) + F (Ui+1 )) /2 are used. Better, and still consistent with Ui as a volume average, is to use a linear extrapolation within the cell with slope σi , hence U(x ∈ [xi−1/2 , xi+1/2 ]) = Ui + σi x − xi . ∆xi (49) The slope is then the difference σi = Ui+1/2 − Ui−1/2 ≡ ∆Ui . (50) This linear reconstruction can be exploited to get a Left and Right edge centered state L R Ui+1/2 = Ui + ∆Ui /2 and Ui+1/2 = Ui+1 − ∆Ui+1 /2. (51) The flux at the cell edge then takes the average from L R Fi+1/2 = F (Ui+1/2 ) + F (Ui+1/2 ) /2. (52) This process of linear reconstruction raises the spatial order of accuracy to second order. In practice, one must limit the slopes used in the linear reconstruction in order to avoid the introduction of spurious oscillations. On comparing the slopes as obtained from using neighbouring left or right cell values, one typically needs to take the least steep slope of the two, and to fall back on constant extrapolation within a cell when these slopes conflict in sign. Schematically, this is shown in Fig. 16. Different flavours of slope limiters exist, which ensure the Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) concept. The numerical total variation is defined as the summed differences X TV ≡ | Ui+1 − Ui |, (53) i and a scheme is called TVD when it ensures that this total variation diminishes with time TVn+1 ≤ TVn . 21 (54) Figure 16: Slope limited linear reconstruction process. Hence, the initial data sets a bound for the total variation at all times, and it is easily appreciated that this TVD property ensures that monotone initial data remains monotone. In other words, the TVD property guarantees that the scheme is ‘monotonicity preserving’, and it avoids the creation of spurious oscillations in the numerical solution to the Riemann problem. However, these statements are strictly speaking only true for a single scalar nonlinear equation, while we will later deal with systems of nonlinear equations. Any explicit time marching scheme calculates all fluxes and sources from the known time level tn . The allowed time step ∆t will then be restricted by the chosen grid size ∆x for numerical stability, exactly as encountered for the linear advection equation. This Courant, Friedrichs, Lewy condition or CFL condition on ∆t means that the domain of dependence of the discretization must include the domain of dependence of the governing PDEs. If the PDEs describe a system in which the maximal physical speed is denoted by cmax (x), we have that ∆t ≤ ∆xi /cmax for all dimensions i i. This ensures that the numerical time step is less than the crossing time of discrete cells by the fastest wave. Schematically, this is indicated in Figure 17. Due to this CFL restriction, raising the spatial order of accuracy for explicit time-dependent simulations calls for a consistent higher order temporal accuracy. Employing a forward Euler onestep time marching for discretizing the time derivative in (46) would make the overall scheme O(∆t). This was done in the first order upwind (5) and the Lax-Friedrichs (16) schemes. Second order can be achieved by a two-step Predictor-Corrector or Runge-Kutta method as in ∆t [−∇ · F(Un ) + S(Un )] 2 h i n = U + ∆t −∇ · F(Un+1/2 ) + S(Un+1/2 ) . Un+1/2 = Un + Un+1 (55) We already encountered a similar two-step strategy when introducing the MacCormack scheme (7) for the linear advection equation. Written out for the nonlinear scalar equation (29), the MacCormack scheme is ∆t n f (qi+1 ) − f (qin ) qi∗ = qin − ∆x n ∗ q + q ∆t i i n+1 ∗ qi = f (qi∗ ) − f (qi−1 ) . (56) − 2 2 ∆x 22 t Numerical Domain of Dependence tn+1 tn xi-1 xi xi+1 x Physical DOD Figure 17: The CFL condition for explicit schemes, expressing that the numerical Domain Of Dependence (DOD) must encompass the physical DOD. Note the differences in the coefficients with the predictor-corrector scheme (55). A method which follows the latter more closely is the second order Lax-Wendroff method. It is given by q n + qin ∆t n+ 1 n qi+ 12 = i+1 − f (qi+1 ) − f (qin ) 2 2 2∆x ∆t n+ 1 n+ 1 f (qi+ 12 ) − f (qi− 12 ) . (57) qin+1 = qin − 2 2 ∆x In this method, the predictor step delivers intermediate values at half the time step, at the cell edges xi + ∆x/2. As indicated earlier, for the linear advection equation the MacCormack and Lax-Wendroff schemes become identical and reduce to (8). We are now in a position to give the detailed formulae for the second order Total Variation Diminishing Lax-Friedrichs scheme, abbreviated earlier as TVDLF (see [14]). It uses a predictorcorrector approach where the corrector step computes time centered numerical fluxes from ) ( L R i h U + U 1 1 1 i+ 2 i+ 2 n+1/2 R max L L R ( , (58) fi+ 1 = F (Ui+ ) | Ui+ 1 )− | c 1 1 ) + F (U 1 − U i+ i+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 where the left and right states are n+1/2 ¯ n+1/2 /2, + ∆U i n+1/2 ¯ n+1/2 /2. − ∆U i+1 L Ui+ = Ui 1 2 R Ui+ 1 2 = Ui+1 (59) The overbar denotes the slope limiter, with e.g. the ‘minmod’ limiter given by ¯ i = sgn(Ui − Ui−1 ) max [0, min {| Ui − Ui−1 |, (Ui+1 − Ui )sgn(Ui − Ui−1 )}] . ∆U 23 (60) Figure 18: After one advection cycle, square pulse (initial data as dotted line) for TVDLF with minmod (left) versus Woodward (right) slope limiter. The stencil of this TVDLF scheme is 5 cells wide, through the slope limited linear reconstruction. This scheme is generally applicable to any system of nonlinear conservation laws, by inserting the appropriate maximal physical propagation speed cmax . For the linear advection equation cmax = v, for Burgers equation cmax = ρ. We will see later that for the Euler system, one must use cmax =| v | +c where c denotes the (local) sound speed, and for MHD cases, c will denote the fast magnetosonic speed. The first order variant of TVDLF (without linear reconstruction/limiting and without the predictor-corrector approach) reduces to the upwind scheme (5) for the linear advection equation, while the connection with the Lax-Friedrichs scheme is through the replacement | cmax |↔ ∆x/∆t. In Fig. 18, the periodic advection of the square pulse using the TVDLF scheme with two different flavors of slope limiter is plotted (using 200 grid points). The various slope limiters differ in their diffusive character, with the ‘minmod’ limiter (60) being most diffusive. These can be compared with the MacCormack results in Fig. 7. The monotonicity preserving nature of TVDLF is evident. The nonlinearity introduced by the limiting process prevents spurious oscillations at discontinuities (essentially rendering local first order accuracy), while yielding second order accuracy on smoothly varying data. The fact that TVDLF depends nonlinearly on the data from time tn is an unavoidable consequence from the Godunov theorem. This theorem states that any linear monotonicity preserving method is at most first order accurate. By introducing nonlinearity in the discrete scheme, TVDLF manages to achieve second order accuracy (for smooth solution parts) with the ability to preserve monotonicity. In general, methods which incorporate the TVD property will always degenerate to 1st order accuracy at extrema. The description of the numerical methods has thus far concentrated on 1D problems. Conceptually, multi-D simulations can be reduced to a succession of 1D problems in the various coordinate directions. Strang type dimensional splitting for a 2D case writes Un+1 = Lx∆t/2 Ly∆t Lx∆t/2 Un , (61) where the operator Lx∆t/2 indicates an update with a timestep ∆t/2 taking account of only the fluxes in the x-direction. Alternatively, we can alternate coordinate directions as Un+2 = Lx∆t Ly∆t Ly∆t Lx∆t Un . (62) These dimensional splitting strategies retain the second order accuracy of the individual dimensional sweeps. As concrete examples, we show the result of several 2D advection tests, where initial profiles ρo (x, y) are advected with constant velocity vector (vx , vy ). Taking a doubly periodic domain [0, 1]2 24 Figure 19: Gaussian Bell profile with TVDLF at 1002 and 4002 versus exact. Figure 20: Convergence behavior for 2D advection tests with TVDLF. 25 Figure 21: Advection of a discontinuity dominated 2D profile with TVDLF at 4002. physical domain 11111111111111 00000000000000 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 00000000000000 11111111111111 2 layers of ghost cells Computational domain Figure 22: Boundary conditions are easily implemented by surrounding the domain with ‘ghost cells’. and (vx , vy ) = (1, 1), the initial profile is advected along the diagonal and will return to its t = 0 shape at t = 1. Figure 19 shows the result of advecting a Gaussian bell profile, shown at right, using the TVDLF scheme. Two cases for different resolutions, namely 1002 and 4002 are depicted after one full advection. At the latter resolution, the profile is nearly indistinguishable from the initial pulse. A quantification of the error at increasing resolution from 502 to 4002 is given in Figure 20, and it demonstrates the expected second order convergence property. When we take instead a discontinuity dominated profile, as the one shown in Figure 21 where the density is 2 within and 0.5 outside the contours shown at t = 0, first order convergence is found. The solution at t = 1 for 4002 resolution clearly shows the diffusion of the initial discontinuities. This behavior is identical with its 1D counterpart. The 2D advection tests shown used ‘periodic boundaries’. In a finite volume approach, these and many more complex types of boundary conditions are most easily achieved by surrounding the discretized physical domain with several layers of additional ‘ghost cells’, as sketched in Figure 22. 26 For second order schemes like TVDLF, the stencil typically becomes 5 cells wide, so 2 layers of ghost cells on either side suffice. The implementation of the boundary condition then amounts to providing values for the variables appearing in the equation in all ghost cells. Periodic boundaries are easily achieved by copying the corresponding values from the 2 cell layers interior to the opposing edge. Dirichlet conditions prescribe fixed values in the ghost cells, while zero gradient Von Neumann conditions can be achieved by copying values from the adjacent physical cell into the ghost cells. 27 V. THE EULER EQUATIONS The governing conservation laws for the 1D dynamics of a compressible gas are the Euler equations, written as = 0 ρt + (ρ v)x mt + (m v + p)x = 0 (63) et + (e v + p v)x = 0. They express mass, momentum, and total energy conservation. The vector of conserved quantities ρ U= m (64) e contains the density ρ, momentum density m = ρv, and total energy density computed from e= ρv 2 + 2 |{z} kinetic p γ−1 | {z } , (65) thermal energy with the gas pressure denoted by p, and the ratio of specific heats γ = cp /cv entering as a parameter. The specific heats cp and cv are generally defined as follows. We first express the thermal energy in terms of a specific (i.e. per unit mass) internal energy esi such that ρesi = e = p/(γ − 1). For an ideal gas, a temperature can be computed from p = RρT with gas constant R. Also, an ideal gas has its specific internal energy depending on temperature only esi (T ). The specific heat at constant volume is by definition d esi . (66) cv = dT Hence, esi = cv T for the ideal gas case. For defining the specific heat at constant pressure, the specific enthalpy e+p hs = esi + p/ρ = (67) ρ is introduced. Then d hs cp = . (68) dT , where n is an integer For an ideal gas, we find cp − cv = R. Generally, their ratio γ = cp /cv = n+2 n quantifying the total number of degrees of freedom over which internal energy can be distributed. Molecules composing the gas can have translational, rotational, or vibrational degrees of freedom. For a monoatomic gas, only the three (in 3D) translational degrees of freedom exist and γ = 5/3. Another state variable is the ‘entropy’ S = pρ−γ (actually, the entropy is cv ln S + const but we will refer to S as entropy). From the Euler system (which neglects viscosity, thermal conduction, and heat addition - considering adiabatic processes only), one can deduce ∂S ∂S +v = 0, ∂t ∂x (69) so that the flow is isentropic: the entropy of a gas parcel is merely advected with the flow velocity. Note that (69) is NOT in conservation form since generally v(x, t). It does express that in the (x, t) 28 = v. Using equation (69), along these curves plane, the entropy is constant along curves dx dt we can deduce the so-called characteristic equation dp − c2 dρ = 0, dx dt =v (70) where dp = pt dt + px dx and c2 = γp/ρ. The velocity s ∂p c= ∂ρ |S (71) is the sound speed (the partial derivative is taken at constant entropy). The flow speed v will be shown to correspond to one of the characteristic speeds for the Euler system, and equation (69) = v. identifies S as a Riemann invariant along the characteristic curves dx dt The components of the vector ρ v , V= (72) p are referred to as the primitive variables. The Euler system written in terms of these variables is not in conservation form, and is given by v ρ 0 ρ ρ v + 0 v ρ1 v = 0. (73) p t p x 0 γp v From this system, one can deduce vt + (v ± c) vx ± √ Using c = q γp ρ 1 (pt + (v ± c)px ) = 0. γpρ (74) and under constant entropy S = pρ−γ , we find 2c v± γ−1 2c + (v ± c) v ± = 0. γ −1 x t (75) 2c Along curves dx = v −c, we have the Riemann invariant v − γ−1 . For curves dx = v + c, the invariant dt dt 2c is v + γ−1 . In analogy with the characteristic equation (70), the Euler system can be reformulated in three characteristic equations, namely dp − ρc dv = 0 along dp − c2 dρ = 0 along dp + ρc dv = 0 along dx dt dx dt dx dt = v−c =v = v + c. (76) The Euler system exploiting the conservative variables U can be written as Ut + (F(U))x = 0 where we introduce the flux vector m m2 3−γ F(U) = ρ 2 + (γ − 1)e . (77) γ−1 m3 em γ − 2 ρ2 ρ 29 When we use the flux Jacobian matrix ∂F ≡ FU = ∂U −γ em ρ2 0 m2 γ−3 ρ2 2 + (γ − 3 1) m ρ3 eγ ρ we can write the system in quasilinear form as 1 0 m (3 − γ) γ−1 ρ mγ 3 m2 + (1 − γ) 2 ρ2 ρ Ut + FU Ux = 0. (78) (79) In analogy with the linear hyperbolic system, we compute the eigenvalues and the right eigenvectors of the flux Jacobian to find q m = v − c with right eigenvector • eigenvalue λ1 = ρ − γp ρ ~r1 = • eigenvalue λ2 = m ρ v2 2 1 1 = v − c , v−c c2 + γ−1 − vc hs − vc = v with right eigenvector 1 ~r2 = v , • eigenvalue λ3 = m ρ (80) + q γp ρ (81) v2 2 = v + c with right eigenvector ~r3 = v2 2 1 1 = v + c . v+c c2 + γ−1 + vc hs + vc (82) Because c > 0, the three eigenvalues are distinct and the Euler system is strictly hyperbolic. We can anticipate that, similar to a 3 × 3 linear hyperbolic system, up to 3 characteristic waves will emerge from the initial Riemann problem data when two constant states are joined discontinuously. As before, we can introduce the matrix R = (~r1 | ~r2 | ~r3 ). The left eigenvectors ~lq , normalized to be orthonormal to ~rp , are then given by the rows of the matrix γ−1 + 4vc 2 + (γ − 1) vc − 21c 1 + (γ − 1) vc 2 c2 v2 (83) R−1 = 1 − γ−1 (γ − 1) cv2 − 1) c12 . 2 c2 −(γγ−1 v 1 v v − 4 c 2 − (γ − 1) c + 2 c 1 − (γ − 1) c 2 c2 The eigenvalues λp can also be deduced directly from the Euler system (73) written in terms of the primitive variables V. Start by writing (73) as Vt + W Vx = 0, 30 (84) and (79) as Ut +FU Ux = 0. Introducing the matrix R whose columns consist of the right eigenvectors ~rp of FU and the diagonal matrix Λ from the eigenvalues λp , we have by construction FU R = RΛ, as in the linear hyperbolic case. Defining the matrix UV from dU = UV dV we conclude that FU = UV W UV−1 . (85) It follows directly that W and FU have the same eigenvalues, and their right eigenvectors are related ~ p of W as its columns. Similarly, by R = UV−1 R, where R is the matrix with the right eigenvectors R q ~ of W correspond to the rows of the matrix R−1 = R−1 UV . These matrices are left eigenvectors L given by 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 − 2ρc 2c12 0 . (86) R = − ρc 0 ρc and R−1 = 1 0 − c12 and UV = v ρ 2 ρ 1 1 v 2 2 0 + 2 c 2c2 ρv γ−1 c 0 c 2 There are direct relationships between the Riemann invariants, the characteristic equations, and the left eigenvectors from either conservative R−1 or primitive R−1 formulations. Introducing the vector collecting the Riemann invariants 2c v − γ−1 , S (87) R= 2c v + γ−1 the defining equations for the Riemann invariants (69,75) can be written as Rt + ΛRx = 0. (88) This is equivalent to the characteristic equations (76) stating that h i h i p ~lp · dU ~ = L · dV = 0. dx=λp dt We can note further that dx=λp dt Rt ∝ R−1 Ut = R−1 Vt , Rx ∝ R−1 Ux = R−1 Vx . Exercise: Consider the 1.5 dimensional isentropic hydrodynamic system, given by ρt + (m1)x = 0 m21 (m1 )t + ρ + p(ρ) = 0 x (m2 )t + m1 m2 = 0. ρ (89) (90) (91) x In the isentropic case, the pressure is given by p = S0 ργ with constant entropy S0 and polytropic index γ. The 1.5 dimensionality reflects the fact that while we consider 2 velocity components (vx , vy ) ≡ (v1 , v2 ) ≡ (m1 /ρ, m2 /ρ), translational invariance ∂y = 0 is assumed in the y direction so that the problem remains essentially one-dimensional. Compute the flux Jacobian, its eigenvalues, and its left and right eigenvectors. Derive the governing equation for the primitive variables V = (ρ v1 v2 )T . Verify that the eigenvalues of the matrix W appearing in this primitive formulation are identical 31 ~ p and left eigenvectors to the eigenvalues of the flux Jacobian. Compute the right eigenvectors R ~ q for the W matrix. Check the relations between matrices R, FU , W , R. Compute the Riemann L invariants and find that for this system (as long as γ 6= 1) 2c v1 − γ−1 , v2 (92) R= 2c v1 + γ−1 q . For the isothermal case for which γ = 1, what are the Riemann invariants then? with c = dp dρ VI. EULER SYSTEM AND RANKINE-HUGONIOT The Euler system allows for discontinuous solutions where a constant left state Ul = (ρl ml el )T is separated from a constant right state Ur = (ρr mr er )T by specific jumps in the conserved quantities at a location which travels at a ‘shock speed’ s. Such a traveling discontinuity must still obey the discrete equivalent of the conservation laws, expressed by the Rankine-Hugoniot relations F(Ul ) − F(Ur ) = s (Ul − Ur ), hence ml − mir = s(ρl − ρr ) i h 2 h m2 3−γ mr 3−γ l + (γ − 1)el − ρr 2 + (γ − 1)er = s(ml − mr ) (93) ρl 2 h i i h 3 3 m m γ−1 γ−1 e m l r l l γ− = s(el − er ). − er mr γ − 2 2 ρl 2 ρl ρr 2 ρr Note that for a given right state, this constitutes a system of 3 equations for 4 unknowns, namely s and Ul . In particular, a contact discontinuity which travels at the fluid velocity s = v (corresponding to the characteristic speed λ2 ) and only carries an arbitrary jump in density ρl 6= ρr , while having constant velocity vl = vr = v and constant pressure pl = pr = p, is a viable solution to the RankineHugoniot relations. This contact discontinuity is seen to have an entropy/temperature/density jump, advected with the local fluid velocity. Hence, the numerical treatment of these contact discontinuities in gas dynamic simulations already calls for a scheme which appropriately deals with advection problems of discontinuous profiles. Apart from the contact discontinuities, genuine shock solutions are also obtained from the relations (93). Analyzing these relations for the case of a stationary shock where s = 0, we find ml = mr and c2 v2 c2 γ+1 2 vl2 + l = r + r = c. (94) 2 γ−1 2 γ−1 2(γ − 1) ∗ The last equality is for the sonic point where v∗ = c∗ . The Prandtl Meyer relation follows then as c2∗ = vl vr , expressing that a stationary shock separates a super- from a subsonic state (w.r.t. c∗ ). If we introduce the Mach number Ml = vcll , we find relations between the left and right primitive variables depending on Ml (and γ) only. Indeed, we get vl (γ + 1)Ml2 , = vr (γ − 1)Ml2 + 2 (γ − 1)Ml2 + 2 ρl = , ρr (γ + 1)Ml2 pl γ+1 = . pr 1 − γ + 2γMl2 32 (95) The maximal compression ratio ρr /ρl for a very strong shock Ml → ∞ is then seen to reach (γ + 1)/(γ − 1) = 4 for γ = 5/3. For a moving shock, we use a Galilean transformation of the above relations, which leaves all thermodynamic quantities unchanged. Introducing α = γ+1 and P = pprl , the two parameters for γ−1 a moving shock are P and the shock speed s (together with γ and hence α). The relations for the primitive variables across the moving shock (assuming vr − s 6= 0 thus excluding the contact discontinuity) are then α+P ρr vl − s (96) = = , vr − s αP + 1 ρl γ + 1 pr 2 2 −1 . (97) (s − vl ) = cl 1 + 2γ pl Note in particular that when the pressure ratio pr /pl is close to unity (weak shock), we find that the shock speed will be s = vl ± cl , in correspondence with the characteristic speeds λ1 , λ3 . See further discussions in [15] and [11]. VII. THE RIEMANN PROBLEM FOR EULER As already encountered in the case of the scalar Burgers equation, not all shock solutions obeying the Rankine-Hugoniot relations (93) are physically admissable. We can analyze the possibility for continuously varying rarefaction wave solutions where U(x, t) = U(x/t) ≡ U(ξ) as follows. From the quasilinear form (79), we deduce that for such self-similar solutions, ∂F ∂U dρ dξ dm dξ de dξ We write this in shorthand notation as =ξ dρ dξ dm dξ de dξ . (98) FU U′ = ξU′ . (99) This expression means that ξ must be an eigenvalue λp of the flux Jacobian FU , and that U′ (with the prime indicating the derivative with respect to ξ) must be proportional to the corresponding right eigenvector ~rp . Hence ξ = λp (U(ξ)) and U′ = α(ξ)~rp (U(ξ)). (100) Differentiating the first expression with respect to ξ we find 1= ∂λp dρ ∂λp d m ∂λp d e + + = ∇U λ p · U ′ ∂ρ dξ ∂m dξ ∂e dξ (101) Using the correspondence between U′ and ~rp , the proportionality constant α(ξ) is found from α(ξ) = 1 . ∇U λp · ~rp 33 (102) 1-rarefaction t CD 2-shock Uml 3-shock Umr Ul U r x Figure 23: Schematic solution to the Riemann problem for the Euler system. We determined the possible values λp for the Euler system to be v ± c and v, and their right eigenvectors in (80,81,82). One can verify that the construction to determine α(ξ) fails for λ2 = v, since ∇U λ2 · ~r2 = 0. (103) This indicates that the second characteristic wave family is ‘linearly degenerate’, and only has the discontinuous ‘contact discontinuity’ solution. For the first and third wave family, rarefaction solutions are possible. Exercise: Consider again the 1.5 dimensional isentropic hydrodynamic system. Verify that a shear wave representing an arbitrary jump in the tangential velocity component v2 , but without change in density and normal velocity v1 is a valid solution to the Rankine-Hugoniot relations for this system with ‘shock speed’ s = v1 . Demonstrate further that the second characteristic wave family related to this shear wave is linearly degenerate. We now have all ingredients to appreciate the general solution to the Riemann problem for the Euler system. Out of the contact point of the initial two constant states Ul and Ur , normally 3 ‘wave’ signals will emerge separating 4 constant states. The two emergent intermediate states Uml and Umr will be connected by a contact discontinuity traveling at the speed v∗ which is identical for these two states, as is the intermediate pressure p∗ . The remaining Rankine-Hugoniot relations connecting the left state Ul with Uml via a ‘1-wave’ and Ur with Umr via a ‘3-wave’ then mathematically constitute a system with 6 equations for the six unknowns, namely (s1 , ρml , v∗ , p∗ , s3 , ρmr ) with the shock speeds s1 and s3 . Physically though, not all shock solutions are allowed. An admissable shock will have the fluid increase its entropy as the shock passes. Therefore, either one of the ‘1-wave’ or ‘3-wave’ signals can be a rarefaction wave instead. In case the ‘1-wave’ is a rarefaction fan, we know from the discussion of the Riemann invariants that the entropy S as well as the quantity v + 2c/(γ − 1) will remain constant through the rarefaction, and identical for Ul and Uml . When the ‘3-wave’ is a rarefaction, we conclude that the entropy S and v − 2c/(γ − 1) will be the same for Ur and Umr . Schematically, the Riemann problem for the Euler system leads to the generic solution as sketched in Fig. 23. This figure assumes the particular (but rather typical) case where the solution consists of a rarefaction wave, a contact discontinuity and a genuine shock. 34 VIII. SHOCK-CAPTURING SCHEMES FOR EULER We can now present the basic concepts exploited in modern high resolution (i.e. second order accurate in smooth regions), shock-capturing schemes for the Euler equations. They involve some reconstruction procedure (e.g. the linear reconstruction ensuring the TVD property and second order spatial accuracy) to obtain cell edge values for conservative/primitive variables, to be used in the flux computations. For obeying the conservation properties on the discrete numerical level, we always use a conservative scheme of the form 1 dUi Fi+1/2 − Fi−1/2 = 0, + dt ∆x (104) with the time stepping done in a predictor-corrector approach. As usual, cell values Ui change through fluxes across cell edges, with the edge-centered numerical flux having a certain stencil Fi+1/2 (Ui−p , Ui−p+1 , . . . , Ui+q ). Different choices for this numerical flux are indicated in what follows. A. TVDLF for the Euler system The simple but robust second order TVDLF scheme from equation (58) for the Euler system uses as maximal physical propagation speed cmax =| v | +c in the flux expression, written out per component of F(U) as ( ) h i ULi+ 1 + UR 1 1 i+ L R max R L 2 2 Fi+ 1 = F (Ui+ 1 ) + F (Ui+ 1 )− | c ( ) | Ui+ 1 − Ui+ 1 . (105) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Minor variations of this formula can be found easily. One can use instead of the maximal physical propagation speed of the arithmetic average (UL + UR )/2, the maximum of each state separately, i.e. max (| cmax (UL ) |, | cmax (UR ) |) . (106) The TVDLF method is also referred to as Local Lax-Friedrichs method, since it uses a local value for the maximal propagation speed. In fact, the first order variant was exploited as early as in 1961 by Rusanov [9], to numerically solve several shock-dominated 2D gas dynamic problems. In the second order variant, slight improvements may occur when performing the linear reconstruction on the primitive variables V instead of the conservative variables U. To demonstrate the typical outcome, we perform a series of Riemann problem calculations for 1D Euler flows using the 2nd order accurate, conservative, TVDLF discretization. We use 200 grid points on x ∈ [0, 1], typically place the t = 0 discontinuity at x = 0.5, and set the ratio of specific heats γ = 1.4 (representing a diatomic gas like O2 in air, where three translational and two rotational degrees of freedom are taken into account). Boundary conditions represent open boundaries ∂x = 0, by continuous extrapolation of the solution into the two ghost cells (on each side). Various tests that follow are taken as in Wesseling [15], Chapter 10. The classical ‘Sod’ problem is a ‘shock tube problem’: the sudden removal of a diaphragm separating 2 gases at rest. This Riemann problem takes Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (1, 0, 1)T and Vr = (0.125, 0, 0.1)T 35 (107) Figure 24: TVDLF solution for the Sod problem (107) at t = 0.15. Top panels show density ρ, velocity v, and pressure p. Note how velocity and pressure remain constant through the contact discontinuity. The bottom panels plot the Riemann invariants from equation (87). Note how the second and third Riemann invariant stay constant through the leftward going rarefaction wave. 36 Figure 24 shows the numerical solution at t = 0.15. [See [15], Fig. 10.2 for exact solution, where ENTROPY indicates ln S]. We clearly identify a leftward traveling rarefaction wave, a rightward traveling contact discontinuity, and a rightward traveling shock. Note how through the rarefaction wave the two Riemann invariants S and v + 2c/(γ − 1) remain constant, while v and p are constant across the contact discontinuity. The shock is resolved over a few discrete cells, but the contact discontinuity is spread over (too) many cells. Slight under/overshoot errors can be detected in some variables, which are influenced by the precise choice of the limiters (‘minmod’ here). Similar conclusions can be drawn from a test case from Lax, where two states in relative motion are considered. Taking an initial rightwardly moving left state, with Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (0.445, 0.698, 3.528)T and Vr = (0.5, 0, 0.571)T , the solution at t = 0.15 is given in Figure 25. [See [15], Fig. 10.3 for exact solution, where ENTROPY indicates ln S]. Both the Sod and Lax test cases remain subsonic as M = v/c < 1. Supersonic flows are considered in a Mach 3 test from Arora and Roe, with Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (3.857, 0.92, 10.333)T and Vr = (1, 3.55, 1)T . (108) The obtained solution at t = 0.09 in Figure 26 shows how the contact discontinuity is rather poorly resolved, with pronounced overshoots in the Riemann invariants. Note also that the most rightward signal is a shock which is spread over many grid points. [See [15], Fig. 10.4 for exact solution, where ENTROPY indicates ln S]. A somewhat better behavior is found for a supersonic shock tube problem taking Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (8, 0, 8)T and Vr = (0.2, 0, 0.2)T . The solution at t = 0.1562 depicted in Figure 27 also contains a strong transonic rarefaction wave, and suffers from much less spurious overshoots. [See [15], Fig. 10.8 for exact solution]. In all but the Mach 3 test, the shock was rather well captured numerically: only few cells are needed to resolve that discontinuity (in contrast to the contact discontinuity). The TVDLF scheme may behave rather diffusive for slowly moving weak shocks as well. The solution at time t = 0.175 of a problem taking Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (1, −1, 1)T and Vr = (0.9275, −1.0781, 0.9)T (109) is given in Figure 28. Note how (too) many cells are needed to represent the slowly rightward moving weak shock (at right). [See [15], Fig. 10.15 for exact solution]. The diffusion of a contact discontinuity by the TVDLF scheme is most obvious when a stationary contact discontinuity, i.e. an exact solution to the Euler system, is solved numerically. Setting Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (1, 0, 0.5)T and Vr = (0.6, 0, 0.5)T , the TVDLF result at times t = 0.1 and t = 1 is compared to the exact t = 0 solution in Figure 29. As time progresses, increasingly (too) many cells are needed to represent the contact discontinuity. On the positive side, the TVDLF scheme does well for more continuous (transonic) flows, and recognizes rarefaction waves. Indeed, when we start with two states with the same entropy, as Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (1, −3, 10)T and Vr = (0.87469, −2.46537, 8)T , where γ = 5/3, a single rarefaction wave emerges. This problem is taken from Falle [3]. The solution shown in Figure 30 took 800 cells from [0, 800] and shows the velocity v at times t = 0 and t = 40 and t = 80. The leftward rarefaction wave is nicely recovered numerically. The outcome of a 1D Euler Riemann problem can occasionally contain two rarefactions, or two shocks for both the ‘1-wave’ and the ‘3-wave’ signal. A rather severe numerical test that leads to 37 Figure 25: TVDLF solution for the Lax problem at t = 0.15. Top panels show density ρ, velocity v, and pressure p. Note how velocity and pressure remain constant through the contact discontinuity. The bottom panels plot the Riemann invariants from equation (87). Note how the second and third Riemann invariant stay constant through the leftward going rarefaction wave. 38 Figure 26: TVDLF solution for the Mach 3 problem (108) at t = 0.09. Top panels show density ρ, velocity v, and pressure p. Note that velocity and pressure should remain constant through the contact discontinuity. The bottom panels plot the local Mach number M = v/c, and the second and third Riemann invariants from equation (87). Note how the second and third Riemann invariant stay constant through the leftward going rarefaction wave, but clearly show overshoots at the contact discontinuity. 39 Figure 27: TVDLF solution for the supersonic shock tube problem at t = 0.1562. Top panels show density ρ, velocity v, and pressure p. Note that velocity and pressure remain constant through the contact discontinuity. The bottom panels plot the local Mach number M = v/c, and the second and third Riemann invariants from equation (87). Note how the second and third Riemann invariant stay constant through the leftward going rarefaction wave. 40 Figure 28: TVDLF solution for the slowly moving weak shock problem (109) at t = 0.175. Top panels show density ρ, velocity v, and pressure p. The rightmost signal (at x ≈ 0.5) is a shock, which is particularly smeared over many grid cells. The bottom panels plot the local Mach number M = v/c, and the second and third Riemann invariants from equation (87). 41 Figure 29: TVDLF solution for a stationary contact discontinuity, at t = 0 (left) and t = 0.1 and t = 1 (right). The exact solution should maintain the discontinuous density profile from t = 0 at left. 42 Figure 30: TVDLF solution for a rarefaction wave, seen in the velocity v at t = 0 and t = 40 and t = 80. 43 two strong rarefaction fans is set up by creating a central evacuation as follows Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (1, −2, 0.4)T and Vr = (1, 2, 0.4)T . (110) By taking the same left and right thermodynamic conditions, and artificially reversing the velocity discontinuously, this test will lead to two rarefactions separated by a zero velocity, near ‘vacuum’ state. [This is Test 2 in Toro [11], Chapter 10, p.329]. In fact, when the initial separating velocities would be raised even higher, eventually a true vacuum state would be formed. The rarefactions resulting from (110) go transonic, and the numerical result for TVDLF is shown in Figure 31 at t = 0.15. Note that the entropy quantifies the numerical error directly: it should remain constant throughout but instead shows O(1) variation! Also, the other Riemann invariants clearly show erroneous variations. The middle constant state should have zero velocity, and the largest errors seem correlated with the position of the sonic point (where v = c) in both rarefactions. A Riemann problem that leads to the creation of two shocks is given by Vl = (ρl , vl , pl )T = (5.99924, 19.5975, 460.894)T and Vr = (5.99242, −6.19633, 46.0950)T . (111) [This is Test 4 in Toro [11], Chapter 10, p.329]. The TVDLF result at t = 0.035 is given in Figure 32. Both shocks are well captured, the left shock needing more grid points due to its slow movement. The contact discontinuity is significantly smeared out. Its diffusive nature makes the TVDLF scheme not optimally suited to study pure linear wave dynamics. To illustrate this statement, we simulate linear sound waves by implementing a time dependent driver v = A sin (2πt/P ) at x = 0 in the ghost cells. When we start from ρ(t = 0) = 1, v(t = 0) = 0, p(t = 0) = 0.6 with γ = 5/3, taking A = 0.02 with P = 1 generates sound waves (of amplitude 0.01) which travel a unit distance in unit time. Figure 33 compares TVDLF results at t = 4 for 100 versus 400 grid points on [0, 5]. Obviously, the wave ‘damping’ is purely numerical, and we conclude that a high resolution (already in 1D) is needed to battle the numerical diffusion. This must be kept in mind when detailed linear wave interactions are of interest. On the other hand, repeating the simulation with an amplitude A = 0.2, the nonlinear sound wave steepening and shock formation is well captured, as seen in Figure 34. Note how 10 % variations already imply significant nonlinear effects, such that the ability of shock-capturing schemes are really desirable. In summary, besides some clear shortcomings, the TVDLF method is rather reliable and can be used succesfully on many shock-dominated 1D and multi-dimensional problems. B. Riemann solver based methods The TVDLF method uses only the maximal eigenvalue of the flux Jacobian, and essentially no knowledge of the generic solution as sketched in Figure 23 to the Riemann problem for the Euler equations. At the other extreme, a method originally proposed by Godunov was to consider the cell averaged values Uni for time t = tn as piecewise constant data throughout the cells, and then use the exact nonlinear solution of the Riemann problems at the cell interfaces in the numerical flux. The ∆x discrete but time-variable time step is restricted to obey ∆tn+1 < 2 max|λ n | , with the maximum taken p over all eigenvalues of the flux Jacobian FU . This restriction ensures that no wave interaction occurs in one cell within ∆tn+1 , so that the solution to the Riemann problem remains self-similar in x/t. x−xi+1/2 n n , Uni , Uni+1 , the Denoting the exact Riemann problem solution for state Ui and Ui+1 as Û t 44 Figure 31: TVDLF solution at t = 0.15 for a Riemann problem given by (110) leading to two rarefaction waves. Top panels show density, velocity and pressure, bottom panels the three Riemann invariants from (87). Note the error in the entropy - which should remain constant throughout and in both other Riemann invariants. The central region should remain at rest (v = 0) and contain a near-vacuum state. 45 Figure 32: TVDLF solution at t = 0.035 for a Riemann problem given by (111) leading to two shock waves separated by a contact discontinuity. Top panels show density, velocity and pressure, bottom panels the three Riemann invariants from (87). 46 Figure 33: TVDLF solution for linear sound waves at 100 versus 400 grid points. 47 Figure 34: TVDLF solution for nonlinear sound wave driving at 400 grid points. 48 Godunov scheme then uses as numerical flux Fi+1/2 (Ui , Ui+1 ) = F(Û 0, Uni , Uni+1 ). (112) Ut + AUx = 0, A ∈ R3×3 , (113) Due to its piecewise constant representation of cell values, this original Godunov scheme is at best 1st order accurate. In any case, it requires an exact solution to the nonlinear Riemann problem, which is a rather complicated process involving an iterative solution procedure to handle the nonlinearities. It was soon realized that one might just as well solve the Riemann problem in an approximate fashion. Approximate Riemann solver based schemes then use some linearization of the nonlinear problem, and capitalize on the fact that the exact analytic solution for a linear hyperbolic system is known. In what follows, we describe the widely used Roe solver for 1D hydrodynamic simulations. See also Chapter 10 from Wesseling [15]. As a general procedure to numerically solve the 3 × 3 system Ut + (F(U))x = 0, one considers again the local Riemann problem obtained from a left and right cell interface value Ul and Ur . Instead of using the exact nonlinear solution, Roe suggested to solve a linear Riemann problem instead, namely where the constant matrix A = A (Ul , Ur ) must satisfy the conditions • F(Ul ) − F(Ur ) = A(Ul , Ur ) (Ul − Ur ), • A(Ul , Ur ) → FU (Ur ) as Ul → Ur , • A(Ul , Ur ) has only real eigenvalues, • A(Ul , Ur ) has a complete system of eigenvectors. These conditions ensure that the exact Riemann problem solution is obtained when the initial states obey the Rankine-Hugoniot relations, i.e. are separated by a single shock transition or contact discontinuity. Indeed, when (Ul , Ur ) are such that F(Ul ) − F(Ur ) = s (Ul − Ur ), the first condition ensures that Ul − Ur is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue equal to the shock speed s. The solution of the linear Riemann problem merely maintains this jump at the physically correct shock speed. The second condition ensures consistency with the original nonlinear equations. The last two conditions guarantee solvability of the linear Riemann problem. Provided such a Roe matrix A can be found [if there is one satisfying all Roe conditions, it can be shown to be unique], the Roe scheme uses the numerical Roe flux expression at the interface between cells i, i + 1 given by Fi+1/2 (Ui , Ui+1 ) = Ai+1/2 (Ui , Ui+1 )Û (0, Ui , Ui+1 ) . (114) In the above expression (114), Û indicates the exact solution of the linear Riemann problem. Let us write the eigenvalues λp and right eigenvectors ~rp of the local Roe matrix Ai+1/2 (Ui , Ui+1 ), hence Ai+1/2~rp = λp~rp . (115) More explicit expressions for the Roe flux can then be obtained as follows. As encountered in the discussion of the linear hyperbolic system, one decomposes both states in terms of the eigenvectors 49 X X ~rp , writing Ui = βp~rp and Ui+1 = γp~rp . The same decomposition of the difference Ui+1 − Ui then introduces coefficients αp from X X Ui+1 − Ui = (γp − βp ) ~rp ≡ αp~rp . (116) As found from the analytic solution (28) for the Riemann problem for the linear hyperbolic system [note the change in notation αp → βp and βp → γp ], the solution along the (x, t) ray (x−xi+ 1 )/t = 0 2 is thus X X γp~rp . (117) βp~rp + Û = 0>λp 0<λp Alternative expressions are Û = X βp~rp + X = Ui + or similarly λp <0 λp <0 (γp − βp )~rp (118) αp~rp , X γp~rp + (βp − γp )~rp X λp >0 = Ui+1 − αp~rp . Û = This is then combined to Û = The Roe flux (114) then becomes X X (119) λp >0 Ui + Ui+1 1 + 2 2 λ X p <0 − X αp~rp . (120) λp >0 1 1 Fi+1/2 = Ai+1/2 Û = Ai+1/2 (Ui + Ui+1 ) + 2 2 λ X p <0 − X αp Ai+1/2~rp . (121) λp >0 As a result of the first Roe condition imposed on the matrix A, and due to the fact that for the hydrodynamic system we find the (purely) mathematical equality F(−U) = −F(U), the Roe flux is written as 1 1X Fi+1/2 = (F(Ui ) + F(Ui+1 )) − | λp | αp~rp . (122) 2 2 The solver is then completely determined once the matrix Ai+1/2 that satisfies the Roe conditions is constructed. For the Euler system, this starts by noting that in terms of the components of the vector √ ρ √ ρv , Z= (123) √ s ρh , all components of the vector of conserved quantities U and of using the specific enthalpy hs = e+p ρ the flux vector F(U) can be written as quadratic functions alone. One can verify easily that when writing Z = (z1 , z2 , z3 )T , we find z1 z1 z1 z2 and F = γ+1 z2 z2 + γ−1 z1 z3 . z1 z2 U= 2γ γ 1 z z + γ−1 zz z2 z3 γ 1 3 2γ 2 2 50 It is then possible to compute matrices B and C which have elements linear in z̄ = 21 (zi + zi+1 ) such that Ui+1 − Ui = B (Zi+1 − Zi ) and Fi+1 − Fi = C (Zi+1 − Zi ). The matrix Ai+1/2 ≡ C B −1 then satisfies Ai+1/2 (Ui+1 − Ui ) = Fi+1 − Fi , which is recognized as the first Roe condition. This procedure leads to the introduction of the so-called Roe-averages for the velocity and specific enthalpy as √ √ ρi vi + ρi+1 vi+1 v̄ ≡ (124) √ √ ρi + ρi+1 √ s √ ρi hi + ρi+1 hsi+1 s ¯ h ≡ (125) √ √ ρi + ρi+1 In terms of these averages, the matrix Ai+1/2 is found to be 0 1 0 γ−3 2 v̄ (3 − γ)v̄ γ−1 Ai+1/2 = 2 γ−1 3 s s 2 v̄ − v̄h̄ h̄ − (γ − 1)v̄ γv̄ 2 (126) By mere inspection, this matrix is seen to be identical to FU (Ū) from (78), i.e. the flux Jacobian T evaluated at the Roe average state Ū = (ρ̄, m̄, ē)T ≡ ρ̄, ρ̄v̄, ρ̄ h̄s + (γ − 1)v̄ 2 /2 /γ . The Roe√ average density is defined to be ρ̄ = ρi ρi+1 . Since we know that the flux Jacobian of the Euler system has real eigenvalues and a complete system of eigenvectors, this matrix clearly satisfies all other Roe conditions as well. All ingredients appearing in the Roe flux (122) are now known. From a given left and right state, we compute the Roe average. The eigenvalues λp in terms of the Roe-average state are then known to be λ1 = v̄ − c̄, λ2 = v̄, λ3 = v̄ + c̄, where the sound speed for the Roe average state follows 2 from c̄2 = (γ − 1) h̄s − v̄2 . The right eigenvectors are explicitly given by 1 1 1 ~r1 = v̄ − c̄ ~r2 = v̄ ~r3 = v̄ + c̄ . v̄2 h̄s − v̄c̄ h̄s + v̄c̄ 2 (127) The ‘wave strength’ coefficients αp quantify the jumps in the conserved variables and could be computed from the left eigenvectors ~lq of the Roe matrix as αp = ~lp ·(Ui+1 − Ui ). Alternatively, and ~ p of the primitive variable for practical implementation purposes, one can use the left eigenvectors L formulation to express the αp directly in terms of jumps in the primitive variables Vi+1 − Vi as ~ p · (Vi+1 − Vi ). Writing ∆ρ ≡ ρi+1 − ρi we then find αp = ~lp · (Ui+1 − Ui ) = L 1 (∆p − c̄ρ̄∆v) 2c̄2 1 = ∆ρ − 2 ∆p c̄ 1 (∆p + c̄ρ̄∆v) . = 2c̄2 α1 = α2 α3 (128) Note the direct correspondence with the characteristic equations (76). As a final note on approximate Riemann solver based schemes, to ensure spatial second order accuracy, the linear reconstruction and limiting procedures discussed earlier could be applied directly 51 Figure 35: TVDLF (top) versus Roe based (bottom) solution for the Sod shock tube. 52 Figure 36: TVDLF (top) versus Roe based (bottom) solution for the Mach 3 test. on the jumps in the characteristic wave fields. This is a frequently used alternative to reconstructing and limiting the conservative or primitive variables. We now directly compare numerical results for several of the 1D Riemann problems introduced earlier. We contrast the endresults for the 2nd order TVDLF scheme with those obtained with a one-step, second order accurate scheme employing a Roe solver. Starting with the classical Sod shock tube problem given by (107), Figure 35 shows density, velocity and pressure at time t = 0.15 for TVDLF (top panels) versus the Roe-based scheme (bottom). It is seen that the Roe solver shows a slight improvement in the resolution of the contact discontinuity. At the 200 grid points used in the calculation, other differences are quite marginal. The Mach 3 test case defined by (108) shows a rather striking result for the Roe based method: Figure 36 shows how in contrast to the TVDLF scheme, the Roe method erroneously ‘recognizes’ the initial discontinuity as a stationary solution! This error is due to the presence of a transonic mach M = 1 point. [See also the discussion in Wesseling [15], Chapter 10]. For the initial states (108), 53 we saw that the TVDLF method produced the physically correct transonic rarefaction associated with the λ1 wave family. The states are such that the eigenvalue computed in the Roe scheme as λ1 = v̄ − c̄ is (essentially) zero, and the wave strengths αp associated with the 2nd and third wave family also (nearly) vanish α2 = α3 = 0. The Roe flux then reduces to a central discretization as Fi+1/2 = 1 (F(Ui ) + F(Ui+1 )) 2 such that discontinuities are insufficiently smeared out. An entropy-violating (wrong!) solution may then occur. The remedy to avoid this problem is known as a ‘sonic entropy fix’, and it merely replaces the eigenvalues λ1 and λ3 in case they approach zero. Introducing a small fixed parameter ǫ, a sonic fix for the Roe scheme then writes if | λ1 |< ǫ or | λ3 |< ǫ 1 λ2p λp → +ǫ . 2 ǫ This is thus only effective when transonic solutions | v |≃ c occur. Repeating the Mach 3 test case with a sonic entropy fix, Figure 37 shows noticable improvements for the Roe solver as compared to the TVDLF scheme. This is particularly true for the contact discontinuity and rightward traveling shock part of the solution. In the transonic rarefaction, the Roe result still shows a small ‘sonic glitch’. In fact, even with the mentioned entropy fix, the Roe-based method failed to produce results for the severe double transonic rarefaction test given by (110). A clear improvement of the numerical solution from a Roe-solver based scheme over the TVDLF results is found for the case of the slowly moving very weak shock given by (109). The diffusive TVDLF scheme smeared out the rightward moving shock over a large number of grid points. In Figure 38, the (bottom) Roe result is seen to capture the shock with an acceptable low number of grid points. Finally, another clear advantage of the Roe method is its capacity to recognize and maintain a static contact discontinuity as exact solution of the Euler system. The stationary contact discontinuity depicted at t = 0, t = 0.1 and t = 1 in Figure 39 is not diffused at all with the Roe scheme, showing a radical improvement from the TVDLF result. In summary, it is clear that the Roe solver is mathematically more involved than the TVDLF method, but by design incorporates more of the governing physics in its flux computations. It needs an artificial entropy fix for transonic expansion fans, but overall represents a contact discontinuity better, especially stationary ones which are recognized as steady solutions. It is doing fine on slowly traveling weak shocks as well. These conclusions are true for the 2nd order variants of the TVDLF and the Roe-based TVD type schemes, both of which are heavily used in multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. 54 Figure 37: TVDLF (top) versus Roe based (bottom) solution with entropy fix for the Mach 3 test. 55 Figure 38: TVDLF (top) versus Roe based (bottom) solution for the slowly moving weak shock test. 56 Figure 39: TVDLF (top) versus Roe based (bottom) solution for a stationary contact discontinuity. IX. 1D MHD SIMULATIONS Turning now to ideal MHD simulations, we start in a 1D configuration where all variables are function of the first (x) coordinate only, but vector quantities can have components perpendicular to this direction. Since we assume no variation in these other directions, the ∇ · B = 0 constraint is trivially enforced by keeping a constant x-component of the magnetic field B̄1 . Together with the ratio of specific heats γ, there are then two parameters (γ, B̄1 ). In a 1.5D approach where only 1 orthogonal component is considered, the system to solve Ut + (F(U))x = 0 becomes a nonlinear, 5-component PDE system for the conserved quantities U = (ρ, ρv1 ≡ m1 , ρv2 ≡ m2 , e, B2 )T . Its flux vector F(U) has the entries m1 2 2 m21 − B̄12 + (γ − 1)(e − m2ρ ) + (2 − γ) B2 ρ m1 m2 − B̄ B . 1 2 F(U) = (129) ρ 2 2 m1 γe − (γ − 1) m + (2 − γ) B − B̄ (B̄ m1 + B m2 ) 1 1 ρ 2 ρ ρ 2ρ 2 m2 m1 B2 ρ − B̄1 ρ The total energy density now reads e= p ρv 2 B 2 + + , γ −1 2 2 (130) consisting of internal, kinetic and magnetic contributions (where v 2 = v12 + v22 and B 2 = B̄12 + B22 ). Note that we have adopted magnetic units where vacuum permeability is unity. The eigenvalues of the flux Jacobian FU are now v1 , v1 ± cs , and v1 ± cf , where the (squared) 57 v-c s v-c a v v+cs v-c f v+ca v+cf x Figure 40: The schematic (x, t) diagram denoting the solution of the Riemann problem in 1.75D for the MHD system: backward and forward traveling fast, Alfvén, and slow waves are separated by a contact discontinuity traveling at the plasma velocity v. Fast and slow signals can be shocks, rarefactions, or compound in type. slow cs and fast cf magnetosonic speeds are s 2 2 2 2 1 γp + B γp B̄1 γp + B c2f,s = . ± −4 2 ρ ρ ρ ρ (131) √ In the limit of zero B2 , one of them becomes the Alfvén speed ca = B̄1 / ρ, while the other turns into the sound speed c. In general, the following ordering applies cs ≤ ca ≤ cf . Including third vector components and the corresponding two additional equations for m3 and B3 , this 1.75D system for U = (ρ, m1 , m2 , m3 , e, B2 , B3 ) has the full 7 characteristic speeds v1 , v1 ± cs , v1 ± ca , and v1 ± cf . This makes the solution of the simple Riemann problem in 1D MHD quite involved. Indeed, up to 5 signals separating 6 constant states can emerge out of two constant states in contact for 1.5D MHD, while up to 8 states can form spontaneously in 1.75D Riemann problems. The latter is sketched schematically in an (x, t) diagram in Figure 40. The middle wave associated with the flow speed v1 is again a contact discontinuity: one can verify that an arbitrary density (hence temperature/entropy) jump leaving all other variables (velocity, pressure, magnetic field components) constant is again a viable solution to the Rankine-Hugoniot relations for the 1.5D or 1.75D MHD system. It can be shown that this wave is again linearly degenerate. The Alfvén signals correspond to non-compressive disturbances in the orthogonal components v2 and B2 , while both slow and fast magnetoacoustic signals are compressive. For the MHD system, it is again possible to show that the governing equation for the entropy S = pρ−γ is given by (69). The entropy S is then again found to be a Riemann invariant, and will remain constant through fast/slow rarefaction waves. It is possible to design a Roe-type approximate Riemann solver, by following the same procedure as outlined for the 1D Euler system. This was done by Brio and Wu [2], and the same authors pointed out a number of peculiarities in applying this procedure to the MHD system. It is clear from the expressions of the characteristic speeds (131) that situations exist where eigenvalues coincide. The 1.5D or 1.75D MHD system is thus not strictly hyperbolic, contrary to the 1D Euler system (63). 58 The points where strict hyperbolicity fails are termed ‘umbilic’ points. For the 1.75D case, when B̄1 = 0, both the Alfvén speed ca and the slow speed cs vanish, so that v1 is an umbilic point of multiplicity 5. In case the orthogonal magnetic field components vanish B2 = 0 = B3 , the B̄ 2 . The eigenvalues v1 ± ca are at least of multiplicity 2, and even of multiplicity 3 when also ρ1 = γp ρ latter case represents the so-called ‘triple umbilic point’ for the 1.75D MHD system. Related to these degeneracies of the eigenvalues, the right eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix FU can contain indeterminate factors (divisions by zero when components contain factors like ∝ 1/(c2s − c2a )). As the eigenvectors are determined up to an arbitrary scaling factor, it turns out that most of these indeterminacies can be avoided by mere renormalization. Still, limiting cases must be handled properly. Moreover, it turns out that for general ratio of specific heats γ, there is no equivalent for the MHD system of the ‘Roe-average’ state from the 1D Euler system. Hence, one typically works with the Jacobian matrix evaluated at a mere arithmetic average of the left/right states. Note that in contrast to the Roe-type solvers which have to deal with all these complications explicitly, the simple TVDLF scheme only exploits as maximal physical propagation speed cmax =| v1 | +cf . As representative numerical tests for the 1D MHD system, a few Riemann problems and a test case focused on Alfvén wave propagation are presented. Starting with a 1.5D Riemann problem with γ = 5/3 and B̄1 = −0.7 separating states (ρ, v1 , v2 , p, B2 )L = (1, −4.6985, −1.085146, 0.2327, 1.9680) (ρ, v1 , v2 , p, B2 )R = (0.727, −4.0577, −0.8349, 0.13677916, 1.355), (132) the velocity component v1 at times t = 0, t = 50 and t = 100 is shown in Figure 41. This test is taken from Falle [3]. The initial states are such that they have the same entropy S = pρ−γ , and they can be connected by a single fast magnetosonic rarefaction wave. The numerical solution shows that this rarefaction indeed emerges, but also shows a (small) error (at position x ≈ 600 at t = 100) that is reminiscent of the initial discontinuity. The latter ‘start-up’ error also plagues many numerical schemes for the 1D hydro system. Another example of a Riemann problem where a single stationary fast shock connects two states is obtained with γ = 5/3 and B̄1 = 0.1 and states given by (ρ, v1 , v2 , p, B2 )L = (1, 1.5, 0, 10−6, 1) (ρ, v1 , v2 , p, B2 )R = (1.6111, 0.9310409, 0.04103, 0.04847, 1.6156). (133) This test is taken from Falle [3]. For this stationary shock, the Rankine-Hugoniot relations are obeyed with s = 0, hence e.g. m1,L = m1,R . That it is a fast shock can be recognized from plotting the fast Mach number v/cf and noting that it crosses Mfast = 1. Since B2 increases from left to right (from ‘upstream’ where Mfast > 1 to ‘downstream’ where Mfast < 1 and the density and pressure are increased), the magnetic field line bends away from the shock normal: another indication of the fast shock character. The numerical solution shown in Figure 42 clearly maintains this stationary solution. Another 1.5D Riemann problem from [3] takes γ = 5/3 and B̄1 = 2 separating states (ρ, v1 , v2 , p, B2 )L = (0.5, 0, 2, 10, 2.5) (ρ, v1 , v2 , p, B2)R = (0.1, −10, 0, 0.1, 2). (134) The result, shown at t = 30 in Figure 43 contains a leftward traveling fast rarefaction, a leftward going slow rarefaction, a contact discontinuity, and a rightward going slow shock and fast shock. 59 Figure 41: Velocity evolution in a 1.5D Riemann problem leading to a fast rarefaction only. This is a typical outcome for a MHD Riemann problem. Note that the contact discontinuity as seen in the density and entropy is rather smeared out, but keeps the velocity constant across it. The leftward fast and slow rarefactions have no entropy variation associated with them. A test case which was discussed in the original Brio-Wu paper [2] has become a standard benchmark test for numerical 1.5D MHD. It is a shocktube problem (both left and right states are at rest initially), and takes (ρ, p, B2 )L = (1, 1, 1) and right state (0.125, 0.1, −1). Furthermore, the parameters are γ = 2 and B̄1 = 0.75. Out of the initial discontinuity 5 signals emerge, namely a leftward moving fast rarefaction wave (with no entropy variation), a slow compound wave, a contact discontinuity, a rightward moving slow shock, and a rightward fast rarefaction. The numerical TVDLF solution is shown at t = 0.1 in Figure 44 and used 800 grid points with the discontinuity initially midway the domain [0, 1]. The slow compound wave is a slow shock with a rarefaction wave attached to it, and is a possibility novel to 1D compressible MHD flow: in hydrodynamics only shocks or rarefaction waves can emerge. It is related to the ‘non-convexity’ of the governing 60 Figure 42: Pressure, momentum, entropy and fast Mach number for a stationary fast shock: the exact solution is maintained numerically. equations, and was in fact first discovered numerically! To show that the 1.5D system also can describe pure Alfvén waves, one can perturb a straight field line with a perpendicular velocity pulse alone. This test is taken as in [14], following Stone and Norman [10]. Taking γ = 1.4, B̄1 = 1 and uniform ρ = 1 and p = 10−9 , a square velocity pulse is set up by setting v2 = 0.001 for x ∈ [1, 2]. When we solve the time evolution of this initial state on x ∈ [0, 3], the velocity pulse is seen to split in two orthogonally polarized (perturbations in B2 and v2 , (nearly) non-compressive (constant ρ) Alfvén pulses traveling at the Alfvén speed along the straight field line. This is shown in Figure 45. Finally, Figure 46 is from a 1.75D MHD simulation with parameter values γ = 5/3 and B̄1 = 1. The initial data separates (ρ, v1 , v2 , v3 , p, B2 , B3 )L = (0.5, 0, 1, 0.1, 1, 2.5, 0), (ρ, v1 , v2 , v3 , p, B2 , B3 )R = (0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 2, 0), 61 Figure 43: Density, velocity and entropy at t = 30 for a 1.5D MHD Riemann problem. with the transition at x = 350. We use 1000 grid cells of unit size. Shown is the density and the velocity component v3 at time t = 80, and from left to right one encounters the following features: fast rarefaction wave, Alfvén signal, slow rarefaction, contact discontinuity, slow shock, Alfvén signal, fast shock. It should be clear from the above examples that the 1D MHD system already leads to an enormous variety of possible outcomes of the simple Riemann problem: both fast and slow signals can be of rarefaction, shock or compound type in general, and typically occur together with Alfvén wave signals and contact discontinuities. Designing a scheme exploiting the exact solution of the MHD Riemann problem, in the spirit of the original Godunov method, is therefore particularly challenging, and usually avoided. 62 Figure 44: The Brio-Wu coplanar shocktube test as seen in density (top) and entropy (bottom) at time t = 0.1. X. MULTI-D MHD AND ∇ · B = 0 For multi-D MHD simulations, we also need to handle the non-trivial ∇ · B = 0 constraint. This is because even if it is satisfied exactly at t = 0, one can numerically generate ∇ · B 6= 0 due to the non-linearities of the various shock-capturing methods. Besides the fact that this is clearly undesirable physically, it can even cause fatal numerical instabilities. However, exact solenoidal fields may not be needed in numerical simulations, as one always faces discretization and machine precision errors. In practice, it turns out to be very difficult (although possible [13]), to insist on (1) a conservative form – which is needed for correctly handling shocks, (2) ensure solenoidal B in some discrete sense, and (3) have the discretized Lorentz force orthogonal to the magnetic field in the cell centers. The conservative form of the MHD equations uses the divergence of the Maxwell 63 Figure 45: Generation of Alfvén waves as seen at times t = 0, t = 0.4, t = 0.8 in perpendicular velocity and magnetic field components. stress tensor, which is equal to the Lorentz force provided ∇ · B = 0 since B2 − BB = −(∇ × B) × B − B (∇ · B) . ∇· I 2 Many strategies to cope with the solenoidal constraint have been developed. A thorough comparison of 7 different strategies on a series of 9 2D MHD tests can be found in [12]. Here, we only mention the projection scheme strategy, which controls the numerical value of ∇ · B in a particular discretization to a given accuracy. The basic idea [1] is to correct the B∗ computed by a scheme with ∇ · B∗ 6= 0, by projecting it on the subspace of zero divergence solutions. Hence, we modify B∗ by subtracting the gradient of a scalar field φ, to be computed from ∇2 φ = ∇ · B∗ . 64 (135) Figure 46: Density and v3 velocity component at t = 80 for a 1.75D MHD Riemann problem. By construction, this yields a solenoidal B = B∗ − ∇φ which is then used in the next timestep. This process can be repeated after each time step. It is important to note that the accuracy up to which the Poisson problem (135) is solved need not be machine precision, and that this approach keeps the order of accuracy of the base scheme, while not violating its conservation properties. Note also that the projection does not change the current density J = ∇ × B either. With a strategy for handling the divergence of B in place, we can now turn to multi-D simulations of the conservative ideal MHD equations: ρt + ∇ · (vρ) (ρv)t + ∇ · (vρv − BB) + ∇ptot et + ∇ · (ve + vptot − BB · v) Bt + ∇ · (vB − Bv) = = = = 0 0 0 0, (136) where we used the total pressure ptot ≡ p + B 2 /2. As an instructive example from [4], we perform a 2.5D MHD simulation designed to reveal the extreme anisotropy of linear MHD waves. On a domain (x, y) ∈ [−0.5, 0.5]2 , we locally perturb a homogeneous magnetized plasma at rest. Taking γ = 5/3, ρ = 1, p = 0.6 and a uniform horizontal B = 0.9êx (making the sound speed c = 1, Alfvén speed ca = 0.9), we perturb 4 cells at the origin with a 10 % pressure and density increase, and trigger a small orthogonal velocity pulse vz . We used a non-uniform 3002 grid, and show in Fig. 47 the resulting entropy, total pressure, and Bz field. Overplotted in all frames is the theoretical Friedrichs group diagram which should emerge out of a δ-function perturbation. The fast magnetosonic waves propagate non-spherically outwards in all directions, traveling faster in the direction perpendicular to B. The slow magnetosonic signals are the extremely anisotropic cusp-like features, mainly traveling along the field lines. The entropy signal of the initial perturbation remains stationary at the origin. Note that for linear MHD waves, there is no entropy variation associated with the fast and slow wavefronts. The linear Alfvén waves are only seen to travel as pointlike pulses along the perturbed horizontal field lines, and do so at the Alfvén speed. They are only detected in the Bz (right panel from Figure 47) and vz components. A representative 2D nonlinear MHD simulation where a shock-dominated transition to MHD turbulence occurs can be taken from [8]. A doubly periodic domain [0, 2π]2 is initialized with a 65 Figure 47: The entropy (left), total pressure (middle), and orthogonal Bz component in a locally perturbed homogeneous plasma shows all linear MHD waves: fast and slow wavefronts (middle), entropy signal (left), and Alfvén pulses (right). uniform ρ = 25/9, p = 5/3 while γ = 5/3. A velocity vortex given by v = (− sin y, sin x) then corresponds to a Mach 1 rotation cell, and magnetic islands of half the horizontal wavelength of the velocity roll are superimposed as B = (− sin y, sin 2x). The initial vortical movement and the magnetic islands are shown in Figure 48. The Mach 1 rotation leads to the formation of narrow, localized current sheets and strong shocks. The evolution typifies the shock-dominated transition to compressible, supersonic MHD turbulence. Shown in Fig. 49 is the temperature T = p/ρ at time t = 3.14 which clearly shows how the ensueing dynamics is an intricate interplay of shock formations and collisions. 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