BUSAD 1A INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL ACCOUTNING (4 UNITS) DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE DESCRIPTION: Business administration 1A is a foundation course in financial accounting principles. Study of the basic principles of accounting, with emphasis on the accounting cycle, internal control of corporations, financial statements, and accounting for assets, liabilities, expenses, revenue and capital. Advisory: Eligibility for English 1A Instructor: Office: Hours: Telephone/Voice Mail: Fax: Email: Joe Thompson Gym offices Mon–Thu 12-1, Tue 2-3 or by appointment (661) 763-7721 661-763-7778 jthompson@taft.org REQUIRED MATERIALS: Rental Text: Financial and Managerial Accounting, 9th ed. By Warren, Reeve, Fess. Rental price is 20% of the cost of the textbook. Purchase: Study Guide, Ch 1-15. RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: Accounting Tutorial VHS tapes are available for viewing in the LRC, TCI Labs and on the college website. CHAPTER ASSIGNMENTS: UNIT 1 1 2 3 Unit 1 Exam UNIT 2 4 5 Unit 2 Exam UNIT 3 6 7 8 Unit 3 Exam UNIT 4 9 10 11 Unit 4 Exam UNIT 5 13 14 Unit 5 Exam GRADING POLICY: Your Semester Grade Will Be Based On The Total Number Of Points Earned During The Semester. POINTS WILL BE EARNED AS FOLLOWS: 1. UNIT EXAMS 2. HOMEWORK 3. QUIZZES 80% 10% 10% THE GRADING SCALE WILL BE: A- 85%, B-75%, C-65%, D-50% ATTENDANCE POLICY: The format of the class allows complete student control of their work schedule within the confines of deadlines established by the course calendar. Students should contact the instructor during the first week of class. Depending upon circumstances this may be on campus, via e-mail, or telephone. All work must be completed and turned in by the due dates set up in the calendar. Students should drop the class if they are not making “Continuing Progress” in the class (See counseling center for drop dates). “Continuing Progress” is defined as turning in work as scheduled. Work on the class every week. Continuous work is necessary for success. Estimate at least 10 hours/week of study time for this class!! CALENDAR: The calendar is intended as a suggested pace for covering the material which parallels the traditional classroom course. Students are only bound by the deadlines set by the class calendar. All quizzes, assignments, and unit exams must be turned in by the due dates but may be turned in early. The exams will include multiple choice questions and/or problems. You must use a scantron for the exams, and they must be proctored. You must use the answer sheet for the quiz, or e-mail the quiz answers with instructor permission, which are take-home, open book. The quizzes are available at the LRC, TCI Lab and from the instructor. Late work may have the score reduced by 30%. NO work will be accepted after December 13. HOMEWORK AND EXAM DUE DATES: UNIT 1 8-31 QUIZ 1, CH 1 HW 9-7 QUIZ 2, CH 2 HW 9-14 QUIZ 3, CH 3 HW 9-18 UNIT EXAM UNIT 2 9-21 QUIZ 4, CH 4 HW 9-28 QUIZ 5, CH 5 HW 10-3 UNIT EXAM UNIT 3 10-12 QUIZ 6, CH 6 HW 10-19 QUIZ 7, CH 7 HW 10-26 QUIZ 8, CH 8 HW 11-1 UNIT EXAM UNIT 4 11-9 QUIZ 9, CH 9 HW 11-16 QUIZ 10, CH 10 HW 11-21 QUIZ 11, CH 11 HW 11-28 UNIT EXAM UNIT 5 12-7 CH 13 & 14 HW & quizzes 12-12 UNIT EXAM CHAPTER HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Homework assignments are from the study guide. To get maximum benefit from the homework assignments you should do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Answer the questions. Check your answers with the answer keys in the back of the study guide. Correct any errors. Turn in HW on time. For each chapter answer the matching, fill-in-the blanks, and T/F sections using the answer sheets supplied plus: Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 EX 1-1 EXERCISE 2-1 EXERCISE 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 EXERCISE 4-2 EXERCISE 5-4 PROBLEM 6-1 PROBLEM 7-1, 7-2 PROBLEM 8-1 PROBLEM 9-1, 9-3 PROBLEM 10-1, 10-3 EXERCISE 11-1, 11-2 & PROBLEM 11-1 EXERCISE 13-1, 13-2, 13-3 EXERCISE 14-1, 14-2, & PROBLEM 14-1